        /// <summary>
        /// 4. 쿼리 생성
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string MakeSqlString()
            StringBuilder strSqlString = new StringBuilder();

            string QueryCond1;
            string QueryCond2;
            string start_date;
            string yesterday;
            string date;
            string month;
            string year;
            string lastMonth;

            udcTableForm tableForm = (udcTableForm)btnSort.BindingForm;

            QueryCond1 = tableForm.SelectedValueToQueryContainNull;
            QueryCond2 = tableForm.SelectedValue2ToQueryContainNull;

            //int remain = Convert.ToInt32(lblLastDay.Text.Substring(0,2)) - Convert.ToInt32(lblToday.Text.Substring(0,2)) + 1;

            date = cdvDate.SelectedValue();
            DateTime Select_date;

            Select_date = DateTime.Parse(cdvDate.Text.ToString());

            year       = Select_date.ToString("yyyy");
            month      = Select_date.ToString("yyyyMM");
            start_date = month + "01";
            yesterday  = Select_date.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
            lastMonth  = Select_date.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyyMM"); // 지난달

            // 지난달 마지막일 구하기
            DataTable dt1 = null;
            string    Last_Month_Last_day = "(SELECT TO_CHAR(LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('" + lastMonth + "', 'YYYYMM')),'YYYYMMDD') FROM DUAL)";

            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", Last_Month_Last_day);
            Last_Month_Last_day = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // 달의 마지막일 구하기
            DataTable dt2      = null;
            string    last_day = "(SELECT TO_CHAR(LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('" + month + "', 'YYYYMM')),'YYYYMMDD') FROM DUAL)";

