protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { string id = args[0]; var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); if (catalog.Apis.Any(api => api.Id == id)) { throw new UserErrorException($"API {id} already exists in the API catalog."); } var serviceDirectory = ServiceDirectory.LoadFromGoogleapis(); var service = serviceDirectory.Services.FirstOrDefault(service => service.CSharpNamespaceFromProtos == id); if (service is null) { var lowerWithoutCloud = id.Replace(".Cloud", "").ToLowerInvariant(); var possibilities = serviceDirectory.Services .Select(svc => svc.CSharpNamespaceFromProtos) .Where(ns => ns.Replace(".Cloud", "").ToLowerInvariant() == lowerWithoutCloud); throw new UserErrorException( $"No service found for '{id}'.{Environment.NewLine}Similar possibilities (check options?): {string.Join(", ", possibilities)}"); } var api = new ApiMetadata { Id = id, ProtoPath = service.ServiceDirectory, ProductName = service.Title.EndsWith(" API") ? service.Title[..^ 4] : service.Title,
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var googleapisRoot = GetGoogleapisRoot(); var serviceDirectory = ServiceDirectory.LoadFromGoogleapis(googleapisRoot); var outputDirectory = DirectoryLayout.ForApi("ServiceDirectory").SourceDirectory; string directoryJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(serviceDirectory, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "directory.json"), directoryJson); var gitCommit = GetCommit(googleapisRoot); var synthMetadata = new { sources = new[] { new { git = new { name = "googleapis", remote = "", sha = gitCommit } } } }; var synthMetadataJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(synthMetadata, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "synth.metadata"), synthMetadataJson); }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var directory = ServiceDirectory.LoadFromGoogleapis(); foreach (var api in directory.Services) { ReportAnomalies(api); } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); // Note: for now, we could actually load it from apis/ServiceDirectory, but hey... var directory = ServiceDirectory.LoadFromGoogleapis(); var stabilityFilter = BuildStabilityFilter(args[0]); var ignoredOrGeneratedPaths = new HashSet <string>(catalog.IgnoredPaths.Keys); ignoredOrGeneratedPaths.UnionWith(catalog.Apis.Select(api => api.ProtoPath)); var missingServices = directory.Services .Where(stabilityFilter) .Where(svc => !ignoredOrGeneratedPaths.Contains(svc.ServiceDirectory)) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Missing services: {missingServices.Count}"); foreach (var service in missingServices) { Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceDirectory); } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { string id = args[0]; var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); if (catalog.Apis.Any(api => api.Id == id)) { throw new UserErrorException($"API {id} already exists in the API catalog."); } var serviceDirectory = ServiceDirectory.LoadFromGoogleapis(); var service = serviceDirectory.Services.FirstOrDefault(service => service.CSharpNamespaceFromProtos == id); if (service is null) { var lowerWithoutCloud = id.Replace(".Cloud", "").ToLowerInvariant(); var possibilities = serviceDirectory.Services .Select(svc => svc.CSharpNamespaceFromProtos) .Where(ns => ns.Replace(".Cloud", "").ToLowerInvariant() == lowerWithoutCloud); throw new UserErrorException( $"No service found for '{id}'.{Environment.NewLine}Similar possibilities (check options?): {string.Join(", ", possibilities)}"); } var api = new ApiMetadata { Id = id, ProtoPath = service.ServiceDirectory, ProductName = service.Title, Description = service.Description, Version = "1.0.0-beta00", Type = ApiType.Grpc, Generator = GeneratorType.Micro, // Let's not include test dependencies, which are rarely useful. TestDependencies = null }; // Add dependencies discovered via the proto imports. // This doesn't fail on any dependencies that aren't found - we could tighten this up later // by knowing about common protos, for example. var apisByProtoPath = catalog.Apis.Where(api => api.ProtoPath is object).ToDictionary(api => api.ProtoPath); foreach (var import in service.ImportDirectories) { if (apisByProtoPath.TryGetValue(import, out var dependency)) { api.Dependencies.Add(dependency.Id, dependency.Version); } } // Now work out what the new API metadata looks like in JSON. var serializer = new JsonSerializer { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, Converters = { new StringEnumConverter(new CamelCaseNamingStrategy()) }, ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver { NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy() } }; api.Json = JToken.FromObject(api, serializer); var followingApi = catalog.Apis.FirstOrDefault(api => string.Compare(api.Id, id, StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0); if (followingApi is object) { followingApi.Json.AddBeforeSelf(api.Json); } else { // Looks like this API will be last in the list. catalog.Apis.Last().Json.AddAfterSelf(api.Json); } // Done. Let's write out the catalog and display what we've done. File.WriteAllText(ApiCatalog.CatalogPath, catalog.FormatJson()); Console.WriteLine($"Added {id} to the API catalog with the following configuration:"); Console.WriteLine(api.Json.ToString(Formatting.Indented)); }