        private IEnumerator Fire(Transform target)
            // Play the sound of the gun firing.

            // Set the length of the line renderer to the default.
            float lineLength = m_DefaultLineLength;

            // If there is a target, the line renderer's length is instead the distance from the gun to the target.
            if (target)
                lineLength = Vector3.Distance(m_GunEnd.position, target.position);

            // Chose an index for a random flare mesh.
            int randomFlareIndex = Random.Range(0, m_FlareMeshes.Length);

            // Store the rotation of that random flare and set it randomly rotate around the z axis.
            Vector3 randomEulerRotation = m_FlareMeshes[randomFlareIndex].transform.eulerAngles;

            randomEulerRotation.z = Random.Range(0f, 360f);

            // Set the random rotation that has been stored back to the flare and turn it on.
            m_FlareMeshes[randomFlareIndex].transform.eulerAngles = randomEulerRotation;

            // Play the particle system for the gun.

            // Turn the line renderer on.
            m_GunFlare.enabled = true;

            // Whilst the line renderer is on move it with the gun.
            yield return(StartCoroutine(MoveLineRenderer(lineLength)));

            // Turn the line renderer off again.
            m_GunFlare.enabled = false;

            // Turn the random flare mesh off.