            dt2      = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", last_day);
            last_day = dt2.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // 지난주차의 마지막일 가져오기
            dt1 = null;
            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", MakeSqlString2(year, Select_date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")));
            string Lastweek_lastday = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // -1일 지난주차의 마지막일 가져오기
            dt1 = null;
            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", MakeSqlString2(year1, strDate1));
            string Lastweek_lastday1 = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // -2일 지난주차의 마지막일 가져오기
            dt1 = null;
            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", MakeSqlString2(year2, strDate2));
            string Lastweek_lastday2 = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // -3일 지난주차의 마지막일 가져오기
            dt1 = null;
            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", MakeSqlString2(year3, strDate3));
            string Lastweek_lastday3 = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // -4일 지난주차의 마지막일 가져오기
            dt1 = null;
            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", MakeSqlString2(year4, strDate4));
            string Lastweek_lastday4 = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // -5일 지난주차의 마지막일 가져오기
            dt1 = null;
            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", MakeSqlString2(year5, strDate5));
            string Lastweek_lastday5 = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // -6일 지난주차의 마지막일 가져오기
            dt1 = null;
            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", MakeSqlString2(year6, strDate6));
            string Lastweek_lastday6 = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            // -7일 지난주차의 마지막일 가져오기
            dt1 = null;
            dt1 = CmnFunction.oComm.GetFuncDataTable("DYNAMIC", MakeSqlString2(year7, strDate7));
            string Lastweek_lastday7 = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            strSqlString.Append(" FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      SELECT CUSTOMER, ROUND((SUM(ASSY_MON)/SUM(TARGET_MON))* 100, 2) JINDO" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           SELECT CUSTOMER, (SUM(PLAN_QTY) * " + jindoPer + " ) / 100 AS TARGET_MON ,SUM(ASSY_QTY) AS ASSY_MON" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             FROM RSUMTRNGOL " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("            WHERE 1=1 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND FACTORY = '" + cdvFactory.Text + "' " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND WORK_DATE = '" + cdvDate.SelectedValue() + "'" + "\n");
            if (udcWIPCondition1.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition1.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("       AND CUSTOMER {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition1.SelectedValueToQueryString);
                strSqlString.Append("           AND CUSTOMER IN ('SE','HX') " + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER ) " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           WHERE TARGET_MON <> 0 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           ) TOTAL , " + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("    ( SELECT CUSTOMER, ROUND((SUM(ASSY_MON)/SUM(TARGET_MON))* 100, 2) JINDO" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           SELECT CUSTOMER, (SUM(PLAN_QTY) * " + jindoPer1 + " ) / 100 AS TARGET_MON ,SUM(ASSY_QTY) AS ASSY_MON" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             FROM RSUMTRNGOL " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("            WHERE 1=1 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND FACTORY = '" + cdvFactory.Text + "' " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND WORK_DATE = '" + strDate1 + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER ) " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           WHERE TARGET_MON <> 0 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           ) A , " + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("    ( SELECT CUSTOMER, ROUND((SUM(ASSY_MON)/SUM(TARGET_MON))* 100, 2) JINDO" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           SELECT CUSTOMER, (SUM(PLAN_QTY) * " + jindoPer2 + " ) / 100 AS TARGET_MON ,SUM(ASSY_QTY) AS ASSY_MON" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             FROM RSUMTRNGOL " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("            WHERE 1=1 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND FACTORY = '" + cdvFactory.Text + "' " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND WORK_DATE = '" + strDate2 + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER ) " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           WHERE TARGET_MON <> 0 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           ) B , " + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("    ( SELECT CUSTOMER, ROUND((SUM(ASSY_MON)/SUM(TARGET_MON))* 100, 2) JINDO" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           SELECT CUSTOMER, (SUM(PLAN_QTY) * " + jindoPer3 + " ) / 100 AS TARGET_MON ,SUM(ASSY_QTY) AS ASSY_MON" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             FROM RSUMTRNGOL " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("            WHERE 1=1 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND FACTORY = '" + cdvFactory.Text + "' " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND WORK_DATE = '" + strDate3 + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER ) " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           WHERE TARGET_MON <> 0 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           ) C , " + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("    ( SELECT CUSTOMER, ROUND((SUM(ASSY_MON)/SUM(TARGET_MON))* 100, 2) JINDO" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           SELECT CUSTOMER, (SUM(PLAN_QTY) * " + jindoPer4 + " ) / 100 AS TARGET_MON ,SUM(ASSY_QTY) AS ASSY_MON" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             FROM RSUMTRNGOL " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("            WHERE 1=1 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND FACTORY = '" + cdvFactory.Text + "' " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND WORK_DATE = '" + strDate4 + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER ) " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           WHERE TARGET_MON <> 0 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           ) D , " + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("    ( SELECT CUSTOMER, ROUND((SUM(ASSY_MON)/SUM(TARGET_MON))* 100, 2) JINDO" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           SELECT CUSTOMER, (SUM(PLAN_QTY) * " + jindoPer5 + " ) / 100 AS TARGET_MON ,SUM(ASSY_QTY) AS ASSY_MON" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             FROM RSUMTRNGOL " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("            WHERE 1=1 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND FACTORY = '" + cdvFactory.Text + "' " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND WORK_DATE = '" + strDate5 + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER ) " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           WHERE TARGET_MON <> 0 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           ) E , " + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("    ( SELECT CUSTOMER, ROUND((SUM(ASSY_MON)/SUM(TARGET_MON))* 100, 2) JINDO" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           SELECT CUSTOMER, (SUM(PLAN_QTY) * " + jindoPer6 + " ) / 100 AS TARGET_MON ,SUM(ASSY_QTY) AS ASSY_MON" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             FROM RSUMTRNGOL " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("            WHERE 1=1 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND FACTORY = '" + cdvFactory.Text + "' " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND WORK_DATE = '" + strDate6 + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER ) " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           WHERE TARGET_MON <> 0 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           ) F , " + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("    ( SELECT CUSTOMER, ROUND((SUM(ASSY_MON)/SUM(TARGET_MON))* 100, 2) JINDO" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      FROM( " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           SELECT CUSTOMER, (SUM(PLAN_QTY) * " + jindoPer7 + " ) / 100 AS TARGET_MON ,SUM(ASSY_QTY) AS ASSY_MON" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             FROM RSUMTRNGOL " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("            WHERE 1=1 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND FACTORY = '" + cdvFactory.Text + "' " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             AND WORK_DATE = '" + strDate7 + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER ) " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           WHERE TARGET_MON <> 0 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           GROUP BY CUSTOMER " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           ) G  " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("      WHERE 1=1  " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("        AND A.CUSTOMER = TOTAL.CUSTOMER  " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("        AND A.CUSTOMER = B.CUSTOMER  " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("        AND A.CUSTOMER = C.CUSTOMER  " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("        AND A.CUSTOMER = D.CUSTOMER  " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("        AND A.CUSTOMER = E.CUSTOMER  " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("        AND A.CUSTOMER = F.CUSTOMER  " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("        AND A.CUSTOMER = G.CUSTOMER  " + "\n");

            if (GlobalVariable.gsUserGroup == "ADMIN_GROUP" || GlobalVariable.gsUserGroup == "HANA_ADMIN_GROUP")

