public ActionResult KYC(KYC model) { try { var _ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; var ac = _uow.Accounts.GetAccount(_ac.AccountId); if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { var file = Request.Files[0]; model.FirstDocument = "/Assets/Proof/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + file.FileName; file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(model.FirstDocument)); var file2 = Request.Files[1]; model.SecondDocument = "/Assets/Proof/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + file2.FileName; file2.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(model.SecondDocument)); } var detail = _uow.Accounts.kyc(model, ac.AccountId, Server.MapPath(model.FirstDocument), Server.MapPath(model.SecondDocument)); _uow.Accounts.UpdateAccount(ac.AccountId); TempData["msg"] = "Your profile and documents has been uploaded successfully. We are reviewing your documents and get back to you shortly."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard")); } catch (ExchangeException ex) { ViewBag.msg = ex.ErrorMessage; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard")); } }
public ActionResult UpdateBalance() { try { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; if (ac == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { var res = _uow.Payment.GetWallets(ac.AccountId, "USD"); var balance = new { bal = res.FirstOrDefault().Balance }; return(Json(new { balance }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception) { var balance = new { bal = 0 }; return(Json(new { balance }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Referral() { var acc = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; RefferalData data = _uow.Accounts.GetRefferalData(acc.AccountId); return(View(data)); }
public ActionResult CryptoWithDrawl(string address, string symbol, double amount) { var _ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; var ac = _uow.Accounts.GetAccount(_ac.AccountId); try { var a = _uow.Payment.WithDrawlReqAdmin( new Payment() { Account_Id = ac.AccountId, Amount = (decimal)amount, Currency = symbol, ToWalletAddress = address }); SessionItems.Add(SessionKey.ACCOUNT, a); TempData["msg"] = "Withdraw request has been successfully sent to admin. Wait for the approval."; var obj = new { status = true, message = TempData["msg"] }; return(Json(obj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (ExchangeException ex) { var obj = new { status = false, message = ex.ErrorMessage.ToString() }; return(Json(obj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult AddressAuthorize(string cur) { var acc = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; var stat = _uow.Payment.AddressAuthorize(cur, acc.AccountId, acc.Email); return(Json(new { status = stat }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult DeleteAddress(string cur, string address, long addressid) { var acc = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; var stat = _uow.Payment.DeleteWhitListAddress(cur, acc.AccountId, addressid, address); return(Json(new { status = stat }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult _header() { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; = ac.Email; return(View()); }
public ActionResult GetPendingOrders() { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; if (ac == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { var res = _uow.Accounts.GetPendingTrades(ac.AccountId); List <PendingOrderForView> list = new List <PendingOrderForView>(); for (var t = 0; t < res.Count; t++) { long rTime = 0; if (res[t].expiryTime == -1) { rTime = -1; } else { DateTime current = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime addedTime = res[t].TradeDate.AddMinutes((double)res[t].expiryTime / 60); long remaining = (long)(addedTime - current).TotalSeconds; rTime = (remaining >= 0) ? remaining : 0; } list.Add(new PendingOrderForView() { TradeId = res[t].TradeId, TradeDate = res[t].TradeDate.ToString(), TradeType = res[t].TradeType, TradeTypeValue = res[t].TradeTypeValue, Currency = res[t].Currency, Symbol = res[t].Symbol, Amount = (decimal)res[t].Amount, Rate = (decimal)res[t].Rate, Status = res[t].Status, Account_Id = (long)res[t].Account_Id, Value = (decimal)res[t].Value, Direction = res[t].Direction, expiryTime = rTime, ExitPrice = res[t].ExitPrice, PnL = res[t].PnL, UpPrice = res[t].UpLimitValue, DownPrice = res[t].DownLimitValue, ST_Enable = res[t].StopLoss_TakeProfitEn, }); } var pendingOrders = new { orders = list }; return(Json(new { pendingOrders }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult GetOrderBook(string pair) { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; GetOrderBookBinance res = _uow.MarketRates.GetOrderBookBinance(UtilityMethods.convertSymbol(pair)); var orderBook = new { book = res }; return(Json(new { orderBook }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult AddAddress(string cur, string address, long addressid) { var acc = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; List <AddressBook> addressList = _uow.Payment.AddWhitListAddress(cur, acc.AccountId, addressid, address); if (addressList.Count == 0) { return(Json(new { status = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json(new { status = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult GetAddressList(string cur) { var acc = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; List <AddressBook> addressList = _uow.Payment.GetCurrencyAddressBook(cur, acc.AccountId); var addresses = addressList.Select(x => x.Address).ToList(); List <int> addressId = new List <int>() { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; var temp = addressList.Select(x => x.AdressId).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++) { addressId[i] = temp[i]; } return(Json(new { addresses, addressId, currency = cur, accountId = acc.AccountId }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { if (SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) == null && SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ADMIN) == null) { ViewResult view = new ViewResult(); view.ViewName = "~/Views/Account/Login.cshtml"; view.ViewBag.error = "Please login to continue"; filterContext.Result = view; } else { string controller = filterContext.Controller.GetType().Name.Replace("Controller", ""); // actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller.GetType().Name.Replace("Controller", ""); string function = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName; var rights = db.FunctionAccesses; var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; byte?userType = ac.UserRoles.FirstOrDefault().UserRoleTypeId; bool isAccessible = false; foreach (var item in rights) { if (item.FunctionRequest.ControllerName == controller && item.FunctionRequest.FunctionName == function && item.UserRoleTypeId == userType && item.IsAccessible == true) { isAccessible = true; } } if (function.StartsWith("_")) { isAccessible = true; } if (isAccessible == false) { ViewResult view = new ViewResult(); view.ViewName = "~/Views/Account/Login.cshtml"; view.ViewBag.error = "You are not allowed to access this."; filterContext.Result = view; } } base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { if (SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) == null) { ViewResult view = new ViewResult(); view.ViewName = "~/Views/Account/Login.cshtml"; view.ViewBag.error = "Please login to continue"; filterContext.Result = view; } else if (SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.TWOFA) == null) { ViewResult view = new ViewResult(); view.ViewName = "~/Views/Account/TwoFA.cshtml"; view.ViewBag.error = "Please enter two factor code first"; filterContext.Result = view; } base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
