public string DecodeSID(SecurityIdentifier trustee, bool translateSid = true) { string ret = null; if (!translateSid) { ret = trustee.ToString() + " (must not resolve)"; } else { try { ret = ForestBase.SidCache.GetValueSafe <SecurityIdentifier, string>(trustee); if (ret == null) { ret = trustee.Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).Value; } } catch (Exception ex) { ret = trustee.ToString() + " (could not resolve)";; GlobalEventHandler.RaiseErrorOccured("ERROR resolving " + trustee.ToString()); ex.ToDummy(); } ForestBase.SidCache.AddSafe <SecurityIdentifier, string>(trustee, ret); } return(ret); }
DSNAME[] LookupSID(DsServer dc, uint flags, NT4SID sid) { List <DSNAME> rt = new List <DSNAME>(); SecurityIdentifier secId = new SecurityIdentifier(sid.Data, 0); DSNAME[] rt1 = LookupAttr(dc, flags, "objectSid", secId.ToString()); DSNAME[] rt2 = LookupAttr(dc, flags, "sIDHistory", secId.ToString()); if (rt1 != null) { rt.AddRange(rt1); } if (rt2 != null) { rt.AddRange(rt2); } if (rt.Count > 0) { return(rt.ToArray()); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Walks through the config file extracting the data we need for the model. /// </summary> /// <param name="tcpHostingConfiguration"></param> private static void ReadConfiguration(Configuration tcpHostingConfiguration) { ConfigurationSectionGroup sg = tcpHostingConfiguration.SectionGroups[ServiceModelTag]; ConfigurationSection cs = sg.Sections[NetTcpTag]; //avoid taking a dependency on System.ServiceModel, //use reflection to get the property collections we need. System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = cs.GetType().GetProperty(AllowAccountsTag); ConfigurationElementCollection allowedAccounts = (ConfigurationElementCollection)pi.GetValue(cs, null); //enumerates over System.ServiceModel.Activation.Configuration.SecurityIdentifierElement List <String> currentSids = new List <string>(); foreach (ConfigurationElement securityIdentiferElement in allowedAccounts) { SecurityIdentifier sid = (SecurityIdentifier)securityIdentiferElement.GetType().GetProperty(SecurityIdentifierTag).GetValue(securityIdentiferElement, null); if (!currentSids.Contains(sid.ToString())) { currentSids.Add(sid.ToString()); } } foreach (string sid in currentSids) { if (!AllowAccounts.Contains(sid)) { AllowAccounts.Add(sid); } } }
// Token: 0x0600095E RID: 2398 RVA: 0x00029CD8 File Offset: 0x00027ED8 private static List <Tuple <string, KeyType> > GetSidKeys(ADObject adObject) { ArgumentValidator.ThrowIfNull("adObject", adObject); List <Tuple <string, KeyType> > list = new List <Tuple <string, KeyType> >(); SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier = (SecurityIdentifier)adObject[ADMailboxRecipientSchema.Sid]; if (null != securityIdentifier) { list.Add(new Tuple <string, KeyType>(securityIdentifier.ToString(), KeyType.Sid)); } securityIdentifier = (SecurityIdentifier)adObject[ADRecipientSchema.MasterAccountSid]; if (null != securityIdentifier) { list.Add(new Tuple <string, KeyType>(securityIdentifier.ToString(), KeyType.MasterAccountSid)); } MultiValuedProperty <SecurityIdentifier> multiValuedProperty = (MultiValuedProperty <SecurityIdentifier>)adObject[ADMailboxRecipientSchema.SidHistory]; if (multiValuedProperty != null) { foreach (SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier2 in multiValuedProperty) { list.Add(new Tuple <string, KeyType>(securityIdentifier2.ToString(), KeyType.SidHistory)); } } return(list); }
private static void GetLogonUserInfo(SecurityIdentifier sid, string smtpDomain, out string smtpAddress, out string displayName, out string puid) { string smtpAddressTemporary = sid.ToString(); string displayNameTemporary = sid.ToString(); string puidTemporary = string.Empty; ADNotificationAdapter.RunADOperation(delegate() { IRecipientSession tenantOrRootOrgRecipientSession = DirectorySessionFactory.Default.GetTenantOrRootOrgRecipientSession(true, ConsistencyMode.IgnoreInvalid, ADSessionSettings.RootOrgOrSingleTenantFromAcceptedDomainAutoDetect(smtpDomain), 339, "GetLogonUserInfo", "f:\\15.00.1497\\sources\\dev\\clients\\src\\Owa2\\Server\\Core\\attachment\\CachedAttachmentInfo.cs"); PropertyDefinition[] properties = new PropertyDefinition[] { ADRecipientSchema.PrimarySmtpAddress, ADRecipientSchema.LegacyExchangeDN, ADRecipientSchema.DisplayName, ADUserSchema.NetID }; ADRawEntry entry = tenantOrRootOrgRecipientSession.FindADRawEntryBySid(sid, properties); try { CachedAttachmentInfo.SafeGetValue(entry, ADRecipientSchema.PrimarySmtpAddress, ref smtpAddressTemporary); CachedAttachmentInfo.SafeGetValue(entry, ADRecipientSchema.DisplayName, ref displayNameTemporary); CachedAttachmentInfo.SafeGetValue(entry, ADUserSchema.NetID, ref puidTemporary); } catch (NotInBagPropertyErrorException) { } }); smtpAddress = smtpAddressTemporary; displayName = displayNameTemporary; puid = puidTemporary; }
public void ParsedToStringEqualsValue() { var value = SPY_Put_19550.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(value); var sid2 = SecurityIdentifier.Parse(value); Assert.AreEqual(SPY_Put_19550, sid2); }
private bool CitrixUPM() { if (!EventLog.SourceExists("Citrix Profile management")) { return(false); } string timestart = LogonTime.ToString("s"); string timeend = LogonTime.AddHours(1).ToString("s"); string StartQueryString = "<QueryList>\n" + " <Query Id=\"0\" Path=\"Application\">\n" + " <Select Path=\"Application\">\n" + " *[System[(EventID=10) " + " and TimeCreated[@SystemTime > '" + timestart + "' and @SystemTime < '" + timeend + "']" + " and Provider[@Name='Citrix Profile management']]]\n" + " and *[EventData[Data and (Data = \"" + UserName + "\")]]\n" + " </Select>\n" + " </Query>\n" + "</QueryList>"; EventLogQuery eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery("Citrix Profile management", PathType.FilePath, StartQueryString); EventLogReader logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery); EventRecord e = logReader.ReadEvent(); if (e == null) { return(false); } upmStart = (DateTime)e.TimeCreated; string EndQueryString = "<QueryList>\n" + " <Query Id=\"0\" Path=\"Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service/Operational\">\n" + " <Select Path=\"Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service/Operational\">\n" + " *[System[(EventID=1) " + " and TimeCreated[@SystemTime > '" + timestart + "' and @SystemTime < '" + timeend + "']" + " and Security[@UserID='" + UserSID.ToString() + "']]]\n" + " </Select>\n" + " </Query>\n" + "</QueryList>"; eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery("Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service/Operational", PathType.FilePath, EndQueryString); logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery); e = logReader.ReadEvent(); if (e == null) { return(false); } upmEnd = (DateTime)e.TimeCreated; return(true); }
public string GetPathEnvironmentVariable(string domainName, string userName) { try { NTAccount f = new NTAccount(domainName, userName); SecurityIdentifier s = (SecurityIdentifier)f.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); string sidString = s.ToString(); var regView = (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? RegistryView.Registry64 : RegistryView.Registry32); var baseKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.Users, regView); var baseKeyPath = Path.Combine(sidString, "Environment"); var environmentKey = baseKey.OpenSubKey(baseKeyPath); var variableNames = environmentKey.GetValueNames(); string pathVariableVal = string.Empty; foreach (var varName in variableNames) { if (varName.ToLower().Equals("path")) { pathVariableVal = environmentKey.GetValue(varName).ToString(); break; } } return(pathVariableVal); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void SamrRidToSidForAlias() { aliasTestPrerequisite(); createAlias(); Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.TestStep, "SamrRidToSid: obtain the SID of an account, given a RID."); string groupPath = string.Format("LDAP://{0}/CN={1},{2}", _samrProtocolAdapter.pdcFqdn, testAliasName, _samrProtocolAdapter.primaryDomainUserContainerDN); DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(groupPath); SecurityIdentifier objSid = new SecurityIdentifier((byte[])entry.Properties["objectSid"].Value, 0); string