protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebChartControl chart = new WebChartControl(); chart.EnableViewState = false; ChartTitle title = new ChartTitle(); title.Text = string.Format(Utilities.GetResourceString("Common", "ChartHeader"), "Jmeno", "Start 10.12.2010","Finish 17.12.2010"); title.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 10); chart.Titles.Add(title); chart.FillStyle.FillMode = FillMode.Solid; Dictionary<int, Series> series = new Dictionary<int, Series>(); Series s0 = new Series("Recommended price", ViewType.StackedBar); s0.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical; s0.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.DateTime; series.Add(0, s0); SetGraphPoint(series[0], "rnd"); Series s1 = new Series("Actual price", ViewType.Line); s1.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical; s1.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.DateTime; series.Add(1, s1); SetGraphPoint(series[1], "fib"); //Series s2 = new Series("Predicted price", ViewType.Bubble); //s2.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical; //s2.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.DateTime; //series.Add(2, s2); //SetGraphPoint(series[2], "byte"); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Series> serie in series) chart.Series.Add(serie.Value); //chart.SeriesTemplate.ShowInLegend = false; chart.Legend.Direction = LegendDirection.LeftToRight; chart.Legend.AlignmentHorizontal = LegendAlignmentHorizontal.Center; chart.Legend.AlignmentVertical = LegendAlignmentVertical.Bottom; DevExpress.XtraCharts.XYDiagram xyDiagram = new XYDiagram(); xyDiagram.AxisY.Title.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8); xyDiagram.AxisY.Title.Text = "CZK"; xyDiagram.AxisY.Label.Staggered = false; xyDiagram.AxisY.Title.Visible = true; xyDiagram.AxisY.Range.SideMarginsEnabled = true; xyDiagram.AxisY.Interlaced = true; xyDiagram.AxisX.Title.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8); xyDiagram.AxisX.Label.Staggered = true; xyDiagram.AxisX.Range.SideMarginsEnabled = true; xyDiagram.AxisX.Tickmarks.MinorVisible = false; chart.Diagram = xyDiagram; chart.Width = 700; chart.Height = 500; //chart.DataBind(); phMain.Controls.Add(chart); }
public static void ComboHorizontal(dotnetCHARTING.Chart chart, int width, int height, string title, DataTable table, string xColumn, string yColumn) { SeriesCollection SC = new SeriesCollection(); Series s = new Series(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { string telType = row[xColumn].ToString(); Element e = new Element(); e.Name = telType; e.LabelTemplate = "%PercentOfTotal"; e.YValue = Convert.ToDouble(row[yColumn].ToString()); s.Elements.Add(e); } SC.Add(s); chart.TempDirectory = "temp"; chart.Use3D = false; chart.DefaultAxis.Interval = 10; chart.DefaultAxis.CultureName = "zh-CN"; chart.Palette = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(49, 255, 49), Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0), Color.FromArgb(255, 99, 49), Color.FromArgb(0, 156, 255) }; chart.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.AutoWrap = true; chart.Type = ChartType.ComboHorizontal; chart.Size = width + "x" + height; chart.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.Text = ""; chart.Title = title; chart.DefaultElement.ShowValue = true; chart.PieLabelMode = PieLabelMode.Outside; chart.ShadingEffectMode = ShadingEffectMode.Three; chart.NoDataLabel.Text = "û��������ʾ"; chart.SeriesCollection.Add(SC); }
public static Series FileLookupInterpolate2D(Series s1, Series s2, string fileName) { var rval = new Series(); if (s1.IsEmpty || s2.IsEmpty) { Logger.WriteLine("FileLookupInterpolate2D - input series empty"); return rval; } if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { Logger.WriteLine("FileLookupInterpolate2D - input fileName, file not found"); return rval; } CsvFile csv = new CsvFile(fileName, CsvFile.FieldTypes.AllText); foreach (var pt in s1) { Point point = pt; var s2_idx = s2.IndexOf(pt.DateTime); if (s2_idx < 0) { point.Value = Point.MissingValueFlag; } else { point.Value = Interpoloate2D(csv, pt.Value, s2[s2_idx].Value); } rval.Add(point); } return rval; }
public MemoryStream BuildChart(int? type, IDictionary<string, float> dataPoints) { // default to line var chartType = type == null ? SeriesChartType.Line : (SeriesChartType)type; var chart = new Chart(); // configure your chart area (dimensions, etc) here. var area = new ChartArea(); chart.ChartAreas.Add(area); TickMark tm = new TickMark(); // create and customize your data series. var series = new Series(); foreach (var item in dataPoints) { series.Points.AddXY(item.Key, item.Value); } //series.Label = "#PERCENT{P0}"; series.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 8.0f, FontStyle.Bold); series.ChartType = chartType; series["PieLabelStyle"] = "Outside"; chart.Series.Add(series); var returnStream = new MemoryStream(); chart.ImageType = ChartImageType.Png; chart.SaveImage(returnStream); returnStream.Position = 0; return returnStream; }
public void InvalidAddition() { Series s1 = new Series(null,"cfs",TimeInterval.Daily); Series s2 = new Series(null,"cfs",TimeInterval.Monthly); Series s = s1 + s2; }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates a <see cref="TitleControl"/> with a default text /// </summary> public TitleControl(Series series) : this() { this.series = series; if (series == null) this.series = new Series("Add series with the button on the left", null); }
/// <summary> /// Called at the start of your algorithm to setup your requirements: /// </summary> public override void Initialize() { //Set the date range you want to run your algorithm: SetStartDate(startDate); SetEndDate(endDate); //Set the starting cash for your strategy: SetCash(100000); //Add any stocks you'd like to analyse, and set the resolution: // Find more symbols here: AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "SPY", resolution: Resolution.Minute); //Chart - Master Container for the Chart: Chart stockPlot = new Chart("Trade Plot"); //On the Trade Plotter Chart we want 3 series: trades and price: Series buyOrders = new Series("Buy", SeriesType.Scatter, 0); Series sellOrders = new Series("Sell", SeriesType.Scatter, 0); Series assetPrice = new Series("Price", SeriesType.Line, 0); stockPlot.AddSeries(buyOrders); stockPlot.AddSeries(sellOrders); stockPlot.AddSeries(assetPrice); AddChart(stockPlot); Chart avgCross = new Chart("Strategy Equity"); Series fastMA = new Series("FastMA", SeriesType.Line, 1); Series slowMA = new Series("SlowMA", SeriesType.Line, 1); avgCross.AddSeries(fastMA); avgCross.AddSeries(slowMA); AddChart(avgCross); resamplePeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / 2000); }
public void Apply() { ISelection selection = base.Context.Selection; if (selection == null || selection.Items == null) return; List<RetrieveQueryItem> queryItems = new List<RetrieveQueryItem>(); foreach (NBIASearchResult result in selection.Items) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Study.StudyInstanceUid)) { RetrieveQueryItem queryItem = new RetrieveQueryItem(); queryItem.Study.StudyInstanceUid = result.Study.StudyInstanceUid; queryItem.Patient.PatientBirthDate = result.Patient.PatientBirthDate; queryItem.Patient.PatientId = result.Patient.PatientId; queryItem.Patient.PatientsName = result.Patient.PatientsName; queryItem.Patient.PatientsSex = result.Patient.PatientsSex; Series series = new Series(); series.Modality = result.Series.Modality; series.SeriesInstanceUid = result.Series.SeriesInstanceUid; queryItem.Series.Add(series); queryItems.Add(queryItem); } } RetrieveCoordinator.Coordinator.RetrieveStudies(queryItems); }
public static Series ReadCorpsDataFile(string url, TimeInterval interval, params string[] headers) { string units = headers[headers.Length - 1]; if( units == "n (ft)") // hack for Banks Lake. units = "(ft)"; Series rval = new Series(units, interval); rval.HasFlags = true; string fileName = FileUtility.GetTempFileName(".txt"); Web.GetTextFile(url, fileName, true); int[] widths = new int[] { 9, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,9,9 }; var tf = new FixedWidthTextFile(fileName, widths); int col, row; tf.FindIndexToRange(headers, out row, out col); if (row < 0 || col < 0) { Logger.WriteLine("Error: no index found for headers '" + String.Join("','", headers) + "'"); return rval; } rval.Name = String.Join(" ", headers, 0, headers.Length - 1); ReadDataIntoSeries(tf, rval, row + headers.Length, col); return rval; }
private void Init(int waterYear) { qu = new HydrometDailySeries("HEII", "QU"); var t1 = new DateTime(waterYear-1, 10, 1); var t2 = new DateTime(waterYear, 8, 1); if (t2 > DateTime.Now && t2.Year != 7100) { t2 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); } qu.Read(t1, t2); // find date where (if) 20,000 cfs occurs at heii. for (int i = 0; i < qu.Count; i++) { Point pt = qu[i]; if( !pt.IsMissing && pt.Value >=20000) { quDate20000 = pt.DateTime; break; } } solid = FcPlotDataSet.GetPeriodicSeries("Heii.Solid"); dashed = FcPlotDataSet.GetPeriodicSeries("Heii.Dashed"); }
public static Series CreateSeries(string typechar, Dictionary<string, string> diction) { Series ser = null; Dictionary<string, string> dicts = diction; switch (typechar) { case "柱状图": ser = new Series("", ViewType.Bar); break; case "线状图": ser = new Series("", ViewType.Line); break; default: ser = new Series("", ViewType.Bar); break; } ser.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative; foreach (var item in dicts) { SeriesPoint sp = new SeriesPoint(item.Key, item.Value); ser.Points.Add(sp); } SecondaryAxisY sy = new SecondaryAxisY(); sy.GridSpacing = 1; return ser; }
public void Basic() { Series s = new Series(); s.Add("1/1/2006", 20); s.Add("1/2/2006", 20); s.Add("1/3/2006", 20); s.Add("1/4/2006", 20); s.Add("1/5/2006", 20); s.Add("1/6/2006", 20); s.Add("1/7/2006", -40); s.Add("1/8/2006", 10); s.Add("1/9/2006", 50); s.Add("1/10/2006", 20); s.Add("1/11/2006", 20); s.Add("1/12/2006", 20); s.Add("1/13/2006", 20); s.Add("1/14/2006", 20); s.Add("1/15/2006", 20); DateTime t1 = DateTime.Parse("1/6/2006"); DateTime t2 = DateTime.Parse("1/11/2006"); // s.WriteToConsole(); SeriesRange sr = new SeriesRange(s, t1, t2); double d = sr.ComputeSum(15); Console.WriteLine(" \n\n sr.ComputeSum(15)= "+d); Assert.AreEqual(107.5, d, " summed using 15 as guess for midpoint"); sr.SmoothPreservingSum(); Assert.AreEqual(4,sr.MidPointValue,0.01); }
public void LoadSeries(Series series, Piece piece) { if(piece != null) { if(AppGlobal.CollectionsViewInListMode) { AppGlobal.CollectionsViewInListMode = false; } } ResolveSeriesViewController(series); if(_vc.NavigationItem.TitleView != null) { _vc.NavigationItem.TitleView.Dispose(); _vc.NavigationItem.TitleView = null; } var label = new UILabel(); label.Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(14.0f); label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; label.TextColor = UIColor.White; label.Text = series.Title; label.SizeToFit(); _vc.NavigationItem.TitleView = label; this.NavigationController.PushViewController(_vc, true); if(piece != null) { _vc.GoToPiece(series, piece); } }
