public SerializablePopulation(Population population)
        // Set the first few fields
        count = population.Count;
        prePopulationCount = population.PrePopulationCount;
        foodDominance      = population.FoodDominance;
        origin             = population.Origin;

        // Create a list with all the entries in the needs dictionary
        IEnumerable <SerializableNeed> entries = population.Needs.Values
                                                 .Select(need => new SerializableNeed(need));

        needs = new List <SerializableNeed>(entries);

        // Set the remaining fields
        growthCalculator        = new SerializableGrowthCalculator(population.GrowthCalculator);
        isPaused                = population.IsPaused;
        hasAccessibilityChanged = population.HasAccessibilityChanged;
    private void UpdateItems()
        // Destroy any existing items on update
        foreach (VerboseInspectorItem item in items)
        // Clear out the list

        // Try to get the game manager
        GameManager gameManager = GameManager.Instance;

        // Check if there is a game manager and a connected inspector
        if (gameManager && inspector)
            // Get the tile data at the inspector's position and display all the data as a JSON
            TileData tileData = gameManager.m_tileDataController.GetTileData(inspector.selectedPosition);

            if (tileData.Food)
                // Inspect the food source component
                FoodSource food = tileData.Food.GetComponent <FoodSource>();
            if (tileData.Animal)
                // Get some references to the objects we will inspect
                Animal animal = tileData.Animal.GetComponent <Animal>();
                SerializablePopulation       population       = new SerializablePopulation(animal.PopulationInfo);
                SerializableGrowthCalculator growthCalculator = new SerializableGrowthCalculator(animal.PopulationInfo.GrowthCalculator);

                CreateInspectorItem(population, "Population");