public void OnGUI() { string name = "None"; if (type != null) { name = type.GetNiceName(); } float size = new GUIStyle().CalcSize(new GUIContent(name)).x + 20f; var opt = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(size) }; // Display the type selection menu. if (EditorGUILayout.DropdownButton(new GUIContent(name), FocusType.Keyboard, opt)) { var selectTypeTab = new Tab <Type>( getValues: () => Blackboard.registerTypes, getCurrent: () => type, setTarget: (t) => { type = t; }, getValueName: (t) => t.GetNiceName(), title: "Select Type" ); SelectionWindow.Show(selectTypeTab); } }
// Display a menu to select key codes. private void selectKey() { // Get all the keycodes var keyCodes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)); var keys = new KeyCode[keyCodes.Length]; // Set all the keycode values in the array in order to feed it into the selection window. int i = 0; foreach (KeyCode k in keyCodes) { keys[i++] = k; } // Display the selection window to pick a keycode. SelectionWindow.Show(new Tab <KeyCode>( getValues: () => keys, getCurrent: () => _selectedKey, setTarget: key => { _selectedKey = key; }, getValueName: key => Enum.GetName(typeof(KeyCode), key), title: "Keys" )); }
public override void OnMemberDrawn(Rect rect) { var drop = gui.RegisterFieldForDrop <UnityObject>(rect); if (drop != null) { memberValue = GetPath(drop); } var e = Event.current; if (e != null && rect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { if (Event.current.control && EventsHelper.IsMMBMouseDown()) { SelectionWindow.Show(new Tab <GameObject>( @getValues: Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <GameObject>, @getCurrent: () => null, @setTarget: input => memberValue = GetPath(input), @getValueName: target =>, @title: "Objects" )); } } }
private async void OnSelectTextButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataManager.Instance.ProcessInfo.Name)) { MessageBox.Show("请先选择游戏进程!"); return; } await DataManager.Instance.TextractorHelper.AttachProcess(DataManager.Instance.ProcessInfo.ID); selectionWindow ??= new SelectionWindow(); selectionWindow.Show(); }
public override void OnRightGUI() { if (gui.SelectionButton()) { string[] names = Enum.GetNames(memberType); int currentIndex = memberValue == null ? -1 : names.IndexOf(memberValue.ToString()); SelectionWindow.Show(new Tab <string>( @getValues: () => names, @getCurrent: () => memberValue.ToString(), @setTarget: name => { if (names[currentIndex] != name) { memberValue = name.ParseEnum(memberType); } }, @getValueName: name => name, @title: memberTypeName + "s" )); } }
public static void BrowseInteractions(IEnumerable <TypeInfo> types, bool drawGraph, bool passSelection) { if (WindowManager.InteractionBrowsers.Count > 0 && !passSelection) { var selectionWindow = new SelectionWindow(types, drawGraph); #if ILSpy selectionWindow.Owner = MainWindow; #elif Reflector System.Windows.Forms.Integration.ElementHost.EnableModelessKeyboardInterop(selectionWindow); #endif selectionWindow.Show(); return; } var window = new InteractionBrowserWindow(types, drawGraph); #if ILSpy window.Owner = MainWindow; #elif Reflector System.Windows.Forms.Integration.ElementHost.EnableModelessKeyboardInterop(window); #endif window.Show(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); var isValueOfTypeNode = target as IsValueOfType; Type typeToCheck = isValueOfTypeNode.type; string typename = "null"; if (typeToCheck != null) { typename = isValueOfTypeNode.type.GetNiceName(); } float size = new GUIStyle().CalcSize(new GUIContent(typename)).x + 20f; var opt = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(size) }; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Type: "); // Display the type selection menu. if (EditorGUILayout.DropdownButton(new GUIContent(typename), FocusType.Keyboard, opt)) { var selectTypeTab = new Tab <Type>( getValues: () => Blackboard.registerTypes, getCurrent: () => isValueOfTypeNode.type, setTarget: (t) => { isValueOfTypeNode.type = t; }, getValueName: (t) => t.GetNiceName(), title: "Select Type" ); SelectionWindow.Show(selectTypeTab); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