private void checkChoose_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkChoose.Checked) dateChoose.Enabled = true; else { dateChoose.Enabled = false; Waiting.ShowWaitForm(); Waiting.SetWaitFormDescription("Đang tải tất cả"); chartUSSnr.Series.Clear(); chartRemote.Series.Clear(); Series Dssnr = new Series("DSSNR \r\n " + Mac, ViewType.Line); Series UsTx = new Series("USTX \r\n " + Mac, ViewType.Line); Series DsRx = new Series("DSRX \r\n " + Mac, ViewType.Line); Series UsSnr = new Series("USSNR \r\n " + Mac, ViewType.StepArea); Series UsNoise = new Series("", ViewType.StepArea); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dt.Rows[i]["Status"].ToString() == "online") { Dssnr.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), dt.Rows[i]["value1"].ToString())); UsTx.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), dt.Rows[i]["value2"].ToString())); DsRx.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), dt.Rows[i]["value3"].ToString())); } else { Dssnr.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), "0")); UsTx.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), "0")); DsRx.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), "0")); } if (dt.Rows[i]["value4"].ToString() != "") { UsSnr.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), dt.Rows[i]["value4"].ToString())); if (int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["value4"].ToString()) < 210) { UsNoise.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), dt.Rows[i]["value4"].ToString())); } else { UsNoise.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), "0")); } } else { UsSnr.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), "0")); UsNoise.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy H"), "0")); } } chartUSSnr.Series.AddRange(new Series[] { UsSnr, UsNoise }); chartRemote.Series.AddRange(new Series[] { UsTx, Dssnr, DsRx }); Waiting.CloseWaitForm(); } }
// Override the AddChartSeries method to provide the chart data protected override void AddChartSeries() { ChartSeriesData = new List<Series>(); var series = new Series() { ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie, BorderWidth = 1 }; var shares = chartData.ShareData; foreach (var share in shares) { var point = new DataPoint(); point.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; point.AxisLabel = share.Name; point.ToolTip = share.Name + " " + share.Share.ToString("#0.##%"); if (share.Url != null) { point.MapAreaAttributes = "href=\"" + share.Url + "\""; } point.YValues = new double[] { share.Share }; point.LabelFormat = "P1"; series.Points.Add(point); } ChartSeriesData.Add(series); }
protected void initHeightPlot() { if (cmc == null) { cmc = new CommomMethodsClass(PersonInfo); } List<Double> hVal = new List<Double>(); List<DateTime> dts = new List<DateTime>(); List<Height> heights = cmc.GetValues<Height>(Height.TypeId); if (heights != null) { for (int i = 0; i < heights.Count; i++) { hVal.Add(heights[i].Value.DisplayValue.Value); dts.Add(heights[i].When.ToDateTime()); } } Title chartTitle1 = new Title(); chartTitle1.Text = "Height in Inches"; hgraph.Titles.Add(chartTitle1); Series series4 = new Series("Spline1"); series4.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline; series4.Points.DataBindXY(dts, hVal); series4.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; hgraph.Series.Add(series4); //hide grid lines hgraph.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false; hgraph.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false; }
private void BindChart(string seryName, Dictionary<string, int> pointValues) { Series se = new Series(seryName); se.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Bar; // se.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column; se.XValueType = ChartValueType.String; Chart1.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisX.Interval = 1; // se.LabelFormat = "hh:mm:ss"; // se.Label = "#PERCENT{P2}"; //se["PieLabelStyle"] = "Outside"; // Chart1.Legends.Add("Legend1"); // Chart1.Legends[0].Enabled = true; // Chart1.Legends[0].Docking = Docking.Bottom; // Chart1.Legends[0].Alignment = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Center; //se.LegendText = "#PERCENT{P2}"; //一个point 表示该series在某点的数据 se.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; se.Points.DataBindXY(pointValues.Keys,pointValues.Values ); Chart1.Series.Clear(); Chart1.Series.Add(se); // Chart1.Series[0]["CollectedThresholdUsePercent"] = "true"; /* Chart1.Series[0].Label = "#PERCENT{P2}"; Chart1.Series[0]["PieLabelStyle"] = "Outside";*/ }
private static Series GetSerieData(Folder folder) { var s = new Series(); s.TimeInterval = TimeInterval.Daily; foreach (var msg in folder.Messages) { var txt = msg.Body.Text; var exp = @"Pump Station Average Flow:(\s*\d{1,10}(\.){0,1}\d{0,3})\s*cfs"; Regex re = new Regex(exp); var m = Regex.Match(txt, exp); if (m.Success) { double d = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value); var t = Reclamation.TimeSeries.Math.RoundToNearestHour(msg.Date.Value); if (s.IndexOf(t) < 0) { s.Add(t, d); //msg.Flags.Add(ImapX.Flags.MessageFlags.Seen); msg.Flags.Add(ImapX.Flags.MessageFlags.Deleted); Console.WriteLine(t.ToString() + " " + d.ToString("F2")); } } } return s; }
/// <summary> /// 获取到所有的数据 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private void BindingAllData() { ChartTitle ct = new ChartTitle(); ct.Text = "所有调用次数统计"; chart.Titles.Clear(); chart.Titles.Add(ct); chart.SeriesTemplate.View = new PieSeriesView(); Series series1 = new Series("Line Series 1", ViewType.Pie); DataTable dt = aas.GetCallNumAnalyseData(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string title = dt.Rows[i]["BusinessFullName"].ToString(); double num = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["NUM"].ToString()); series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(title, new double[] { num })); } ((PieSeriesLabel)series1.Label).Position = PieSeriesLabelPosition.Outside; ((PiePointOptions)series1.PointOptions).PointView = PointView.Values; ((PiePointOptions)series1.PointOptions).PercentOptions.ValueAsPercent = true; ((PiePointOptions)series1.PointOptions).ValueNumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Percent; ((PiePointOptions)series1.PointOptions).ValueNumericOptions.Precision = 0; series1.LegendPointOptions.PointView = PointView.ArgumentAndValues; series1.LegendPointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.FixedPoint; series1.LegendPointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Precision = 0; ((PiePointOptions)series1.LegendPointOptions).PercentOptions.ValueAsPercent = false; chart.Series.Add(series1); }
public void AddToEmpty() { Series s1 = new Series(); Series s2 = new Series(); DateTime t = new DateTime(2006, 7, 11); Series s3 = AddTwoSeriesWithDifferentLengths(s1, s2, ref t); Assert.AreEqual(s3.Count, s1.Count); t = new DateTime(2006, 7, 11); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.WriteLine(t); bool missing = true; if (i > 5 && i < 8) missing = false; Assert.AreEqual(s3[i].IsMissing,missing); if (!missing) { Assert.AreEqual(s1.Lookup(t) + s2.Lookup(t),3 ); } t = t.AddDays(1); } }
public static void CreateChart(string imagePath,string name, IEnumerable<BenchResult> results, Func<BenchResult,double> selector) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Width = 500; chart.Height = 400; chart.Titles.Add(name); var area = new ChartArea("Default"); chart.ChartAreas.Add(area); var series = new Series("Default"); chart.Series.Add(series); area.AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.LabelsAngleStep90; area.AxisX.LabelStyle.TruncatedLabels = false; area.AxisX.Interval = 1; series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column; series.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; series.XValueType = ChartValueType.String; series.YValueType = ChartValueType.Int32; foreach(var r in results.OrderBy( r => selector(r))) { DataPoint point = new DataPoint(); point.SetValueXY(r.Serializer.Replace("Adapter",""),(int)Math.Round(selector(r))); point.AxisLabel = r.Serializer.Replace("Adapter", ""); series.Points.Add(point); } chart.SaveImage(imagePath, ChartImageFormat.Png); }
private void MapToShow(Show show, Series data) { show.TheTvDbId = data.Id; show.Name = data.SeriesName; show.Banner = data.Banner; show.ImdbId = data.ImdbId; show.Description = data.Overview; show.LastUpdated = data.LastUpdated.ToDateTime(); AirDay airDay; Enum.TryParse(data.AirsDayOfWeek, out airDay); show.AirDay = airDay; ShowStatus status; Enum.TryParse(data.Status, out status); show.Status = status; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.FirstAired)) { show.FirstAired = this.DateParser.ParseFirstAired(data.FirstAired); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.AirsTime)) { show.AirTime = this.DateParser.ParseAirTime(data.AirsTime); } }
public void Below() { var ds = db.Alarms; ds.AddNewAlarmGroup("lucky"); ds.alarm_definition.Addalarm_definitionRow(true, "lucky", "luc", "fb", "below 5525", "", 10); ds.SaveTable(ds.alarm_definition); ds.alarm_recipient.Addalarm_recipientRow("lucky", 4, "5272", "office", "*****@*****.**"); ds.SaveTable(ds.alarm_recipient); Series s = new Series(); s.Parameter = "fb"; s.SiteID = "luc"; s.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016-11-21 02:00"), 5520.12); s.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016-11-21 02:15"), 5520.12); s.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016-11-21 02:30"), 5520.12); s.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016-11-21 02:45"), 5520.12); ds.Check(s); var queue = ds.GetAlarmQueue(); string sql = "list = 'lucky' AND siteid = 'luc' " + "AND parameter = 'fb' AND status = 'new'"; Assert.IsTrue(queue.Select(sql).Length == 1); }
public ActionResult Details(int width = 500, int height = 500) { var chart = new Chart { Height = height, Width = width }; var chartArea = new ChartArea("Area1") { AxisX = { Interval = 1 }, Area3DStyle = { Enable3D = true }, BackColor = Color.Transparent }; chart.ChartAreas.Add(chartArea); chart.BackColor = Color.Transparent; var seriescountAll = new Series("项目统计"); var countAll = _iProjectInfoStateService.GetAll() .Select(a => new { Key = a.ProjectInfoStateName, Count = a.ProjectInfos.Count(b => !b.Deleted) }); seriescountAll.ChartArea = "Area1"; seriescountAll.IsVisibleInLegend = true; seriescountAll.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; seriescountAll.Label = "#VALX #VALY"; seriescountAll.Points.DataBind(countAll, "Key", "Count", ""); seriescountAll.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Funnel; chart.Series.Add(seriescountAll); var imageStream = new MemoryStream(); chart.SaveImage(imageStream, ChartImageFormat.Png); imageStream.Position = 0; return new FileStreamResult(imageStream, "image/png"); }
public void AboveOrRising() { var ds = db.Alarms; ds.AddNewAlarmGroup("uny"); ds.alarm_definition.Addalarm_definitionRow(true, "uny", "uny", "pc", "above 300 or rising 1", "", 10); ds.SaveTable(ds.alarm_definition); ds.alarm_recipient.Addalarm_recipientRow("uny", 4, "5272", "office", "*****@*****.**"); ds.SaveTable(ds.alarm_recipient); Series s = new Series(); s.Parameter = "pc"; s.SiteID = "uny"; s.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016-11-21 02:00"), 38002.12); s.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016-11-21 02:15"), 38005.02); s.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016-11-21 02:30"), 38002.02); s.Add(DateTime.Parse("2016-11-21 02:45"), 38002.02); ds.Check(s); var queue = ds.GetAlarmQueue(); string sql = "list = 'uny' AND siteid = 'uny' " + "AND parameter = 'pc' AND status = 'new'"; Assert.IsTrue(queue.Select(sql).Length == 1); }
