/// <summary>
        /// Given a selected scene, get the list of available elevation unit formats.
        /// This will be displayed in the combo box. The scene's elevation unit can be changed to any of these location unit values.
        /// </summary>
        private async void GetAvailableElevationUnits()
            //Clear the current available units
            var units = await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                //Gets the list of available Scene Elevation unit formats for the given scene.

            //Update combo box binding collection to the units for the selected scene.
            foreach (var item in units)
            //Gets the current scene elevation unit format for the current project
            _sceneElevationUnitFormat = await QueuedTask.Run(() => {

            SelectedSceneAvailableElevUnit = SceneAvailableElevUnits.FirstOrDefault(e => e.UnitCode == _sceneElevationUnitFormat.UnitCode);
            //Should the Apply button be enabled?
            CanChangeSceneEU = false;