public ActionResult Index(string symbol = "BTC-USDT", string timeFrame = "1m", decimal utcTime = 0, string referral = "") { var acc = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; //var orderBook = _uow.MarketRates.GetOrderBookBinance(UtilityMethods.convertSymbol(symbol)); IndexModel IndexModel; var candle = ConvertCandles(symbol, timeFrame, utcTime); if (acc == null) { IndexModel = new IndexModel() { AcceptTermConditions = true, GetPairs = _uow.Accounts.GetPairs(), MarketName = symbol, pairSplit = UtilityMethods.convertSymbolPolygon(symbol), GetTradeHistory = new List <Trade>(), GetCandles = candle, GetOrderBook = null, TimeFrameValue = timeFrame, timeOffset = utcTime, UserRoles = new UserRole(), IsLogin = false, referral = referral, }; } else { IndexModel = new IndexModel() { AcceptTermConditions = (acc.IsAgreeTermServices == null) ? false : acc.IsAgreeTermServices.Value, GetPairs = _uow.Accounts.GetPairs(), MarketName = symbol, pairSplit = UtilityMethods.convertSymbolPolygon(symbol), GetTradeHistory = _uow.Accounts.GetTradeHistory(acc.AccountId), GetCandles = candle, GetOrderBook = null, TimeFrameValue = timeFrame, timeOffset = utcTime, UserRoles = new UserRole(), IsLogin = true, }; } return(View(IndexModel)); }
public ActionResult Profile(bool showPopUp = false) { ViewBag.ShowPopUp = showPopUp; var acc = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; var ProfileModel = new ProfileModel { DepositHistory = _uow.Accounts.GetDepositHistory(acc.AccountId), WithdrawHistory = _uow.Accounts.GetWithdrawHistory(acc.AccountId), ChangePassword = new ChangePassword(), TradeHistory = _uow.Accounts.GetTradeHistory(acc.AccountId), CurrencyList = _uow.Accounts.GetCurrencyList(), KYC = new KYC(), securityAnswer = new securityModel(), Payment = new Payment(), GetAccount = _uow.Accounts.GetAccount(acc.AccountId) }; return(View(ProfileModel)); }
public ActionResult CloseOrder(long orderId) { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; if (ac == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } var obj = _uow.Payment.CloseOrder(orderId, ac.AccountId); var msg = ""; if (obj != null) { msg = "Order has been Successfully Close."; return(Json(new { msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { msg = "Order not canceled, An Error Occured"; return(Json(new { msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult WireTransfer(ProfileModel model) { try { var _ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; var ac = _uow.Accounts.GetAccount(_ac.AccountId); var obj = new Payment() { Account_Id = ac.AccountId, FiatCurrency = "USD", FiatAmount = model.Payment.FiatAmount, BankAddress = model.Payment.BankAddress, PaymentType = "FIAT_WITHDRAW", BankAccountTitle = model.Payment.BankAccountTitle, BankName = model.Payment.BankName, BankAccountNumber = model.Payment.BankAccountNumber, PaymentDate = DateTime.Now, IBAN = model.Payment.IBAN, BankCity = model.Payment.BankCity, Reason = model.Payment.Reason, Currency = "USD", Source = "FIAT", Amount = model.Payment.FiatAmount, AmountSent = Convert.ToDecimal(model.Payment.FiatAmount), PaymentStatus_Id = (int)1, StatusMessage = "Withdrawl Requested" }; var account = _uow.Payment.WireWithDrawlReqAdmin(obj); SessionItems.Add(SessionKey.ACCOUNT, account); Session["msg"] = "Wire transfer has been successfully submitted to admin. Wait for confirmation"; return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Account")); } catch (ExchangeException ex) { Session["msg"] = "Some error occured, try agin later"; return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Account")); } }
public string Buy(string pair, decimal rate, decimal amount, int type, int expirytime, decimal timeOffset) { // 1 for market order , 2 for limit order/// try { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; if (rate == -1) { var ticker = _uow.MarketRates.GetSpecificTickerBinance(UtilityMethods.convertSymbol(pair)); if (type == 2) { rate = decimal.Parse(ticker.askPrice); } } var response = _uow.Payment.Buy(ac.AccountId, pair, rate, amount, type, expirytime, timeOffset); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult SetAcceptTerms(bool value) { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; if (ac == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } var obj = _uow.Accounts.SetTerm_Conditions(ac.AccountId, value); bool res = false; if (obj != null) { SessionItems.Add(SessionKey.ACCOUNT, obj); res = true; return(Json(new { res }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { res = false; return(Json(new { res }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult SecurityDetails(string firstQuestion, string SecAns1, string secondQuestion, string SecAns2, string thirdQuestion, string SecAns3) { try { var _ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; var ac = _uow.Accounts.GetAccount(_ac.AccountId); if (firstQuestion != "-- select question --" && secondQuestion != "-- select question --" && thirdQuestion != "-- select question --" && SecAns1 != null && SecAns1 != "" && SecAns2 != null && SecAns2 != "" && SecAns3 != null && SecAns3 != "") { var detail = _uow.Accounts.securityAnswer(ac.AccountId, firstQuestion, SecAns1, secondQuestion, SecAns2, thirdQuestion, SecAns3); } else { ViewBag.msg = "Please fill all fields."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard")); } return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Account")); } catch (ExchangeException ex) { ViewBag.msg = ex.ErrorMessage; return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Account")); } }
public ActionResult ChangePassword(string oldPassword, string newPassword) { try { var _ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; var ac = _uow.Accounts.GetAccount(_ac.AccountId); bool v = _uow.Accounts.ChangePassword(ac.AccountId, oldPassword, newPassword); var obj = new { message = "Password has been updated successfully", status = true }; return(Json(obj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (ExchangeException ex) { var obj = new { message = "An error occured! " + ex.ErrorMessage, status = false }; return(Json(obj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult _notification() { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; return(View(_uow.Accounts.GetNotifications().OrderByDescending(m => m.NotificationId).Take(10).ToList())); }
public ActionResult GetTradeHistorySpecific(string dateFrom, string dateTo) { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; if (ac == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { DateTime from, to; if (dateFrom != "" || dateTo != "") { var tempdateFromTemp = dateFrom.Split('/'); dateFrom = tempdateFromTemp[0] + "-" + tempdateFromTemp[1] + "-" + tempdateFromTemp[2]; var tempdateToTemp = dateTo.Split('/'); dateTo = tempdateToTemp[0] + "-" + tempdateToTemp[1] + "-" + tempdateToTemp[2]; from = DateTime.Parse(dateFrom + " 12:01:00 AM"); to = DateTime.Parse(dateTo + " 23:59:00 PM"); } else { //{ 4 / 15 / 2020 12:15:03 PM} var fromTemp = DateTime.UtcNow; from = DateTime.Parse(fromTemp.Month + "/" + fromTemp.Day + "/" + fromTemp.Year + " 12:01:00 AM"); to = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); } var paymentsList = _uow.Payment.GetSpecificPayments(ac.AccountId, from, to); var res = _uow.Accounts.GetTradeHistory(ac.AccountId, from, to).ToList(); List <PendingOrderForView> list = new List <PendingOrderForView>(); for (int t = 0; t < res.Count; t++) { if (res[t].TradeClose_Date != null) { if (from.Ticks <= res[t].TradeClose_Date.Value.Ticks && to.Ticks >= res[t].TradeClose_Date.Value.Ticks) { list.Add(new PendingOrderForView() { TradeId = res[t].TradeId, TradeDate = res[t].TradeDate.ToString(), TradeCloseDate = res[t].TradeClose_Date.ToString(), TradeType = res[t].TradeType, TradeTypeValue = res[t].TradeTypeValue, Currency = res[t].Currency, Symbol = res[t].Symbol, Amount = (decimal)res[t].Amount, Rate = (decimal)res[t].Rate, Status = res[t].Status, ExitPrice = res[t].ExitPrice, Account_Id = (long)res[t].Account_Id, Value = (decimal)res[t].Value, Direction = res[t].Direction, PnL = res[t].PnL, Ticker = (res[t].TradeClose_Date.Value.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000000, isTradeOrder = true, }); } } } for (int t = 0; t < paymentsList.Count; t++) { list.Add(new PendingOrderForView() { TradeId = paymentsList[t].PaymentId, TradeDate = paymentsList[t].PaymentDate.ToString(), TradeType = paymentsList[t].PaymentType, TradeCloseDate = null, TradeTypeValue = 0, Currency = paymentsList[t].Currency, Symbol = paymentsList[t].PaymentType, Amount = (decimal)paymentsList[t].Amount, Rate = 0, Status = PaymentStatusType.COMPLETED.ToString(), ExitPrice = 0, Account_Id = (long)paymentsList[t].Account_Id, Value = 0, Direction = paymentsList[t].PaymentType, PnL = (decimal)paymentsList[t].Amount, isTradeOrder = false, Ticker = (paymentsList[t].PaymentDate.Value.