public ActionResult StockCardDetail(string stockCardID, string id) { StockCradDetails scDetails = sc.createStockCardDetail(id); sc.createDisbursementTransaction(stockCardID, id); // List<StockCradDetails> scDisTran = sc.showDisbursementTransaction(stockCardID, id); sc.createSupplierTransaction(stockCardID, id); List <IncomingCode> incomingTran = sc.showSupplierTransaction(stockCardID); int balance = sc.getLatestBalance(stockCardID, id); int reorderLevel = sc.getReorderLevel(id); if (balance <= reorderLevel) { Users u = ds.GetUserInfo((int)Session["UserID"]); string EmailID = u.EmailID; SendEmailNotification send = new SendEmailNotification(); String EmailSubject = "Reorder level low at ItemID#" + id; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear SuSu,</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Your reorder level is low in ItemID" + id + ". For your reference.</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; send.SendEmailHTML("*****@*****.**", EmailSubject, EmailBody); } ViewBag.stockCardDetail = scDetails; // ViewBag.scDisbursementTran = scDisTran; ViewBag.incomingTran = incomingTran; return(View()); }
public override Activity GenerateActivityOnWorkflow(SequentialWorkflow workflow) { Logger.Instance.WriteMethodEntry(); try { // Create a new instance of the SendEmailNotification activity and assign // dependenty property values based on inputs to standard activity controls SendEmailNotification wfa = new SendEmailNotification { ActivityDisplayName = this.activityDisplayName.Value, Advanced = this.advanced.Value, ActivityExecutionCondition = this.activityExecutionCondition.Value, EmailTemplate = this.emailTemplate.Value, To =, CC =, Bcc = this.bcc.Value, SuppressException = this.suppressException.Value, }; return(wfa); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Instance.ReportError(e); throw; } finally { Logger.Instance.WriteMethodExit(); } }
public ActionResult SubmitDiscrepency(RequisitionDetails Dp) { String ItemID = Dp.ItemID; string StockcardID = getstockcardID(ItemID); string DisStatus = "PendingForApproval"; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataLink.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); string cmdtext = @"insert into Discrepancy (DisbursementID,StockCardID,DiscrepancyQty,Reason,DiscrepancyStatus,ItemID) values ('" + Dp.DisbursementID + "','" + StockcardID + "'," + Dp.DeliveredQty + ",'" + Dp.Reason + "','" + DisStatus + "','" + ItemID + "')"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdtext, conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } Users u = ds.GetUserInfo((int)Session["UserID"]); string EmailID = u.EmailID; int DiscrepancyId = GetDiscrepancyID(); SendEmailNotification send = new SendEmailNotification(); String EmailSubject = "Request Submitted DiscrepancyID#" + DiscrepancyId; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear KyiPhyu,</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Your order is ready to deliver with Discrepancy ID" + DiscrepancyId + " for your reference.</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; send.SendEmailHTML("*****@*****.**", EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(RedirectToAction("DisbursementList")); }
/// <summary> /// This method initializes activity UI controls to their default values. /// </summary> /// <param name="activity">An instance of the current workflow activity. This provides a way to extract the values of the properties to display in the UI.</param> public override void LoadActivitySettings(Activity activity) { Logger.Instance.WriteMethodEntry(); try { // Cast the supplied activity as a SendEmailNotification activity SendEmailNotification wfa = activity as SendEmailNotification; if (wfa == null) { return; } // Set form control values based on the activity's dependency properties this.activityDisplayName.Value = wfa.ActivityDisplayName; this.advanced.Value = wfa.Advanced; this.activityExecutionCondition.Value = wfa.ActivityExecutionCondition; this.emailTemplate.Value = wfa.EmailTemplate; = wfa.To; = wfa.CC; this.bcc.Value = wfa.Bcc; this.suppressException.Value = wfa.SuppressException; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Instance.ReportError(e); throw; } finally { Logger.Instance.WriteMethodExit(); } }
public Task Handle(SendUserOrderCreatedEmailNotification notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var sendEmailNotification = new SendEmailNotification { ToEmail = notification.ToEmail, ToName = notification.ToName, TemplateId = sendGridOptions.OrderCreatedUserTemplateId }; return(mediator.Publish(sendEmailNotification)); }
