		public ServiceResult<Category> AddCategory(string name, int? categoryGroupId = null)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Category>();

			// does Category Group exist?
			if (categoryGroupId.HasValue)
				var categoryGroupResult = GetCategoryGroup(categoryGroupId.Value);
				if (categoryGroupResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

			// create Category
			var category = new Category()
				Name = name,
				CategoryGroupId = categoryGroupId,


			result.Result = category;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Vendor> AddVendor(string name, int? defaultCategoryId = null)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Vendor>();

			// TODO do we need to handle a case where defaultCategoryId = 0
			//if (defaultCategoryId.HasValue && defaultCategoryId.Value == 0)
			//	defaultCategoryId = null;

			// does category exist?
			if (defaultCategoryId.HasValue)
				var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(defaultCategoryId.Value);
				if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

			// create Vendor
			var vendor = new Vendor()
				Name = name,
				DefaultCategoryId = defaultCategoryId


			result.Result = vendor;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Account> AddAccount(string name, decimal initialBalance = 0.0M, int? defaultCategoryId = null, int? accountGroupId = null)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Account>();

			// does AccountGroup exist?
			if (accountGroupId.HasValue)
				var accountGroupResult = GetAccountGroup(accountGroupId.Value);
				if (accountGroupResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

			// does default Category exist?
			if (defaultCategoryId.HasValue)
				var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(defaultCategoryId.Value);
				if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

			// create Account
			var account = new Account()
				Name = name,
				InitialBalance = initialBalance,
				Balance = initialBalance,
				BalanceTimestamp = DateTime.Now,
				DefaultCategoryId = defaultCategoryId,
				AccountGroupId = accountGroupId


			result.Result = account;
			return result;
        private ServiceResult <IEnumerable <SearchResultViewModel> > GetFormatedResult(ServiceResult <IEnumerable <Drink> > result)
            var formatedResult = new ServiceResult <IEnumerable <SearchResultViewModel> > {
                Data = result.Data.Select(x => new SearchResultViewModel {
                    Name = x.Name

		public ServiceResult<bool> DeleteBudgetCategory(int categoryId, DateTime month)
			// TODO handle cascading deletes
			var result = new ServiceResult<bool>();
			bool deletionResult = false;

			// does category exist?
			var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(categoryId);
			if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// does budget category exist?
			var predicates = new List<IPredicate>();
			predicates.Add(Predicates.Field<BudgetCategory>(x => x.Month, Operator.Eq, month));
			predicates.Add(Predicates.Field<BudgetCategory>(x => x.CategoryId, Operator.Eq, categoryId));
			var predicate = new PredicateGroup { Operator = GroupOperator.And, Predicates = predicates };
			var budgetCategory = _db.GetList<BudgetCategory>(predicate);

			// are there multiple budget categories with the same month?
			if (budgetCategory.Count() > 1)
				result.AddError(ErrorType.Generic, "Multiple Budget Categories for month {0} exist", month.ToShortDateString());
				return result;

			// is this an existing budget category?
			else if (budgetCategory.Count() == 1)
				var existingBudgetCategory = budgetCategory.First();
				deletionResult = _db.Delete<BudgetCategory>(existingBudgetCategory);

			result.Result = deletionResult;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Vendor> UpdateVendorName(int vendorId, string name)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Vendor>();
			Vendor resultVendor;

			// does vendor exist?
			var vendorResult = GetVendor(vendorId);
			if (vendorResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// does a vendor with this name already exist?
			var existingVendorResult = GetVendor(name);
			if (existingVendorResult.Result == null)
				// just rename the original vendor
				vendorResult.Result.Name = name;
				resultVendor = vendorResult.Result;
				// move this vendor's transactions to the existing vendor
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE [Transaction] SET VendorId = @existingVendorId WHERE VendorId = @vendorId", new { existingVendorId = existingVendorResult.Result.Id, vendorId = vendorResult.Result.Id });

				// move this vendor's bills and bill transactions to the existing vendor
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE Bill SET VendorId = @existingVendorId WHERE VendorId = @vendorId", new { existingVendorId = existingVendorResult.Result.Id, vendorId = vendorResult.Result.Id });
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE BillTransaction SET VendorId = @existingVendorId WHERE VendorId = @vendorId", new { existingVendorId = existingVendorResult.Result.Id, vendorId = vendorResult.Result.Id });
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE BillTransaction SET OriginalVendorId = @existingVendorId WHERE OriginalVendorId = @vendorId", new { existingVendorId = existingVendorResult.Result.Id, vendorId = vendorResult.Result.Id });

				// move this vendor's import description maps to the existing vendor
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE ImportDescriptionVendorMap SET VendorId = @existingVendorId WHERE VendorId = @vendorId", new { existingVendorId = existingVendorResult.Result.Id, vendorId = vendorResult.Result.Id });

				// delete the original vendor
				var deleteVendorResult = DeleteVendor(vendorResult.Result.Id);
				if (deleteVendorResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

				resultVendor = existingVendorResult.Result;

			// keep track of the rename in the mappings table
			var vendorMapResult = AddVendorMap(resultVendor.Id, name);
			if (vendorMapResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			result.Result = resultVendor;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<List<BillTransactionPrediction>> PredictBillTransactionMatch(int billTransactionId)
			var result = new ServiceResult<List<BillTransactionPrediction>>();

			// get the bill transaction
			var billTransactionResult = GetBillTransaction(billTransactionId);
			if (billTransactionResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// get the vendor name
			string billTransactionVendorName = "";
			if (billTransactionResult.Result.VendorId.HasValue)
				var vendorResult = _vendorService.GetVendor(billTransactionResult.Result.VendorId.Value);
				if (vendorResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

				billTransactionVendorName = vendorResult.Result.Name;

			// get all transactions
			var transactions = _db.Connection.Query(@"
SELECT t.Id, t.Amount, t.Timestamp, v.Name
FROM [Transaction] t
LEFT JOIN Vendor v on v.Id = t.VendorId

			// calculate confidences
			var confidences = transactions.Select(t => new BillTransactionPrediction()
					BillTransactionId = billTransactionId,
					TransactionId = t.Id,
					Amount = t.Amount,
					Timestamp = t.Timestamp,
					VendorName = t.Name,

					AmountConfidence = (decimal)Math.Exp(-1 * Math.Pow((double)((t.Amount - billTransactionResult.Result.Amount) / billTransactionResult.Result.Amount), 2.0) / 2.0),
					TimestampConfidence = (decimal)Math.Exp(-1 * Math.Pow(((t.Timestamp - billTransactionResult.Result.Timestamp).TotalDays / 60.0), 2.0)),
					VendorNameConfidence = (decimal)Math.Exp(-1 * Math.Pow(LevenshteinDistance.Compute(t.Name == null ? "" : t.Name, billTransactionVendorName) / 20.0, 2.0))
			// order by confidence
			result.Result = confidences
				.OrderByDescending(x => x.Confidence)

			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Account> UpdateAccount(int accountId, Filter<string> name = null, Filter<decimal> initialBalance = null, Filter<int?> defaultCategoryId = null, Filter<int?> accountGroupId = null)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Account>();

			// does account exist?
			var accountResult = GetAccount(accountId);
			if (accountResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			var account = accountResult.Result;

			if (name != null)
				account.Name = name.Object;

			if (initialBalance != null)
				account.InitialBalance = initialBalance.Object;

			if (defaultCategoryId != null)
				// does category exist?
				if (defaultCategoryId.Object.HasValue)
					var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(defaultCategoryId.Object.Value);
					if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
						return result;

				account.DefaultCategoryId = defaultCategoryId.Object;

			if (accountGroupId != null)
				// does account group exist?
				if (accountGroupId.Object.HasValue)
					var accountGroupResult = GetAccountGroup(accountGroupId.Object.Value);
					if (accountGroupResult.HasErrors)
						return result;

				account.AccountGroupId = accountGroupId.Object;



			result.Result = account;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<AccountNameMap> AddAccountNameMap(int accountId, string name)
			var result = new ServiceResult<AccountNameMap>();

			var accountResult = GetAccount(accountId);
			if (accountResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			var accountNameMap = new AccountNameMap()
				AccountId = accountId,
				Name = name

			// TODO check for existing mappings?


			result.Result = accountNameMap;
			return result;
        public ServiceResult<Vendor> UpdateVendor(int vendorId, string name, int? defaultCategoryId, bool updateUncategorizedTransactions)
            ServiceResult<Vendor> result = new ServiceResult<Vendor>();

            // does this vendor even exist?
            var vendor = _vendorRepository.GetById(vendorId);
            if (vendor == null)
                result.AddError(ErrorType.NotFound, "Vendor with Id {0} not found", vendorId);
                return result;

            // see if a vendor with this name already exists
            var existingVendor = _vendorRepository.Get(x => x.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
            if (existingVendor != null && existingVendor != vendor)
                var renameResult = RenameVendor(vendorId, name);
                if (renameResult.HasErrors)
                    return result;

                vendor = renameResult.Result;

            if (defaultCategoryId.HasValue && defaultCategoryId.Value == 0)
                defaultCategoryId = null;

            // update uncategorized transactions
            if (updateUncategorizedTransactions && defaultCategoryId.HasValue)
                var uncategorizedTransactions = _transactionRepository.GetMany(x => x.VendorId == vendorId && x.Subtransactions.Any(y => y.CategoryId == null)).ToList();
                if (uncategorizedTransactions != null)
                    foreach (var trx in uncategorizedTransactions)
                        var subtrx = trx.Subtransactions.Where(x => x.CategoryId == null);
                        if (subtrx != null)
                            foreach (var sub in subtrx)
                                sub.CategoryId = defaultCategoryId.Value;

            // keep track of the rename in the mappings table
            if (!vendor.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                vendor.ImportDescriptionVendorMaps.Add(new ImportDescriptionVendorMap() { Description = vendor.Name });

            vendor.Name = name;
            vendor.DefaultCategoryId = defaultCategoryId;

            result.Result = vendor;
            return result;
		public ServiceResult<ImportDescriptionVendorMap> AddVendorMap(int vendorId, string description)
			var result = new ServiceResult<ImportDescriptionVendorMap>();

			var vendorResult = GetVendor(vendorId);
			if (vendorResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			var vendorMap = new ImportDescriptionVendorMap()
				VendorId = vendorId,
				Description = description


			result.Result = vendorMap;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<BillTransaction> UpdateBillTransaction(int billTransactionId, decimal? amount, DateTime? date, bool? isPaid)
			var result = new ServiceResult<BillTransaction>();

			// does the bill transaction exist?
			var billTransactionResult = GetBillTransaction(billTransactionId);
			if (billTransactionResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			if (amount.HasValue)
				billTransactionResult.Result.Amount = amount.Value;
			if (date.HasValue)
				billTransactionResult.Result.Timestamp = date.Value;
			if (isPaid.HasValue)
				billTransactionResult.Result.IsPaid = isPaid.Value;


			result.Result = billTransactionResult.Result;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Transaction> UpdateTransaction(int transactionId, Filter<int> accountId = null, DateTime? timestamp = null, decimal? amount = null, string memo = null, string notes = null, bool isReconciled = false, bool isExcludedFromBudget = false, bool isTransfer = false, Filter<int?> categoryId = null, Filter<int?> vendorId = null, Filter<int?> billTransactionId = null)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Transaction>();

			var transactionResult = GetTransaction(transactionId);
			if (transactionResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// account update
			if (accountId != null)
				// make sure account exists
				var accountResult = _accountService.GetAccount(accountId.Object);
				if (accountResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

				transactionResult.Result.AccountId = accountId.Object;

			// category update
			if (categoryId != null)
				// make sure category exists
				if (categoryId.Object.HasValue)
					var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(categoryId.Object.Value);
					if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
						return result;

				foreach (var s in transactionResult.Result.Subtransactions)
					s.CategoryId = categoryId.Object;

			// vendor update
			if (vendorId != null)
				// make sure vendor exists
				if (vendorId.Object.HasValue)
					var vendorResult = _vendorService.GetVendor(vendorId.Object.Value);
					if (vendorResult.HasErrors)
						return result;

				transactionResult.Result.VendorId = vendorId.Object;

			// bill transaction update
			if (billTransactionId != null)
				// make sure bill transaction exists
				if (billTransactionId.Object.HasValue)
					var billTransactionResult = _billService.GetBillTransaction(billTransactionId.Object.Value);
					if (billTransactionResult.HasErrors)
						return result;

				transactionResult.Result.BillTransactionId = billTransactionId.Object;

			if (timestamp.HasValue)
				transactionResult.Result.Timestamp = timestamp.Value;

			if (amount.HasValue)
				transactionResult.Result.Amount = amount.Value;

			foreach (var s in transactionResult.Result.Subtransactions)
				// TODO how does the amount parameter relate to the subtransaction values?
				s.Memo = memo;
				s.Notes = notes;
				s.IsExcludedFromBudget = isExcludedFromBudget;
				s.IsTransfer = isTransfer;

			transactionResult.Result.IsReconciled = isReconciled;

			// update database
			foreach (var s in transactionResult.Result.Subtransactions)


			result.Result = transactionResult.Result;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Transaction> GetTransaction(int transactionId)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Transaction>();

			var transactionsResult = GetTransactions(new Filter<int>(transactionId));
			if (transactionsResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			if (transactionsResult.Result.Count() > 1)
				result.AddError(ErrorType.Generic, "More than one transaction with Id {0} found", transactionId);
				return result;

			result.Result = transactionsResult.Result.First();
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<BudgetAmountInfo> UpdateBudget(int categoryId, DateTime month, decimal amount)
			var result = new ServiceResult<BudgetAmountInfo>();
			BudgetAmountInfo budgetAmountInfo = new BudgetAmountInfo() { CategoryId = categoryId, Month = month, ExtraAmount = amount };

			// does category exist?
			var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(categoryId);
			if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// does budget category exist?
			var predicates = new List<IPredicate>();
			predicates.Add(Predicates.Field<BudgetCategory>(x => x.Month, Operator.Eq, month));
			predicates.Add(Predicates.Field<BudgetCategory>(x => x.CategoryId, Operator.Eq, categoryId));
			var predicate = new PredicateGroup { Operator = GroupOperator.And, Predicates = predicates };
			var budgetCategory = _db.GetList<BudgetCategory>(predicate);

			// are there multiple budget categories with the same month?
			if (budgetCategory.Count() > 1)
				result.AddError(ErrorType.Generic, "Multiple Budget Categories for month {0} exist", month.ToShortDateString());
				return result;

			// is this an existing budget category?
			else if (budgetCategory.Count() == 1)
				var existingBudgetCategory = budgetCategory.First();
				existingBudgetCategory.Amount = amount;

			// is this a new budget category?
				var newBudgetCategory = new BudgetCategory()
					CategoryId = categoryId,
					Month = month,
					Amount = amount


			// what is the bills amount for this month?
			var nextMonth = month.AddMonths(1);
			predicates = new List<IPredicate>();
			predicates.Add(Predicates.Field<BillTransaction>(x => x.CategoryId, Operator.Eq, categoryId));
			predicates.Add(Predicates.Field<BillTransaction>(x => x.Timestamp, Operator.Ge, month));
			predicates.Add(Predicates.Field<BillTransaction>(x => x.Timestamp, Operator.Le, nextMonth));
			predicate = new PredicateGroup { Operator = GroupOperator.And, Predicates = predicates };
			var billTransactions = _db.GetList<BillTransaction>(predicate);
			var billsAmount = billTransactions.Any() ? billTransactions.Sum(x => x.Amount) : 0M;
			budgetAmountInfo.BillsAmount = billsAmount;

			result.Result = budgetAmountInfo;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Bill> AddBill(string name, decimal amount, BillFrequency frequency, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int? billGroupId = null, int? categoryId = null, int? vendorId = null, DateTime? secondaryStartDate = null, DateTime? secondaryEndDate = null)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Bill>();

			// TODO do we need to handle a case where billGroupId = 0
			if (billGroupId.HasValue && billGroupId.Value == 0)
				billGroupId = null;
			if (categoryId.HasValue && categoryId.Value == 0)
				categoryId = null;
			if (vendorId.HasValue && vendorId.Value == 0)
				vendorId = null;

			// does the bill group exist?
			if (billGroupId.HasValue)
				var billGroupResult = GetBillGroup(billGroupId.Value);
				if (billGroupResult.HasErrors)

			// does the category exist?
			if (categoryId.HasValue)
				var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(categoryId.Value);
				if (categoryResult.HasErrors)

			// does the vendor exist?
			if (vendorId.HasValue)
				var vendorResult = _vendorService.GetVendor(vendorId.Value);
				if (vendorResult.HasErrors)

			// does the startDate come before the endDate?
			if (endDate < startDate)
				result.AddError(ErrorType.Generic, "Start date {0} must come before End date {1}", startDate.ToString(), endDate.ToString());

			// does the secondary startDate come before the secondary endDate?
			if (secondaryStartDate.HasValue && secondaryEndDate.HasValue)
				if (secondaryEndDate.Value < secondaryStartDate.Value)
					result.AddError(ErrorType.Generic, "Secondary Start date {0} must come before Secondary End date {1}", secondaryStartDate.ToString(), secondaryEndDate.ToString());

			// are both secondary startDate and secondary endDate provided?
			if ((secondaryStartDate.HasValue && !secondaryEndDate.HasValue) || (!secondaryStartDate.HasValue && secondaryEndDate.HasValue))
				result.AddError(ErrorType.Generic, "Both Secondary Start date and Secondary End date should be provided: {0} & {1}", secondaryStartDate.ToString(), secondaryEndDate.ToString());

			// any errors thus far?
			if (result.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// create bill
			var bill = new Bill()
				Name = name,
				Amount = amount,
				BillGroupId = billGroupId,
				CategoryId = categoryId,
				VendorId = vendorId,
				StartDate = startDate,
				EndDate = endDate,
				RecurrenceFrequency = frequency,
				StartDate2 = secondaryStartDate,
				EndDate2 = secondaryEndDate


			// create bill transactions
			int count = 0;
			var billTransactions = new List<BillTransaction>();
			DateTime cur = new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day);

			while (cur <= endDate)
				BillTransaction trx = new BillTransaction()
					BillId = bill.Id,
					Amount = amount,
					OriginalAmount = amount,
					CategoryId = categoryId,
					OriginalCategoryId = categoryId,
					VendorId = vendorId,
					OriginalVendorId = vendorId,
					Timestamp = cur,
					OriginalTimestamp = cur

				if (frequency == 0)
					cur = endDate.AddDays(1);
				else if (frequency > 0)
					cur = startDate.AddDays(count * (int)frequency);
					cur = startDate.AddMonths(count * -1 * (int)frequency);

			if (secondaryStartDate.HasValue)
				if (secondaryEndDate.HasValue)
					endDate = secondaryEndDate.Value;

				count = 0;
				cur = new DateTime(secondaryStartDate.Value.Year, secondaryStartDate.Value.Month, secondaryStartDate.Value.Day);

				while (cur <= endDate)
					BillTransaction trx = new BillTransaction()
						BillId = bill.Id,
						Amount = amount,
						OriginalAmount = amount,
						CategoryId = categoryId,
						OriginalCategoryId = categoryId,
						VendorId = vendorId,
						OriginalVendorId = vendorId,
						Timestamp = cur,
						OriginalTimestamp = cur

					if (frequency == 0)
						cur = endDate.AddDays(1);
					else if (frequency > 0)
						cur = secondaryStartDate.Value.AddDays(count * (int)frequency);
						cur = secondaryStartDate.Value.AddMonths(count * -1 * (int)frequency);


			result.Result = bill;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Category> UpdateCategoryName(int categoryId, string name)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Category>();
			Category resultCategory;

			// does category exist?
			var categoryResult = GetCategory(categoryId);
			if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// does a category with this name already exist?
			var existingCategoryResult = GetCategory(name);
			if (existingCategoryResult.Result == null)
				// just rename the original category
				categoryResult.Result.Name = name;
				resultCategory = categoryResult.Result;
				// Bill, BillTransaction, BudgetCategory, Subtransaction, Account, Vendor
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE Bill SET CategoryId = @existingCategoryId WHERE CategoryId = @categoryId", new { existingCategoryId = existingCategoryResult.Result.Id, categoryId = categoryResult.Result.Id });
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE BillTransaction SET CategoryId = @existingCategoryId WHERE CategoryId = @categoryId", new { existingCategoryId = existingCategoryResult.Result.Id, categoryId = categoryResult.Result.Id });
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE BillTransaction SET OriginalCategoryId = @existingCategoryId WHERE OriginalCategoryId = @categoryId", new { existingCategoryId = existingCategoryResult.Result.Id, categoryId = categoryResult.Result.Id });
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE BudgetCategory SET CategoryId = @existingCategoryId WHERE CategoryId = @categoryId", new { existingCategoryId = existingCategoryResult.Result.Id, categoryId = categoryResult.Result.Id });
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE Subtransaction SET CategoryId = @existingCategoryId WHERE CategoryId = @categoryId", new { existingCategoryId = existingCategoryResult.Result.Id, categoryId = categoryResult.Result.Id });
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE [Account] SET DefaultCategoryId = @existingCategoryId WHERE DefaultCategoryId = @categoryId", new { existingCategoryId = existingCategoryResult.Result.Id, categoryId = categoryResult.Result.Id });
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE Vendor SET DefaultCategoryId = @existingCategoryId WHERE DefaultCategoryId = @categoryId", new { existingCategoryId = existingCategoryResult.Result.Id, categoryId = categoryResult.Result.Id });

				// delete the original category
				var deleteCategoryResult = DeleteCategory(categoryResult.Result.Id);
				if (deleteCategoryResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

				resultCategory = existingCategoryResult.Result;

			result.Result = resultCategory;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<bool> DeleteCategory(int categoryId)
			var result = new ServiceResult<bool>();

			var categoryResult = GetCategory(categoryId);
			if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// unassign other entities that use this category
			_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE Account SET DefaultCategoryId = NULL WHERE DefaultCategoryId = @categoryId", new { categoryId });
			_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE Bill SET CategoryId = NULL WHERE CategoryId = @categoryId", new { categoryId });
			_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE BillTransaction SET CategoryId = NULL WHERE CategoryId = @categoryId", new { categoryId });
			_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE BillTransaction SET OriginalCategoryId = NULL WHERE OriginalCategoryId = @categoryId", new { categoryId });
			_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE BudgetCategory SET CategoryId = NULL WHERE CategoryId = @categoryId", new { categoryId });
			_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE Subtransaction SET CategoryId = NULL WHERE CategoryId = @categoryId", new { categoryId });
			_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE Vendor SET DefaultCategoryId = NULL WHERE DefaultCategoryId = @categoryId", new { categoryId });

			var deletionResult = _db.Delete<Category>(Predicates.Field<Category>(x => x.Id, Operator.Eq, categoryId));
			if (!deletionResult)
				result.AddError(ErrorType.NotFound, "Category {0} not found", categoryId);
				return result;

			result.Result = deletionResult;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Transaction> AddTransaction(int accountId, DateTime timestamp, decimal amount, string memo = null, string notes = null, bool isReconciled = false, bool isExcludedFromBudget = false, bool isTransfer = false, int? categoryId = null, int? vendorId = null, int? billTransactionId = null)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Transaction>();

			// does account exist?
			var accountResult = _accountService.GetAccount(accountId);
			if (accountResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// add transaction
			var transaction = new Transaction()
				AccountId = accountId,
				Timestamp = timestamp,
				OriginalTimestamp = timestamp,
				Amount = amount,
				IsReconciled = isReconciled,
				VendorId = vendorId,
				BillTransactionId = billTransactionId


			// add subtransaction
			var subTransaction = new Subtransaction()
				TransactionId = transaction.Id,
				Amount = amount,
				CategoryId = categoryId,
				Memo = memo,
				Notes = notes,
				IsTransfer = isTransfer,
				IsExcludedFromBudget = isExcludedFromBudget,

			transaction.Subtransactions = new List<Subtransaction>() { subTransaction };


			result.Result = transaction;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Vendor> UpdateVendorDefaultCategory(int vendorId, int? defaultCategoryId, bool updateUncategorizedTransactions = false)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Vendor>();

			// does vendor exist?
			var vendorResult = GetVendor(vendorId);
			if (vendorResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// does category exist?
			if (defaultCategoryId.HasValue)
				var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(defaultCategoryId.Value);
				if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

			vendorResult.Result.DefaultCategoryId = defaultCategoryId;

			// update any uncategorized transactions
			if (updateUncategorizedTransactions && defaultCategoryId.HasValue)
				_db.Connection.Execute("UPDATE s SET s.CategoryId = @categoryId FROM Subtransaction s JOIN [Transaction] t ON t.Id = s.TransactionId AND t.VendorId = @vendorId", new { categoryId = defaultCategoryId.Value, vendorId = vendorId });

			result.Result = vendorResult.Result;
			return result;
		private ServiceResult<IEnumerable<Transaction>> GetTransactions(Filter<int> transactionId = null, Filter<int?> accountId = null, Filter<int?> categoryId = null, Filter<int?> vendorId = null, DateTime? from = null, DateTime? to = null)
			var result = new ServiceResult<IEnumerable<Transaction>>();
			var parameters = new List<dynamic>();

			var builder = new StringBuilder();
FROM [Transaction] t
JOIN Subtransaction st ON st.TransactionId = t.Id
LEFT JOIN Account a on a.Id = t.AccountId
LEFT JOIN Vendor v on v.Id = t.VendorId
LEFT JOIN Category c on c.Id = st.CategoryId
			var whereClauses = new List<string>();

			// transaction clause
			if (transactionId != null)
				// make sure transaction exists
				var transactionResult = base.GetEntity<Transaction>(transactionId.Object);
				if (transactionResult.HasErrors)
					return result;
				whereClauses.Add("t.Id = @transactionId");
				parameters.Add(new { transactionId = transactionId.Object });

			// account clause
			if (accountId != null)
				// make sure account exists
				if (accountId.Object.HasValue)
					var accountResult = _accountService.GetAccount(accountId.Object.Value);
					if (accountResult.HasErrors)
						return result;
				whereClauses.Add("t.AccountId = @accountId");
				parameters.Add(new { accountId = accountId.Object });

			// category clause
			if (categoryId != null)
				// make sure category exists
				if (categoryId.Object.HasValue)
					var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(categoryId.Object.Value);
					if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
						return result;
				whereClauses.Add("st.CategoryId = @categoryId");
				parameters.Add(new { categoryId = categoryId.Object });

			// vendor clause
			if (vendorId != null)
				// make sure vendor exists
				if (vendorId.Object.HasValue)
					var vendorResult = _vendorService.GetVendor(vendorId.Object.Value);
					if (vendorResult.HasErrors)
						return result;
				whereClauses.Add("t.VendorId = @vendorId");
				parameters.Add(new { vendorId = vendorId.Object });

			// start/end clauses
			if (from.HasValue)
				whereClauses.Add("t.Timestamp >= @from");
				parameters.Add(new { from = new DateTime(Math.Max(SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value.Ticks, from.Value.Ticks)) });

			if (to.HasValue)
				whereClauses.Add("t.Timestamp <= @to");
				parameters.Add(new { to = new DateTime(Math.Min(SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value.Ticks, to.Value.Ticks)) });
			if (whereClauses.Any())
				builder.Append("WHERE ");
				builder.Append(String.Join(" AND ", whereClauses));

			// get transactions and subtransactions separately
			var sql = builder.ToString();
			object mergedParameters = MergeParameters(parameters);
			var transactions = _db.Connection.Query<Transaction>("SELECT t.*, a.Name as AccountName, v.Name as VendorName " + sql, mergedParameters);
            var subtransactions = _db.Connection.Query<Subtransaction>("SELECT st.*, c.Name as CategoryName " + sql, mergedParameters);

			// stitch the subtransactions into the transactions
			foreach (var t in transactions)
				t.Subtransactions = subtransactions.Where(x => x.TransactionId == t.Id);

			result.Result = transactions;
			return result;
		public ServiceResult<Bill> UpdateBill(int billId, string name, decimal amount, BillFrequency frequency, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int? billGroupId = null, int? categoryId = null, int? vendorId = null, DateTime? secondaryStartDate = null, DateTime? secondaryEndDate = null, bool updateExisting = false)
			var result = new ServiceResult<Bill>();

			var billResult = GetBill(billId);
			if (billResult.HasErrors)
				return result;

			// if the new value is 0, that means set it to null
			if (billGroupId.HasValue && billGroupId.Value == 0)
				billGroupId = null;
			if (categoryId.HasValue && categoryId.Value == 0)
				categoryId = null;
			if (vendorId.HasValue && vendorId.Value == 0)
				vendorId = null;

			// do the new BillGroup, Category and Vendor exist?
			if (billGroupId.HasValue)
				var billGroupResult = GetBillGroup(billGroupId.Value);
				if (billGroupResult.HasErrors)
					return result;
			if (categoryId.HasValue)
				var categoryResult = _categoryService.GetCategory(categoryId.Value);
				if (categoryResult.HasErrors)
					return result;
			if (vendorId.HasValue)
				var vendorResult = _vendorService.GetVendor(vendorId.Value);
				if (vendorResult.HasErrors)
					return result;

			// TODO handle updateExisting
			//if (updateExisting)
			//	if (bill.StartDate != startDate || bill.EndDate != endDate || bill.RecurrenceFrequency != frequency || bill.StartDate2 != secondaryStartDate || bill.EndDate2 != secondaryEndDate)
			//	{
			//		List<BillTransaction> existing = _billTransactionRepository.GetMany(x => x.BillId == billId).ToList();
			//		List<BillTransaction> expected = new List<BillTransaction>();

			//		#region Generate expected transactions

			//		int count = 0;
			//		DateTime cur = new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day);
			//		while (cur <= endDate)
			//		{
			//			BillTransaction trx = new BillTransaction()
			//			{
			//				Amount = amount,
			//				OriginalAmount = amount,
			//				CategoryId = categoryId,
			//				OriginalCategoryId = categoryId,
			//				VendorId = vendorId,
			//				OriginalVendorId = vendorId,
			//				Timestamp = cur,
			//				OriginalTimestamp = cur
			//			};

			//			expected.Add(trx);

			//			count++;
			//			if (frequency == 0)
			//				cur = endDate.AddDays(1);
			//			else if (frequency > 0)
			//				cur = startDate.AddDays(count * frequency);
			//			else
			//				cur = startDate.AddMonths(count * -1 * frequency);
			//		}

			//		if (secondaryStartDate.HasValue)
			//		{
			//			if (secondaryEndDate.HasValue)
			//				endDate = secondaryEndDate.Value;

			//			count = 0;
			//			cur = new DateTime(secondaryStartDate.Value.Year, secondaryStartDate.Value.Month, secondaryStartDate.Value.Day);

			//			while (cur <= endDate)
			//			{
			//				BillTransaction trx = new BillTransaction()
			//				{
			//					Amount = amount,
			//					OriginalAmount = amount,
			//					CategoryId = categoryId,
			//					OriginalCategoryId = categoryId,
			//					VendorId = vendorId,
			//					OriginalVendorId = vendorId,
			//					Timestamp = cur,
			//					OriginalTimestamp = cur
			//				};

			//				expected.Add(trx);

			//				count++;
			//				if (frequency == 0)
			//					cur = endDate.AddDays(1);
			//				else if (frequency > 0)
			//					cur = secondaryStartDate.Value.AddDays(count * frequency);
			//				else
			//					cur = secondaryStartDate.Value.AddMonths(count * -1 * frequency);
			//			}
			//		}

			//		#endregion

			//		List<BillTransaction> reused = new List<BillTransaction>();

			//		while (existing.Any() && expected.Any())
			//		{
			//			var existingProjections = existing.Select(e => new
			//			{
			//				Item = e,
			//				Comparisons = expected.Select(x => new
			//				{
			//					Item = x,
			//					Days = Math.Abs((x.Timestamp - e.Timestamp).TotalDays)
			//				})
			//			});

			//			var bestExisting = existingProjections.OrderBy(x => x.Comparisons.Min(y => y.Days)).FirstOrDefault();
			//			if (bestExisting != null)
			//			{
			//				// shift existing record's timestamp to closest match in expected
			//				var bestMatch = bestExisting.Comparisons.OrderBy(x => x.Days).FirstOrDefault().Item;
			//				bestExisting.Item.Timestamp = bestMatch.Timestamp;
			//				bestExisting.Item.OriginalTimestamp = bestMatch.OriginalTimestamp;
			//				expected.Remove(bestMatch);
			//				existing.Remove(bestExisting.Item);
			//				reused.Add(bestExisting.Item);
			//			}
			//		}

			//		// delete unused transactions
			//		var complete = reused.Union(expected).Select(x => x.Id);
			//		_billTransactionRepository.Delete(x => x.BillId == billId && !complete.Contains(x.Id));

			//		//reused.ForEach(x => bill.BillTransactions.Add(x));
			//		expected.ForEach(x => bill.BillTransactions.Add(x));
			//	}

			//	if (bill.Amount != amount || bill.CategoryId != categoryId || bill.VendorId != vendorId)
			//	{
			//		var billTransasctions = _billTransactionRepository.GetMany(x => x.BillId == billId);
			//		if (billTransasctions != null)
			//		{
			//			foreach (var trx in billTransasctions)
			//			{
			//				if (bill.Amount != amount)
			//				{
			//					// only update a transaction amount if it hadn't been edited from it's original value (ie don't change modified amounts)
			//					if (trx.Amount == trx.OriginalAmount)
			//						trx.Amount = amount;
			//					trx.OriginalAmount = amount;
			//				}

			//				if (bill.CategoryId != categoryId)
			//					trx.CategoryId = categoryId;

			//				if (bill.VendorId != vendorId)
			//					trx.VendorId = vendorId;
			//			}
			//		}
			//	}

			billResult.Result.Name = name;
			billResult.Result.Amount = amount;
			billResult.Result.RecurrenceFrequency = frequency;
			billResult.Result.StartDate = startDate;
			billResult.Result.EndDate = endDate;
			billResult.Result.BillGroupId = billGroupId;
			billResult.Result.CategoryId = categoryId;
			billResult.Result.VendorId = vendorId;
			billResult.Result.StartDate2 = secondaryStartDate;
			billResult.Result.EndDate2 = secondaryEndDate;

			result.Result = billResult.Result;
			return result;