        private async void UpdateTimeAndDate(ThreadPoolTimer timer)
            var now = DateTime.Now;

            string time = now.ToString("hh:mm tt");

            if (time.StartsWith("0"))
                time = time.Substring(1);
            CurrentTime = time;

            // Standard long date format using the current system language
            CurrentDate = now.Date.ToString("D");

            // Check to see if enough time has passed since the last reading in order to send a new message
            TimeSpan diff = now.Subtract(_latestMessageTimestamp);

            if (diff.TotalMinutes >= MessageTimeLimit)
                // Upload Temperature and Humidity readings to the Azure IoT Hub, if configured
                _latestMessageTimestamp = now;
                await _sensorServer.SendSensorDataToAzureAsync();

                if (Settings.MapFlipEnabled)

            // Rough estimates for sunrise and sunset
            var sunset  = DateTime.Parse("8:00 PM");
            var sunrise = DateTime.Parse("5:00 AM");

            ColorScheme = (now > sunrise && now < sunset) ? MapColorScheme.Light : MapColorScheme.Dark;