objectSid = objSid.ToString(); string[] sidArray = objectSid.Split('-'); uint rid = Convert.ToUInt32(sidArray[sidArray.Length - 1]); _RPC_SID?sid; _samrProtocolAdapter.SamrRidToSid(_aliasHandle, rid, out sid); byte[] ia = sid.Value.IdentifierAuthority.Value; Site.Assert.AreEqual(sidArray[2], ia[ia.Length - 1].ToString(), "The IdentifierAuthority in Sid should be right."); Site.Assert.AreEqual(sidArray.Length - 3, (int)sid.Value.SubAuthorityCount, "The SubAuthority count should be right."); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Site.Assert.AreEqual(sidArray[i + 3], sid.Value.SubAuthority[i].ToString(), "The SubAuthority{0} should be right.", i); } }
private static string GetNTAccountSecIdentifier() { NTAccount nTAccount = new NTAccount(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier = (SecurityIdentifier)nTAccount.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); return(securityIdentifier.ToString()); }
static public IEnumerable GetAdmins() { //Get the Builtin Administrators Group name based on the SID (S-1-5-32-544) SecurityIdentifier Sid = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinAdministratorsSid, null); NTAccount LAdmins = (NTAccount)Sid.Translate(typeof(NTAccount)); //Enumerate all members of the local Administrators Group DirectoryEntry localMachine = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",Computer"); DirectoryEntry admGroup = localMachine.Children.Find(LAdmins.Value.Split('\\')[1], "group"); foreach (object obj in (IEnumerable)admGroup.Invoke("members", null)) { using (DirectoryEntry user = new DirectoryEntry(obj)) { string sName = user.Path; sName = sName.Replace("WinNT://", ""); if (sName.Contains(Environment.MachineName)) { //Remove the Domain Name if it's a local User / Group sName = sName.Remove(0, sName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); } string sSID = ""; try { //Get the SID from each User/Group byte[] oSid = user.Properties["objectSid"].Value as byte[]; SecurityIdentifier SID = new SecurityIdentifier(oSid, 0); sSID = SID.ToString(); } catch { } yield return(new LocalAdmins(sName, sSID, user.SchemaClassName)); } } }
// To check if the required environment variable exists for the given User Name public bool EnvironmentVariableExists(string domainName, string userName) { try { NTAccount f = new NTAccount(domainName, userName); SecurityIdentifier s = (SecurityIdentifier)f.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); string sidString = s.ToString(); var regView = (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? RegistryView.Registry64 : RegistryView.Registry32); var baseKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.Users, regView); var baseKeyPath = Path.Combine(sidString, "Environment"); var environmentKey = baseKey.OpenSubKey(baseKeyPath); var envVariable = environmentKey.GetValue(EnvironmentVariableName); if (envVariable != null) { EnvironmentVariableValue = envVariable.ToString(); return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// returns profiledir based on regkey /// </summary> /// <param name="sid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <string> GetProfileDir(SecurityIdentifier sid) { List <string> ret = new List <string>(); //"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-534125731-1308685933-1530606844-1000}" using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(ROOT_PROFILE_KEY)) { if (key != null) { foreach (string keyName in key.GetSubKeyNames()) { if (keyName.Contains(sid.ToString())) //get the %SID% and %SID%.bak key { using (RegistryKey subKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", ROOT_PROFILE_KEY, keyName))) { LibraryLogging.Info("ProfileList key found {0}", keyName); ret.Add(subKey.GetValue("ProfileImagePath", "", RegistryValueOptions.None).ToString()); } } } } else { LibraryLogging.Info("GetProfileDir key {0} not found", ROOT_PROFILE_KEY); } } return(ret); }