public void Insert(Guid Guid, Guid ServerPartitionGUID, Guid StudyGUID, string SeriesInstanceUid, string Modality, string SeriesNumber, string SeriesDescription, int NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances, string PerformedProcedureStepStartDate, string PerformedProcedureStepStartTime, string SourceApplicationEntityTitle) { var item = new Series(); item.Guid = Guid; item.ServerPartitionGUID = ServerPartitionGUID; item.StudyGUID = StudyGUID; item.SeriesInstanceUid = SeriesInstanceUid; item.Modality = Modality; item.SeriesNumber = SeriesNumber; item.SeriesDescription = SeriesDescription; item.NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances = NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances; item.PerformedProcedureStepStartDate = PerformedProcedureStepStartDate; item.PerformedProcedureStepStartTime = PerformedProcedureStepStartTime; item.SourceApplicationEntityTitle = SourceApplicationEntityTitle; item.Save(UserName); }
public void EqualLengths() { var pu = new Series("daily_wrdo_pu"); pu.TimeInterval = TimeInterval.Daily; pu.Add("10-1-2014", 0); pu.Add("10-2-2014", 1); pu.Add("10-3-2014", 2); pu.Add("10-4-2014", 3); pu.Add("10-5-2014", 4); pu.Add("10-6-2014", 5); var pp = new Series("daily_wrdo_pp"); pp.TimeInterval = TimeInterval.Daily; pp.Add("10-1-2014", 0); pp.Add("10-2-2014", 1); pp.Add("10-3-2014", 1); pp.Add("10-4-2014", 1); pp.Add("10-5-2014", 1); pp.Add("10-6-2014", 1); var puNew = Reclamation.TimeSeries.Math.DailyWaterYearRunningTotal(pp, pu); for (int i = 0; i < pu.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(puNew[i].Value, pu[i].Value); } }
public void FillColumnChart(DataTable DT) { dataGridView1.DataSource = DT; dataGridView1.DataBind(); chart2.Series.Clear(); Series seriesAll = new Series("总收入"); chart2.Series.Add(seriesAll); Series seriesLixi = new Series("利息"); chart2.Series.Add(seriesLixi); Series seriesTouRu = new Series("本金"); chart2.Series.Add(seriesTouRu); chart2.DataSource = DT; //设置图表Y轴对应项 seriesAll.YValueMembers = "All"; seriesLixi.YValueMembers = "Lixi"; seriesTouRu.YValueMembers = "TouRu"; //设置图表X轴对应项 chart2.Series[0].XValueMember = "Time"; //chart2.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true; //chart2.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.Inclination = 30; //chart2.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.PointDepth = 50; //chart2.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.IsClustered = true; //chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.VariableCount; chart2.DataBind(); }
public void BindProductSalesChart(int year) { using (CartDataClassesDataContext context = new CartDataClassesDataContext()) { var productSales = from o in context.Orders where o.DatePlaced.Value.Year == year group o by o.DatePlaced.Value.Month into g orderby g.Key select new { Month = g, TopProducts = (from op in context.OrderProducts where op.OrderDate.Value.Year == year && op.OrderDate.Value.Month == g.Key group op by op.ProductID into opg orderby opg.Count() descending select new { ProductName = context.Products.Where(p => p.ProductID == opg.Key).Single().ProductName, ProductCount = opg.Count() }).Take(5) }; foreach (var sale in productSales) { Series series = new Series(Enum.Parse(typeof(Month), sale.Month.FirstOrDefault().DatePlaced.Value.Month.ToString()).ToString()) { ChartType = SeriesChartType.Bubble}; foreach (var topProduct in sale.TopProducts){ DataPoint point = new DataPoint() { XValue = sale.Month.Key, YValues = new double[] { (double)topProduct.ProductCount }, Label = topProduct.ProductName }; series.Points.Add(point); } ProductSalesChart.Series.Add(series); } } }
private void btnXem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Class.NW_CurrentTrafic tf = new Class.NW_CurrentTrafic(); tf.MacAddress = txtMacaddress.Text; tf.Month = cbThang.EditValue.ToString(); tf.Year = cbNam.EditValue.ToString(); DataTable dt = tf.NW_Trafic_Get(); gridItem.DataSource = dt; Series Ds = new Series("DS: KByte ", ViewType.SwiftPlot); Series Us = new Series("US: KByte ", ViewType.SwiftPlot); Ds.Points.Clear(); Us.Points.Clear(); chartDS.Series.Clear(); chartUS.Series.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Ds.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy HHmm"), dt.Rows[i]["DS"].ToString())); Us.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yy HHmm"), dt.Rows[i]["US"].ToString())); } chartDS.Series.AddRange(new Series[] { Ds }); chartUS.Series.AddRange(new Series[] { Us }); } catch { MessageBox.Show(" KHÔNG TÌM THẤY YÊU CẦU !"); } }
private List <ImportResult> ProcessFile(FileInfo fileInfo, ImportMode importMode, Series series, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name).StartsWith("._")) { _logger.Debug("[{0}] starts with '._', skipping", fileInfo.FullName); return(new List <ImportResult> { new ImportResult(new ImportDecision(new LocalEpisode { Path = fileInfo.FullName }, new Rejection("Invalid video file, filename starts with '._'")), "Invalid video file, filename starts with '._'") }); } if (downloadClientItem == null) { if (_diskProvider.IsFileLocked(fileInfo.FullName)) { return(new List <ImportResult> { FileIsLockedResult(fileInfo.FullName) }); } } var decisions = _importDecisionMaker.GetImportDecisions(new List <string>() { fileInfo.FullName }, series, null, true); return(_importApprovedEpisodes.Import(decisions, true, downloadClientItem, importMode)); }
/// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea chartArea1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea(); System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend legend1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend(); System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(EditForm)); this.chart1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart(); this.StartSlider = new NAudio.Gui.VolumeSlider(); this.EndSlider = new sliderBackwards(this.components); this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.TrimButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.LeftBox = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox(); this.RightBox = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.chart1)).BeginInit(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // chart1 // chartArea1.Name = "ChartArea1"; this.chart1.ChartAreas.Add(chartArea1); legend1.Name = "Legend1"; this.chart1.Legends.Add(legend1); this.chart1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 143); this.chart1.Name = "chart1"; var series1 = new Series { Name = "Audio", Color = Color.Red, ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line }; this.chart1.Series.Add(series1); this.chart1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(776, 295); this.chart1.TabIndex = 0; this.chart1.Text = "chart1"; // // StartSlider // this.StartSlider.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; this.StartSlider.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; this.StartSlider.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(77, 83); this.StartSlider.Name = "StartSlider"; this.StartSlider.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(573, 16); this.StartSlider.TabIndex = 2; this.StartSlider.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.StartSlider_MouseDown); this.StartSlider.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.StartSlider_MouseMove); this.StartSlider.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.StartSlider_MouseUp); // // EndSlider // this.EndSlider.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen; this.EndSlider.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(77, 121); this.EndSlider.Name = "EndSlider"; this.EndSlider.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(573, 16); this.EndSlider.TabIndex = 5; this.EndSlider.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.EndSlider_MouseDown); this.EndSlider.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.EndSlider_MouseMove); this.EndSlider.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.EndSlider_MouseUp); // // label1 // this.label1.AutoSize = true; this.label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(82, 102); this.label1.Name = "label1"; this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(26, 13); this.label1.TabIndex = 3; this.label1.Text = "End"; // // label2 // this.label2.AutoSize = true; this.label2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(82, 67); this.label2.Name = "label2"; this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(29, 13); this.label2.TabIndex = 4; this.label2.Text = "Start"; // // TrimButton // this.TrimButton.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; this.TrimButton.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.TrimButton.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Castellar", 24F); this.TrimButton.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; this.TrimButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 13); this.TrimButton.Name = "TrimButton"; this.TrimButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(146, 51); this.TrimButton.TabIndex = 6; this.TrimButton.Text = "Trim"; this.TrimButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.TrimButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.TrimButton_Click); this.TrimButton.Enter += new System.EventHandler(this.ButEnter); this.TrimButton.Leave += new System.EventHandler(this.ButLeave); // // LeftBox // this.LeftBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.LeftBox.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None; this.LeftBox.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; this.LeftBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(64, 161); this.LeftBox.Name = "LeftBox"; this.LeftBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(10, 241); this.LeftBox.TabIndex = 7; this.LeftBox.Text = ""; // // RightBox // this.RightBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.RightBox.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None; this.RightBox.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; this.RightBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(651, 161); this.RightBox.Name = "RightBox"; this.RightBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(10, 241); this.RightBox.TabIndex = 8; this.RightBox.Text = ""; // // EditForm // this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(752, 450); this.Controls.Add(this.RightBox); this.Controls.Add(this.LeftBox); this.Controls.Add(this.TrimButton); this.Controls.Add(this.EndSlider); this.Controls.Add(this.label2); this.Controls.Add(this.label1); this.Controls.Add(this.StartSlider); this.Controls.Add(this.chart1); this.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"))); this.Name = "EditForm"; this.Text = "EditForm"; this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(this.EditForm_FormClosing); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.EditForm_Load); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.chart1)).EndInit(); this.ResumeLayout(false); this.PerformLayout(); }
public abstract List <ImageFileResult> SeriesImages(Series series);
public abstract MetadataFileResult EpisodeMetadata(Series series, EpisodeFile episodeFile);
public abstract MetadataFileResult SeriesMetadata(Series series);
public abstract MetadataFile FindMetadataFile(Series series, string path);
public void get_series_by_unknown_id_should_return_404() { var result = Series.InvalidGet(1000000); }
