        // Constructs a convolutional network with two convolutional layers,
        // two fully-connected layers, ReLU units and a softmax on the output.
        public static void BuildCnn(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, int batchSize, bool useCudnn, out Sequential model, out ICriterion criterion, out bool outputIsClassIndices)
            var inputWidth  = MnistParser.ImageSize;
            var inputHeight = MnistParser.ImageSize;

            var elementType = DType.Float32;

            var inputDims = new long[] { batchSize, 1, inputHeight, inputWidth };

            model = new Sequential();
            model.Add(new ViewLayer(inputDims));

            var outSize = AddCnnLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, model, inputDims, 20, useCudnn);

            outSize = AddCnnLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, model, outSize, 40, useCudnn);

            var convOutSize = outSize[1] * outSize[2] * outSize[3];

            model.Add(new ViewLayer(batchSize, convOutSize));

            var hiddenSize = 1000;
            var outputSize = 10;

            model.Add(new DropoutLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, 0.5f, batchSize, convOutSize));
            model.Add(new LinearLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, (int)convOutSize, hiddenSize, batchSize));
            model.Add(new ReLULayer(allocator, elementType, batchSize, hiddenSize));

            model.Add(new DropoutLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, 0.5f, batchSize, hiddenSize));
            model.Add(new LinearLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, hiddenSize, outputSize, batchSize));
            model.Add(LayerBuilder.BuildLogSoftMax(allocator, elementType, batchSize, outputSize, useCudnn));

            criterion            = new ClassNLLCriterion(allocator, batchSize, outputSize);
            outputIsClassIndices = true; // output of criterion is class indices
        private void InitWeightsLinear(SeedSource seedSource, NDArray weights, NDArray bias)
            var stdv = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(weights.Shape[1]);

            Ops.RandomUniform(weights, seedSource, -stdv, stdv);
            Ops.RandomUniform(bias, seedSource, -stdv, stdv);
        public Conv2Layer(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, DType elementType, int batchSize, int inputWidth, int inputHeight, int nInputPlane, int nOutputPlane, ConvolutionDesc2d cd)
            this.cd = cd;

            this.weight = new NDArray(allocator, elementType, nOutputPlane, nInputPlane * cd.kW * cd.kH);
            this.bias   = new NDArray(allocator, elementType, nOutputPlane, 1);

            this.gradWeight = new NDArray(allocator, elementType, this.weight.Shape);
            this.gradBias   = new NDArray(allocator, elementType, this.bias.Shape);

            inputSizes     = new long[] { batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth };
            this.gradInput = new NDArray(allocator, elementType, inputSizes);

            outputSizes     = SpatialConvolutionMM.OutputSize(inputSizes, weight.Shape, cd);
            this.activation = new NDArray(allocator, elementType, outputSizes);

            this.OutputSizes = outputSizes;

            var stdv = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(cd.kW * cd.kH * nInputPlane);

            Ops.RandomUniform(weight, seedSource, -stdv, stdv);
            Ops.RandomUniform(bias, seedSource, -stdv, stdv);
        private void InitWeightsLinear(SeedSource seedSource, Tensor weights, Tensor bias)
            var stdv = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(weights.Sizes[1]);

            Ops.RandomUniform(weights, seedSource, -stdv, stdv);
            Ops.RandomUniform(bias, seedSource, -stdv, stdv);
        public Conv2Cudnn(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, DType elementType, int batchSize, int inputWidth, int inputHeight, int nInputPlane, int nOutputPlane, ConvolutionDesc2d cd)
            : base(allocator, seedSource, elementType, batchSize, inputWidth, inputHeight, nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, cd)
            // Reshape weight and bias - CuDNN expects the dimensions to be structured slightly differently
            this.weight     = ViewReplace(this.weight, nOutputPlane, nInputPlane, cd.kH, cd.kW);
            this.bias       = ViewReplace(this.bias, 1, nOutputPlane, 1, 1);
            this.gradWeight = ViewReplace(this.gradWeight, this.weight.Shape);
            this.gradBias   = ViewReplace(this.gradBias, this.bias.Shape);