        /// <summary>
        /// 4. 쿼리 생성
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string MakeSqlString()
            StringBuilder strSqlString = new StringBuilder();

            string QueryCond1;
            string start_date;
            string yesterday;
            string date;
            string month;
            string year;
            string lastMonth;
            string sKpcsValue;

            udcTableForm tableForm = (udcTableForm)btnSort.BindingForm;

            QueryCond1 = tableForm.SelectedValueToQueryContainNull;

            date = cdvDate.SelectedValue();

            DateTime Select_date;

            Select_date = DateTime.Parse(cdvDate.Text.ToString());

            year       = Select_date.ToString("yyyy");
            month      = Select_date.ToString("yyyyMM");
            start_date = month + "01";
            yesterday  = Select_date.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
            lastMonth  = Select_date.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyyMM"); // 지난달

            if (ckbKpcs.Checked == true)
                sKpcsValue = "1000";
                sKpcsValue = "1";

            strSqlString.Append("SELECT MAT_GRP_10, MAT_CMF_11, MAT_GRP_5, CHIP, STACK" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("     , KAJUNGCHI" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("     , ROUND((WIP_2GROUP + WIP_SAW + WIP_BG) / " + sKpcsValue + ", 0) AS FRONT" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("     , ROUND((WIP_2GROUP + WIP_SAW + WIP_BG) / STACK / " + sKpcsValue + ", 0) AS CONV_FRONT" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("     , ROUND(WIP_BE / " + sKpcsValue + ", 0) AS WIP_BE" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("     , ROUND((((WIP_2GROUP + WIP_SAW + WIP_BG) / STACK) + WIP_BE) / " + sKpcsValue + ", 0) AS WIP_TTL" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("     , ROUND(PLN_WEEK2 / " + sKpcsValue + ", 0) AS PLN_WEEK2" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("     , ROUND(PLN_WEEK4 / " + sKpcsValue + ", 0) AS PLN_WEEK4" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("     , 0, 0" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("  FROM (" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("        SELECT A.MAT_GRP_1" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , A.MAT_GRP_10" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , A.MAT_CMF_11" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , A.MAT_GRP_5     " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , A.CHIP" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , A.STACK" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , ROUND(100 / A.STACK,0) AS KAJUNGCHI" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , CASE WHEN A.MAT_GRP_5 IN ('-', '1st') THEN NVL(A.WIP_DA_WB,0) + NVL(B.WIP_MID_MER,0)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                    WHEN A.MAT_GRP_5 = '2nd' THEN NVL(A.WIP_DA_WB,0) + NVL(B.WIP_MID_MER,0)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                    WHEN A.MAT_GRP_5 = '3rd' THEN NVL(A.WIP_DA_WB,0) + NVL(B.WIP_MID_MER_3,0)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                    WHEN A.MAT_GRP_5 = '4th' THEN NVL(A.WIP_DA_WB,0) + NVL(B.WIP_MID_MER_4,0)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                    WHEN A.MAT_GRP_5 = '5th' THEN NVL(A.WIP_DA_WB,0) + NVL(B.WIP_MID_MER_5,0)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                    ELSE 0" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("               END WIP_2GROUP" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , NVL(A.WIP_SAW,0) AS WIP_SAW" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , NVL(A.WIP_BG,0) AS WIP_BG" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , CASE WHEN A.MAT_GRP_5 IN ('-', '1st') THEN NVL(B.WIP_BE,0) ELSE 0 END WIP_BE " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , CASE WHEN A.MAT_GRP_5 IN ('-', '1st') THEN NVL(C.PLN_WEEK2,0) ELSE 0 END PLN_WEEK2 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , CASE WHEN A.MAT_GRP_5 IN ('-', '1st') THEN NVL(C.PLN_WEEK4,0) ELSE 0 END PLN_WEEK4 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("          FROM (" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                SELECT MAT_GRP_1, MAT_GRP_10, MAT_CMF_11, MAT_GRP_5" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , CASE WHEN MAT_GRP_4 IN ('-', 'FD', 'FU') THEN '1'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                            WHEN MAT_GRP_4 IN ('DDP') THEN '2'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                            WHEN MAT_GRP_4 IN ('QDP') THEN '4'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                            WHEN MAT_GRP_4 IN ('ODP') THEN '8'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                            ELSE REGEXP_REPLACE(MAT_GRP_4, '[^[:digit:]]')" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                       END AS STACK" + "\n");
            //strSqlString.Append("                     , CASE WHEN MAT_GRP_4 IN ('-','FD','FU') THEN '1'" + "\n");
            //strSqlString.Append("                            ELSE SUBSTR(MAT_GRP_4, 3)" + "\n");
            //strSqlString.Append("                       END AS STACK" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , MAX(CASE WHEN MAT.MAT_ID LIKE 'SEKS3%' THEN SUBSTR(MAT.MAT_ID, INSTR(MAT.MAT_ID, '-')-3, 3)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                                WHEN MAT.MAT_ID LIKE 'SEK9%' THEN 'N'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                                WHEN MAT.MAT_ID LIKE 'SEKY%' THEN 'S'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                                WHEN MAT.MAT_ID LIKE 'SEK%' THEN 'D'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                                ELSE ' '" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           END) CHIP" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(WIP_BG / COMP_CNT) AS WIP_BG" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(WIP_SAW / COMP_CNT) AS WIP_SAW" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(WIP_DA_WB) AS WIP_DA_WB" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                  FROM (" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                        SELECT A.*" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                          FROM VWIPMATDEF A" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                         WHERE 1=1" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           AND FACTORY = '" + GlobalVariable.gsAssyDefaultFactory + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           AND MAT_TYPE = 'FG'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           AND DELETE_FLAG = ' '" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           AND MAT_GRP_5 <> 'Merge'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           AND MAT_GRP_5 NOT LIKE 'Middle%'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           AND MAT_ID LIKE 'SEK%'" + "\n");