private void LoadGraph() { ChartArea chartArea1 = new ChartArea(); chart1.Series.Clear(); Legend legend1 = new Legend(); this.chart1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(211)))), ((int)(((byte)(223)))), ((int)(((byte)(240))))); this.chart1.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom; this.chart1.BackSecondaryColor = Color.White; this.chart1.BorderlineColor = Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(26)))), ((int)(((byte)(59)))), ((int)(((byte)(105))))); this.chart1.BorderlineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid; this.chart1.BorderlineWidth = 2; this.chart1.BorderSkin.SkinStyle = BorderSkinStyle.Emboss; #region ChartArea Properties chartArea1.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.Inclination = 38; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.IsClustered = true; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.IsRightAngleAxes = false; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.LightStyle = LightStyle.Realistic; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.Perspective = 10; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.PointDepth = 200; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.Rotation = 9; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.WallWidth = 0; chartArea1.AxisX.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.VariableCount; chartArea1.AxisY.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.VariableCount; chartArea1.AxisX.MinorGrid.Enabled = true; chartArea1.AxisY.MinorGrid.Enabled = true; chartArea1.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = new Font("Cambria", 8.25F, FontStyle.Bold); chartArea1.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom; chartArea1.BackSecondaryColor = Color.White; chartArea1.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(64)))), ((int)(((byte)(64)))), ((int)(((byte)(64)))), ((int)(((byte)(64))))); chartArea1.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid; //chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoomable = true; #endregion var allYearsArray = growingValues.Keys.ToArray <int>(); // FOSSIL FUELS if (chkFossila.Checked) { Series fossils = new Series(); fossils.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline; fossils.Points.DataBindXY(allYearsArray, growingValues.Values.Select(w => w.GetValue(0)).ToArray()); fossils.Color = Color.Blue; fossils.BorderWidth = 2; fossils.Name = "Fossila Bränslen"; chart1.Series.Add(fossils); } // BIO FUELS if (chkBio.Checked) { Series bio = new Series(); bio.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline; bio.Points.DataBindXY(allYearsArray, growingValues.Values.Select(w => w.GetValue(1)).ToArray()); bio.Color = Color.Red; bio.BorderWidth = 2; bio.Name = "Bio Bränslen"; chart1.Series.Add(bio); } // WIND ENERGY if (chkVind.Checked) { Series wind = new Series(); wind.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline; wind.Points.DataBindXY(allYearsArray, growingValues.Values.Select(w => w.GetValue(2)).ToArray()); wind.Color = Color.Green; wind.BorderWidth = 2; wind.Name = "Vindkraft"; chart1.Series.Add(wind); } // WATER ENERGY if (chkVatten.Checked) { Series vatten = new Series(); vatten.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline; vatten.Points.DataBindXY(allYearsArray, growingValues.Values.Select(w => w.GetValue(3)).ToArray()); vatten.Color = Color.Black; vatten.BorderWidth = 2; vatten.Name = "Vattenkraft"; chart1.Series.Add(vatten); } // NUCLEAR ENERGY if (chkKarn.Checked) { Series nuclear = new Series(); nuclear.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline; nuclear.Points.DataBindXY(allYearsArray, growingValues.Values.Select(w => w.GetValue(4)).ToArray()); nuclear.Color = Color.Brown; nuclear.BorderWidth = 2; nuclear.Name = "Kärnkraft"; chart1.Series.Add(nuclear); } ReloadDataGridView(2050); }
public void RemoveSeries(Series series) { this.seriesEvents.Remove(series.Id); }
public List <ImportResult> ProcessPath(string path, ImportMode importMode = ImportMode.Auto, Series series = null, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem = null) { if (_diskProvider.FolderExists(path)) { var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (series == null) { return(ProcessFolder(directoryInfo, importMode, downloadClientItem)); } return(ProcessFolder(directoryInfo, importMode, series, downloadClientItem)); } if (_diskProvider.FileExists(path)) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); if (series == null) { return(ProcessFile(fileInfo, importMode, downloadClientItem)); } return(ProcessFile(fileInfo, importMode, series, downloadClientItem)); } _logger.Error("Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: {0}", path); return(new List <ImportResult>()); }
public static TraktShowCollected FindMatch(Series item, IEnumerable <TraktShowCollected> results) { return(results.FirstOrDefault(i => IsMatch(item, i.Show))); }
private void Btn_Performance_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { solidGaugeTRG.Visible = true; label3.Visible = true; solidGaugeTC.Visible = true; label2.Visible = true; chart1.Visible = true; if (TxtDate.Text == "Date") { MessageBox.Show("Entrer la Date d'aujourd'hui d'abord et cliquer sur le button Performance ", "Lire le Guide ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { BL.CDB db = new BL.CDB(); db.openConnection(); // a modifer pour chaque Poste MySqlDataAdapter asdf = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from saisie_poste WHERE Date = '" + TxtDate.Text + "' AND Nom_Atelier='Triangle'", db.getConnection()); DataTable ss = new DataTable(); asdf.Fill(ss); TxtNomAtelier.Text = ss.Rows[0][1].ToString(); string v = ss.Rows[0][3].ToString(); // get PC from saisie_poste string w = ss.Rows[0][4].ToString(); //get PNC from saisie_poste string tk = ss.Rows[0][6].ToString(); // get TKT from saisie_poste int sum = int.Parse(w) + int.Parse(v); //calcule de la QT TxtQteProduite.Text = sum.ToString(); //set QT dans TXTBOX string t = ss.Rows[0][9].ToString(); // get time from saisie_poste decimal ct = (decimal)int.Parse(t) / (sum); // calcule de cycle time decimal ctr = Math.Round(ct, 2); TxtCycleTime.Text = ctr.ToString(); // set cycle time dans TXTBOX decimal tkct = Math.Abs(int.Parse(tk) - ct); //calcule de TKTvsCT decimal tktctr = Math.Round(tkct, 2); if (tktctr <= 3) { TxtPer_TKTCT.Text = tktctr.ToString(); //set TKTCT dans txtbox TxtPer_TKTCT.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; button3.Visible = true; } else { TxtPer_TKTCT.Text = tktctr.ToString(); //set TKTCT dans txtbox TxtPer_TKTCT.ForeColor = Color.Crimson; button4.Visible = true; } decimal Trg = (decimal)(int.Parse(v) * ct) * 100 / 1207; // calcule TRG decimal Trgr = Math.Round(Trg, 2); // round with two number solidGaugeTRG.Uses360Mode = false; solidGaugeTRG.From = 0; solidGaugeTRG.To = 100; solidGaugeTRG.Value = (double)(decimal)Trgr; if (Trgr >= 70) { TxtPer_TRG.Text = Trgr.ToString(); // set %TRG to TXTBOX TxtPer_TRG.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; button8.Visible = true; } else { TxtPer_TRG.Text = Trgr.ToString(); // set %TRG to TXTBOX TxtPer_TRG.ForeColor = Color.Crimson; button7.Visible = true; } decimal tc = (decimal)(int.Parse(v) * 100 / sum); // calcule TC decimal tcr = Math.Round(tc, 2); // round with two number solidGaugeTC.Uses360Mode = false; solidGaugeTC.From = 0; solidGaugeTC.To = 100; solidGaugeTC.Value = (double)(decimal)tcr; if (tcr > 80) { TxtPer_TauxConfor.Text = tcr.ToString(); // set %CONFORMITe to TXTBOX TxtPer_TauxConfor.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; button6.Visible = true; } else { TxtPer_TauxConfor.Text = tcr.ToString(); // set %CONFORMITe to TXTBOX TxtPer_TauxConfor.ForeColor = Color.Crimson; button5.Visible = true; } //close the connection db.closeConnection(); db.openConnection(); // get valeur de stock triangle MySqlDataAdapter asdf1 = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from stock_poste WHERE Date = '" + TxtDate.Text + "'", db.getConnection()); DataTable ss1 = new DataTable(); asdf1.Fill(ss1); string s = ss1.Rows[0][5].ToString(); // a modifier pour chaque poste if (int.Parse(s) <= 4) { TxtPer_StockEC_Atelier.Text = s.ToString(); TxtPer_StockEC_Atelier.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; button10.Visible = true; } else { TxtPer_StockEC_Atelier.Text = s.ToString(); TxtPer_StockEC_Atelier.ForeColor = Color.Crimson; button9.Visible = true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MySqlDataAdapter asdf2 = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT Striangle ,Date from stock_poste ", db.getConnection()); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); asdf2.Fill(ds, "Striangle"); chart1.DataSource = ds.Tables["Striangle"]; Series series1 = chart1.Series["Series1"]; series1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column; series1.Name = "Stock Poste Triangle"; var chart = chart1; chart.Series[series1.Name].XValueMember = "Date"; chart.Series[series1.Name].YValueMembers = "Striangle"; chart.Series[0].IsValueShownAsLabel = true; chart.Series[0]["pieLabelStyle"] = "outside"; chart.Series[0].BorderWidth = 1; chart.Series[0].BorderColor = Color.Black; chart.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true; db.closeConnection(); //show labels labelCT.Visible = true; labelQt.Visible = true; labelSec.Visible = true; labelTC.Visible = true; labelTKTCT.Visible = true; labelTrg.Visible = true; } }
protected void bindChart(int advisorBranchId, int branchHeadId, int all) { AdvisorBranchBo advisorBranchBo = new AdvisorBranchBo(); CustomerVo customerVo = new CustomerVo(); CustomerBo customerBo = new CustomerBo(); Legend Branchlegend = null; Branchlegend = new Legend("BranchAssetsLegends"); Branchlegend.Enabled = true; string[] XValues = null; decimal[] YValues = null; DataRow drChAssets; DataRow drChvalues; Series seriesBranchAssets = null; seriesBranchAssets = new Series("seriesBranchAssets"); double DAssetvalue = 0; int j = 0; if (branchAumDT.Rows.Count > 0) { lblChartBranchAUM.Visible = true; ErrorMessage.Visible = false; drChvalues = branchAumDT.Rows[0]; for (int i = 0; i < branchAumDT.Columns.Count - 1; i++) { drChAssets = branchAumDT.NewRow(); branchAumDT.Rows.Add(drChAssets); if (DAssetvalue == 0) { j = j + 1; } } if (j != branchAumDT.Columns.Count) { seriesBranchAssets.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie; //seriesBranchAssets1.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Chocolate; //seriesBranchAssets.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Chocolate; XValues = new string[10]; YValues = new decimal[10]; ChartBranchAssets.Series.Clear(); ChartBranchAssets.DataSource = branchAumDT; //branchAumDT.DefaultView.Sort = "CurrentValue"; ChartBranchAssets.Series.Clear(); ChartBranchAssets.Series.Add(seriesBranchAssets); ChartBranchAssets.Series[0].XValueMember = "Asset"; ChartBranchAssets.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.String; ChartBranchAssets.Series[0].YValueMembers = "CurrentValue"; ChartBranchAssets.Series["seriesBranchAssets"].IsValueShownAsLabel = true; ChartBranchAssets.