public override void OnGUI() { using (gui.Horizontal()) { bool isNull = member.IsNull(); bool isObjectField = prefs.Bools.ValueOrDefault(id); gui.Text(displayText, isNull ? "null" : + " (" + memberTypeName + ")"); var fieldRect = gui.LastRect; { GUIHelper.PingField(fieldRect, memberValue, !isNull && isObjectField); } if (gui.SelectionButton("object")) { Func <UnityObject[], string, Tab> newTab = (values, title) => new Tab <UnityObject>( @getValues: () => values, @getCurrent: member.As <UnityObject>, @setTarget: member.Set, @getValueName: obj =>, @title: title ); bool isGo = memberType == typeof(GameObject); SelectionWindow.Show("Select a " + memberTypeName, newTab(UnityObject.FindObjectsOfType(memberType), "All"), newTab(isGo ? (UnityObject[])gameObject.GetChildren() : gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(memberType), "Children"), newTab(isGo ? (UnityObject[])gameObject.GetParents() : gameObject.GetComponentsInParent(memberType), "Parents"), newTab(isGo ? PrefabHelper.GetGameObjectPrefabs().ToArray() : PrefabHelper.GetComponentPrefabs(memberType).Cast <UnityObject>().ToArray(), "Prefabs") ); } } }
public override void OnRightGUI() { if (gui.SelectionButton()) { Func <string[]> getScenes = () => Directory.GetFiles("Assets", "*.unity", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Select(f => f.Substring(f.IndexOf("Assets") + 6).RemoveExtension()) .ToArray(); Func <string, string> getSceneName = path => path.Substring(path.Replace('\\', '/').LastIndexOf('/') + 1); var dictionary = new KVPList <string, string>(); var allScenes = getScenes(); foreach (var s in allScenes) { dictionary.Add(getSceneName(s), s); } Func <Func <string[]>, string, Tab <string> > sceneTab = (scenes, title) => new Tab <string>( @getValues: scenes, @getCurrent: () => dictionary.ContainsKey(memberValue) ? dictionary[memberValue] : memberValue, @setTarget: s => memberValue = getSceneName(s), @getValueName: s => s, @title: title ); var buildScenes = EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Select(s => s.path); SelectionWindow.Show("Select scene", sceneTab(getScenes, "All"), sceneTab(getScenes().Where(s => buildScenes.Any(bs => Regex.Replace(bs, "/", "\\").Contains(s))).ToArray, "Build") ); } }
public override void OnGUI() { if (memberValue == null) { memberValue = GetNew(); } member.CollectionCount = memberValue.Count; if (UpdateCount && _lastUpdatedCount != memberValue.Count) { _lastUpdatedCount = memberValue.Count; displayText = Regex.Replace(_originalDisplay, @"\$count", _lastUpdatedCount.ToString()); } bool showAdvanced = _options.Advanced && !_options.Readonly; // header using (gui.Horizontal()) { foldout = gui.Foldout(displayText, foldout, Layout.Auto); if (_options.Filter) { _filter.Field(gui, 70f); } gui.FlexibleSpace(); if (showAdvanced) { isAdvancedChecked = gui.CheckButton(isAdvancedChecked, "advanced mode"); } if (!_options.Readonly) { using (gui.State(memberValue.Count > 0)) { if (gui.ClearButton("elements")) { Clear(); _dirty = true; } if (gui.RemoveButton("last element")) { RemoveLast(); _dirty = true; } } if (gui.AddButton("element", MiniButtonStyle.ModRight)) { AddValue(); _dirty = true; } } } if (!foldout) { return; } if (memberValue.IsEmpty()) { using (gui.Indent()) gui.HelpBox("Sequence is empty"); return; } _dirty = false; // body using (gui.Vertical(_options.GuiBox ? : GUIStyle.none)) { // advanced area if (isAdvancedChecked) { using (gui.Indent(( { using (gui.Horizontal()) { _newSize = gui.Int("New size", _newSize); if (gui.MiniButton("c", "Commit", MiniButtonStyle.ModRight)) { if (_newSize != memberValue.Count) { memberValue.AdjustSize(_newSize, RemoveAt, AddValue); } } } using (gui.Horizontal()) { gui.Label("Commands"); if (gui.MiniButton("Shuffle", "Shuffle list (randomize the order of the list's elements", (Layout)null)) { Shuffle(); } if (gui.MoveDownButton()) { memberValue.Shift(true); } if (gui.MoveUpButton()) { memberValue.Shift(false); } if (!_elementType.IsValueType && gui.MiniButton("N", "Filter nulls")) { for (int i = memberValue.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (memberValue[i] == null) { RemoveAt(i); } } } } } } using (gui.Indent(_options.GuiBox ? : GUIStyle.none)) { #if PROFILE Profiler.BeginSample("Sequence Elements"); #endif for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < memberValue.Count; iLoop++) { var i = iLoop; var elementValue = memberValue[i]; if (_filter != null && elementValue != null) { string elemStr = elementValue.ToString(); if (!