            var fwdWorkspace = DNN.GetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize(allocator, fwdAlgo, cd,
                                                                      new TensorShape(elementType, new long[] { batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth }),
                                                                      new TensorShape(weight),
                                                                      new TensorShape(activation));

            var bwdFilterWorkspace = DNN.GetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize(allocator, bwdFilterAlgo, cd,
                                                                                   new TensorShape(elementType, new long[] { batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth }),
                                                                                   new TensorShape(activation),
                                                                                   new TensorShape(weight));

            var bwdFilterInputWorkspace = DNN.GetConvolutionBackwardDataWorkspaceSize(allocator, bwdDataAlgo, cd,
                                                                                      new TensorShape(weight),
                                                                                      new TensorShape(activation),
                                                                                      new TensorShape(elementType, new long[] { batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth }));

            var workspaceSize = Math.Max(Math.Max(fwdWorkspace, bwdFilterWorkspace), bwdFilterInputWorkspace);

            this.workspace = (CudaStorage)allocator.Allocate(DType.UInt8, workspaceSize);
        public Conv2Cuda(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, DType elementType, int batchSize, int inputWidth, int inputHeight, int nInputPlane, int nOutputPlane, ConvolutionDesc2d cd)
            : base(allocator, seedSource, elementType, batchSize, inputWidth, inputHeight, nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, cd)
            var finputSizes = TensorSharp.CUDA.SpatialConvolution.FInputSize(inputSizes, outputSizes, cd);

            this.finput     = new NDArray(allocator, elementType, finputSizes);
            this.fgradInput = new NDArray(allocator, elementType, finputSizes);
        public override Tensor Operator(params long[] shape)
            Tensor tensor  = new Tensor(Global.Device, DType.Float32, shape);
            var    hwScale = 1.0f;

            if (tensor.DimensionCount > 2)
                for (int i = 2; i < tensor.DimensionCount; ++i)
                    hwScale *= shape[i];

            var @in    = shape[1] * hwScale;
            var @out   = shape[0] * hwScale;
            var factor = 1.0f;

            switch (Mode)
            case "fan_avg":
                factor = Scale / Math.Max(1, (@in + @out) / 2.0f);

            case "fan_in":
                factor = Scale / Math.Max(1, @in);

            case "fan_out":
                factor = Scale / Math.Max(1, @out);

            SeedSource seedSource = new SeedSource();

            if (Seed.HasValue)
                seedSource = new SeedSource(Seed.Value);

            switch (Distribution)
            case "uniform":
                float limit = (float)Math.Sqrt(3f * factor);
                Ops.RandomUniform(tensor, seedSource, -limit, limit);

            case "normal":
                float stddev = (float)Math.Sqrt(factor) / 0.87962566103423978f;
                Ops.RandomNormal(tensor, seedSource, 0, stddev);

        public void Initialize(Generator generator)
            // Inputs
            InputSlot.CreateOrResetRequiredMutating <IRandom>(ref randomSeedInputSlot, generator);

            // Fields
            randomType = RandomType.XorShift128Plus;
            seedSource = SeedSource.Numerical;
            seedNumber = 0;
            seedText   = "";
        public DropoutLayer(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, DType elementType, float pRemove, params long[] shape)
            this.seedSource  = seedSource;
            this.allocator   = allocator;
            this.elementType = elementType;

            this.pRemove = pRemove;

            this.activation = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, shape);
            this.gradInput  = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, shape);
            this.noise      = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, shape);
        public override Tensor Operator(params long[] shape)
            SeedSource seedSource = new SeedSource();

            if (Seed.HasValue)
                seedSource = new SeedSource(Seed.Value);

            Tensor tensor = new Tensor(Global.Device, DType.Float32, shape);

            Ops.RandomUniform(tensor, seedSource, MinVal, MaxVal);
        public LinearLayer(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, DType elementType, int nInput, int nOutput, int batchSize)
            this.batchSize = batchSize;
            this.nOutput   = nOutput;

            this.weights = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, nInput, nOutput);
            this.bias    = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, 1, nOutput);

            this.activation = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, batchSize, nOutput);

            this.gradInput   = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, batchSize, nInput);
            this.gradWeights = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, nInput, nOutput);
            this.gradBias    = new Tensor(allocator, elementType, 1, nOutput);