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title = "Assets"; ChartBranchAssets.Series[0].XValueMember = "Asset"; ChartBranchAssets.DataManipulator.Sort(PointSortOrder.Descending, "Y", seriesBranchAssets); ChartBranchAssets.Legends.Add(Branchlegend); ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].Title = "Assets"; ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].TitleAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].TitleSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.None; ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].TitleSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.GradientLine; ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].TitleSeparatorColor = Color.Black; ChartBranchAssets.Series[0]["PieLabelStyle"] = "Outside"; ChartBranchAssets.Series[0]["PieStartAngle"] = "10"; ChartArea chartArea1 = ChartBranchAssets.ChartAreas[0]; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.IsClustered = true; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.Perspective = 10; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.PointGapDepth = 900; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.IsRightAngleAxes = false; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.WallWidth = 25; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.Rotation = 65; chartArea1.Area3DStyle.Inclination = 35; chartArea1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; chartArea1.BackSecondaryColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; chartArea1.Position.Auto = true; LegendCellColumn colorColumn = new LegendCellColumn(); colorColumn.ColumnType = LegendCellColumnType.SeriesSymbol; colorColumn.HeaderBackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke; ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].CellColumns.Add(colorColumn); ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].BackColor = Color.FloralWhite; LegendCellColumn totalColumn = new LegendCellColumn(); totalColumn.Alignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; totalColumn.Text = "#VALX: #PERCENT"; totalColumn.Name = "AssetsColumn"; totalColumn.HeaderBackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke; ChartBranchAssets.Legends["BranchAssetsLegends"].CellColumns.Add(totalColumn); ChartBranchAssets.Series[0]["PieLabelStyle"] = "Disabled"; ChartBranchAssets.Series[0].ToolTip = "#VALX: #PERCENT"; ChartBranchAssets.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1; ChartBranchAssets.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Total Assets"; ChartBranchAssets.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true; ChartBranchAssets.DataBind(); } } else { lblChartBranchAUM.Visible = false; ErrorMessage.Visible = true; ChartBranchAssets.DataSource = null; ChartBranchAssets.Visible = false; } /* For Chart 2 */ if (topFiveRMDT.Rows.Count > 0) { lblTop5Rms.Visible = true; DataRow drRMCustomersNet; DataRow drRMCustomersNetResults; Series seriesRMCustNetworth = null; seriesRMCustNetworth = new Series("seriesRMCustNetworth"); Series seriesRMCustNetworth1 = null; seriesRMCustNetworth1 = new Series("seriesRMCustNetworth"); Legend RMCustNetLegend = null; Branchlegend = new Legend("legendsTopfiveRM"); seriesRMCustNetworth = new Series("CustomerNetworth"); RMCustNetLegend = new Legend("CustomerNetworthLegends"); RMCustNetLegend.Enabled = true; XValues = new string[10]; YValues = new decimal[10]; drRMCustomersNet = topFiveRMDT.Rows[0]; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Series.Clear(); CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Series.Add(seriesRMCustNetworth); CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.DataSource = topFiveRMDT.DefaultView; topFiveRMDT.Columns.Add("RM Name"); for (int i = 0; i < topFiveRMDT.Rows.Count; i++) { drRMCustomersNet = topFiveRMDT.NewRow(); drRMCustomersNetResults = topFiveRMDT.Rows[i]; j = j + 1; } if (j != topFiveRMDT.Rows.Count) { seriesRMCustNetworth.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Bar; //CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Titles.Add("Top 5 RMs (Customer Base)"); CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Series.Clear(); CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Series.Add(seriesRMCustNetworth); CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Series[0].XValueMember = "RmName"; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.String; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Series[0].YValueMembers = "Customer_networth"; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Series["CustomerNetworth"].IsValueShownAsLabel = true; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title = "RM Name"; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.WordWrap; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.LabelsAngleStep90; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Customer NetWorth"; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true; //CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Legends.Add(Branchlegend); //CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Legends["legendsTopfiveRM"].Title = "Assets"; //CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Legends["legendsTopfiveRM"].TitleAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; //CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Legends["legendsTopfiveRM"].TitleSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.None; //CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Legends["legendsTopfiveRM"].Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; //CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Legends["legendsTopfiveRM"].TitleSeparatorColor = Color.Black; ChartArea custArea = ChartBranchAssets.ChartAreas[0]; custArea.Area3DStyle.Perspective = 10; custArea.Area3DStyle.PointGapDepth = 900; custArea.Area3DStyle.IsRightAngleAxes = false; custArea.Area3DStyle.WallWidth = 25; custArea.Area3DStyle.Rotation = 85; custArea.Area3DStyle.Inclination = 35; seriesRMCustNetworth.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Chocolate; //seriesRMCustNetworth1.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Fire; //seriesRMCustNetworth.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Pastel; //seriesRMCustNetworth1.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Fire; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.DataBind(); } } else { lblTop5Rms.Visible = false; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.DataSource = null; CharttopfiveRMCustNetworth.Visible = false; } /* *********** */ /* For Chart 3 */ if (topFiveCustomerDT.Rows.Count > 0) { chartCustNetworth.Visible = true; DataRow drNetworth; DataRow drNetworthResult; Series seriesCustNetworth = null; seriesCustNetworth = new Series("seriesCustNetworth"); Series seriesCustNetworth1 = null; seriesCustNetworth1 = new Series("seriesCustNetworth"); Legend CustNetLegend = null; Branchlegend = new Legend("legendCustomeAsset"); seriesCustNetworth = new Series("CustomerNetworth"); CustNetLegend = new Legend("CustomerNetworthLegends"); CustNetLegend.Enabled = true; XValues = new string[10]; YValues = new decimal[10]; drNetworth = topFiveCustomerDT.Rows[0]; ChartCustomerNetworth.Series.Clear(); ChartCustomerNetworth.Series.Add(seriesCustNetworth); ChartCustomerNetworth.DataSource = topFiveCustomerDT.DefaultView; topFiveCustomerDT.Columns.Add("Customer Name"); for (int i = 0; i < topFiveCustomerDT.Rows.Count; i++) { drNetworth = topFiveCustomerDT.NewRow(); drNetworthResult = topFiveCustomerDT.Rows[i]; j = j + 1; } if (j != topFiveCustomerDT.Rows.Count) { seriesCustNetworth.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Bar; ChartCustomerNetworth.Series.Clear(); ChartCustomerNetworth.Series.Add(seriesCustNetworth); ChartCustomerNetworth.Series[0].XValueMember = "Customer"; ChartCustomerNetworth.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.String; ChartCustomerNetworth.Series[0].YValueMembers = "Networth"; ChartCustomerNetworth.Series["CustomerNetworth"].IsValueShownAsLabel = true; ChartCustomerNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title = "Customer Name"; ChartCustomerNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.LabelsAngleStep90; ChartCustomerNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1; ChartCustomerNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.WordWrap; ChartCustomerNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelAutoFitMaxFontSize = 5; ChartCustomerNetworth.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Customer NetWorth"; ChartCustomerNetworth.ChartAreas[0].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true; ChartArea custArea = ChartBranchAssets.ChartAreas[0]; custArea.Area3DStyle.Perspective = 10; custArea.Area3DStyle.PointGapDepth = 900; custArea.Area3DStyle.IsRightAngleAxes = false; custArea.Area3DStyle.WallWidth = 25; custArea.Area3DStyle.Rotation = 65; custArea.Area3DStyle.Inclination = 35; //seriesCustNetworth.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Pastel; seriesCustNetworth.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Chocolate; ChartCustomerNetworth.DataBind(); } } else { chartCustNetworth.Visible = false; ChartCustomerNetworth.DataSource = null; ChartCustomerNetworth.Visible = false; } /* *********** */ }
private List <ImportResult> ProcessFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, ImportMode importMode, Series series, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem) { if (_seriesService.SeriesPathExists(directoryInfo.FullName)) { _logger.Warn("Unable to process folder that is mapped to an existing show"); return(new List <ImportResult>()); } var cleanedUpName = GetCleanedUpFolderName(directoryInfo.Name); var folderInfo = Parser.Parser.ParseTitle(directoryInfo.Name); if (folderInfo != null) { _logger.Debug("{0} folder quality: {1}", cleanedUpName, folderInfo.Quality); } var videoFiles = _diskScanService.GetVideoFiles(directoryInfo.FullName); if (downloadClientItem == null) { foreach (var videoFile in videoFiles) { if (_diskProvider.IsFileLocked(videoFile)) { return(new List <ImportResult> { FileIsLockedResult(videoFile) }); } } } var decisions = _importDecisionMaker.GetImportDecisions(videoFiles.ToList(), series, folderInfo, true); var importResults = _importApprovedEpisodes.Import(decisions, true, downloadClientItem, importMode); if ((downloadClientItem == null || !downloadClientItem.IsReadOnly) && importResults.Any(i => i.Result == ImportResultType.Imported) && ShouldDeleteFolder(directoryInfo, series)) { _logger.Debug("Deleting folder after importing valid files"); _diskProvider.DeleteFolder(directoryInfo.FullName, true); } return(importResults); }
private void Resize() { if (_chartReport.InvokeRequired) { _chartReport.Invoke(new Action(Resize)); return; } Series profitSeries = _chartReport.Series.FindByName("SeriesProfit"); ChartArea area = _chartReport.ChartAreas[0]; if (profitSeries == null || profitSeries.Points == null || profitSeries.Points.Count < 1) { return; } int firstX = 0; // first candle displayed/первая отображаемая свеча int lastX = profitSeries.Points.Count; // последняя отображаемая свеча if (_chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScrollBar.IsVisible) {// if you have already selected a range, assign the first and last based on this range/если уже выбран какой-то диапазон, назначаем первую и последнюю исходя из этого диапазона firstX = Convert.ToInt32(area.AxisX.ScaleView.Position); lastX = Convert.ToInt32(area.AxisX.ScaleView.Position) + Convert.ToInt32(area.AxisX.ScaleView.Size) + 1; } if (firstX < 0) { firstX = 0; lastX = firstX + Convert.ToInt32(area.AxisX.ScaleView.Size) + 1; } if (firstX == lastX || firstX > lastX || firstX < 0 || lastX <= 0) { return; } double max = 0; double min = double.MaxValue; for (int i = firstX; profitSeries.Points != null && i < profitSeries.Points.Count && i < lastX; i++) { if (profitSeries.Points[i].YValues.Max() > max) { max = profitSeries.Points[i].YValues.Max(); } if (profitSeries.Points[i].YValues.Min() < min && profitSeries.Points[i].YValues.Min() != 0) { min = profitSeries.Points[i].YValues.Min(); } } if (min == double.MaxValue || max == 0 || max == min || max < min) { return; } area.AxisY2.Maximum = max; area.AxisY2.Minimum = min; }
