 public SelectionParameters(SelectionSeverity severity, int nRequired = 0, bool getMaxData = false, bool useJourney = true, PackListHistory packListHistory = PackListHistory.NoFilter, List <string> filteringIds = null)
     this.nRequired       = nRequired;
     this.getMaxData      = getMaxData;
     this.severity        = severity;
     this.useJourney      = useJourney;
     this.packListHistory = packListHistory;
     this.filteringIds    = filteringIds;
 public SelectionParameters(SelectionSeverity severity, int nRequired = 0, bool getMaxData = false, bool useJourney = true, JourneyFilter journeyFilter = JourneyFilter.CurrentJourney, PackListHistory packListHistory = PackListHistory.NoFilter, List <string> filteringIds = null, bool sortDataByDifficulty = false)
     this.nRequired            = nRequired;
     this.getMaxData           = getMaxData;
     this.severity             = severity;
     this.useJourney           = useJourney;
     this.journeyFilter        = journeyFilter;
     this.packListHistory      = packListHistory;
     this.filteringIds         = filteringIds;
     this.sortDataByDifficulty = sortDataByDifficulty;
 public QuestionBuilderParameters()
     this.correctChoicesHistory = PackListHistory.RepeatWhenFull;
     this.wrongChoicesHistory   = PackListHistory.RepeatWhenFull;
     this.useJourneyForCorrect  = true;
     this.useJourneyForWrong    = false;
     this.correctSeverity       = SelectionSeverity.MayRepeatIfNotEnough;
     this.wrongSeverity         = SelectionSeverity.MayRepeatIfNotEnough;
     this.letterFilters         = new LetterFilters();
     this.wordFilters           = new WordFilters();
     this.phraseFilters         = new PhraseFilters();
 public QuestionBuilderParameters()
     this.correctChoicesHistory    = PackListHistory.RepeatWhenFull;
     this.wrongChoicesHistory      = PackListHistory.RepeatWhenFull;
     this.useJourneyForCorrect     = true;
     this.useJourneyForWrong       = true;
     this.correctSeverity          = SelectionSeverity.MayRepeatIfNotEnough;
     this.wrongSeverity            = SelectionSeverity.MayRepeatIfNotEnough;
     this.letterEqualityStrictness = LetterEqualityStrictness.LetterOnly;
     this.letterFilters            = new LetterFilters();
     this.wordFilters           = new WordFilters();
     this.phraseFilters         = new PhraseFilters();
     this.sortPacksByDifficulty = true;
        private List <T> WeightedDataSelect <T>(List <T> source_data_list, HashSet <T> currentPSData, int nToSelect, DbTables table, SelectionSeverity severity) where T : IData
            // Given a (filtered) list of data, select some using weights
            List <ScoreData> score_data_list = dbManager.FindScoreDataByQuery("SELECT * FROM ScoreData WHERE TableName = '" + table.ToString() + "'");

            string debugString = "-- Teacher Selection Weights";

            List <float> weights_list = new List <float>();

            foreach (var sourceData in source_data_list)
                float cumulativeWeight = 0;
                debugString += "\n" + sourceData.GetId() + " ---";

                // Get score data
                var   score_data         = score_data_list.Find(x => x.ElementId == sourceData.GetId());
                float currentScore       = 0;
                int   daysSinceLastScore = 0;
                if (score_data != null)
                    var timespanFromLastScoreToNow = GenericUtilities.GetTimeSpanBetween(score_data.LastAccessTimestamp, GenericUtilities.GetTimestampForNow());
                    daysSinceLastScore = timespanFromLastScoreToNow.Days;
                    currentScore       = score_data.Score;
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Data " + id + " score: " + currentScore + " days " + daysSinceLastScore);

                // Score Weight [0,1]: higher the lower the score [-1,1] is
                var scoreWeight = 0.5f * (1 - currentScore);
                cumulativeWeight += scoreWeight * ConfigAI.data_scoreWeight;
                debugString      += " \tScore: " + scoreWeight * ConfigAI.data_scoreWeight + "(" + scoreWeight + ")";