            InitWeightsLinear(seedSource, weights, bias);
        private static long[] AddCnnLayer(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, DType elementType, Sequential model, long[] inputSizes, int nOutputPlane, bool useCudnn)
            var conv = LayerBuilder.BuildConvLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, (int)inputSizes[0], (int)inputSizes[3], (int)inputSizes[2], (int)inputSizes[1], nOutputPlane,
                                                   new ConvolutionDesc2d(5, 5, 1, 1, 0, 0), useCudnn);


            var cdPool    = new ConvolutionDesc2d(2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0);
            var poolLayer = LayerBuilder.BuildPoolLayer(allocator, elementType, conv.OutputSizes, cdPool, useCudnn);


            model.Add(new ReLULayer(allocator, elementType, poolLayer.OutputSizes));

        // Constructs a network composed of two fully-connected sigmoid layers
        public static void BuildMLP(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, int batchSize, bool useCudnn, out Sequential model, out ICriterion criterion, out bool outputIsClassIndices)
            int inputSize  = MnistParser.ImageSize * MnistParser.ImageSize;
            int hiddenSize = 100;
            int outputSize = MnistParser.LabelCount;

            var elementType = DType.Float32;

            model = new Sequential();
            model.Add(new ViewLayer(batchSize, inputSize));
            model.Add(new LinearLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, inputSize, hiddenSize, batchSize));
            model.Add(new SigmoidLayer(allocator, elementType, batchSize, hiddenSize));

            model.Add(new LinearLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, hiddenSize, outputSize, batchSize));
            model.Add(new SigmoidLayer(allocator, elementType, batchSize, outputSize));

            criterion = new MSECriterion(allocator, batchSize, outputSize);

            outputIsClassIndices = false; // output is class (pseudo-)probabilities, not class indices
        // Constructs a network with two fully-connected layers; one sigmoid, one softmax
        public static void BuildMLPSoftmax(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, int batchSize, bool useCudnn, out Sequential model, out ICriterion criterion, out bool outputIsClassIndices)
            int inputSize  = MnistParser.ImageSize * MnistParser.ImageSize;
            int hiddenSize = 100;
            int outputSize = MnistParser.LabelCount;

            var elementType = DType.Float32;

            model = new Sequential();
            model.Add(new ViewLayer(batchSize, inputSize));

            model.Add(new LinearLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, inputSize, hiddenSize, batchSize));
            model.Add(new SigmoidLayer(allocator, elementType, batchSize, hiddenSize));

            model.Add(new LinearLayer(allocator, seedSource, elementType, hiddenSize, outputSize, batchSize));
            model.Add(LayerBuilder.BuildLogSoftMax(allocator, elementType, batchSize, outputSize, useCudnn));