public virtual void OnRename(Series series) { }
public virtual ImportExistingExtraFileFilterResult <TExtraFile> FilterAndClean(Series series, List <string> filesOnDisk, List <string> importedFiles) { var seriesFiles = _extraFileService.GetFilesBySeries(series.Id); Clean(series, filesOnDisk, importedFiles, seriesFiles); return(Filter(series, filesOnDisk, importedFiles, seriesFiles)); }
/// <summary> /// create chart /// создать чарт /// </summary> private void CreateChart() { if (!HostPortfolio.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { HostPortfolio.Dispatcher.Invoke(CreateChart); return; } _chartReport = new Chart(); HostPortfolio.Child = _chartReport; HostPortfolio.Child.Show(); _chartReport.Series.Clear(); _chartReport.ChartAreas.Clear(); ChartArea areaLineProfit = new ChartArea("ChartAreaProfit"); areaLineProfit.Position.Height = 70; areaLineProfit.Position.Width = 100; areaLineProfit.Position.Y = 0; areaLineProfit.CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = false; areaLineProfit.CursorX.IsUserEnabled = false; areaLineProfit.AxisX.Enabled = AxisEnabled.False; _chartReport.ChartAreas.Add(areaLineProfit); Series profit = new Series("SeriesProfit"); profit.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; profit.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; profit.YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary; profit.ChartArea = "ChartAreaProfit"; profit.ShadowOffset = 2; _chartReport.Series.Add(profit); ChartArea areaLineProfitBar = new ChartArea("ChartAreaProfitBar"); areaLineProfitBar.AlignWithChartArea = "ChartAreaProfit"; areaLineProfitBar.Position.Height = 30; areaLineProfitBar.Position.Width = 100; areaLineProfitBar.Position.Y = 70; areaLineProfitBar.AxisX.Enabled = AxisEnabled.False; _chartReport.ChartAreas.Add(areaLineProfitBar); Series profitBar = new Series("SeriesProfitBar"); profitBar.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column; profitBar.YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary; profitBar.ChartArea = "ChartAreaProfitBar"; profitBar.ShadowOffset = 2; _chartReport.Series.Add(profitBar); _chartReport.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(-15395563); for (int i = 0; _chartReport.ChartAreas != null && i < _chartReport.ChartAreas.Count; i++) { _chartReport.ChartAreas[i].BackColor = Color.FromArgb(-15395563); _chartReport.ChartAreas[i].BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(-16701360); _chartReport.ChartAreas[i].CursorY.LineColor = Color.DimGray; _chartReport.ChartAreas[i].CursorX.LineColor = Color.DimGray; _chartReport.ChartAreas[i].AxisX.TitleForeColor = Color.DimGray; foreach (var axe in _chartReport.ChartAreas[i].Axes) { axe.LabelStyle.ForeColor = Color.DimGray; } } }
public void UpdateData() { // Update X-Axis Labels //List<string> labels = GameState.csvList.xLabels; if (labels == null) { Debug.LogError("Invalid data submitted to GraphUnit::UpdateDate()"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count; i++) { int month = int.Parse(labels [i]); string name = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetMonthName((month - 1) % 12 + 1).Substring(0, 3); if (xAxisLabels.Count != labels.Count) { xAxisLabels.Add(name + ((month - 1) % 12 == 0 ? "\n'0" + (month / 12 + 1) : "")); } else if (xAxisLabels [i] != name) { xAxisLabels [i] = name; } } // Update Values float yMaxValue = 1; //CSVObject csv = GameState.csvList; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > entry in csv.csvList) { string name = entry.Key; List <string> values = entry.Value; if (name == ".xLabels") { continue; } if (!seriesList.ContainsKey(name)) { Rect seriesRect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, graphRect.height); //moved color setting to ConvergeManager.SetColors(); //Color color = new Color (Random.Range (0.2f, 1.0f), Random.Range (0.2f, 1.0f), Random.Range (0.2f, 1.0f)); seriesList [name] = new Series(name, seriesRect, Color.white); //not using this color var if (!isFirstGraph) { convergeManager.seriesLabels.Add(name); //convergeManager.seriesColors [name] = color; //convergeManager.seriesColorsHex [name] = Functions.ColorToHex(color); if (convergeManager.lastSeriesToDraw == null) { convergeManager.lastSeriesToDraw = name; } } } List <float> temp = seriesList [name].values; for (int i = 0; i < values.Count - 1; i++) // Exclude Last Point { float value = (values [i] == "" ? -1f : float.Parse(values [i])); if (temp.Count != values.Count) { temp.Add(value); } else if (!Mathf.Approximately(temp [i], value)) { temp [i] = value; } yMaxValue = Mathf.Max(value, yMaxValue); } } if (!isFirstGraph) { convergeManager.SortLabelsAndNodes(); convergeManager.SetColors(); } int roundTo = int.Parse("5".PadRight(((int)yMaxValue).ToString().Length - 1, '0')); yRangeActual = Mathf.CeilToInt(yMaxValue / roundTo) * roundTo; yRange = yRangeActual; }
public abstract IEnumerable <ExtraFile> ProcessFiles(Series series, List <string> filesOnDisk, List <string> importedFiles);
private void GivenNewSeriesInfo(Series series) { Mocker.GetMock <IProvideSeriesInfo>() .Setup(s => s.GetSeriesInfo(It.IsAny <Int32>())) .Returns(new Tuple <Series, List <Episode> >(series, new List <Episode>())); }
public IEnumerable <Series> Put([FromBody] Series Series) { SeriesRepo.Update(Series); return(SeriesRepo.GetAll()); }
private static bool ShareProviderId(Series a, Series b) { return(string.Equals(a.PresentationUniqueKey, b.PresentationUniqueKey, StringComparison.Ordinal)); }
internal override string GenerarFiltrosColumnas() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var flag = true; ValoresParametros.Clear(); Condiciones.Clear(); sb.Append(" p.empresa = '" + Empresa + "' "); if (Series?.Any() ?? false) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } foreach (var item in Series) { ValoresParametros.Add(item, item); } sb.Append(" p.fkseries in ( " + string.Join(", ", Series.ToArray().Select(f => "@" + f)) + " ) "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.SeriesListado, string.Join(", ", Series.ToArray()))); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Estado) && !Estado.Equals("0-")) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("estado", Estado); sb.Append(" p.fkestados=@estado "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.Estado, Estados?.First(f => f.CampoId == Estado).Descripcion ?? string.Empty)); flag = true; } if (FechaDesde.HasValue) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fechadesde", FechaDesde.Value); sb.Append(" p.fechadocumento>=@fechadesde "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.FechaDesde, FechaDesde)); flag = true; } if (FechaHasta.HasValue) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fechahasta", FechaHasta.Value); sb.Append(" p.fechadocumento<=@fechahasta "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.FechaHasta, FechaHasta)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CuentaDesde)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("cuentadesde", CuentaDesde); sb.Append(" p.fkclientes>=@cuentadesde "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", Rcuentas.CuentaDesde, CuentaDesde)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CuentaHasta)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("cuentahasta", CuentaHasta); sb.Append(" p.fkclientes<=@cuentahasta "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", Rcuentas.CuentaHasta, CuentaHasta)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkarticulosDesde)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkarticulosdesde", FkarticulosDesde); sb.Append(" pl.fkarticulos >= @fkarticulosdesde "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.FkarticulosDesde, FkarticulosDesde)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkarticulosHasta)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkarticuloshasta", FkarticulosHasta); sb.Append(" pl.fkarticulos <= @fkarticuloshasta "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.FkarticulosHasta, FkarticulosHasta)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Fkfamiliasmateriales)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } AppService = new ApplicationHelper(Context); ValoresParametros.Add("fkfamiliasmateriales", Fkfamiliasmateriales); sb.Append(" exists(select mm.* from materiales as mm where,3,3) and mm.fkfamiliamateriales=@fkfamiliasmateriales) "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.FamiliaMateriales, AppService.GetListFamiliaMateriales().SingleOrDefault(f => f.Valor == Fkfamiliasmateriales).Descripcion)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkfamiliasDesde)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkfamiliasdesde", FkfamiliasDesde); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,0,3) >= @fkfamiliasdesde "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.FamiliaDesde, FkfamiliasDesde)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkfamiliasHasta)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkfamiliashasta", FkfamiliasHasta); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,0,3) <= @fkfamiliashasta "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.FamiliaHasta, FkfamiliasHasta)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkmaterialesDesde)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkmaterialesdesde", FkmaterialesDesde); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,3,3) >= @fkmaterialesdesde "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.MaterialesDesde, FkmaterialesDesde)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkmaterialesHasta)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkmaterialeshasta", FkmaterialesHasta); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,3,3) <= @fkmaterialeshasta "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.MaterialesHasta, FkmaterialesHasta)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkcaracteristicasDesde)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkcaracteristicasdesde", FkcaracteristicasDesde); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,6,2) >= @fkcaracteristicasdesde "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.CaracteristicasDesde, FkcaracteristicasDesde)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkcaracteristicasHasta)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkcaracteristicashasta", FkcaracteristicasHasta); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,6,2) <= @fkcaracteristicashasta "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.CaracteristicasHasta, FkcaracteristicasHasta)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkgrosoresDesde)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkgrosoresdesde", FkgrosoresDesde); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,8,2) >= @fkgrosoresdesde "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.GrosoresDesde, FkgrosoresDesde)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkgrosoresHasta)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkgrosoreshasta", FkgrosoresHasta); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,8,2) <= @fkgrosoreshasta "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.GrosoresHasta, FkgrosoresHasta)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkacabadosDesde)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkacabadosdesde", FkacabadosDesde); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,10,2) >= @fkacabadosdesde "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.AcabadosDesde, FkacabadosDesde)); flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FkacabadosHasta)) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" AND "); } ValoresParametros.Add("fkacabadoshasta", FkacabadosHasta); sb.Append(" Substring(pl.fkarticulos,10,2) <= @fkacabadoshasta "); Condiciones.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", RFacturas.AcabadosHasta, FkacabadosHasta)); flag = true; } return(sb.ToString()); }