                // RecentPlay Weight  [1,0]: higher the more in the past we saw that data
                const float dayLinerWeightDecrease = 1f / ConfigAI.daysForMaximumRecentPlayMalus;
                float       weightMalus            = daysSinceLastScore * dayLinerWeightDecrease;
                float       recentPlayWeight       = 1f - UnityEngine.Mathf.Min(1, weightMalus);
                cumulativeWeight += recentPlayWeight * ConfigAI.data_recentPlayWeight;
                debugString      += " \tRecent: " + recentPlayWeight * ConfigAI.data_recentPlayWeight + "(" + recentPlayWeight + ")";

                // Current focus weight [1,0]: higher if the data is part of the current play session
                float currentPlaySessionWeight = currentPSData.Contains(sourceData) ? 1 : 0f;
                cumulativeWeight += currentPlaySessionWeight * ConfigAI.data_currentPlaySessionWeight;
                debugString      += " \tCurrentPS: " + currentPlaySessionWeight * ConfigAI.data_currentPlaySessionWeight + "(" + currentPlaySessionWeight + ")";

                // If the cumulative weight goes to the negatives, we give it a fixed weight
                if (cumulativeWeight <= 0)
                    cumulativeWeight = ConfigAI.data_minimumTotalWeight;

                // Save cumulative weight
                debugString += " TOTw: " + cumulativeWeight;

            if (ConfigAI.verboseDataSelection)

            // Select data from the list
            List <T> selected_data_list = new List <T>();

            if (source_data_list.Count > 0)
                int      nToSelectFromCurrentList = 0;
                List <T> chosenData = null;
                switch (severity)
                case SelectionSeverity.AsManyAsPossible:
                case SelectionSeverity.AllRequired:
                    nToSelectFromCurrentList = UnityEngine.Mathf.Min(source_data_list.Count, nToSelect);
                    chosenData = RandomHelper.RouletteSelectNonRepeating(source_data_list, weights_list, nToSelectFromCurrentList);

                case SelectionSeverity.MayRepeatIfNotEnough:
                    int nRemainingToSelect = nToSelect;
                    while (nRemainingToSelect > 0)
                        var listCopy = new List <T>(source_data_list);
                        nToSelectFromCurrentList = UnityEngine.Mathf.Min(source_data_list.Count, nRemainingToSelect);
                        chosenData = RandomHelper.RouletteSelectNonRepeating(listCopy, weights_list, nToSelectFromCurrentList);
                        nRemainingToSelect -= nToSelectFromCurrentList;
        private List <T> WeightedDataSelect <T>(List <T> source_data_list, int nToSelect, SelectionSeverity severity) where T : IData
            VocabularyDataType dataType = VocabularyDataType.Letter;

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(LetterData))
                dataType = VocabularyDataType.Letter;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(WordData))
                dataType = VocabularyDataType.Word;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(PhraseData))
                dataType = VocabularyDataType.Phrase;

            // Given a (filtered) list of data, select some using weights
            var score_data_list = dbManager.Query <VocabularyScoreData>("SELECT * FROM " + typeof(VocabularyScoreData).Name + " WHERE VocabularyDataType = '" + (int)dataType + "'");

            if (ConfigAI.VerboseDataSelection)
                weightedData_debugString += ConfigAI.FormatTeacherReportHeader("Selection Weights");
                weightedData_debugString  = "";

            var weights_list = new List <float>();

            foreach (var sourceData in source_data_list)
                float cumulativeWeight = 0;
                if (ConfigAI.VerboseDataSelection)
                    weightedData_debugString += "\n" + sourceData.GetId() + " ---";

                // Get score data
                var   score_data         = score_data_list.Find(x => x.ElementId == sourceData.GetId());
                float currentScore       = 0;
                int   daysSinceLastScore = 0;
                if (score_data != null)
                    var timespanFromLastScoreToNow = GenericHelper.GetTimeSpanBetween(score_data.UpdateTimestamp, GenericHelper.GetTimestampForNow());
                    daysSinceLastScore = timespanFromLastScoreToNow.Days;
                    currentScore       = score_data.Score;

