        public static void ScanZSEQUENCE(string directory) // TODO make this folder identifiable, add directory and list of banks from scanned directory to this
            // check if files were added by user to directory
            // we're not going to check for non-zseq here until I find an easy way to do that
            //  Just going to trust users aren't stupid enough to think renaming a mp3 to zseq will work
            // format: FILENAME_InstrumentSet_Categories-separated-by-commas.zseq
            //  where the filename, instrumentset, and categories are separated by single underscore
            foreach (String filePath in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.zseq"))
                String filename = Path.GetFileName(filePath);

                // test if file has enough delimiters to separate data into name_bank_formats
                String[] pieces = filename.Split('_');
                if (pieces.Length != 3)

                byte[] input_seq_data = null;
                using (BinaryReader bank_reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(Path.Combine(directory, filename), FileMode.Open)))
                    input_seq_data = new byte[((int)bank_reader.BaseStream.Length)];
                    bank_reader.Read(input_seq_data, 0, (int)bank_reader.BaseStream.Length);

                SequenceBinaryData sequence_data   = null;
                InstrumentSetInfo  instrumnet_info = null;
                if (pieces[1].Contains("x")) //temporary, we can remove this now that we have MMRS, but maybe don't remove just yet
                    // load the custom bank for this file
                    byte[] input_bank_data = null;
                    String bank_name       = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf(".zseq")) + ".zbank";
                    using (BinaryReader bank_reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(Path.Combine(directory, bank_name), FileMode.Open)))
                        input_bank_data = new byte[((int)bank_reader.BaseStream.Length)];
                        bank_reader.Read(input_bank_data, 0, (int)bank_reader.BaseStream.Length);

                    byte[] meta_data = new byte[8];
                    using (BinaryReader meta_reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(Path.Combine(directory, bank_name.Substring(0, bank_name.LastIndexOf(".zbank")) + ".bankmeta"), FileMode.Open)))
                        meta_reader.Read(meta_data, 0, meta_data.Length);

                    pieces[1] = pieces[1].Replace("x", "");

                    instrumnet_info = new InstrumentSetInfo()
                        BankBinary   = input_bank_data,
                        BankMetaData = meta_data,
                        BankSlot     = Convert.ToInt32(pieces[1], 16),
                        Modified     = true

                sequence_data = new SequenceBinaryData
                    SequenceBinary = input_seq_data,
                    InstrumentSet  = instrumnet_info

                var sourceName       = filename;
                var sourceTypeString = pieces[2].Substring(0, pieces[2].Length - 5);
                var sourceInstrument = Convert.ToInt32(pieces[1], 16);
                //var sourceType = Array.ConvertAll(sourceTypeString.Split('-'), int.Parse).ToList();
                List <int> sourceType = new List <int>();
                foreach (String part in sourceTypeString.Split('-'))
                    sourceType.Add(Convert.ToInt32(part, 16));

                SequenceInfo sourceSequence = new SequenceInfo
                    Name               = sourceName,
                    Type               = sourceType,
                    Instrument         = sourceInstrument,
                    SequenceBinaryList = new List <SequenceBinaryData>()

        public static void ScanForMMRS(string directory)
            // check if user has added mmrs packed sequence files to the music folder
            //  mmrs is just a zip that has all the small files:
            //  the sequence itself, the categories, and the instrument set value
            //    if the song requires a custom audiobank, the bank and bank meta data are also here
            //  the user should be able to pack the archive with multiple sequences and multiple banks to match,
            //   where the redundancy increases likley hood of a song being able to be placed in a free audiobank slot

            foreach (String filePath in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.mmrs"))
                    using (ZipArchive zip = ZipFile.OpenRead(filePath))
                        List <string> sequences      = new List <string>();
                        SequenceInfo  new_song       = new SequenceInfo();;
                        String[]      split_filepath = filePath.Split('\\');
                        new_song.Name = split_filepath[split_filepath.Length - 1];