public override bool Equals(Object obj) { var sid1 = obj as Sid; if (sid1 != null) { var s = sid1; if (s.sid != null) { return(s.sid == sid); } return(s.SecurityIdentifier.ToLowerInvariant() == SecurityIdentifier.ToLowerInvariant()); } var identifier = obj as SecurityIdentifier; if (identifier != null) { var s = identifier; return(s == sid); } if ((obj is string) || (obj is String)) { var s = (String)obj; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { return(s == sid.ToString()); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// This methods checks whether any of the specified SIDs belong to an administrator or are an administrator group /// </summary> /// <param name="SIDs"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsAdmin(List <string> SIDs) { SecurityIdentifier builtinAdminSid = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinAdministratorsSid, null); // In case SID belongs to a group we can directly compare the SID values foreach (var SID in SIDs) { if (builtinAdminSid.ToString().Equals(SID)) { return(true); } } // If it not we need to compare with the members of the builtin admin group PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Machine); GroupPrincipal group = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, builtinAdminSid.Value); foreach (Principal p in group.Members) { if (SIDs.Contains(p.Sid.ToString())) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void UpdateOnedriveInfo() { onedriveButton.Enabled = false; //ModifyRegistry.ModifyRegistry userShellFolders = new ModifyRegistry.ModifyRegistry(Registry.CurrentUser, @"Microsoft", @"Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"); ModifyRegistry.ModifyRegistry userShellFolders = new ModifyRegistry.ModifyRegistry(Registry.CurrentUser, "Microsoft", @"Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"); ModifyRegistry.ModifyRegistry onedriveFolder = new ModifyRegistry.ModifyRegistry(Registry.CurrentUser, @"Microsoft", @"OneDrive\Accounts\Business1"); ModifyRegistry.ModifyRegistry onedriveVersionFolder = new ModifyRegistry.ModifyRegistry(Registry.CurrentUser, @"Microsoft", @"Onedrive"); string user = Environment.UserName; NTAccount currentUser = new NTAccount(user); SecurityIdentifier sid = (SecurityIdentifier)currentUser.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); SID.Text = sid.ToString(); desktopLocation.Text = userShellFolders.ReadString("{754AC886-DF64-4CBA-86B5-F7FBF4FBCEF5}"); documents.Text = userShellFolders.ReadString("Personal"); deviceID.Text = HardwareLibrary.DeviceID(); LoadAdminGroup(); bool onedriveInstalled = (onedriveFolder.ReadString(@"UserFolder") == null) ? false : true; if (onedriveInstalled) { onedrive.Text = onedriveFolder.ReadString("UserFolder"); version.Text = onedriveVersionFolder.ReadString("Version"); Thread.Sleep(200); onedriveButton.Enabled = true; } }
internal static UserContextKey CreateFromCookie(UserContextCookie userContextCookie, HttpContext httpContext) { if (httpContext == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext"); } if (httpContext.User == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext.User"); } if (httpContext.User.Identity == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext.User.Identity"); } SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier = httpContext.User.Identity.GetSecurityIdentifier(); if (securityIdentifier == null) { ExTraceGlobals.UserContextCallTracer.TraceDebug(0L, "UserContextKey.CreateFromCookie: current user has no security identifier."); return(null); } string text = securityIdentifier.ToString(); if (userContextCookie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("userContextCookie"); } return(new UserContextKey(userContextCookie.UserContextId, text, userContextCookie.MailboxUniqueKey)); }
private String8 DecodeSid(String8 sidBytes) { // Slightly Horrible SecurityIdentifier sid = new SecurityIdentifier(sidBytes.Array, sidBytes.Index); return(_currentRowBlock.GetCopy(sid.ToString())); }
internal static UserContextKey CreateNew(SecurityIdentifier sid) { string text = null; string text2 = sid.ToString(); return(UserContextKey.Create(UserContextUtilities.GetNewGuid(), text2, text)); }