public ActionResult SaveRepresentative(int UserID) { Users DepRepInfo = Data_Users.GetDepRepInfo((string)Session["DeptID"]); int prev_DepRep = DepRepInfo.UserID; int Confirm = Data_Users.AssignRepresentative(UserID); if (Confirm != 0) { Data_Users.RemoveRepresentative(prev_DepRep); } //Email Alert to Department Staff and clerk for Assign Representative. SendEmailNotification sen = new SendEmailNotification(); // Deparmentrep Info = Data_User.RequestInfo(ID); int empID = UserID; //Email to staff who have assigned as Department Representative Users userInfo = Data_Users.GetInfoByUserID(empID); Users ClerkInfo = Data_Users.GetStoreClerkInfo(userInfo.DeptID_FK); Department department = Data_Department.GetDepartmentInfoByID(userInfo.DeptID_FK); String Useremail = userInfo.EmailID; String EmailSubject = " Change for department representative"; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear " + userInfo.Username + ",</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>You have been assigned as Department Representative for " + department.Departmentname + "."; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; sen.SendEmailHTML(Useremail, EmailSubject, EmailBody); //Send email to Store Clerk for changing Department representative String EmailSubject1 = "Change for department representative"; //String EmailBody = "<p>Dear Yee Mon , </p>"; String EmailBody1 = "<p> Dear " + ClerkInfo.Username + ",</p>"; EmailBody1 += "<p>I am " + userInfo.Username + " currently the Department Representative for " + department.Departmentname + ". We are pleased to say that we have changed new assign representative for <b> " + department.Departmentname + "</b>. The new representative is <b>" + ClerkInfo.Username + ".</p>"; EmailBody1 += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody1 += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; sen.SendEmailHTML(ClerkInfo.EmailID, EmailSubject1, EmailBody1); return(RedirectToAction("Assginrepresentative")); }
public async Task <string?> SendAsync(SendEmailNotification notificationDto) { // валидация данных // генерация отчета по соответствующим параметрам // формирование объекта для отправки // проверка политик, выбор провайдера, ретрай, ... await Task.Delay(1); return(notificationDto.Recipients.FirstOrDefault()?.Recipient.ToString()); }
public ActionResult SubmitRequisition(List <WishList> wishListofusers) //triggreed when Request is submitted { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataLink.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); string cmdtext = @"insert into RequisitionList (statusOfRequest,DateOfSubmission,DeptID_FK,UserID_FK) values ('PendingforApproval'" + ",'" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','" + (String)Session["DeptID"] + "','" + (int)Session["UserID"] + "')"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdtext, conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } int requestID = getRequisitionID(); Debug.WriteLine(requestID); foreach (WishList wt in wishListofusers) { //int Temp = wt.ItemID.Length; /*Debug.WriteLine(wt.ItemID); * Debug.WriteLine(wt.ItemName); * Debug.WriteLine(wt.UOM); * Debug.WriteLine(wt.RequiredQuantity);*/ using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataLink.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); string cmdtext = @"insert into RequisitionDetail (RequisitionID,ItemID,RequisitionQuantity) values ('" + requestID + "','" + wt.ItemID + "','" + wt.RequiredQuantity + "')"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdtext, conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } clearWishList((int)Session["UserID"]); //Email Alert to users fpr placing order. SendEmailNotification sen = new SendEmailNotification(); Users userInfo = Data_Users.GetInfoByUserID((int)Session["UserID"]); Department department = Data_Department.GetDepartmentInfoByID(userInfo.DeptID_FK); String Useremail = userInfo.EmailID; String EmailSubject = "Request Submitted RequisitionID#" + requestID; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear " + userInfo.Username + ",</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Your order has been succesfully submitted here is the OrderID " + requestID + " for your reference. Currently, it is been pending for approval from your " + department.DepartmentHead + ".</br> We will notify you once it approved.</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; sen.SendEmailHTML(Useremail, EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(RedirectToAction("MyRequisitions")); }