                        //read categories file
                        ZipArchiveEntry categories_entry = zip.GetEntry("categories.txt");
                        if (categories_entry != null)
                            List <int> category_list   = new List <int>();
                            String     category_string = new StreamReader(categories_entry.Open(), Encoding.Default).ReadToEnd();
                            char       delimter        = ',';
                            if (category_string.Contains("-")) // someone will mess this up, its an easy thing to check for here tho
                                delimter = '-';
                            else if (category_string.Contains("\n"))
                                delimter = '\n';
                            foreach (String line in category_string.Split(delimter))
                                category_list.Add(Convert.ToInt32(line, 16));
                            new_song.Type = category_list;
                        else  // there should always be one, if not, print error and skip
                            Debug.WriteLine("ERRROR: cannot find a categories file for " + new_song.Name);

                        MD5 md5lib = MD5.Create();
                        foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zip_item in zip.Entries)
                            if (zip_item.Name.Contains("zseq"))
                                // read sequence binary file
                                byte[] seq_data = new byte[zip_item.Length];
                                zip_item.Open().Read(seq_data, 0, seq_data.Length);

                                SequenceBinaryData new_sequence_data = new SequenceBinaryData()
                                    SequenceBinary = seq_data

                                string file_name_extensionless = zip_item.Name.Substring(0, zip_item.Name.LastIndexOf(".zseq"));
                                new_song.Instrument = Convert.ToInt32(file_name_extensionless, 16); // assuming we're naming with inst.zseq and inst.bank

                                ZipArchiveEntry bank_entry = zip.GetEntry(zip_item.Name.Substring(0, zip_item.Name.LastIndexOf(".zseq")) + ".zbank");
                                if (bank_entry != null) // custom bank detected
                                    // read bank file
                                    byte[] bank_data = new byte[bank_entry.Length];
                                    bank_entry.Open().Read(bank_data, 0, bank_data.Length);

                                    // read bank meta data file
                                    ZipArchiveEntry meta_entry = zip.GetEntry(file_name_extensionless + ".bankmeta");
                                    byte[]          meta_data  = new byte[meta_entry.Length];
                                    meta_entry.Open().Read(meta_data, 0, meta_data.Length);

                                    new_sequence_data.InstrumentSet = new InstrumentSetInfo()
                                        BankBinary   = bank_data,
                                        BankSlot     = new_song.Instrument,
                                        BankMetaData = meta_data,
                                        Modified     = 1,
                                        Hash         = BitConverter.ToInt64(md5lib.ComputeHash(bank_data), 0)
                                }//if requires bank

                                // multiple seq possible, add depending on if first or not
                                if (new_song.SequenceBinaryList == null)
                                    new_song.SequenceBinaryList = new List <SequenceBinaryData> {
                            } //is file zseq
                        }     // foreach zip entry

                        if (new_song != null && new_song.SequenceBinaryList != null)
                    } // zip as file
                }     // for each zip
                catch (Exception e) // log it, continue with other songs
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error attempting to read archive: " + filePath + " -- " + e);
        public static void ScanForMMRS(string directory)
            // check if user has added mmrs packed sequence files to the music folder
            //  mmrs is just a zip that has all the small files:
            //  the sequence itself, the categories, and the instrument set value
            //    if the song requires a custom audiobank, the bank and bank meta data are also here
            //    if the song requires custom instrument samples, those are also here
            //  the user should be able to pack the archive with multiple sequences and multiple banks to match,
            //   where the redundancy increases likley hood of a song being able to be placed in a free audiobank slot
            MD5 md5lib = MD5.Create();

            foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.mmrs"))
                    using (ZipArchive zip = ZipFile.OpenRead(filePath))
                        var currentSong   = new SequenceInfo();;
                        var splitFilePath = filePath.Split('\\');
                        currentSong.Name = splitFilePath[splitFilePath.Length - 1];

