public void SmsNotification() { //Arrange var atTimes = new List <DateTime> { DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3) }; var afterHours = new List <int> { 4, 5 }; var sourceDto = new smsnotification { afterhours = afterHours.ToArray(), at = atTimes.Select(a => new listedtime { timeSpecified = true, time = a }).ToArray() }; var expected = new SmsNotification(); expected.NotifyAfterHours.AddRange(afterHours); expected.NotifyAtTimes.AddRange(atTimes); //Act var actual = SendDataTransferObjectConverter.FromDataTransferObject(sourceDto); //Assert Comparator.AssertEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Document() { //Arrange var source = new document { subject = "testSubject", filetype = "txt", authenticationlevel = authenticationlevel.PASSWORD, sensitivitylevel = sensitivitylevel.SENSITIVE, smsnotification = new smsnotification { afterhours = new[] { 3 } }, uuid = "uuid", contenthash = new contenthash { hashalgorithm = "SHA256", Value = "5o0RMsXcgSZpGsL7FAmhSQnvGkqgOcvl5JDtMhXBSlc=" } }; IDocument expected = new Document(source.subject, source.filetype, AuthenticationLevel.Password, SensitivityLevel.Sensitive, new SmsNotification(3)) { ContentHash = new ContentHash { HashAlgoritm = source.contenthash.hashalgorithm, Value = source.contenthash.Value }, Guid = source.uuid }; //Act var actual = SendDataTransferObjectConverter.FromDataTransferObject(source); //Assert Comparator.AssertEqual(expected, actual); }
public async Task <IMessageDeliveryResult> SendMessageAsync(IMessage message, bool skipMetaDataValidation = false) { _logger.LogDebug($"Outgoing Digipost message to Recipient: {message.DigipostRecipient}"); var uri = new Uri("messages", UriKind.Relative); var messageDeliveryResultTask = RequestHelper.PostMessage <messagedelivery>(message, uri, skipMetaDataValidation); if (messageDeliveryResultTask.IsFaulted && messageDeliveryResultTask.Exception != null) { throw messageDeliveryResultTask.Exception?.InnerException; } var messageDeliveryResult = SendDataTransferObjectConverter.FromDataTransferObject(await messageDeliveryResultTask.ConfigureAwait(false)); _logger.LogDebug($"Response received for message to recipient, {message.DigipostRecipient}: '{messageDeliveryResult.Status}'. Will be available to Recipient at {messageDeliveryResult.DeliveryTime}."); return(messageDeliveryResult); }
public void Message() { //Arrange var deliverytime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3); var source = new messagedelivery { primarydocument = new document { subject = "TestSubject", filetype = "txt", authenticationlevel = authenticationlevel.TWO_FACTOR, sensitivitylevel = sensitivitylevel.SENSITIVE, uuid = "uuid", contenthash = new contenthash { hashalgorithm = "SHA256", Value = "5o0RMsXcgSZpGsL7FAmhSQnvGkqgOcvl5JDtMhXBSlc=" } }, attachment = new[] { new document { subject = "TestSubject Attachment", filetype = "txt", authenticationlevel = authenticationlevel.TWO_FACTOR, sensitivitylevel = sensitivitylevel.SENSITIVE, uuid = "attachmentGuid", contenthash = new contenthash { hashalgorithm = "SHA256", Value = "5o0RMsXcgSZpGsL7FAmhSQnvGkqgOcvl5JDtMhXBSlc=" } } }, deliverytime = deliverytime, deliverymethod = channel.DIGIPOST, deliverytimeSpecified = true, status = messagestatus.DELIVERED, senderid = 123456 }; var expected = new MessageDeliveryResult { PrimaryDocument = new Document(source.primarydocument.subject, source.primarydocument.filetype, AuthenticationLevel.TwoFactor, SensitivityLevel.Sensitive) { Guid = source.primarydocument.uuid, ContentHash = new ContentHash { HashAlgoritm = source.primarydocument.contenthash.hashalgorithm, Value = source.primarydocument.contenthash.Value } }, Attachments = new List <Document> { new Document(source.attachment[0].subject, source.attachment[0].filetype, AuthenticationLevel.TwoFactor, SensitivityLevel.Sensitive) { Guid = source.attachment[0].uuid, ContentHash = new ContentHash { HashAlgoritm = source.attachment[0].contenthash.hashalgorithm, Value = source.attachment[0].contenthash.Value } } }, DeliveryTime = source.deliverytime, DeliveryMethod = DeliveryMethod.Digipost, Status = MessageStatus.Delivered, SenderId = source.senderid }; //Act var actual = SendDataTransferObjectConverter.FromDataTransferObject(source); //Assert Comparator.AssertEqual(expected, actual); }