private void Initialize()
            AlreadyDisposed = false;
            logger = new Logger();

            Status = ServerStatusLevel.Off;
            ConnectionsQueueLength = 500;
            MaxBufferSize = 1024 * 100;
            FirstByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize];
            LastByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize];
            FirstByte[0] = 0x00;
            LastByte[0] = 0xFF;
            logger.LogEvents = true;
        private void Initialize()
            AlreadyDisposed = false;
            logger = new Logger();

            Status = ServerStatusLevel.Off;
            ConnectionsQueueLength = 500;
            MaxBufferSize = 1024;
            receivedDataBuffer = new byte[MaxBufferSize];
            FirstByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize];
            LastByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize];
            FirstByte[0] = 0x00;
            LastByte[0] = 0xFF;
            logger.LogEvents = true;
            Handshake = "HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake" + Environment.NewLine;
            Handshake += "Upgrade: WebSocket" + Environment.NewLine;
            Handshake += "Connection: Upgrade" + Environment.NewLine;
            Handshake += "Sec-WebSocket-Origin: " + ConnectionOrigin + Environment.NewLine;
            Handshake += "Sec-WebSocket-Location: " + ServerLocation + Environment.NewLine;
            Handshake += Environment.NewLine;
        private void ClientDisconnected()
            if (Status == ServerStatusLevel.WaitingConnection) return;

            logger.Log("Client disconnected.");
            if (Disconnected != null) Disconnected(EventArgs.Empty);

            Listener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(NewClientConnection), null);
            Status = ServerStatusLevel.WaitingConnection;
            logger.Log("Waiting for another connection attempt ...");
        private void HandshakeFinished(IAsyncResult status)
            logger.Log("New connection from " + ConnectionSocket.LocalEndPoint + " established.");
            Status = ServerStatusLevel.ConnectionEstablished;
            ConnectionSocket.BeginReceive(receivedDataBuffer, 0, receivedDataBuffer.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(Read), null);

            if (NewConnection != null) NewConnection(EventArgs.Empty);
 public void StartServer()
     Listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
     Listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, ServerPort));
     Listener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(NewClientConnection), null);
     logger.Log("Press 'q' and enter to exit this program.");
     logger.Log("Server started. Listening for connection requests ...");
     Status = ServerStatusLevel.WaitingConnection;
     string ConsoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
     while (ConsoleInput != "Q" && ConsoleInput != "q")
         ConsoleInput = Console.ReadLine();