/// <summary>
        /// method called when the parse results are needed. That is, when any of the
        /// parse result properties are read. The idea is to not parse everytime the
        /// parseText textbox is changed. Just save the "text has been changed" flag
        /// and parse when the parse results are read.
        /// </summary>
        private void ParseTheParseText()
            if ((this.ParseTextChanged == true) || (tbErrmsg.Text.Length != 0))
                tbErrmsg.Text = String.Empty;
                if (this.ParseText.Length == 0)
                    tbErrmsg.Text = "Enter hex text to parse";
                    var lines =
                        this.ParseText.Split(new string[]
                                             { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    var ba = lines.HexTextLinesToBytes();

                    var rv = ServerDataStream.ParseByteArray(ba, -1, this.DataStreamName);
                    this.WrkstnCmdList    = rv.Item1;
                    this.ResponseList     = rv.Item2;
                    this.dsh              = rv.Item3;
                    this.TelList          = rv.Item4;
                    this.ParseTextChanged = false;
 private void StartReadingServerHeartbeat()
     Observable.TimeInterval <DateTime>(ServerDataStream.Select(s => DateTime.Now))
     .SubscribeOn(new EventLoopScheduler())
     .Subscribe(ts => {
         if (ts.Interval.Seconds > SERVER_HEARTBEAT_SEC)
             _shutdownRequested = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// parse the bytestream.  Then write objects to the Child collection which
        /// are displayed when this tree node is expanded.
        /// In this case, write the byte stream as chunks of hex bytes. Then,
        /// depending on the complexity of the byte stream, parse the bytes and write
        /// a report of the parse results.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void FillChildren()
            // the byte stream as a report of hex bytes.
                var report      = this.ByteStream.ToHexReport(32);
                var headerModel = new ReportHeaderModel("Byte data stream", report);

            // parse the bytes.
            var rv            = ServerDataStream.ParseByteArray(this.ByteStream);
            var wrkstnCmdList = rv.Item1;
            var responseList  = rv.Item2;
            var dsh           = rv.Item3;
            var telList       = rv.Item4;
            var funcList      = rv.Item5;

            if (telList != null)
                var report      = telList.ToColumnReport("");
                var headerModel = new ReportHeaderModel("telnet data stream", report);

            if (dsh != null)
                var report      = dsh.ToColumnReport("");
                var headerModel = new ReportHeaderModel("Datastream header", report);

            if ((wrkstnCmdList != null) && (wrkstnCmdList.Count > 0))
                var report      = wrkstnCmdList.ToColumnReport("workstation command list");
                var headerModel = new ReportHeaderModel("workstation command list", report);

            if (funcList?.Count > 0)
                var report      = funcList.ToColumnReport();
                var headerModel = new ReportHeaderModel("SCS control function list", report);

            if (responseList.Count > 0)
                var report      = responseList.ReportResponseItems();
                var headerModel = new ReportHeaderModel("Response data stream", report);
        void NewParse()
            var logList = new TelnetLogList();

            var text  = TextBox1.Text;
            var lines = text.Split(
                new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var ba              = ParseHexLines(lines);
            var inputArray      = new NetworkStreamBackedInputByteArray(ba, ba.Length);
            var sessionSettings = new SessionSettings();

            Process5250.ParseResponseStream(logList, ba);

            foreach (var item in logList)
                if (item.NewGroup == true)

            // peek at the input stream from server. Classify the data that is next
            // to receive.
            var typeData = ServerDataStream.PeekServerCommand(inputArray);

            // input data not recogizied. Not a 5250 data strem header.
            if (typeData == null)
                logList.AddItem(Direction.Read, "Unknown data stream data");
                    Direction.Read, inputArray.PeekBytes().ToHexReport(16));

            else if (typeData.Value == TypeServerData.workstationHeader)
                    var rv = Process5250.GetAndParseWorkstationCommandList(
                        inputArray, sessionSettings);

                    var workstationCmdList = rv.Item1;
            this ConnectedSocketPack SocketPack, ScreenVisualItems VisualItems,
            CanvasPositionCursor Caret)
            WorkstationCommandList       workstationCmdList = null;
            List <WriteToDisplayCommand> wtdCmdList         = null;
            DataStreamHeader             dsh = null;
            var           returnCmdList      = new WorkstationCommandList();
            HowReadScreen?howRead            = null;
            var           logList            = new TelnetLogList();
            bool          gotEOR             = false;

            while (gotEOR == false)
                // input array is eof. Exit loop if have read a READ workstn command.
                // Otherwise, read from server.
                if (SocketPack.InputArray.IsEof() == true)
                    if (howRead != null)
                        var log = SocketPack.InputArray.ReadFromNetworkStream(10, 60);
                        if (SocketPack.InputArray.IsEof() == true)