                        //read categories file
                        ZipArchiveEntry categoriesFileEntry = zip.GetEntry("categories.txt");
                        if (categoriesFileEntry != null)
                            var categoriesList = new List <int>();
                            var categoryData   = new StreamReader(categoriesFileEntry.Open(), Encoding.Default).ReadToEnd();
                            var delimitingChar = ',';
                            if (categoryData.Contains("-")) // someone will mess this up, its an easy thing to check for here tho
                                delimitingChar = '-';
                            else if (categoryData.Contains("\n"))
                                delimitingChar = '\n';
                            foreach (var line in categoryData.Split(delimitingChar))
                                categoriesList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(line, 16));
                            currentSong.Type = categoriesList;
                        else  // there should always be one, if not, print error and skip
                            Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: cannot find a categories file for " + currentSong.Name);

                        // read list of sound samples
                        var samplesList = new List <SequenceSoundSampleBinaryData>();
                        foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zSoundFile in zip.Entries.Where(e => e.Name.Contains("zsound")))
                            var sampleData = new byte[zSoundFile.Length];
                            zSoundFile.Open().Read(sampleData, 0, sampleData.Length);
                            var sampleNameSplit = zSoundFile.Name.Split('_'); // everything before _ is a comment, readability, discard here
                            var sampleName      = sampleNameSplit.Length > 1 ? sampleNameSplit[sampleNameSplit.Length - 1] : zSoundFile.Name;
                            sampleName = sampleName.Split('.')[0];            // we don't need the filetype after here either at this point
                            uint sampleNameMarker = Convert.ToUInt32(sampleName, 16);
                                new SequenceSoundSampleBinaryData()
                                BinaryData = sampleData,
                                Addr       = sampleNameMarker,
                                Marker     = sampleNameMarker,
                                Hash       = BitConverter.ToInt64(md5lib.ComputeHash(sampleData), 0)
                        currentSong.InstrumentSamples = samplesList;

                        // per sequence, read sequence and banks if needed
                        foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zSeqFile in zip.Entries.Where(e => e.Name.Contains("zseq")))
                            // read sequence binary file
                            var zSeqData = new byte[zSeqFile.Length];
                            zSeqFile.Open().Read(zSeqData, 0, zSeqData.Length);
                            var zSeq = new SequenceBinaryData()
                                SequenceBinary = zSeqData

                            // zseq filename is the instrument set
                            var fileNameInstrumentSet = zSeqFile.Name.Substring(0, zSeqFile.Name.LastIndexOf(".zseq"));
                            currentSong.Instrument = Convert.ToInt32(fileNameInstrumentSet, 16);

                            var bankFileEntry = zip.GetEntry(zSeqFile.Name.Substring(0, zSeqFile.Name.LastIndexOf(".zseq")) + ".zbank");
                            if (bankFileEntry != null) // custom bank detected
                                // read bank file
                                byte[] zBankData = new byte[bankFileEntry.Length];
                                bankFileEntry.Open().Read(zBankData, 0, zBankData.Length);

                                // read bankmeta file
                                var bankmetaFileEntry = zip.GetEntry(fileNameInstrumentSet + ".bankmeta");
                                var bankmetaData      = new byte[bankmetaFileEntry.Length];
                                bankmetaFileEntry.Open().Read(bankmetaData, 0, bankmetaData.Length);

                                zSeq.InstrumentSet = new InstrumentSetInfo()
                                    BankBinary   = zBankData,
                                    BankSlot     = currentSong.Instrument,
                                    BankMetaData = bankmetaData,
                                    Modified     = 1,
                                    Hash         = BitConverter.ToInt64(md5lib.ComputeHash(zBankData), 0),
                            }//if requires bank

                            // multiple seq possible, add depending on if first or not
                            if (currentSong.SequenceBinaryList == null)
                                currentSong.SequenceBinaryList = new List <SequenceBinaryData> {
                        } // foreach zip entry

                        if (currentSong != null && currentSong.SequenceBinaryList != null)
                    } // zip as file
                }     // for each zip
                catch (Exception e) // log it, continue with other songs
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error attempting to read archive: " + filePath + " -- " + e);