            if (txtProduct.Text.Trim() != "%" && txtProduct.Text.Trim() != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_ID LIKE '{0}'" + "\n", txtProduct.Text);

            #region 상세 조회에 따른 SQL문 생성
            if (udcWIPCondition1.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition1.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_1 {0}" + "\n", udcWIPCondition1.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            if (udcWIPCondition2.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition2.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_2 {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition2.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            if (udcWIPCondition3.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition3.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_3 {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition3.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            if (udcWIPCondition4.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition4.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_4 {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition4.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            if (udcWIPCondition5.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition5.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_5 {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition5.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            if (udcWIPCondition6.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition6.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_6 {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition6.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            if (udcWIPCondition7.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition7.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_7 {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition7.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            if (udcWIPCondition8.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition8.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_8 {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition8.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            if (udcWIPCondition9.Text != "ALL" && udcWIPCondition9.Text != "")
                strSqlString.AppendFormat("                           AND MAT_GRP_9 {0} " + "\n", udcWIPCondition9.SelectedValueToQueryString);

            strSqlString.Append("                       ) MAT" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , (" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                        SELECT MAT_ID " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                             , SUM(CASE WHEN OPER BETWEEN 'A0001' AND 'A0040' THEN QTY_1 ELSE 0 END) AS WIP_BG" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                             , SUM(CASE WHEN OPER BETWEEN 'A0041' AND 'A0300' AND OPER <> 'A0250' THEN QTY_1 ELSE 0 END) AS WIP_SAW" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                             , SUM(CASE WHEN OPER BETWEEN 'A0400' AND 'A0809' OR OPER = 'A0250' THEN QTY_1 ELSE 0 END) AS WIP_DA_WB" + "\n");

            if (date == DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
                strSqlString.Append("                          FROM RWIPLOTSTS " + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                         WHERE 1=1  " + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                          FROM RWIPLOTSTS_BOH " + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                         WHERE 1=1  " + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                           AND CUTOFF_DT = '" + date + "22' " + "\n");

            if (cdvLotType.Text != "ALL")
                strSqlString.Append("                           AND LOT_CMF_5 LIKE '" + cdvLotType.Text + "'" + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("                           AND FACTORY = '" + GlobalVariable.gsAssyDefaultFactory + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           AND LOT_DEL_FLAG = ' '" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                           AND LOT_TYPE = 'W'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                         GROUP BY MAT_ID" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                       ) WIP" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                 WHERE 1=1" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND MAT.MAT_ID = WIP.MAT_ID(+)   " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                 GROUP BY MAT_GRP_1, MAT_GRP_10, MAT_CMF_11, MAT_GRP_5, MAT_GRP_4" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("               ) A" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , (" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                SELECT A.MAT_GRP_1, A.MAT_GRP_10, A.MAT_CMF_11 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(CASE WHEN B.OPER BETWEEN 'A0400' AND 'A0609' AND MAT_GRP_5 NOT IN ('-') THEN QTY_1 ELSE 0 END) AS WIP_MID_MER" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(CASE WHEN B.OPER BETWEEN 'A0400' AND 'A0609' AND MAT_GRP_5 NOT IN ('-', 'Middle') THEN QTY_1 ELSE 0 END) AS WIP_MID_MER_3" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(CASE WHEN B.OPER BETWEEN 'A0400' AND 'A0609' AND MAT_GRP_5 NOT IN ('-', 'Middle', 'Middle 1') THEN QTY_1 ELSE 0 END) AS WIP_MID_MER_4" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(CASE WHEN B.OPER BETWEEN 'A0400' AND 'A0609' AND MAT_GRP_5 NOT IN ('-', 'Middle', 'Middle 1', 'Middle 2') THEN QTY_1 ELSE 0 END) AS WIP_MID_MER_5" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(CASE WHEN C.OPER_GRP_1 IN ('MOLD','CURE','M/K','TRIM','TIN','S/B/A','SIG','AVI','V/I','HMK3A') THEN QTY_1 ELSE 0 END) AS WIP_BE                          " + "\n");