private async Task SendAsyncInternal(EmailMessage message, string emailType, bool enableNotification) { if (enableNotification) { var notification = new SendEmailNotification(message.ToNotificationEmail(_globalSettings.Smtp?.From), emailType); await _eventAggregator.PublishAsync(notification); // if a handler handled sending the email then don't continue. if (notification.IsHandled) { _logger.LogDebug("The email sending for {Subject} was handled by a notification handler", notification.Message.Subject); return; } } if (_globalSettings.IsSmtpServerConfigured == false) { _logger.LogDebug("Could not send email for {Subject}. It was not handled by a notification handler and there is no SMTP configured.", message.Subject); return; } using var client = new SmtpClient(); await client.ConnectAsync(_globalSettings.Smtp.Host, _globalSettings.Smtp.Port, (MailKit.Security.SecureSocketOptions)(int) _globalSettings.Smtp.SecureSocketOptions); if (!(_globalSettings.Smtp.Username is null && _globalSettings.Smtp.Password is null)) { await client.AuthenticateAsync(_globalSettings.Smtp.Username, _globalSettings.Smtp.Password); } var mailMessage = message.ToMimeMessage(_globalSettings.Smtp.From); if (_globalSettings.Smtp.DeliveryMethod == SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network) { await client.SendAsync(mailMessage); } else { client.Send(mailMessage); } await client.DisconnectAsync(true); }
//send Manger to notify when Discrepancy> 250 //by supervisor public ActionResult sendMail() { Users u = ds.GetUserInfo((int)Session["UserID"]); string EmailID = u.EmailID; int discrepancyID = GetDiscrepancyID(); SendEmailNotification send = new SendEmailNotification(); String EmailSubject = "Request Submitted DiscrepancyID#" + discrepancyID; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear KyiPhyu,</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Your item has discrepancy in Discrepancy ID" + discrepancyID + " for your reference.</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; send.SendEmailHTML("*****@*****.**", EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(RedirectToAction("UpdateAdjustmentStatus", "Adjustment")); }
public ActionResult sendRejectMailSup() { Users u = ds.GetUserInfo((int)Session["UserID"]); string EmailID = u.EmailID; int discrepancyID = GetDiscrepancyID(); SendEmailNotification send = new SendEmailNotification(); String EmailSubject = "Rejected DiscrepancyID#" + discrepancyID; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear SuSu,</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Your Discrepancy ID" + discrepancyID + " has been rejected by supervisor.</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; send.SendEmailHTML("*****@*****.**", EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(RedirectToAction("UpdateAdjustmentStatus", "Adjustment")); }
public Task Handle(SendSupplierInvitationEmailNotification notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var supplierSignUpUrl = string.Format(clientOptions.SupplierSignUpUrl, clientOptions.BaseUrl, notification.InvitationToken); var templateData = new SupplierInvitationEmailTemplateData { SignUpUrl = supplierSignUpUrl }; var sendEmailNotification = new SendEmailNotification { ToEmail = notification.ToEmail, ToName = notification.ToName, TemplateId = sendGridOptions.SupplierInvitationTemplateId, TemplateData = templateData }; return(mediator.Publish(sendEmailNotification)); }
public ActionResult RejectRequest(int ID, string Comments) { Data_CancelRequest DC = new Data_CancelRequest(); if (Comments.Length == 0) { DC.RejectRequest(ID); } else { DC.RejectRequestwithComments(ID, Comments); } //return RedirectToAction("ApproveRequisition"); //Email Alert to users for Reject request. SendEmailNotification sen = new SendEmailNotification(); // Users userInfo = Data_Users.GetInfoByUserID((int)Session["UserID"]); RequisitionList requestInfo = Data_CancelRequest.RequestInfo(ID); int empID = (int)requestInfo.UserID_FK; Users userInfo = Data_Users.GetInfoByUserID(empID); Department department = Data_Department.GetDepartmentInfoByID(userInfo.DeptID_FK); String Useremail = userInfo.EmailID; String EmailSubject = "Request Rejected for RequisitionID#" + ID; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear " + userInfo.Username + ",</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Your request " + ID + " has been Rejected by the the your Department Head " + department.DepartmentHead + ". For more details please login into your Account or Please contact your Department Head."; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; sen.SendEmailHTML(Useremail, EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(RedirectToAction("ApproveRequisition")); }