                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Data " + id + " score: " + currentScore + " days " + daysSinceLastScore);

                // Score Weight [0,1]: higher the lower the score [-1,1] is
                var scoreWeight = 0.5f * (1 - currentScore);
                cumulativeWeight += scoreWeight * ConfigAI.Vocabulary_Score_Weight;
                if (ConfigAI.VerboseDataSelection)
                    weightedData_debugString += " \tScore: " + scoreWeight * ConfigAI.Vocabulary_Score_Weight + "(" + scoreWeight + ")";

                // RecentPlay Weight  [1,0]: higher the more in the past we saw that data
                const float dayLinerWeightDecrease = 1f / ConfigAI.DaysForMaximumRecentPlayMalus;
                float       weightMalus            = daysSinceLastScore * dayLinerWeightDecrease;
                float       recentPlayWeight       = 1f - UnityEngine.Mathf.Min(1, weightMalus);
                cumulativeWeight += recentPlayWeight * ConfigAI.Vocabulary_RecentPlay_Weight;
                if (ConfigAI.VerboseDataSelection)
                    weightedData_debugString += " \tRecent: " + recentPlayWeight * ConfigAI.Vocabulary_RecentPlay_Weight + "(" + recentPlayWeight + ")";

                // Current focus weight [1,0]: higher if the data is part of the current play session / learning block / stage
                float currentPlaySessionWeight = 0;
                if (currentPlaySessionContents.Contains(sourceData))
                    currentPlaySessionWeight = 1;
                else if (currentLearningBlockContents.Contains(sourceData))
                    currentPlaySessionWeight = 0.5f;
                else if (currentStageContents.Contains(sourceData))
                    currentPlaySessionWeight = 0.2f;
                cumulativeWeight += currentPlaySessionWeight * ConfigAI.Vocabulary_CurrentPlaySession_Weight;
                if (ConfigAI.VerboseDataSelection)
                    weightedData_debugString += " \tFocus: " + currentPlaySessionWeight * ConfigAI.Vocabulary_CurrentPlaySession_Weight + "(" + currentPlaySessionWeight + ")";

                // If the cumulative weight goes to the negatives, we give it a fixed weight
                // TODO check if we shound use if (cumulativeWeight <= ConfigAI.Vocabulary_MinTotal_Weight)
                // TODO check the "continue" because it wont' save the data
                if (cumulativeWeight <= 0)
                    cumulativeWeight = ConfigAI.Vocabulary_MinTotal_Weight;

                // Save cumulative weight
                if (ConfigAI.VerboseDataSelection)
                    weightedData_debugString += " TOTw: " + cumulativeWeight;

            //return source_data_list;

            if (ConfigAI.VerboseDataSelection)

            // Select data from the list
            var selected_data_list = new List <T>();

            if (source_data_list.Count > 0)
                int      nToSelectFromCurrentList = 0;
                List <T> chosenData = null;
                switch (severity)
                case SelectionSeverity.AsManyAsPossible:
                case SelectionSeverity.AllRequired:
                    nToSelectFromCurrentList = UnityEngine.Mathf.Min(source_data_list.Count, nToSelect);
                    chosenData = RandomHelper.RouletteSelectNonRepeating(source_data_list, weights_list, nToSelectFromCurrentList);

                case SelectionSeverity.MayRepeatIfNotEnough:
                    int nRemainingToSelect = nToSelect;
                    while (nRemainingToSelect > 0)
                        var listCopy = new List <T>(source_data_list);
                        nToSelectFromCurrentList = UnityEngine.Mathf.Min(source_data_list.Count, nRemainingToSelect);
                        chosenData = RandomHelper.RouletteSelectNonRepeating(listCopy, weights_list, nToSelectFromCurrentList);
                        nRemainingToSelect -= nToSelectFromCurrentList;