private static void SetCurrentWallpaper(string uri, string id = null) { string sidString = null; try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { sidString = "default"; } else { NTAccount account = new NTAccount(id); SecurityIdentifier s = (SecurityIdentifier)account.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); sidString = s.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(sidString); } Wallpaper.Set(uri, sidString, Wallpaper.Style.Stretched); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public void SamrRidToSid() { Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.TestStep, "Connect and open a user handle."); ConnectAndOpenUser(_samrProtocolAdapter.PDCNetbiosName, _samrProtocolAdapter.PrimaryDomainDnsName, _samrProtocolAdapter.DomainAdministratorName, out _userHandle); Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.TestStep, "SamrRidToSid: obtain the SID of an account, given a RID."); string userPath = string.Format("LDAP://{0}/CN={1},{2}", _samrProtocolAdapter.pdcFqdn, _samrProtocolAdapter.DomainAdministratorName, _samrProtocolAdapter.primaryDomainUserContainerDN); DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(userPath); SecurityIdentifier objSid = new SecurityIdentifier((byte[])entry.Properties["objectSid"].Value, 0); string objectSid = objSid.ToString(); string[] sidArray = objectSid.Split('-'); uint rid = Convert.ToUInt32(sidArray[sidArray.Length - 1]); _RPC_SID?sid; HRESULT result = _samrProtocolAdapter.SamrRidToSid(_userHandle, rid, out sid); Site.Assert.AreEqual(HRESULT.STATUS_SUCCESS, result, "SamrRidToSid succeeded."); byte[] ia = sid.Value.IdentifierAuthority.Value; Site.Assert.AreEqual(sidArray[2], ia[ia.Length - 1].ToString(), "The IdentifierAuthority in Sid should be right."); Site.Assert.AreEqual(sidArray.Length - 3, (int)sid.Value.SubAuthorityCount, "The SubAuthority count should be right."); for (int i = 0; i < sid.Value.SubAuthority.Length; i++) { Site.Assert.AreEqual(sidArray[i + 3], sid.Value.SubAuthority[i].ToString(), "The SubAuthority{0} should be right.", i); } }
public static DirectoryEntry FindById(string searchBase, SecurityIdentifier sid, string user, string pass, SearchScope scope) { var search = searchBase.StartsWith("LDAP://") ? searchBase : $"LDAP://{searchBase}"; IDirectorySearch ds = GetDirectorySearcher(search); IntPtr searchHandle = IntPtr.Zero; int hr = ds.ExecuteSearch($"(objectSid={sid.ToString()})", _adProperties.ToArray(), _adProperties.Count, out searchHandle); if (Failed(hr)) { throw ComException.BuildComException(hr, ds); } hr = ds.GetFirstRow(searchHandle); var de = new DirectoryEntry(); foreach (var obj in _adProperties) { de.Add(obj, de.GetValue(ds, searchHandle, obj)); } return(de); }
private void ToStringFormButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var bytes = StringVarBinaryToByteArray(this.sourceSidText.Text); var securityIdentifier = new SecurityIdentifier(bytes, 0); this.ResultText.Text = securityIdentifier.ToString(); }
public static ActionResult GetFimGroups(Session session) { SecurityIdentifier sid = null; try { session.Log("Attempting to get administrators group SID"); sid = SyncServer.GetAdministratorsGroupSid(); } catch (Exception ex) { session.Log(ex.ToString()); } if (sid == null) { session.Log("Get administrator group SID failed"); } else { //#warning remove this //sid = (SecurityIdentifier)new NTAccount("Fim-dev1\\idm-gg-fimadmins").Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); session.Log("Got administrators group SID"); session["GROUP_FIM_SYNC_ADMINS"] = sid.ToString(); session["GROUP_FIM_SYNC_ADMINS_NAME"] = sid.Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).Value; } return(ActionResult.Success); }
//load hives public static void loadUserRegistryHive(string username) { string wimHivePath = "C:\\Users\\" + username + "\\ntuser.dat"; try { NTAccount f = new NTAccount(username); SecurityIdentifier s = (SecurityIdentifier)f.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); string sidString = s.ToString(); string[] loadedHives = Registry.Users.GetSubKeyNames(); bool foundUserName = false; foreach (string hiveName in loadedHives) { if (hiveName.Equals(sidString)) { foundUserName = true; } } if (!foundUserName) { string loadedHiveKey = RegistryInterop.Load(wimHivePath, sidString); Console.WriteLine("Key Loaded: {0}", loadedHiveKey); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Could not resolve sid for user: {0}", username); } }