public ActionResult RemoveDelegation(Delegations Dg) //this method triggers when the "ADD" button is pressed for the item. { int IsUnAllocated; //Debug.WriteLine(s.ItemID); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataLink.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); string cmdtext = @"UPDATE Delegation SET DelegationStatus ='UnAllocated' where DelegationID = '" + Dg.DelegationID + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdtext, conn); IsUnAllocated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (IsUnAllocated != 0) { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataLink.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); string cmdtext = @"UPDATE Users SET role ='DepStaff' where Username = '******'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdtext, conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } //Email Alert to department staff who has been remove for Delegation Users user = Data_Users.GetUserInfo(Dg.Username); SendEmailNotification sen = new SendEmailNotification(); Department department = Data_Department.GetDepartmentInfoByID(user.DeptID_FK); String Useremail = user.EmailID; String EmailSubject = "Removed from Delegation"; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear " + user.Username + ",</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>You have been removed from InterimHead for " + department.Departmentname + "."; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; sen.SendEmailHTML(Useremail, EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(RedirectToAction("ViewDelegations")); }
public ActionResult CancelOrder(int ID) { Data_CancelRequest DC = new Data_CancelRequest(); DC.CancelRequest(ID); SendEmailNotification sen = new SendEmailNotification(); Users userInfo = Data_Users.GetInfoByUserID((int)Session["UserID"]); Department department = Data_Department.GetDepartmentInfoByID(userInfo.DeptID_FK); String Useremail = userInfo.EmailID; String EmailSubject = "Cancellation of ReuestID#" + ID; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear " + userInfo.Username + ",</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>We would like to inform you that your Request for stationery with RequisitionID " + ID + " has been cancelled by you .</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; sen.SendEmailHTML(Useremail, EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(RedirectToAction("MyRequisitions")); }
public override Activity GenerateActivityOnWorkflow(SequentialWorkflow workflow) { Logger.Instance.WriteMethodEntry(); try { // Create a new instance of the SendEmailNotification activity and assign // dependenty property values based on inputs to standard activity controls SendEmailNotification wfa = new SendEmailNotification { ActivityDisplayName = this.activityDisplayName.Value, QueryResources = this.queryResources.Value, Advanced = this.advanced.Value, ActivityExecutionCondition = this.activityExecutionCondition.Value, Iteration = this.iteration.Value, EmailTemplate = this.emailTemplate.Value, To =, CC =, Bcc = this.bcc.Value, SuppressException = this.suppressException.Value, }; // Convert the definition listings (web controls) to hash tables which can be serialized to the XOML workflow definition // A hash table is used due to issues with deserialization of lists and other structured data DefinitionsConverter queriesConverter = new DefinitionsConverter(this.queries.DefinitionListings); DefinitionsConverter workflowDataVariablesConverter = new DefinitionsConverter(this.workflowDataVariables.DefinitionListings); wfa.QueriesTable = queriesConverter.DefinitionsTable; wfa.WorkflowDataVariablesTable = workflowDataVariablesConverter.DefinitionsTable; return(wfa); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Instance.ReportError(e); throw; } finally { Logger.Instance.WriteMethodExit(); } }