protected void monthASPxCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { hrASPxCombo.SelectedIndex = 0; dayASPxCombo.SelectedIndex = 0; DataTable dt1 = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DominoServerStatisticsDetailBLL.Ins.SetGraph("mm", "azphxdom1/RPRWyatt"); DataTable dt2 = null; if (monthASPxCombo.SelectedIndex == 1) { dt2 = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DominoServerStatisticsDetailBLL.Ins.SetGraphForMonthCombo("azphxdom1/RPRWyatt", "mm", monthASPxCombo.Value.ToString()); } else if (monthASPxCombo.SelectedIndex == 2) { dt2 = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DominoServerStatisticsDetailBLL.Ins.SetGraphForMonthCombo("azphxdom1/RPRWyatt", "mm", monthASPxCombo.Value.ToString()); } else if (monthASPxCombo.SelectedIndex == 3) { dt2 = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DominoServerStatisticsDetailBLL.Ins.SetGraphForMonthCombo("azphxdom1/RPRWyatt", "mm", monthASPxCombo.Value.ToString()); } else if (monthASPxCombo.SelectedIndex == 4) { dt2 = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DominoServerStatisticsDetailBLL.Ins.SetGraphForMonthCombo("azphxdom1/RPRWyatt", "mm", monthASPxCombo.Value.ToString()); } else { dt2 = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DominoServerStatisticsDetailBLL.Ins.SetGraphForMonthCombo("azphxdom1/RPRWyatt", "mm", monthASPxCombo.Value.ToString()); } bool flag = true; Series series = null; while (flag) { if (series == null) { series = new Series("series1", ViewType.Line); series.Visible = true; series.DataSource = dt1; series.ArgumentDataMember = dt1.Columns["Date"].ToString(); ValueDataMemberCollection seriesValueDataMembers = (ValueDataMemberCollection)series.ValueDataMembers; seriesValueDataMembers.AddRange(dt1.Columns["StatValue"].ToString()); series.CrosshairEnabled = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True; series.View.Color = Color.Blue; dominoServerWebChart.Series.Add(series); ((XYDiagram)dominoServerWebChart.Diagram).PaneLayoutDirection = PaneLayoutDirection.Horizontal; XYDiagram seriesXY = (XYDiagram)dominoServerWebChart.Diagram; seriesXY.AxisX.Title.Text = "Time"; seriesXY.AxisX.Title.Visible = true; seriesXY.AxisY.Title.Text = "Performance"; seriesXY.AxisY.Title.Visible = true; dominoServerWebChart.Legend.Visible = true; // ((SplineSeriesView)series.View).LineTensionPercent = 100; ((LineSeriesView)series.View).LineMarkerOptions.Size = 4; ((LineSeriesView)series.View).LineMarkerOptions.Color = Color.White; //PointSeriesLabel label = (PointSeriesLabel)series.Label; //label.LineLength = 12; //label.LineVisible = true; //label.ResolveOverlappingMode = ResolveOverlappingMode.JustifyAllAroundPoint; AxisBase axis2 = ((XYDiagram)dominoServerWebChart.Diagram).AxisX; //4/18/2014 NS commented out for VSPLUS-312 //axis2.DateTimeGridAlignment = DateTimeMeasurementUnit.Month; axis2.GridSpacingAuto = false; axis2.MinorCount = 15; //axis.GridSpacing = 12; axis2.GridSpacing = 0.5; axis2.Range.SideMarginsEnabled = false; axis2.GridLines.Visible = true; axis2.DateTimeOptions.Format = DateTimeFormat.Custom; axis2.DateTimeOptions.FormatString = "dd/MM HH:mm"; //((SplineSeriesView)series.View).Color = Color.Blue; AxisBase axisy = ((XYDiagram)dominoServerWebChart.Diagram).AxisY; axisy.Range.AlwaysShowZeroLevel = false; axisy.Range.SideMarginsEnabled = true; } else { Series series1 = new Series("series2", ViewType.Line); //Series series2 = new Series("s2", ViewType.Spline); series1.Visible = true; series1.DataSource = dt2; series1.ArgumentDataMember = dt2.Columns["Date"].ToString(); ValueDataMemberCollection seriesValueDataMembers = (ValueDataMemberCollection)series1.ValueDataMembers; seriesValueDataMembers.AddRange(dt2.Columns["StatValue"].ToString()); series1.CrosshairEnabled = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True; series1.View.Color = Color.SeaGreen; dominoServerWebChart.Series.Add(series1); ((XYDiagram)dominoServerWebChart.Diagram).PaneLayoutDirection = PaneLayoutDirection.Horizontal; XYDiagram seriesXY = (XYDiagram)dominoServerWebChart.Diagram; //seriesXY.AxisX.Title.Text = "Time"; //seriesXY.AxisX.Title.Visible = true; seriesXY.AxisY.Title.Text = "Performance"; seriesXY.AxisY.Title.Visible = true; dominoServerWebChart.Legend.Visible = false; //((SplineSeriesView)series1.View).LineTensionPercent = 100; ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Size = 4; ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Color = Color.White; // ((SplineSeriesView)series1.View).Color = Color.SeaGreen; //PointSeriesLabel label = (PointSeriesLabel)series.Label; //label.LineLength = 12; //label.LineVisible = true; //label.ResolveOverlappingMode = ResolveOverlappingMode.JustifyAllAroundPoint; AxisBase axis2 = ((XYDiagram)dominoServerWebChart.Diagram).AxisX; //4/18/2014 NS commented out for VSPLUS-312 //axis2.DateTimeGridAlignment = DateTimeMeasurementUnit.Month; axis2.GridSpacingAuto = false; axis2.MinorCount = 15; //axis.GridSpacing = 12; axis2.GridSpacing = 0.5; axis2.Range.SideMarginsEnabled = false; axis2.GridLines.Visible = true; axis2.DateTimeOptions.Format = DateTimeFormat.Custom; axis2.DateTimeOptions.FormatString = "dd/MM HH:mm"; AxisBase axisy = ((XYDiagram)dominoServerWebChart.Diagram).AxisY; axisy.Range.AlwaysShowZeroLevel = false; axisy.Range.SideMarginsEnabled = true; //((SplineSeriesView)series.View).Color = Color.; flag = false; } } }
private void AddUndefinedChannels(MeterDataSet meterDataSet) { List<DataSeries> undefinedDataSeries = meterDataSet.DataSeries .Concat(meterDataSet.Digitals) .Where(dataSeries => (object)dataSeries.SeriesInfo.Channel.Line == null) .ToList(); if (undefinedDataSeries.Count <= 0) return; Meter meter = meterDataSet.Meter; if (meter.MeterLines.Count == 0) { Log.Warn($"Unable to automatically add channels to meter {meterDataSet.Meter.Name} because there are no lines associated with that meter."); return; } if (meter.MeterLines.Count > 1) { Log.Warn($"Unable to automatically add channels to meter {meterDataSet.Meter.Name} because there are too many lines associated with that meter."); return; } Line line = meter.MeterLines .Select(meterLine => meterLine.Line) .Single(); foreach (DataSeries series in undefinedDataSeries) series.SeriesInfo.Channel.LineID = line.ID; using (AdoDataConnection connection = meterDataSet.CreateDbConnection()) { TableOperations<MeasurementType> measurementTypeTable = new TableOperations<MeasurementType>(connection); TableOperations<MeasurementCharacteristic> measurementCharacteristicTable = new TableOperations<MeasurementCharacteristic>(connection); TableOperations<Phase> phaseTable = new TableOperations<Phase>(connection); TableOperations<SeriesType> seriesTypeTable = new TableOperations<SeriesType>(connection); Dictionary<string, MeasurementType> measurementTypeLookup = undefinedDataSeries .Select(dataSeries => dataSeries.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType) .DistinctBy(measurementType => measurementType.Name) .Select(measurementType => measurementTypeTable.GetOrAdd(measurementType.Name, measurementType.Description)) .ToDictionary(measurementType => measurementType.Name); Dictionary<string, MeasurementCharacteristic> measurementCharacteristicLookup = undefinedDataSeries .Select(dataSeries => dataSeries.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementCharacteristic) .DistinctBy(measurementCharacteristic => measurementCharacteristic.Name) .Select(measurementCharacteristic => measurementCharacteristicTable.GetOrAdd(measurementCharacteristic.Name, measurementCharacteristic.Description)) .ToDictionary(measurementCharacteristic => measurementCharacteristic.Name); Dictionary<string, Phase> phaseLookup = undefinedDataSeries .Select(dataSeries => dataSeries.SeriesInfo.Channel.Phase) .DistinctBy(phase => phase.Name) .Select(phase => phaseTable.GetOrAdd(phase.Name, phase.Description)) .ToDictionary(phase => phase.Name); Dictionary<string, SeriesType> seriesTypeLookup = undefinedDataSeries .Select(dataSeries => dataSeries.SeriesInfo.SeriesType) .DistinctBy(seriesType => seriesType.Name) .Select(seriesType => seriesTypeTable.GetOrAdd(seriesType.Name, seriesType.Description)) .ToDictionary(seriesType => seriesType.Name); Dictionary<ChannelKey, Channel> channelLookup = meter.Channels .GroupBy(channel => new ChannelKey(channel)) .ToDictionary(grouping => { if (grouping.Count() > 1) Log.Warn($"Detected duplicate channel key: {grouping.First().ID}"); return grouping.Key; }, grouping => grouping.First()); List<Channel> undefinedChannels = undefinedDataSeries .Select(dataSeries => dataSeries.SeriesInfo.Channel) .GroupBy(channel => new ChannelKey(channel)) .Where(grouping => !channelLookup.ContainsKey(grouping.Key)) .Select(grouping => grouping.First()) .ToList(); TableOperations<Channel> channelTable = new TableOperations<Channel>(connection); // Add all undefined channels to the database foreach (Channel channel in undefinedChannels) { string measurementTypeName = channel.MeasurementType.Name; string measurementCharacteristicName = channel.MeasurementCharacteristic.Name; string phaseName = channel.Phase.Name; channel.MeterID = meter.ID; channel.LineID = line.ID; channel.MeasurementTypeID = measurementTypeLookup[measurementTypeName].ID; channel.MeasurementCharacteristicID = measurementCharacteristicLookup[measurementCharacteristicName].ID; channel.PhaseID = phaseLookup[phaseName].ID; channel.Enabled = true; // If the per-unit value was not specified in the input file, // we can obtain the per-unit value from the line configuration // if the channel happens to be an instantaneous or RMS voltage if (!channel.PerUnitValue.HasValue) { if (IsVoltage(channel)) { if (IsLineToNeutral(channel)) channel.PerUnitValue = (line.VoltageKV * 1000.0D) / Sqrt3; else if (IsLineToLine(channel)) channel.PerUnitValue = line.VoltageKV * 1000.0D; } } channelTable.AddNewRecord(channel); } if (undefinedChannels.Count > 0) { // Refresh the channel lookup to // include all the new channels meter.Channels = null; channelLookup = meter.Channels .GroupBy(channel => new ChannelKey(channel)) .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping.First()); } Dictionary<SeriesKey, Series> seriesLookup = meter.Channels .SelectMany(channel => channel.Series) .Where(series => series.SourceIndexes == "") .GroupBy(series => new SeriesKey(series)) .ToDictionary(grouping => { if (grouping.Count() > 1) Log.Warn($"Detected duplicate series key: {grouping.First().ID}"); return grouping.Key; }, grouping => grouping.First()); List<Series> undefinedSeries = undefinedDataSeries .SelectMany(dataSeries => dataSeries.SeriesInfo.Channel.Series) .GroupBy(series => new SeriesKey(series)) .Where(grouping => !seriesLookup.ContainsKey(grouping.Key)) .Select(grouping => grouping.First()) .ToList(); TableOperations<Series> seriesTable = new TableOperations<Series>(connection); // Add all undefined series objects to the database foreach (Series series in undefinedSeries) { ChannelKey channelKey = new ChannelKey(series.Channel); string seriesTypeName = series.SeriesType.Name; series.ChannelID = channelLookup[channelKey].ID; series.SeriesTypeID = seriesTypeLookup[seriesTypeName].ID; series.SourceIndexes = ""; seriesTable.AddNewRecord(series); } if (undefinedSeries.Count > 0) { // Refresh the series lookup to // include all the new series foreach (Channel channel in meter.Channels) channel.Series = null; seriesLookup = meter.Channels .SelectMany(channel => channel.Series) .GroupBy(series => new SeriesKey(series)) .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping.First()); } // Update all undefined data series to reference the new database objects foreach (DataSeries dataSeries in undefinedDataSeries) { SeriesKey seriesKey = new SeriesKey(dataSeries.SeriesInfo); Series series = seriesLookup[seriesKey]; dataSeries.SeriesInfo = series; } } }
