/// <summary>
        /// Create a function that will make an http GET request to a given URL and dump out the result in Console.
        /// </summary>
        private static void GETRequest(string url)
            var databaseContext = new ServerResponseLogContext();


            var serverResponseLogService = new ServerResponseLogService(databaseContext);
            var client = new GETRequestExample(new HTTPRequestClient(), serverResponseLogService);

            client.MakeRequestAsync(url, 200).Wait();
            client.MakeRequestAsync(url, 500).Wait();
            client.MakeRequestAsync(url, 408).Wait();
        private void checkLatestEntries(ServerResponseLogContext context)
            // Make sure they are returned when dates are in range
            var inRange = context.GetLatestLogs(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5), DateTime.Now);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, inRange.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, inRange.Where(x => x.HttpStatusCode == 200).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, inRange.Where(x => x.HttpStatusCode == 408).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, inRange.Where(x => x.HttpStatusCode == 500).Count());

            // Make sure they aren't returned when dates are out of range
            var outOfRange = context.GetLatestLogs(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Now);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, outOfRange.Count());
        public async Task AddRecordsToTable()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ServerResponseLogContext>()

            using (var context = new ServerResponseLogContext(options))

                var now     = DateTime.Now;
                var service = new ServerResponseLogService(context);

                await service.AddLogEntry(new ServerResponse()
                    StartTime      = now.AddDays(-2),
                    EndTime        = now.AddDays(-2).AddMinutes(30),
                    HttpStatusCode = 200,
                    Response       = "Unit Test Case 001"

                await service.AddLogEntry(new ServerResponse()
                    StartTime      = now.AddDays(-2),
                    EndTime        = now.AddDays(-2).AddMinutes(30),
                    HttpStatusCode = 500,
                    Response       = "Unit Test Case 002"

                await service.AddLogEntry(new ServerResponse()
                    StartTime      = now.AddDays(-2),
                    EndTime        = now.AddDays(-2).AddMinutes(30),
                    HttpStatusCode = 408,
                    Response       = "Unit Test Case 003"


            using (var context = new ServerResponseLogContext(options))
        private void checkView(ServerResponseLogContext context)
            var viewResults = context.ErrorCodeCounts;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, viewResults.CountAsync().Result);
 private void cleanup(ServerResponseLogContext context)
     // This should normally be avoided, but is used for the esence of time.
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from dbo.server_response_log where ResponseText in ('Unit Test Case 001', 'Unit Test Case 002', 'Unit Test Case 003')");
 public ServerResponseLogService(ServerResponseLogContext context)
     this.context = context;