            if (date == DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
                strSqlString.Append("                  FROM MWIPMATDEF A" + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                     , RWIPLOTSTS B" + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                     , MWIPOPRDEF C" + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                 WHERE 1=1  " + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                  FROM MWIPMATDEF A" + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                     , RWIPLOTSTS_BOH B" + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                     , MWIPOPRDEF C" + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                 WHERE 1=1  " + "\n");
                strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.CUTOFF_DT = '" + date + "22' " + "\n");

            if (cdvLotType.Text != "ALL")
                strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.LOT_CMF_5 LIKE '" + cdvLotType.Text + "'" + "\n");

            strSqlString.Append("                   AND A.FACTORY = B.FACTORY" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND A.FACTORY = C.FACTORY" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND A.MAT_ID = B.MAT_ID" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.OPER = C.OPER" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.FACTORY = '" + GlobalVariable.gsAssyDefaultFactory + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.OPER BETWEEN 'A0400' AND 'AZ010'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.LOT_TYPE = 'W'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.LOT_DEL_FLAG = ' '" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.MAT_ID LIKE 'SEK%'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND A.DELETE_FLAG = ' '" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND REGEXP_LIKE(A.MAT_GRP_5, 'Middle*|Merge|-')" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                 GROUP BY A.MAT_GRP_1, A.MAT_GRP_10, A.MAT_CMF_11 " + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("               ) B" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("             , (" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                SELECT A.MAT_GRP_1, A.MAT_GRP_10, A.MAT_CMF_11" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(CASE WHEN PLAN_WEEK IN ('" + dtWeek.Rows[0][0] + "', '" + dtWeek.Rows[1][0] + "') THEN WW_QTY ELSE 0 END) AS PLN_WEEK2" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , SUM(WW_QTY) AS PLN_WEEK4" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                  FROM MWIPMATDEF A" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                     , RWIPPLNWEK B" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                 WHERE 1=1" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND A.FACTORY = B.FACTORY" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND A.MAT_ID = B.MAT_ID" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND A.DELETE_FLAG = ' '" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.FACTORY = '" + GlobalVariable.gsAssyDefaultFactory + "'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.PLAN_WEEK IN ('" + dtWeek.Rows[0][0] + "','" + dtWeek.Rows[1][0] + "', '" + dtWeek.Rows[2][0] + "', '" + dtWeek.Rows[3][0] + "')" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.GUBUN = '0'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                   AND B.MAT_ID LIKE 'SEK%'" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("                 GROUP BY A.MAT_GRP_1, A.MAT_GRP_10, A.MAT_CMF_11" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("               ) C" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("         WHERE 1=1" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           AND A.MAT_GRP_1 = B.MAT_GRP_1(+)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           AND A.MAT_GRP_1 = C.MAT_GRP_1(+)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           AND A.MAT_GRP_10 = B.MAT_GRP_10(+)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           AND A.MAT_GRP_10 = C.MAT_GRP_10(+)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           AND A.MAT_CMF_11 = B.MAT_CMF_11(+)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           AND A.MAT_CMF_11 = C.MAT_CMF_11(+)" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("           AND NVL(A.WIP_DA_WB,0) + NVL(B.WIP_MID_MER,0) + NVL(B.WIP_BE,0) + NVL(A.WIP_SAW,0) +" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("               NVL(A.WIP_BG,0) + NVL(C.PLN_WEEK2,0) + NVL(C.PLN_WEEK4,0) > 0" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append("       )" + "\n");
            strSqlString.Append(" ORDER BY MAT_GRP_10, MAT_CMF_11, MAT_GRP_5" + "\n");

            if (GlobalVariable.gsUserGroup == "ADMIN_GROUP" || GlobalVariable.gsUserGroup == "HANA_ADMIN_GROUP")
