        public void DisposeSRVTest()
            this.counter = 0;
            SelfRefreshingVar <int> srv = new SelfRefreshingVar <int>(0, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), this.AtomicIncrement, this.failTest);

            // sleep for 3 seconds
            Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000);

            // Dispose

            // sleep for another 2 seconds
            Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, srv.GetValue());
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates a token against every single app identity registered with us
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">token</param>
        /// <param name="appHandle">app handle</param>
        /// <returns>list of claims found in the token</returns>
        private async Task <ClaimsPrincipal> ValidateToken(string token, string appHandle)
            token.IfNullOrEmptyThrowEx("AADAuthManager:ValidateToken: token is null");
            appHandle.IfNullOrEmptyThrowEx("AADAuthManager:ValidateToken: appHandle is null");

            // Lookup the validation parameters corresponding to this app handle in our dictionary of srv
            SelfRefreshingVar <TokenValidationParameters> appTokenValidationParameter = null;

            this.srvValidationParameters.TryGetValue(appHandle, out appTokenValidationParameter);

            // If can't find validation parameters, create new ones.
            if (appTokenValidationParameter == null)
                // Construct new token validation parameters
                var appIdentity = await this.ReadIdentityProviderCredentials(appHandle, IdentityProviderType.AADS2S);

                if (appIdentity == null)
                    string errorMessage = $"AADAuthManager:ValidateToken: AAD credentials are missing. appHandle: {appHandle}";

                // Create an initialized self-refreshing variable for the token validation parameters. Refresh the variable every 24 hours.
                var validationParameters = await this.ConstructTokenValidationParameters(appIdentity.ClientId, appIdentity.ClientRedirectUri);

                appTokenValidationParameter = new SelfRefreshingVar <TokenValidationParameters>(validationParameters, TimeUtils.TwentyFourHours, () => this.ConstructTokenValidationParameters(appIdentity.ClientId, appIdentity.ClientRedirectUri), this.alert);

                // Insert the new validation parameters in the dictionary. In case they are already there (due to a race condition), it's ok, we'll overwrite the old ones.
                if (this.srvValidationParameters.TryAdd(appHandle, appTokenValidationParameter) == false)
                    // The self-refreshing variable has been added to the concurrent dictionary by somebody else. Dispose ours

                    // If we just disposed ours, read the ones from dictionary
                    this.srvValidationParameters.TryGetValue(appHandle, out appTokenValidationParameter);

                    // Sanity check: the read must be successful. We must have non-null validation parameters by now
                    appTokenValidationParameter = appTokenValidationParameter ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Code should never reach this point.");

            return(this.tokenHandler.ValidateToken(token, appTokenValidationParameter.GetValue(), out this.validatedToken));