public void Add(Series series) { _context.Series.Add(series); }
public void Update(Series series) { _context.Entry(series).State = EntityState.Modified; }
public void AddSeries(Series series) { this.seriesEvents.Add(series.Id, new TeamEvents(series.Id, this.teamId)); }
private async void ctrlDashboard_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DateTime.Now.Month < 10) { dataAtual = "0" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); } else { dataAtual = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); } string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"pro-vantagens-firebase-adminsdk-5cf5q-82ec44750b.json"; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", path); FirestoreDb db = FirestoreDb.Create("pro-vantagens"); Query queryUser = db.Collection("users"); QuerySnapshot usersSnapshots = await queryUser.GetSnapshotAsync(); foreach (DocumentSnapshot userDocument in usersSnapshots) { Clients clients = userDocument.ConvertTo <Clients>(); if (userDocument.Exists) { clientsTotal = clientsTotal + 1; if (clients.plan != null) { clientsOn = clientsOn + 1; } } Query Query = db.Collection("users").Document(userDocument.Id).Collection("invoices"); QuerySnapshot snapshots = await Query.GetSnapshotAsync(); foreach (DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot in snapshots) { if (documentSnapshot.Exists) { Invoices invoices = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo <Invoices>(); if (documentSnapshot.Id == dataAtual) { if (invoices.status == "Ok") { invoiceOk = invoiceOk + 1; } if (invoices.status == "Pendente") { invoicePendente = invoicePendente + 1; } if (invoices.status == "Vencido") { invoiceVencida = invoiceVencida + 1; } } else { if (invoices.status == "Vencido") { invoiceVencidaOld = invoiceVencidaOld + 1; } } } } Query queryPay = db.Collection("users").Document(userDocument.Id).Collection("payments"); QuerySnapshot paySnap = await queryPay.GetSnapshotAsync(); String documentName; foreach (DocumentSnapshot paySnapshot in paySnap) { Payments payments = paySnapshot.ConvertTo <Payments>(); if (payments.status == "Ok") { documentName = (paySnapshot.Id.Split('-')[1] + "-" + paySnapshot.Id.Split('-')[2]); if (documentName == dataAtual) { recebidoMes = recebidoMes + Convert.ToDouble(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "01-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { janNow = janNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "02-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { fevNow = fevNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "03-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { marNow = marNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "04-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { abrNow = abrNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "05-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { maiNow = maiNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "06-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { junNow = junNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "07-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { julNow = julNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "08-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { agoNow = agoNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "09-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { setNow = setNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "10-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { outNow = outNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "11-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { novNow = novNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "12-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { dezNow = dezNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "01-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { janNow = janNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "02-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { fevNow = fevNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "03-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { marNow = marNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "04-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { abrNow = abrNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "05-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { maiNow = maiNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "06-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { junNow = junNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "07-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { julNow = julNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "08-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { agoNow = agoNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "09-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { setNow = setNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "10-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { outNow = outNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "11-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { novNow = novNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "12-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) { dezNow = dezNow + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } //Ano anterior if (documentName == "01-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { janOld = janOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "02-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { fevOld = fevOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "03-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { marOld = marOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "04-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { abrOld = abrOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "05-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { maiOld = maiOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "06-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { junOld = junOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "07-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { julOld = julOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "08-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { agoOld = agoOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "09-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { setOld = setOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "10-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { outOld = outOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "11-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { novOld = novOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (documentName == "12-" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()) { dezOld = dezOld + double.Parse(payments.value.Replace("R$: ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } if (payments.status == "Estornado") { } } } ///////////////////////////////////////Adicionar dados a tela\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //Assinaturas lbClientsTotal.Text = clientsTotal.ToString(); lbClientsOn.Text = clientsOn.ToString(); //Cobrança lbPayOk.Text = invoiceOk.ToString(); lbNoPrazo.Text = invoicePendente.ToString(); lbVencidas.Text = invoiceVencida.ToString(); lbVencidasOld.Text = invoiceVencidaOld.ToString(); //Valor recebido no mês lbRecebidoMes.Text = "R$ " + recebidoMes.ToString(); //Grafico ano atual this.graficPaymentsNow.Palette = ChartColorPalette.SeaGreen; graficPaymentsNow.Series.Clear(); Series series = this.graficPaymentsNow.Series.Add("Ano atual"); series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.RangeColumn; series.IsXValueIndexed = true; for (int i = 0; i < months.Length; i++) { if (months[i] == "Janeiro") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], janNow); } if (months[i] == "Fevereiro") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], fevNow); } if (months[i] == "Março") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], marNow); } if (months[i] == "Abril") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], abrNow); } if (months[i] == "Maio") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], maiNow); } if (months[i] == "Junho") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], junNow); } if (months[i] == "Julho") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], julNow); } if (months[i] == "Agosto") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], agoNow); } if (months[i] == "Setembro") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], setNow); } if (months[i] == "Outubro") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], outNow); } if (months[i] == "Novembro") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], novNow); } if (months[i] == "Dezembro") { series.Points.AddXY(months[i], dezNow); } } //Grafico ano anterior this.graficPaymentsOld.Palette = ChartColorPalette.SeaGreen; graficPaymentsOld.Series.Clear(); Series paymentOldSerie = this.graficPaymentsOld.Series.Add("Ano anterior"); paymentOldSerie.ChartType = SeriesChartType.RangeColumn; paymentOldSerie.IsXValueIndexed = true; for (int i = 0; i < months.Length; i++) { if (months[i] == "Janeiro") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], janOld); } if (months[i] == "Fevereiro") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], fevOld); } if (months[i] == "Março") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], marOld); } if (months[i] == "Abril") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], abrOld); } if (months[i] == "Maio") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], maiOld); } if (months[i] == "Junho") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], junOld); } if (months[i] == "Julho") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], julOld); } if (months[i] == "Agosto") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], agoOld); } if (months[i] == "Setembro") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], setOld); } if (months[i] == "Outubro") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], outOld); } if (months[i] == "Novembro") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], novOld); } if (months[i] == "Dezembro") { paymentOldSerie.Points.AddXY(months[i], dezOld); } } //Grafico assinaturas this.graficClients.Palette = ChartColorPalette.SeaGreen; graficClients.Series.Clear(); Series clientSerie = this.graficClients.Series.Add("Clientes"); clientSerie.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie; clientSerie.IsXValueIndexed = true; for (int i = 0; i < clients.Length; i++) { if (clients[i] == "Ativos") { clientSerie.Points.AddXY("Ativos", clientsOn); } if (clients[i] == "Inativos") { clientSerie.Points.AddXY("Inativos", clientsTotal - clientsOn); } } }