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000000, }); } list = list.OrderByDescending(o => o.Ticker).ToList(); for (int t = 0; t < res.Count; t++) { if (res[t].TradeClose_Date == null) { if (from.Ticks <= res[t].TradeDate.Ticks && to.Ticks >= res[t].TradeDate.Ticks) { list.Add(new PendingOrderForView() { TradeId = res[t].TradeId, TradeDate = res[t].TradeDate.ToString(), TradeType = res[t].TradeType, TradeTypeValue = res[t].TradeTypeValue, Currency = res[t].Currency, TradeCloseDate = null, Symbol = res[t].Symbol, Amount = (decimal)res[t].Amount, Rate = (decimal)res[t].Rate, Status = res[t].Status, ExitPrice = res[t].ExitPrice, Account_Id = (long)res[t].Account_Id, Value = (decimal)res[t].Value, Direction = res[t].Direction, PnL = res[t].PnL, Ticker = (res[t].TradeDate.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000000, isTradeOrder = true, }); } } } return(Json(new { list }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult GetTradeOnChart(decimal timeOffset, string pair, long point) { var ac = SessionItems.Get(SessionKey.ACCOUNT) as Account; if (ac == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { List <GetTradeonChart> tradeonCharts = new List <GetTradeonChart>(); var res = new object(); if (ac != null) { var list = _uow.Accounts.GetPendingTrades(ac.AccountId, pair); for (int x = 0; x < list.Count; x++) { list[x].TradeDate = list[x].TradeDate.AddHours(-1 * (double)(timeOffset / 60)); string dt = (list[x].TradeDate.Year + "-" + list[x].TradeDate.Month.ToString("D2") + "-" + list[x].TradeDate.Day.ToString("D2") + " " + list[x].TradeDate.Hour.ToString("D2") + ":" + list[x].TradeDate.Minute.ToString("D2") + ":" + list[x].TradeDate.Second.ToString("D2")); tradeonCharts.Add(new GetTradeonChart() { id = list[x].TradeId, volume = list[x].Amount.Value.ToString(), price = list[x].Rate.ToString(), splitPrice = list[x].Rate.Value, profit = (list[x].PnL == null) ? "0" : list[x].PnL.Value.ToString(), count = 1, summ = list[x].Amount.Value.ToString(), qb = "", time = dt, date_time = dt, security_id = list[x].TradeId, type_id = (list[x].Direction.Equals("BUY")) ? 1 : 2, }); } for (int x = 0; x < list.Count; x++) { if (list[x].StopLoss_TakeProfitEn != null) { list[x].TradeDate = UnixTimeStampToDateTime(point).AddHours(-1 * (double)(timeOffset / 60)).AddMinutes(60); Random rnd; //list[x].TradeDate = list[x].TradeDate.AddHours(-1 * (double)(timeOffset / 60)); string dt = (list[x].TradeDate.Year + "-" + list[x].TradeDate.Month.ToString("D2") + "-" + list[x].TradeDate.Day.ToString("D2") + " " + list[x].TradeDate.Hour.ToString("D2") + ":" + list[x].TradeDate.Minute.ToString("D2") + ":" + list[x].TradeDate.Second.ToString("D2")); rnd = new Random(); long upId = rnd.Next(1, 1000); long downId = rnd.Next(1000, 10000); tradeonCharts.Add(new GetTradeonChart() { id = upId + x, volume = list[x].Amount.Value.ToString(), price = (list[x].UpLimitValue).ToString(), splitPrice = list[x].UpLimitValue.Value, profit = (list[x].PnL == null) ? "0" : list[x].PnL.Value.ToString(), count = 1, summ = list[x].Amount.Value.ToString(), qb = "", time = dt, date_time = dt, security_id = upId + x, type_id = (list[x].Direction.Equals("BUY")) ? 2 : 1, }); tradeonCharts.Add(new GetTradeonChart() { id = downId + x, volume = list[x].Amount.Value.ToString(), price = (list[x].DownLimitValue).ToString(), splitPrice = list[x].DownLimitValue.Value, profit = (list[x].PnL == null) ? "0" : list[x].PnL.Value.ToString(), count = 1, summ = list[x].Amount.Value.ToString(), qb = "", time = dt, date_time = dt, security_id = downId + x, type_id = (list[x].Direction.Equals("BUY")) ? 2 : 1, }); } } //res = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tradeonCharts); res = tradeonCharts; return(Json(new { res }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } //res = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tradeonCharts); res = tradeonCharts; return(Json(new { res }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }