private void DoTest(string expectedDump, ServiceRecordBuilder bldr)
            ServiceRecord rcd  = bldr.ServiceRecord;
            String        dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(rcd);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump);
        internal static void DoTestSmart_RecordStaticMethod(String expected, byte[] recordBytes, params Type[] attributeIdEnumDefiningTypes)
            ServiceRecord record = ServiceRecord.CreateServiceRecordFromBytes(recordBytes);
            string result = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record, attributeIdEnumDefiningTypes);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        public void L2capOne()
            String url = "btl2cap://localhost:3B9FA89520078C303355AAA694238F08";
            ServiceRecordBuilder bldr   = ServiceRecordBuilder.FromJsr82ServerUri(url);
            ServiceRecord        record = bldr.ServiceRecord;
            String dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(ServiceRecordBuilderTests_Data.FooL2CapOne, dump);
        public void L2capTwoWithName()
            String url = "btl2cap://localhost:12af51a9030c4b2937407f8c9ecb238a;name=Aserv";
            ServiceRecordBuilder bldr   = ServiceRecordBuilder.FromJsr82ServerUri(url);
            ServiceRecord        record = bldr.ServiceRecord;
            String dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(ServiceRecordBuilderTests_Data.FooL2CapTwoWithName, dump);
        public void RfcommOneNameSurrounded()
            String url = "btspp://localhost:102030405060708090A1B1C1D1D1E100;auth=false;name=SPPEx;encrypt=false";
            ServiceRecordBuilder bldr   = ServiceRecordBuilder.FromJsr82ServerUri(url);
            ServiceRecord        record = bldr.ServiceRecord;
            String dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(ServiceRecordBuilderTests_Data.FooRfcommOne, dump);
        public void GeopOne()
            String url = "btgoep://localhost:12AF51A9030C4B2937407F8C9ECB238A";
            ServiceRecordBuilder bldr   = ServiceRecordBuilder.FromJsr82ServerUri(url);
            ServiceRecord        record = bldr.ServiceRecord;
            String dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(ServiceRecordBuilderTests_Data.FooGoepOne, dump);
        public void One()
            String url = "btspp://localhost:0000110100001000800000805F9B34FB";
            ServiceRecordBuilder bldr   = ServiceRecordBuilder.FromJsr82ServerUri(url);
            ServiceRecord        record = bldr.ServiceRecord;
            String dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(ServiceRecordBuilderTests_Data.One, dump);
        public void FancyNameFollowed()
            String url = "btspp://localhost:102030405060708090A1B1C1D1D1E100"
                         + ";name=aa-bb_cc dd1234;encrypt=false";
            ServiceRecordBuilder bldr   = ServiceRecordBuilder.FromJsr82ServerUri(url);
            ServiceRecord        record = bldr.ServiceRecord;
            String dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(ServiceRecordBuilderTests_Data.FooRfcommOneWithFancyName, dump);
        internal static void DoTestRaw(String expected, byte[] recordBytes)
            ServiceRecordParser parser = new ServiceRecordParser();

            parser.SkipUnhandledElementTypes = true;
            ServiceRecord record = parser.Parse(recordBytes);
            string result = ServiceRecordUtilities.DumpRaw(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        internal static void DoTestSmart_NotSkip(String expected, byte[] recordBytes, params Type[] attributeIdEnumDefiningTypes)
            ServiceRecordParser parser = new ServiceRecordParser();

            parser.SkipUnhandledElementTypes = false;
            ServiceRecord record = parser.Parse(recordBytes);
            string result = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record, attributeIdEnumDefiningTypes);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        public void SonyEricsson_Hid_Record()
            // This should the normal test of binary record to dump, but we don't have the binary...
            ServiceRecord rcd          = Data_CompleteThirdPartyRecords.SonyEricsson_Hid_Record;
            String        expectedDump = Data_CompleteThirdPartyRecords.SonyEricsson_Hid_Record_Dump;
            String        dump         = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(rcd);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");

            //    Data_SdpCreator_CompleteRecords.SonyEricsson_Hid_Record);
        public void CreateL2Cap()
            ServiceElement element = ServiceRecordHelper.CreateL2CapProtocolDescriptorList();
            List_ServiceAttribute attrs = new List_ServiceAttribute();

            attrs.Add(new ServiceAttribute(UniversalAttributeId.ProtocolDescriptorList, element));
            ServiceRecord record = new ServiceRecord(attrs);
            String        dump   = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedL2CapDump, dump, "L2CAP ProtoDL dump");
    static void Documentation_SRB_Simple()
        ServiceRecord r = Documentation_SRB_Simple_();

        ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(Console.Out, r);
        ServiceRecordCreator ctr = new ServiceRecordCreator();

        byte[] bs = ctr.CreateServiceRecord(r);
        ServiceRecordParser psr = new ServiceRecordParser();
        ServiceRecord       r2  = psr.Parse(bs);

        ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(Console.Out, r2);
        public void OneNoExtAttr()
            var mocks   = new Mockery();
            var hackApi = mocks.NewMock <IBluesoleilApi>();

            byte[]        setSvcName = { (byte)'a', /* \u00E4 */ 0xC3, 0xA4, (byte)'b', (byte)'b', (byte)'c', (byte)'c', (byte)'d', (byte)'d' };
            var           attrs      = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, 0x1112, setSvcName, IntPtr.Zero);
            ServiceRecord sr         = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1112 -- HeadsetAudioGateway" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'a\u00E4bbccdd'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1112, svcC, "svcC");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("a\u00E4bbccdd", sn, "sn");
        public void OneNoExtAttr_ManualMock()
            var hackApi = new TestSdBluesoleilApi();

            byte[]        setSvcName = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("aabbccdd");
            var           attrs      = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, 0x1112, setSvcName, IntPtr.Zero);
            ServiceRecord sr         = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1112 -- HeadsetAudioGateway" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'aabbccdd'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1112, svcC, "svcC");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("aabbccdd", sn, "sn");
        public void CreateL2CapNapEmptyNetProtoList()
            var netProtoList = new ServiceElement(ElementType.ElementSequence
            var layer1 = new ServiceElement(ElementType.ElementSequence,
                                            new ServiceElement(ElementType.Uuid16, Uuid16_BnepProto),
                                            ServiceElement.CreateNumericalServiceElement(ElementType.UInt16, 0x0100), //v1.0
            ServiceElement element = ServiceRecordHelper.CreateL2CapProtocolDescriptorListWithUpperLayers(
            List_ServiceAttribute attrs = new List_ServiceAttribute();

            attrs.Add(new ServiceAttribute(UniversalAttributeId.ProtocolDescriptorList, element));
            ServiceRecord record = new ServiceRecord(attrs);
            String        dump   = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedL2CapNapDumpEmptyNetProtoList, dump, "L2CAP NAP ProtoDL dump");
        private void ListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            BluetoothDeviceInfo device = (sender as ListView).SelectedItem as BluetoothDeviceInfo;

            if (device != null)
                if (device.InstalledServices.Length > 0)
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                            IsGatheringInformation = true;
                            foreach (var guid in device.InstalledServices)
                                ServiceRecord[] serviceRecords = device.GetServiceRecords(guid);

                                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                                    TextBoxInfo.Text += string.Format("=========== Service: {0} ({1}) ==========={2}{2}", BluetoothService.GetName(guid), guid, Environment.NewLine);
                                    foreach (var serviceRecord in serviceRecords)
                                        TextBoxInfo.Text += ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(serviceRecord) + Environment.NewLine;
                        catch { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { TextBoxInfo.Text = string.Format("No available information for '{0}'. Try to connect/turn-on the device.", device.DeviceName); })); }
                    }).ContinueWith((Task task) => { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { IsGatheringInformation = false; })); });
                    TextBoxInfo.Text = "No installed services.";
    static void Documentation_SRB_ToByteArray_Pbap()
        ServiceRecordBuilder bldr = new ServiceRecordBuilder();

        bldr.ServiceName = "Phonebook Access PSE";
        bldr.AddBluetoothProfileDescriptor(BluetoothService.PhonebookAccess, 1, 0); // v1.0
        const ushort SupportedRepositories = 0x0314;

        bldr.AddCustomAttribute(new ServiceAttribute(SupportedRepositories,
                                                     ServiceElement.CreateNumericalServiceElement(ElementType.UInt8, 0x03)));
        ServiceRecord record = bldr.ServiceRecord;
        var txt = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record);

        var byteArr = record.ToByteArray();
        var txtBA   = BitConverter.ToString(byteArr);

        static void SetL2CapPort_(int psm, string expectedPsmAsString1, string expectedPsmAsString2)
            var layer0 = new ServiceElement(ElementType.ElementSequence,
                                            new ServiceElement(ElementType.Uuid16, Uuid16_L2CapProto),
                                            ServiceElement.CreateNumericalServiceElement(ElementType.UInt16, 0)
            ServiceRecord rcd = new ServiceRecord(
                new ServiceAttribute(UniversalAttributeId.ProtocolDescriptorList,
                                     new ServiceElement(ElementType.ElementSequence,

            ServiceRecordHelper.SetL2CapPsmNumber(rcd, psm);
            string expected
                = "AttrId: 0x0004 -- ProtocolDescriptorList" + CrLf
                  + "ElementSequence" + CrLf
                  + "    ElementSequence" + CrLf
                  + "        Uuid16: 0x100 -- L2CapProtocol" + CrLf
                  + "        UInt16: " + expectedPsmAsString1 + CrLf
                  + "( ( L2Cap, PSM=" + expectedPsmAsString2 + " ) )" + CrLf
            var dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(rcd);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, dump);
        public void DeviceIdExtAttr_NoServiceName()
            var mocks   = new Mockery();
            var hackApi = mocks.NewMock <IBluesoleilApi>();

            var    ext  = new Structs.BtSdkRmtDISvcExtAttrStru(1, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 0);
            IntPtr pExt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ext));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ext, pExt, false);
            byte[]    setSvcName  = new byte[0];
            const int SvcClassPnp = 0x1200;
            var       attrs       = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, SvcClassPnp,
                                                                           setSvcName, pExt);
            ServiceRecord sr = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump
                = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                  + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                  + "    Uuid16: 0x1200 -- PnPInformation" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0200 -- SpecificationId" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x1" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0201 -- VendorId" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x2" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0202 -- ProductId" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x3" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0203 -- Version" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x4" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0204 -- PrimaryRecord" + NewLine
                  + "Boolean: True" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0x0205 -- VendorIdSource" + NewLine
                  + "UInt16: 0x6" + NewLine
                  + NewLine
                  + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                  + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr, typeof(DeviceIdProfileAttributeId));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1200, svcC, "svcC");
        internal static void DoTestSmart(String expected, ServiceRecord record, params Type[] attributeIdEnumDefiningTypes)
            string result = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(record, attributeIdEnumDefiningTypes);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        public void OneSppExtAttr_ManualMock()
            var hackApi = new TestSdBluesoleilApi();
            const byte Port = 23;
            var        ext  = new Structs.BtSdkRmtSPPSvcExtAttrStru(Port);
            IntPtr     pExt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ext));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ext, pExt, false);
            byte[]        setSvcName = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("aabbccdd");
            var           attrs      = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, 0x1112, setSvcName, pExt);
            ServiceRecord sr         = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1112 -- HeadsetAudioGateway" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0004 -- ProtocolDescriptorList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "        Uuid16: 0x100 -- L2CapProtocol" + NewLine
                                        + "    ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "        Uuid16: 0x3 -- RFCommProtocol" + NewLine
                                        + "        UInt8: 0x17" + NewLine
                                        + "( ( L2Cap ), ( Rfcomm, ChannelNumber=23 ) )" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'aabbccdd'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1112, svcC, "svcC");
            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ProtocolDescriptorList).Value;
            ServiceElement listRfcomm = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[1];
            ServiceElement eScn       = listRfcomm.GetValueAsElementArray()[1];
            byte           scn        = (byte)eScn.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(Port, scn, "scn");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("aabbccdd", sn, "sn");
            hackApi.AssertActionsInOrder("Btsdk_FreeMemory", pExt);
        public void OneSppExtAttr_FullLenServiceName()
            var mocks   = new Mockery();
            var hackApi = mocks.NewMock <IBluesoleilApi>();

            const byte Port = 23;
            var        ext  = new Structs.BtSdkRmtSPPSvcExtAttrStru(Port);
            IntPtr     pExt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ext));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ext, pExt, false);
            byte[] setSvcName = new byte[StackConsts.BTSDK_SERVICENAME_MAXLENGTH];
            for (int i = 0; i < (setSvcName.Length - 1); ++i)
                setSvcName[i] = (byte)'a';
            setSvcName[setSvcName.Length - 1] = (byte)'b';
            var attrs = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, 0x1112,
                                                               setSvcName, pExt);
            ServiceRecord sr = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1112 -- HeadsetAudioGateway" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0004 -- ProtocolDescriptorList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "        Uuid16: 0x100 -- L2CapProtocol" + NewLine
                                        + "    ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "        Uuid16: 0x3 -- RFCommProtocol" + NewLine
                                        + "        UInt8: 0x17" + NewLine
                                        + "( ( L2Cap ), ( Rfcomm, ChannelNumber=23 ) )" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1112, svcC, "svcC");
            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ProtocolDescriptorList).Value;
            ServiceElement listRfcomm = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[1];
            ServiceElement eScn       = listRfcomm.GetValueAsElementArray()[1];
            byte           scn        = (byte)eScn.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(Port, scn, "scn");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab", sn, "sn");
        //Not supported!  Can't tell between little-endian and big-endian Unicode!
        public void OneNoExtAttr_PanuBeUnicodeSvcName()
            var mocks   = new Mockery();
            var hackApi = mocks.NewMock <IBluesoleilApi>();

            byte[] setSvcName =
                0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00,
                0x6F, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x00,
                0x20, 0x00, 0x41, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x2D, 0x00,
                0x68, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00,
                0x55, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00,
                0x20, 0x00, 0x53, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00,
                0x76, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
            ushort        SvcClassPanu = 0x1115;
            var           attrs        = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteServiceAttrStru(0, SvcClassPanu, setSvcName, IntPtr.Zero);
            ServiceRecord sr           = BluesoleilDeviceInfo.CreateServiceRecord(ref attrs, hackApi);
            const string NewLine      = "\r\n";
            const string expectedDump = "AttrId: 0x0001 -- ServiceClassIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    Uuid16: 0x1115 -- Panu" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0006 -- LanguageBaseAttributeIdList" + NewLine
                                        + "ElementSequence" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x656E" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x6A" + NewLine
                                        + "    UInt16: 0x100" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0x0100 -- ServiceName" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString: [en] 'Personal Ad-hoc User Service'" + NewLine
                                        + NewLine
                                        + "AttrId: 0xFFFF" + NewLine
                                        + "TextString (guessing UTF-8): '<partial BlueSoleil decode>'" + NewLine
            string dump = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDump, dump, "dump");
            ServiceElement e;

            e = sr.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            ServiceElement eSvcClass = e.GetValueAsElementArray()[0];
            UInt16         svcC      = (UInt16)eSvcClass.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0x1115, svcC, "svcC");
            string sn = sr.GetPrimaryMultiLanguageStringAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceName);

            Assert.AreEqual("Personal Ad-hoc User Service", sn, "sn");
        public void Utils_DumpRaw_NullWriter()
            ServiceRecord rec = new ServiceRecord(new List_ServiceAttribute());

            ServiceRecordUtilities.DumpRaw(null, rec);
 public void Utils_DumpRaw_NullRecord()
     ServiceRecordUtilities.DumpRaw(new System.IO.StringWriter(), null);
    static void Parse()
        byte[] raw = { 0x35, 0x3b, 0x09, 0x00, 0x01, 0x35, 0x06, 0x19,
                       0x11, 0x12, 0x19, 0x12, 0x03, 0x09, 0x00, 0x04,
                       0x35, 0x0c, 0x35, 0x03, 0x19, 0x01, 0x00, 0x35,
                       0x05, 0x19, 0x00, 0x03, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x00,
                       0x09, 0x35, 0x08, 0x35, 0x06, 0x19, 0x11, 0x08,
                       0x09, 0x01, 0x00, 0x09, 0x01, 0x00, 0x25, 0x0d,
                       0x56, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x20, 0x47, 0x61,
                       0x74, 0x65, 0x77, 0x61, 0x79 };
        byte jPortNo = 99;

        byte[] rgbSdpRecord =
            0x35,    0x00,// Note: The size is filled below.
            // ServiceClassIDList
            0x00,    0x01,
            // Service Classes
            0x35,    0x03,// 3 bytes
            // OBEXObjectPush 0x1105
            0x19,    0x11, 0x05,
            // ProtocolDescriptorList
            0x00,    0x04,
            // Protocol ID List
            0x35,    0x11, // 17 bytes
            // L2CAP (0x0100)
            0x35,    0x03, // 3 bytes
            0x19,    0x01, 0x00,
            // RFCOMM (0x0003)
            0x35,    0x05,       // 5 bytes
            0x19,    0x00, 0x03, // ID
            0x08, jPortNo,
            //0x05,           // Channel Number is (5)
            // OBEX (0x0008)
            0x35,    0x03,// 3 bytes
            0x19,    0x00, 0x08,
            // BluetoothProfileDescriptorList
            0x00,    0x09,
            0x35,    0x08,       // 8 bytes
            0x35,    0x06,       // 6 bytes
            0x19,    0x11, 0x05, // OBEXObjectPush
            0x09,    0x01, 0x00, // Version
            // Service Name
            0x01,    0x00,
            0x25,    0x13,// Type - String, size - 19 bytes (Object Push Profile)
            0x4f,    0x62, 0x6a,0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x20, 0x50, 0x75, 0x73, 0x68, 0x20, 0x53, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65,
            // Supported Format List
            0x03,    0x03,
            0x35,    0x0e, // 14 bytes
            0x08,    0x01, // vCard 2.1
            0x08,    0x02, // vCard 3.0
            0x08,    0x03, // vCard 1.0
            0x08,    0x04, // iCal 2.0
            0x08,    0x05, // vNote
            0x08,    0x06, // vMessage
            0x08, 0xff     // Any type of object
        //const size_t iRecSize = sizeof(rgbSdpRecord) / sizeof(BYTE);
        int iRecSize = rgbSdpRecord.Length;

        rgbSdpRecord[1] = checked ((byte)(iRecSize - 2)); // -2 for excluding first 2 bytes
        ServiceRecordParser psr = new ServiceRecordParser();
        ServiceRecord       sr  = psr.Parse(rgbSdpRecord);
        string txt = ServiceRecordUtilities.Dump(sr);