            criterion            = new ClassNLLCriterion(allocator, batchSize, outputSize);
            outputIsClassIndices = true; // output of criterion is class indices
 public static Conv2Layer BuildConvLayer(IAllocator allocator, SeedSource seedSource, DType elementType, int batchSize, int inputWidth, int inputHeight, int nInputPlane, int nOutputPlane, ConvolutionDesc2d cd, bool useCudnn = false)
     if (allocator is CpuAllocator)
         return(new Conv2Cpu(allocator, seedSource, elementType, batchSize, inputWidth, inputHeight, nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, cd));
     else if (allocator is CudaAllocator)
         if (useCudnn)
             return(new Conv2Cudnn(allocator, seedSource, elementType, batchSize, inputWidth, inputHeight, nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, cd));
             return(new Conv2Cuda(allocator, seedSource, elementType, batchSize, inputWidth, inputHeight, nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, cd));
         throw new NotSupportedException("Allocator type " + allocator.GetType() + " not supported");
 /// <summary>
 /// Randoms the cauchy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seedSource">The seed source.</param>
 /// <param name="median">The median.</param>
 /// <param name="sigma">The sigma.</param>
 /// <param name="allocator">The allocator.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="sizes">The sizes.</param>
 /// <returns>TVar.</returns>
 public static Variable RandomCauchy(SeedSource seedSource, ScalarVar median, ScalarVar sigma, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new Variable(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomCauchy(res, seedSource, median.Evaluate(), sigma.Evaluate()))));
 /// <summary>
 /// Randoms the exponential.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seedSource">The seed source.</param>
 /// <param name="lambda">The lambda.</param>
 /// <param name="allocator">The allocator.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="sizes">The sizes.</param>
 /// <returns>TVar.</returns>
 public static Variable RandomExponential(SeedSource seedSource, ScalarVar lambda, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new Variable(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomExponential(res, seedSource, lambda.Evaluate()))));
 /// <summary>
 /// Randoms the normal.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seedSource">The seed source.</param>
 /// <param name="mean">The mean.</param>
 /// <param name="stdv">The STDV.</param>
 /// <param name="allocator">The allocator.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="sizes">The sizes.</param>
 /// <returns>TVar.</returns>
 public static Variable RandomNormal(SeedSource seedSource, ScalarVar mean, ScalarVar stdv, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new Variable(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomNormal(res, seedSource, mean.Evaluate(), stdv.Evaluate()))));
 /// <summary>
 /// Randoms the uniform.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seedSource">The seed source.</param>
 /// <param name="min">The minimum.</param>
 /// <param name="max">The maximum.</param>
 /// <param name="allocator">The allocator.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="sizes">The sizes.</param>
 /// <returns>TVar.</returns>
 public static Variable RandomUniform(SeedSource seedSource, ScalarVar min, ScalarVar max, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new Variable(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomUniform(res, seedSource, min.Evaluate(), max.Evaluate()))));
 /// <summary>
 /// Randoms the bernoulli.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seedSource">The seed source.</param>
 /// <param name="p">The p.</param>
 /// <param name="allocator">The allocator.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="sizes">The sizes.</param>
 /// <returns>TVar.</returns>
 public static Variable RandomBernoulli(SeedSource seedSource, ScalarVar p, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new Variable(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomBernoulli(res, seedSource, p.Evaluate()))));
 public static TVar RandomGeometric(SeedSource seedSource, SVar p, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new TVar(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomGeometric(res, seedSource, p.Evaluate()))));
        // End of configuraion options

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Init TensorSharp

            IAllocator allocator = null;

            if (AccMode == AccelMode.Cpu)
                allocator = new CpuAllocator();
                var cudaContext = new TSCudaContext();
                allocator = new CudaAllocator(cudaContext, 0);

            var random = new SeedSource(42); // set seed to a known value - we do this to make the training repeatable

            // Load data

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MnistFolder))
                throw new ApplicationException("MnistFolder should be set to the path containing the MNIST data set");

            Console.WriteLine("loading data sets");
            DataSet trainingSet, testingSet;

            using (new SimpleTimer("data set loading done in {0}ms"))
                MnistDataSetBuilder.BuildDataSets(allocator, MnistFolder, TRAINING_SIZE, TESTING_SIZE, out trainingSet, out testingSet);

            // Construct the model, loss function and optimizer

            int numInputs = MnistParser.ImageSize * MnistParser.ImageSize;

            Sequential model;
            ICriterion criterion;
            bool       useTargetClasses;

            var useCudnn = AccMode == AccelMode.Cudnn;

            switch (MType)
            case ModelType.MLP: ModelBuilder.BuildMLP(allocator, random, BatchSize, useCudnn, out model, out criterion, out useTargetClasses); break;

            case ModelType.MLPSoftmax: ModelBuilder.BuildMLPSoftmax(allocator, random, BatchSize, useCudnn, out model, out criterion, out useTargetClasses); break;

            case ModelType.Cnn: ModelBuilder.BuildCnn(allocator, random, BatchSize, useCudnn, out model, out criterion, out useTargetClasses); break;

            default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized model type " + MType);

            var optim = new SgdOptimizer(sgdConfig);

            // Train the model

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
                TrainEpoch(model, criterion, optim, trainingSet, numInputs, useTargetClasses);
                EvaluateModel(model, testingSet, numInputs);