                // peek at the input stream from server. Classify the data that is next
                // to receive.
                var typeData = ServerDataStream.PeekServerCommand(SocketPack.InputArray);

                // input data not recogizied. Not a 5250 data strem header.
                if (typeData == null)
                    logList.AddItem(Direction.Read, "Unknown data stream data");
                        Direction.Read, SocketPack.InputArray.PeekBytes().ToHexReport(16));

                if (typeData.Value == TypeServerData.workstationHeader)
                        var rv = Process5250.GetAndParseWorkstationCommandList(
                            SocketPack.InputArray, SocketPack.Settings);
                        dsh = rv.Item1;
                        workstationCmdList = rv.Item2;
                        gotEOR = rv.Item4;

                    foreach (var workstationCmd in workstationCmdList)
                        if (workstationCmd is ClearUnitCommand)

                        // WTD command. Add to list of WTD commands. This list is returned to the
                        // caller of this method.
                        else if (workstationCmd is WriteToDisplayCommand)
                            var wtdCommand = workstationCmd as WriteToDisplayCommand;
                            if (wtdCmdList == null)
                                wtdCmdList = new List <WriteToDisplayCommand>();

                        else if (workstationCmd is ReadMdtFieldsCommand)
                            howRead = HowReadScreen.ReadMdt;

                        // save screen command. Build response, send back to server.
                        else if (workstationCmd is SaveScreenCommand)
                            var ra = SaveScreenCommandExt.BuildSaveScreenResponse(VisualItems, Caret);

                            // send response stream back to server.
                                TelnetConnection.WriteToHost(logList, ra, SocketPack.TcpStream);
                                gotEOR = false;

                        else if (workstationCmd is WriteStructuredFieldCommand)
                            var wsfCmd = workstationCmd as WriteStructuredFieldCommand;
                            if (wsfCmd.RequestCode == WSF_RequestCode.Query5250)
                                var ra = Query5250Response.BuildQuery5250Response();

                                // send response stream back to server.
                                    TelnetConnection.WriteToHost(logList, ra, SocketPack.TcpStream);
                                    gotEOR = false;
                        else if (workstationCmd is WriteSingleStructuredFieldCommand)
            return(new Tuple <HowReadScreen?, List <WriteToDisplayCommand>,
                              TelnetLogList, WorkstationCommandList, DataStreamHeader, bool>(
                       howRead, wtdCmdList, logList, returnCmdList, dsh, gotEOR));
        public void EntryPoint()

                // loop receiving from the server until:
                //   - the foreground thread wants to shutdown the connection. It has set
                //     the ShutdownFlag event.
                while ((ShutdownFlag.State == false) &&
                       (this.ConnectionFailedEvent.State == false))
                    var message = InputQueue.WaitAndDequeue(
                        this.ShutdownFlag.EventObject, this.ConnectionFailedEvent.EventObject);
                    if (message != null)
                        if (message is DataStreamHeaderMessage)
                            var dshMessage = message as DataStreamHeaderMessage;
                            var dataBytes  = new byte[] {
                                0x00, 0x0A, 0x12, 0xA0, 0x01, 0x02,
                                0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xEF
                            var dataMessage = new SendDataMessage(dataBytes);

                        else if (message is DataStreamHeader)
                            var dsh       = message as DataStreamHeader;
                            var dataBytes = new byte[] {
                                0x00, 0x0A, 0x12, 0xA0, 0x01, 0x02,
                                0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xEF
                            var dataMessage = new SendDataMessage(dataBytes);

                        else if (message is PrinterDataBytesMessage)
                            var dataMessage     = message as PrinterDataBytesMessage;
                            var dataBytes       = dataMessage.DataBytes;
                            var dataBytesLength = dataBytes.Length;

                            // remove the IAC EOR from the end of the stream.
                            // ( the data stream may end with a partial control function which
                            //   is continued in the next data stream. Do not want to
                            //   confuse the FF EF EOR bytes as data bytes of the possible
                            //   incomplete control function. )
                                var endBytes = dataBytes.Tail(2);
                                var cmdCode  = endBytes.ParseTelnetCommandCode();
                                if ((cmdCode != null) && (cmdCode.Value == CommandCode.EOR))
                                    dataBytesLength -= 2;
//                  dataBytes = dataBytes.SubArray(0, dataBytesLength);

                            // there are remaining bytes from the previous dataBytes message.
                            // insert these remaining bytes after the dataStreamHeader.
                            if (this.RemainingBytes != null)
                                dataBytes = dataBytes.SubArray(0, dataBytesLength);
                                var headerLength = dataBytes.GetDataStreamHeaderLength();
                                if (headerLength != null)
                                    dataBytes =
                                        dataBytes.Insert(headerLength.Value, this.RemainingBytes);
                                    dataBytesLength += this.RemainingBytes.Length;

                            // parse the bytes.
                            var rv            = ServerDataStream.ParseByteArray(dataBytes, dataBytesLength);
                            var wrkstnCmdList = rv.Item1;
                            var responseList  = rv.Item2;
                            var dsh           = rv.Item3;
                            var telList       = rv.Item4;
                            var funcList      = rv.Item5;

                            // bytes at the end of the data stream that were not recognized as
                            // complete SCS function codes.  Save now and add to the front of the
                            // next data stream that arrives. ( add to front after the data
                            // stream header. )
                            this.RemainingBytes = rv.Item6;

                            if (1 == 1)
                                this.OpenDoc = PrintToPdf(dsh, funcList, this.OpenDoc);

                            var respBytes = new byte[] {
                                0x00, 0x0A, 0x12, 0xA0, 0x01, 0x02,
                                0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xEF
                            var respMessage = new SendDataMessage(respBytes);

                        else if (message is GeneralThreadMessage)
                            var generalMessage = message as GeneralThreadMessage;
                            switch (generalMessage.MessageCode)
                            case ThreadMessageCode.ClearLog:

                        else if (message is ExchangeMessage)
                            var exchangeMessage = message as ExchangeMessage;
                            if (exchangeMessage.MessageCode == ThreadMessageCode.GetScreenContent)
                // in case anyone waiting for this thread to end. Signal the ended event.
        /// <summary>
        /// parse from current byte forward in the InputArray. Will either parse a
        /// telnet command or a workstation command.
        /// Route what was parsed to either the FromQueue or the MasterThread. Send to
        /// the FromQueue if still receiving telnet commands. Otherwise, send to the
        /// MasterThread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputArray"></param>
        /// <param name="WipCmdList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Tuple <WorkstationCommandList, bool> ParseAndPostInputArray(
            InputByteArray InputArray, WorkstationCommandList WipCmdList)
            WorkstationCommandList wipCmdList = null;
            bool gotSomething = false;

            if (WipCmdList == null)
                var telCmd = InputArray.NextTelnetCommand();
                if (telCmd != null)
                    gotSomething = true;

            if (gotSomething == false)
                // peek at the input stream from server. Classify the data that is next
                // to receive.
                var typeData = ServerDataStream.PeekServerCommand(InputArray);
                if (typeData != null)
                    var rv = Process5250.ParseWorkstationCommandList(
                        InputArray, this.SessionSettings);

                    var dsh = rv.Item1;
                    var workstationCmdList = rv.Item2;
                    var gotEOR             = rv.Item3;
                    var needMoreBytes      = rv.Item4;

                    // update connectionComplete flag and typeDevice depending on the stream
                    // code of the datastream header.
                    if ((this.ConnectionComplete == false) && (dsh != null) && (dsh.StreamCode != null))
                        this.ConnectionComplete = true;
                        if (dsh.StreamCode.Value == DataStreamCode.Terminal)
                            this.TypeDevice = TypeTelnetDevice.Terminal;
                            this.TypeDevice = TypeTelnetDevice.Printer;

                        // post message to telnet queue so that the ConnectionThread on the
                        // other end will know to shutdown.
                        var message = new TelnetDeviceAttrMessage(this.TypeDevice.Value);

                    // got data stream header.
                    if (dsh != null)
                        if (this.ConnectionComplete == false)
                            var message = new DataStreamHeaderMessage(dsh);
                        gotSomething = true;

                    if (workstationCmdList != null)
                        gotSomething = true;

                    // accum the workstationCmdList
                    if (WipCmdList == null)
                        wipCmdList = workstationCmdList;
                        wipCmdList = WipCmdList;

                    // got EOR.  store the now completed workstationCmdList.
                    if ((gotEOR == true) && (wipCmdList != null))
                        var msg = new WorkstationCommandListMessage(wipCmdList);
                        gotSomething = true;
                        wipCmdList   = null;

            return(new Tuple <WorkstationCommandList, bool>(wipCmdList, gotSomething));