private static void RegisterUser() { do { success = true; C.Write("Username:\t"); string userName = C.Read(); C.Write("Password:\t"); string password = C.ReadPassword(); stopwatch.Restart(); //AccessToken data = C.CallService<AccessToken, object>(Method.POST, Url.Login, login, HttpHeaders.FormUrlEncoded, false).Result; string registerData = C.Register(userName, password).Result; stopwatch.Stop(); C.LogExecutionTime("Register new user", stopwatch); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(registerData)) { C.Log(registerData); success = true; } else { C.Log(registerData); success = false; } C.Log(); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log(); } while (!success); }
private static void GetLogFile() { do { success = true; C.Write("Please Enter Username :\t"); string userEmail = C.Read(); stopwatch.Restart(); ApiData <List <Log_Data> > logData = C.CallService <ApiData <List <Log_Data> >, string>(Method.GET, Url.GetLog, true, "email".PairedWith(userEmail)).Result; stopwatch.Stop(); C.LogExecutionTime("GetLogFile: Download File", stopwatch); if (logData.Status) { success = true; stopwatch.Restart(); C.Save_ApiLogData(logData.Data); stopwatch.Stop(); C.LogExecutionTime("GetLogFile: Save File", stopwatch); C.Log(); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log("Log Saved Successfully"); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log("========================================================"); } else { success = false; C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log(logData.Message); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Read(); } } while (!success); }
private static void UpdateFile() { do { success = true; C.Write("Enter log file Path:\t"); string fileName = C.Read(); StreamReader re = File.OpenText(fileName); string fileData = re.ReadToEndAsync().Result; if (fileData.Substring(fileData.IndexOf("}") + 1, 1) != ",") { fileData = "[" + fileData.Replace("}", "},") + "]"; } List <Log_Data> data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Log_Data> >(fileData); C.Log("Saving Log to Logging Server"); List <Log_Data> eData = new List <Log_Data>(); stopwatch.Restart(); foreach (var item in data) { var d = item.EncryptData(Encryption.PublicKey); d.LogData_Id = Encryption.DecryptText(d.LogData_Id, Encryption.PublicKey); eData.Add(d); } stopwatch.Stop(); C.LogExecutionTime("UpdateFile: Encrypt File", stopwatch); stopwatch.Restart(); bool saveData = C.CallService <bool, List <Log_Data> >(Method.POST, Url.UpdateLog, eData, HttpHeaders.Json, true).Result; stopwatch.Stop(); C.LogExecutionTime("UpdateFile: Upload File", stopwatch); if (saveData) { success = true; C.Log(); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log("Log Uploaded Successfully"); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log("========================================================"); } else { success = false; C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log("Error: Please try again."); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Read(); } } while (!success); }
private static void UserLogin() { AccessToken userData = null; do { success = true; C.Write("Username:\t"); string userName = C.Read(); C.Write("Password:\t"); string password = C.ReadPassword(); stopwatch.Restart(); //AccessToken data = C.CallService<AccessToken, object>(Method.POST, Url.Login, login, HttpHeaders.FormUrlEncoded, false).Result; userData = C.Login(userName, password).Result; stopwatch.Stop(); C.LogExecutionTime("User Login", stopwatch); if (userData != null) { C.Log("Login Successfull"); success = true; } else { C.Log("Username or Password is incorrect"); success = false; C.Read(); } C.Log(); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log(); } while (!success); if (success) { if (userData.IsActive) { Services.AccessToken = userData.Access; Encryption.PublicKey = userData.PublicKey; LoggedIn = true; } else { success = false; Services.AccessToken = userData.Access; C.Log(); C.Log("========================================================"); C.Log("You have been deactived from the system."); C.Log("========================================================"); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.Clear(); do { Console.Clear(); C.Log("=================================================================="); C.Log("1. User Login:"******"2. Register New User:"******"0. Exit"); C.Log("=================================================================="); C.Write("Enter your Choice:\t"); string choice = C.Read(); int userChoice = 0; if (int.TryParse(choice, out userChoice)) { C.Log(); C.Log("=================================================================="); switch (userChoice) { case 0: Environment.Exit(0); break; case 1: UserLogin(); break; case 2: RegisterUser(); break; default: C.Log("You have entered a wrong choice. Please try again."); break; } C.Log(); C.Log("Press any key to continue................."); C.Read(); } else { C.Log("You have entered a wrong choice. Please try again."); C.Log(); C.Log("Press any key to continue................."); C.Read(); } Console.Clear(); } while (!LoggedIn); //UserLogin(); if (success) { success = true; Console.Clear(); do { C.Log("=================================================================="); C.Log("1. Save Log file to Logging Server:"); C.Log("2. Get Log file from Logging Server:"); C.Log("3. Update Log file to Logging Server:"); C.Log(); C.Log("0. Exit"); C.Log("=================================================================="); C.Write("Enter your Choice:\t"); string choice = C.Read(); int userChoice = 0; if (int.TryParse(choice, out userChoice)) { C.Log(); C.Log("=================================================================="); switch (userChoice) { case 0: Environment.Exit(0); break; case 1: SaveFile(); break; case 2: GetLogFile(); break; case 3: UpdateFile(); break; default: C.Log("You have entered a wrong choice. Please try again."); break; } C.Log(); C.Log("Press any key to continue................."); C.Read(); } else { C.Log("You have entered a wrong choice. Please try again."); C.Log(); C.Log("Press any key to continue................."); C.Read(); } Console.Clear(); } while (true); } C.Read(); } catch (Exception ex) { C.Log("============================ERROR============================"); C.Log(ex.Message); C.Read(); } }