public ActionResult SaveDelegation(Delegations d) { int IsAllocated; Users user = Data_Users.GetInfoByUserID(d.UserID); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataLink.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); string cmdtext = @"insert into Delegation (DeptID,UserID,StartDate,EndDate,Username,DelegationStatus) values ('" + user.DeptID_FK + "','" + user.UserID + "','" + d.StartDate + "','" + d.EndDate + "','" + user.Username + "','Allocated')"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdtext, conn); IsAllocated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (IsAllocated != 0) { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataLink.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); string cmdtext = @"UPDATE Users SET role ='InterimHead' where UserID = '" + d.UserID + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdtext, conn); IsAllocated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } //Email Alert to department staff who has been assigned for Delegation SendEmailNotification sen = new SendEmailNotification(); Department department = Data_Department.GetDepartmentInfoByID(user.DeptID_FK); String Useremail = user.EmailID; String EmailSubject = "Delegated As InterimHead"; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear " + user.Username + ",</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>You have been delegated as InterimHead for " + department.Departmentname + " from " + d.StartDate + " to " + d.EndDate + "."; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; sen.SendEmailHTML(Useremail, EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(Redirect("ViewDelegations")); }
public ActionResult validateOTP(RequisitionDetails rd) { string OTP = ds.validateOTP(rd); RequisitionDetails userData = ds.getUserDataByDisbID(rd.DisbursementID); SendEmailNotification send = new SendEmailNotification(); String EmailSubject = "Request Submitted DisbursementID#" + userData.DisbursementID; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear " + userData.UserName + ",</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Your order is ready to deliver with Disbursement ID <b>" + userData.DisbursementID + "</b> for your reference.</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Collection Point will be <b>" + userData.CollectionPoint + "</b></p>"; EmailBody += "<p>" + "OTP for loging into your account is here. <b> " + OTP + " </b>." + " Please tell this OTP to verify your identity. " + " </p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; send.SendEmailHTML(userData.EmailID, EmailSubject, EmailBody); int id = rd.DisbursementID; return(RedirectToAction("ViewDisbursementDetail/" + id)); }
public Result <Success, Failure> Handle(SendEmailNotification input) { var messagetext = string.Empty; var notificationStatus = NotificationStatus.Sent; foreach (var recipient in input.Recipients) { // новое уведомление в статуса New var notification = new Notification( clienId: recipient.ClientId, initiatorId: Guid.Empty, communicationProviderId: Guid.Empty, documentId: input.Body.DocumentId, interactionId: input.InteractionId, messageText: messagetext, status: notificationStatus, type: NotificationType.Email); // отправка уведомления _smsNotificationProvider.Send(notification); } return(new Result <Success, Failure>(new Success())); }
public ActionResult UpdateCP(string DepartmentID, string Collectionpoint) { bool res = Data_Department.UpdateCollectionPoint(DepartmentID, Collectionpoint); SendEmailNotification sen = new SendEmailNotification(); Users userInfo = Data_Users.GetInfoByUserID((int)Session["UserID"]); Department department = Data_Department.GetDepartmentInfoByID(userInfo.DeptID_FK); Users ClerkInfo = Data_Users.GetStoreClerkInfo(userInfo.DeptID_FK); String EmailSubject = "Change Collection Point for " + department.Departmentname; String EmailBody = "<p> Dear " + ClerkInfo.Username + ",</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>I am " + userInfo.Username + " currently the Department Representative for " + department.Departmentname + ". We are pleased to say that Collection point for <b> " + department.Departmentname + "</b> is amended . The updatest collection point is <b>" + Collectionpoint + ".</p>"; EmailBody += "<p>Thank you<br/>Logic University Staionery Store</p>"; EmailBody += "<p> Please do not reply to this email it is auto-generated.</p>"; sen.SendEmailHTML(ClerkInfo.EmailID, EmailSubject, EmailBody); return(RedirectToAction("CollectionPoint")); }
