        public void testTC_20_VerifyUserCanScrollDownTicketTabResultsAndSortColumns(Dictionary <String, String> TestData)
            //This step is to Login to Application
            Common.NavigateTo(driver, Util.EnvironmentSettings["Server"]);
            Common.Login(driver, TestData["InternalUserName"], TestData["InternalPassword"]);

            //This step is to Click on Super Search and Select Locations icon
            Dashboard.ClickAnIconInSuperSearch(driver, "locations");

            //This step is to Verify Super Search bar and Icon selected in Super Search
            Dashboard.VerifySuperSearchSelectedFilterIsActive(driver, "locations");

            //This step is to Enter address in Super Search and Verify the result
            string[] results = { "Address", "City", "State", "Zip", "Client Name" };
            Dashboard.EnterTextInSuperSearch(driver, TestData["Address"]);
            Dashboard.VerifySuperSearchLocationResults(driver, results);

            //This step is to Click on Inventory tab and scrol down
            Dashboard.ClickTabInSuperSearch(driver, "Tickets");
            Selenide.ScrolUpOrDown(driver, "down");

            //This step is to Sort a column and Verify column is sorted
            string value = Dashboard.GetColumnFirstValue(driver, "Age");

            Dashboard.InventoryTabColumnsSort(driver, "Age");
            Dashboard.VerifyInventoryTabColumnSort(driver, value, "Age");

            //This step is to Sort a column and Verify column is sorted
            value = Dashboard.GetColumnFirstValue(driver, "Ticket");
            Dashboard.InventoryTabColumnsSort(driver, "Ticket");
            Dashboard.VerifyInventoryTabColumnSort(driver, value, "Ticket");

            //This step is to Sort a column and Verify column is sorted
            value = Dashboard.GetColumnFirstValue(driver, "Ticket");
            Dashboard.InventoryTabColumnsSort(driver, "Status");

            //This step is to Sort a column and Verify column is sorted
            value = Dashboard.GetColumnFirstValue(driver, "Type");
            Dashboard.InventoryTabColumnsSort(driver, "Type");
            Dashboard.VerifyInventoryTabColumnSort(driver, value, "Type");