_filter.IsMatch(elemStr)) { continue; } } using (gui.Horizontal()) { if (_options.LineNumbers) { gui.NumericLabel(i); } var previous = elementValue; gui.BeginCheck(); { using (gui.Vertical()) { var element = GetElement(i); gui.Member(element, @ignoreComposition: _perItemAttributes == null); } } if (gui.HasChanged()) { if (_options.Readonly) { memberValue[i] = previous; _dirty = true; } else if (_options.UniqueItems) { int occurances = 0; for (int k = 0; k < memberValue.Count; k++) { if (memberValue[i].GenericEquals(memberValue[k])) { occurances++; if (occurances > 1) { memberValue[i] = previous; _dirty = true; break; } } } } } if (isAdvancedChecked) { var c = elementValue as Component; var go = c == null ? elementValue as GameObject : c.gameObject; if (go != null) { gui.InspectButton(go); } if (showAdvanced) { if (gui.MoveDownButton()) { MoveElementDown(i); _dirty = true; } if (gui.MoveUpButton()) { MoveElementUp(i); _dirty = true; } } } if (!_options.Readonly && _options.PerItemRemove && gui.RemoveButton("element", MiniButtonStyle.ModRight)) { RemoveAt(i); _dirty = true; } } } #if PROFILE Profiler.EndSample(); #endif } } // footer if (_shouldDrawAddingArea) { Action <UnityObject> addOnDrop = obj => { var go = obj as GameObject; object value; if (go != null) { value = _elementType == typeof(GameObject) ? (UnityObject)go : go.GetComponent(_elementType); } else { value = obj; } AddValue((TElement)value); }; using (gui.Indent()) { gui.DragDropArea <UnityObject>( @label: "+Drag-Drop+", @labelSize: 14, @style: EditorStyles.toolbarButton, @canSetVisualModeToCopy: dragObjects => dragObjects.All(obj => { var go = obj as GameObject; var isGo = go != null; if (_elementType == typeof(GameObject)) { return(isGo); } return(isGo ? go.GetComponent(_elementType) != null : obj.GetType().IsA(_elementType)); }), @cursor: MouseCursor.Link, @onDrop: addOnDrop, @onMouseUp: () => SelectionWindow.Show(new Tab <UnityObject>( @getValues: () => UnityObject.FindObjectsOfType(_elementType), @getCurrent: () => null, @setTarget: item => { AddValue((TElement)(object)item); }, @getValueName: value =>, @title: _elementType.Name + "s")), @preSpace: 2f, @postSpace: 35f, @height: 15f ); } gui.Space(3f); } if (_dirty) { var vfw = unityTarget as IVFWObject; if (vfw != null) { vfw.MarkChanged(); } } }
public override void OnGUI() { using (gui.Horizontal()) { if (_autoAlloc && memberValue == null) { if (memberType.IsA <UnityObject>()) { Debug.Log("Cannot automatically allocate memory for UnityObject member: " + member.NiceName); } else if (memberType.IsAbstract) { Debug.Log("Cannot automatically allocate memory for abstract member: " + member.NiceName); } else { memberValue = memberType.ActivatorInstance(); } } var isEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayText); var label = isEmpty ? string.Empty : displayText + " " + (foldout ? "^" : ">"); var value = member.Value; var unityObj = value as UnityObject; string field; if (value == null) { field = _nullString; } else { field = (_isToStringImpl || unityObj != null) ? value.ToString() : value.GetType().GetNiceName(); } if (isEmpty) { Foldout(); } var e = Event.current; gui.Prefix(label); var labelRect = gui.LastRect; gui.Cursor(labelRect, MouseCursor.Link); if (!isEmpty && e.IsMouseContained(labelRect) && e.IsLMBDown()) { foldout = !foldout; } gui.Space(2.3f); if (unityObj != null) { var icon = AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(unityObj); gui.Label(new GUIContent(field, icon), GUIStyles.ObjectField); } else { gui.Label(field, GUIStyles.ObjectField); } var totalRect = gui.LastRect; var fieldRect = totalRect; fieldRect.width -= 15f; if (unityObj != null) { gui.Cursor(fieldRect, MouseCursor.Zoom); if (fieldRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { if (e.IsLMBDown()) { EditorHelper.PingObject(unityObj); if (e.IsDoubleClick()) { EditorHelper.SelectObject(unityObj); } e.Use(); } else if (e.IsRMBDown()) { var mb = unityObj as MonoBehaviour; if (mb != null) { var monoscript = MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour(mb); var scriptPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(monoscript); UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.OpenFileAtLineExternal(scriptPath, 0); } } } } var drop = gui.RegisterFieldForDrop <UnityObject>(fieldRect, _getDraggedObject, _isDropAccepted); if (drop != null) { memberValue = drop; GUI.changed = true; } var thumbRect = totalRect; thumbRect.width -= fieldRect.width; thumbRect.x += fieldRect.width; gui.Cursor(thumbRect, MouseCursor.Link); // Selection/thumb button { if (e.IsMouseContained(thumbRect) && e.IsMouseDown()) { if (e.IsLMB()) { if (_disablePicker) { memberValue = memberType.ActivatorInstance(); } else { SelectionWindow.Show("Select a `" + memberTypeName + "` object", _tabs); } } else if (e.IsRMB()) { try { memberValue = memberType.ActivatorInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log("Error creating new instance of type `{0}`: {1}".FormatWith(memberType.GetNiceName(), ex.Message)); } } } } } if (!foldout) { return; } if (member.IsNull()) { gui.HelpBox("Member value is null"); return; } if (_polymorphicType == null || _polymorphicType == memberType) { object value = member.Value; DrawRecursive(ref value, gui, id, unityTarget); member.Value = value; } else { var drawer = MemberDrawersHandler.CachedGetObjectDrawer(_polymorphicType); var drawerType = drawer.GetType(); if (drawerType == typeof(RecursiveDrawer) || drawerType == typeof(UnityObjectDrawer)) { object value = member.Value; DrawRecursive(ref value, gui, id, unityTarget); member.Value = value; } else { drawer.Initialize(member, attributes, gui, prefs); gui.Member(member, attributes, drawer, false); } } }
protected virtual void SelectionButton() { var tabs = new List <Tab>(); Action <Func <Type[]>, Action <Type>, string> newTypeTab = (getValues, create, title) => tabs.Add(new Tab <Type>( @getValues: getValues, @getCurrent: () => { var x = memberValue; return(x == null ? null : x.GetType()); }, @setTarget: newType => { if (newType == null) { memberValue = memberType.GetDefaultValueEmptyIfString(); } else { create(newType); } }, @getValueName: type => type.Name, @title: title )); if (memberType.IsInterface) { Action <Func <UnityObject[]>, string> newUnityTab = (getValues, title) => tabs.Add(new Tab <UnityObject>( @getValues: getValues, @getCurrent: member.As <UnityObject>, @setTarget: member.Set, @getValueName: obj => + " (" + obj.GetType().Name + ")", @title: title )); newUnityTab(() => UnityObject.FindObjectsOfType <UnityObject>() .OfType(memberType) .ToArray(), "Scene"); newUnityTab(() => PrefabHelper.GetComponentPrefabs(memberType) .ToArray(), "Prefabs"); newTypeTab(() => GetAllUserTypesOf(memberType) .Where(t => t.IsA <MonoBehaviour>()) .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract) .ToArray(), TryCreateInstanceInGO, "MonoBehaviours"); } newTypeTab(() => GetAllUserTypesOf(memberType) .Disinclude(memberType.IsAbstract ? memberType : null) .Where(t => !t.IsA <UnityObject>() && !t.IsAbstract) .ToArray(), TryCreateInstance, "System types"); var click = Event.current.button; if (gui.SelectionButton("Left click: select type. Right click: try instantiate")) { if (click == 0) { SelectionWindow.Show("Select a `" + memberTypeName + "` object", tabs.ToArray()); } else if (click == 1) { try { memberValue = memberType.ActivatorInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Error. Couldn't create instance: " + e.Message); } } } }
protected virtual void SelectionButton() { if (childCount < 1) { using (gui.State(false)) { gui.SelectionButton("Object doesn't have any children/implementers"); } } else { var tabs = new List <Tab>(); Action <Func <Type[]>, Action <Type>, string> newTypeTab = (getValues, create, title) => tabs.Add(new Tab <Type>( @getValues: getValues, @getCurrent: () => { var x = memberValue; return(x == null ? null : x.GetType()); }, @setTarget: newType => { if (newType == null) { memberValue = memberType.GetDefaultValueEmptyIfString(); } else { create(newType); } }, @getValueName: type => type.Name, @title: title )); if (memberType.IsInterface) { Action <Func <UnityObject[]>, string> newUnityTab = (getValues, title) => tabs.Add(new Tab <UnityObject>( @getValues: getValues, @getCurrent: member.As <UnityObject>, @setTarget: member.Set, @getValueName: obj => + " (" + obj.GetType().Name + ")", @title: title )); newUnityTab(() => UnityObject.FindObjectsOfType <UnityObject>() .OfType(memberType) .ToArray(), "Scene"); newUnityTab(() => PrefabHelper.GetComponentPrefabs(memberType) .ToArray(), "Prefabs"); newTypeTab(() => ReflectionHelper.GetAllUserTypesOf(memberType) .Where(t => t.IsA <MonoBehaviour>()) .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract) .ToArray(), TryCreateInstanceInGO, "MonoBehaviours"); } newTypeTab(() => ReflectionHelper.GetAllUserTypesOf(memberType) .Disinclude(memberType.IsAbstract ? memberType : null) .Where(t => !t.IsA <UnityObject>() && !t.IsAbstract) .ToArray(), TryCreateInstance, "System types"); if (gui.SelectionButton()) { SelectionWindow.Show("Select a `" + memberTypeName + "` object", tabs.ToArray()); } } }