public ActionResult UpdateRateOptionsNote(SentEmailItem data) { //var messageModelReload = new AppraisalConfirmationMessage(); //var messageModel = new ErrorMessage(); UserAccount loggedUser = null; try { if (HttpContext != null && HttpContext.Session != null && HttpContext.Session[SessionHelper.UserData] != null) { loggedUser = ( UserAccount )HttpContext.Session[SessionHelper.UserData]; } else { // TODO: Handle if user don't have priviledges to see this log throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("User is not authorized to access this method!"); } ContactServiceFacade.UpdateSentEmailItemNote(data, loggedUser.UserAccountId); } catch (Exception exception) { TraceHelper.Error(TraceCategory.OrderAppraisal, "Failed to save appraisal order", exception); } return(Json(true)); }
// // GET: /OpenRateOptionNotesPopupCommand/ /* * public ActionResult Index() * { * return View(); * } */ public override void Execute() { base.Execute(); try { var emailId = 0; if (InputParameters.ContainsKey("SentMailId")) { Int32.TryParse(InputParameters["SentMailId"].ToString().TrimEnd(), out emailId); } if (emailId == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing sent email Id!"); } RateOptionViewModel model = new RateOptionViewModel(); SentEmailItem bussinesContactViewModel = ContactServiceFacade.RetrieveSentEmailItemNote(emailId, base.User.UserAccountId); if (bussinesContactViewModel != null) { model.SentEmailNote = bussinesContactViewModel.Notes; model.SentEmailIdCurrent = emailId; } ViewName = "Commands/_rateOptionsNotePopup"; ViewData = model; } catch (Exception ex) { TraceHelper.Error(TraceCategory.LoanCenter, "There is some issues in method OpenBusinessContactPopupCommand.Execute(): " + ex.Message, ex); throw; } }