    public Session CreateSession(SessionCriteria criteria)
        var session = new Session(Validator);

        // Map properties

        /// <summary>
        /// Read packet data from the stream
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnRead(Stream stream)
            BinarySerializer.DeserializeValue(stream, out m_SessionId);

            int rawCriteria;

            BinarySerializer.DeserializeValue(stream, out rawCriteria);
            m_Criteria = (SessionCriteria)rawCriteria;
        public SessionInfo[] GetActiveSessions(SessionCriteria criteria)
            using (var proxy = new SessionProxy())
                if (criteria == null)
                    return proxy.GetActiveSessions();

                return proxy.GetActiveSessions(criteria.UserName, criteria.IPAddress, criteria.HostName,
            criteria.LoginTimeFrom, criteria.LoginTimeTill, criteria.LastActivityTimeFrom, criteria.LastActivityTimeTill);
        public SessionCriteriaPredicate(string productName, string applicationName, SessionCriteria criteria)
            m_ProductName     = productName;
            m_ApplicationName = applicationName;
            m_Criteria        = criteria;

            //now parse out the criteria
            m_ActiveSession     = ((m_Criteria & SessionCriteria.ActiveSession) == SessionCriteria.ActiveSession);
            m_NewSessions       = ((m_Criteria & SessionCriteria.NewSessions) == SessionCriteria.NewSessions);
            m_CompletedSessions = ((m_Criteria & SessionCriteria.CompletedSessions) == SessionCriteria.CompletedSessions);
            m_CrashedSessions   = ((m_Criteria & SessionCriteria.CrashedSessions) == SessionCriteria.CrashedSessions);
            m_CriticalSessions  = ((m_Criteria & SessionCriteria.CriticalSessions) == SessionCriteria.CriticalSessions);
            m_ErrorSessions     = ((m_Criteria & SessionCriteria.ErrorSessions) == SessionCriteria.ErrorSessions);
            m_WarningSessions   = ((m_Criteria & SessionCriteria.WarningSessions) == SessionCriteria.WarningSessions);
    public ISession StartSession(SessionCriteria criteria)
        var session = Repository.GetSession(criteria);

        if (session == null)
            session = Factory.CreateSession(criteria);
        else if (!session.CanResume)
            thrown new InvalidOperationException("Cannot resume the session.");

 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new send session command for the specified session id and criteria
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sessionId"></param>
 /// <param name="criteria"></param>
 public SendSessionCommandMessage(Guid sessionId, SessionCriteria criteria)
     : this()
     SessionId = sessionId;
     Criteria  = criteria;
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously send sessions to a Loupe Server using the current agent configuration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sessions">The set of match rules to apply to sessions to determine what to send.</param>
 /// <param name="markAsRead">True to have every included session marked as read upon successful completion.</param>
 /// <param name="purgeSentSessions">True to have every included session removed from the local repository upon successful completion.</param>
 /// <param name="serverConfiguration">Optional.  The connection options to use instead of the current configured server connection</param>
 /// <remarks>The EndSend event will be raised when the send operation completes.  Because sessions are
 /// sent one by one, they will be individually marked as read once sent.</remarks>
 public void SendToServerAsync(SessionCriteria sessions, bool markAsRead, bool purgeSentSessions, ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = null)
     m_Packager.SendToServer(sessions, markAsRead, purgeSentSessions, true, serverConfiguration);
 /// <summary>Send sessions to a Loupe Server using the current agent configuration</summary>
 /// <remarks>The EndSend event will be raised when the send operation completes.  Because sessions are
 /// sent one by one, they will be individually marked as read once sent.</remarks>
 /// <overloads>Send sessions to the Loupe Server</overloads>
 /// <param name="sessions">The set of match rules to apply to sessions to determine what to send.</param>
 /// <param name="markAsRead">True to have every included session marked as read upon successful completion.</param>
 /// <param name="serverConfiguration">Optional.  The connection options to use instead of the current configured server connection</param>
 /// <exception cref="GibraltarException">The server couldn't be contacted or there was a communication error.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The server configuration specified is invalid.</exception>
 public void SendToServer(SessionCriteria sessions, bool markAsRead, ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = null)
     m_Packager.SendToServer(sessions, markAsRead, false, false, serverConfiguration);
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously write the completed package to the provided full file name
 /// (without extension) and path. The extension will be set to glp automatically.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>The EndSend event will be raised when the send operation completes.
 /// Any provided extension will be removed and replaced with the standard Loupe package extension.</remarks>
 /// <param name="sessions">The set of match rules to apply to sessions to determine what to send.</param>
 /// <param name="markAsRead">True to have every included session marked as read upon successful completion.</param>
 /// <param name="fullFileNamePath">The file name and path to write the final package to.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">A required parameter was null.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The provided file information is not a fully qualified file name and path.</exception>
 public void SendToFileAsync(SessionCriteria sessions, bool markAsRead, string fullFileNamePath)
     m_Packager.SendToFile(sessions, markAsRead, fullFileNamePath, true);
 public IEnumerable <Session> GetSessions(SessionCriteria criteria)
     using (HistoryRepository repository = this.CreateRepository())
        public void ShowSessionList(SessionCriteria sessionCriteria)

            using (AsyncWorker<ISessionManagementView> worker = new AsyncWorker<ISessionManagementView>(_presenter, this.ug_sessionlist, new Control[] { refreshButton }))
                worker.DoWork += delegate(object oDoWork, DoWorkEventArgs eDoWork)
                    eDoWork.Result = _presenter.GetActiveSessions(sessionCriteria);
                worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object oCompleted, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs eCompleted)
                    SessionInfo[] sessions = eCompleted.Result as SessionInfo[];
                    if (sessions == null)
                    foreach (SessionInfo sessionInfo in sessions)
                        this._sessionList.Add(sessionInfo.SessionID, sessionInfo);

                    this.ug_sessionlist.DataSource = sessions;
                    this.lbl_totalsessionnumber.Text = this.ug_sessionlist.Rows.Count.ToString();