private async Task SendAsyncInternal(EmailMessage message, string emailType, bool enableNotification) { if (enableNotification) { var notification = new SendEmailNotification(message.ToNotificationEmail(_globalSettings.Smtp?.From), emailType); await _eventAggregator.PublishAsync(notification); // if a handler handled sending the email then don't continue. if (notification.IsHandled) { _logger.LogDebug("The email sending for {Subject} was handled by a notification handler", notification.Message.Subject); return; } } if (!_globalSettings.IsSmtpServerConfigured && !_globalSettings.IsPickupDirectoryLocationConfigured) { _logger.LogDebug("Could not send email for {Subject}. It was not handled by a notification handler and there is no SMTP configured.", message.Subject); return; } if (_globalSettings.IsPickupDirectoryLocationConfigured && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_globalSettings.Smtp?.From)) { // The following code snippet is the recommended way to handle PickupDirectoryLocation. // See more do { var path = Path.Combine(_globalSettings.Smtp?.PickupDirectoryLocation, Guid.NewGuid() + ".eml"); Stream stream; try { stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.CreateNew); } catch (IOException) { if (File.Exists(path)) { continue; } throw; } try { using (stream) { using var filtered = new FilteredStream(stream); filtered.Add(new SmtpDataFilter()); FormatOptions options = FormatOptions.Default.Clone(); options.NewLineFormat = NewLineFormat.Dos; await message.ToMimeMessage(_globalSettings.Smtp?.From).WriteToAsync(options, filtered); filtered.Flush(); return; } } catch { File.Delete(path); throw; } } while (true); } using var client = new SmtpClient(); await client.ConnectAsync(_globalSettings.Smtp.Host, _globalSettings.Smtp.Port, (MailKit.Security.SecureSocketOptions)(int) _globalSettings.Smtp.SecureSocketOptions); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_globalSettings.Smtp.Username) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_globalSettings.Smtp.Password)) { await client.AuthenticateAsync(_globalSettings.Smtp.Username, _globalSettings.Smtp.Password); } var mailMessage = message.ToMimeMessage(_globalSettings.Smtp.From); if (_globalSettings.Smtp.DeliveryMethod == SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network) { await client.SendAsync(mailMessage); } else { client.Send(mailMessage); } await client.DisconnectAsync(true); }
public string Serialise() { string recipientsXml = ""; if (this.ToRecipients != null) { foreach (Guid id in this.ToRecipients) { recipientsXml += ("<d:guid>" + id.ToString() + "</d:guid>"); } } string ccRecipientsXml = ""; if (this.CCRecipients != null) { foreach (Guid id in this.CCRecipients) { ccRecipientsXml += ("<d:guid>" + id.ToString() + "</d:guid>"); } } // Convert the fetchxml to a query expression return(String.Format("<request i:type=\"b:BulkDeleteRequest\" xmlns:a=\"\" xmlns:b=\"\">" + " <a:Parameters xmlns:c=\"\">" + " <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <c:key>QuerySet</c:key>" + " <c:value i:type=\"a:ArrayOfQueryExpression\">" + " <a:QueryExpression>" + QuerySet + " </a:QueryExpression>" + " </c:value>" + " </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <c:key>JobName</c:key>" + " <c:value i:type=\"d:string\" xmlns:d=\"\">" + JobName + "</c:value>" + " </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <c:key>SendEmailNotification</c:key>" + " <c:value i:type=\"d:boolean\" xmlns:d=\"\">" + SendEmailNotification.ToString() + "</c:value>" + " </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <c:key>ToRecipients</c:key>" + " <c:value i:type=\"d:ArrayOfguid\" xmlns:d=\"\">" + recipientsXml + " </c:value>" + " </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <c:key>CCRecipients</c:key>" + " <c:value i:type=\"d:ArrayOfguid\" xmlns:d=\"\">" + ccRecipientsXml + " </c:value>" + " </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <c:key>RecurrencePattern</c:key>" + " <c:value i:type=\"d:string\" xmlns:d=\"\" >" + RecurrencePattern + "</c:value>" + " </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " <c:key>StartDateTime</c:key>" + " <c:value i:type=\"d:dateTime\" xmlns:d=\"\">" + DateTimeEx.ToXrmStringUTC(DateTimeEx.LocalTimeToUTCFromSettings(StartDateTime, OrganizationServiceProxy.GetUserSettings())) + "</c:value>" + " </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" + " </a:Parameters>" + " <a:RequestId i:nil=\"true\" />" + " <a:RequestName>BulkDelete</a:RequestName>" + " </request>")); }