public static string GetProfileDir(SecurityIdentifier sid) { //"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-534125731-1308685933-1530606844-1000}" using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(ROOT_PROFILE_KEY)) { if (key != null) { foreach (string keyName in key.GetSubKeyNames()) { if (keyName == sid.ToString()) { using (RegistryKey subKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", ROOT_PROFILE_KEY, keyName))) { return((string)subKey.GetValue("ProfileImagePath", null, RegistryValueOptions.None)); } } } throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("Unable to find value for: {0}", sid)); } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("Unable to open registry key")); } } }
private string _TranslateUserNameToSid(string username) { NTAccount ntAcct = new NTAccount(username); SecurityIdentifier sid = (SecurityIdentifier)ntAcct.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); return(sid.ToString()); }
internal static string GetSID(string _userid) { NTAccount acc = new NTAccount(_userid); SecurityIdentifier sid = (SecurityIdentifier)acc.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)); return(sid.ToString()); }
private List <UserRefreshModel> GetAllUserData() { List <UserRefreshModel> model = new List <UserRefreshModel>(); using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "")) { using (var searcher = new PrincipalSearcher(new UserPrincipal(context))) { foreach (var result in searcher.FindAll()) { UserRefreshModel singleUser = new UserRefreshModel(); DirectoryEntry de = result.GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry; if (de != null && de.Properties["givenName"].Value != null && de.Properties["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"].Value != null && de.Properties["department"].Value != null) { singleUser.FirstName = de.Properties["givenName"].Value.ToString(); singleUser.LastName = de.Properties["sn"].Value != null ? de.Properties["sn"].Value.ToString() : ""; singleUser.EMail = de.Properties["mail"].Value != null ? de.Properties["mail"].Value.ToString() : ""; singleUser.UserName = de.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value != null ? de.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value.ToString() : ""; singleUser.Location = de.Properties["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"].Value.ToString(); singleUser.Department = de.Properties["department"].Value.ToString(); var sidBytes = (byte[])de.Properties["objectSid"].Value; SecurityIdentifier sid = new SecurityIdentifier(sidBytes, 0); singleUser.SID = sid.ToString(); model.Add(singleUser); } } } } return(model); }
public static ObscureUrl CreatePublishReachCalendarUrl(string externalUrl, Guid mailboxGuid, string domain, string existingIdentity, SecurityIdentifier reachUserSid) { Util.ThrowOnNullOrEmptyArgument(externalUrl, "externalUrl"); Util.ThrowOnNullOrEmptyArgument(domain, "domain"); Util.ThrowOnNullArgument(reachUserSid, "reachUserSid"); if (!ExternalUser.IsValidReachSid(reachUserSid)) { throw new ArgumentException("Not an valid reach user sid.", "reachUserSid"); } SharingDataType reachCalendar = SharingDataType.ReachCalendar; string text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingIdentity) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") : ObscureUrl.ParseGuidIdentity(reachCalendar, existingIdentity).ToString("N"); string text2 = ObscureUrl.CalculateHashString(ObscureKind.Normal, text); string uriString = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}@{3}/{4}{5}/{6}/{7}", new object[] { externalUrl.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/' }), reachCalendar.ExternalName, mailboxGuid.ToString("N"), domain, text, text2, reachUserSid.ToString(), reachCalendar.PublishResourceName }); ObscureUrl obscureUrl = new ObscureUrl(new Uri(uriString, UriKind.Absolute), reachCalendar, mailboxGuid, domain, text, ObscureKind.Normal, reachUserSid); ExTraceGlobals.SharingTracer.TraceDebug <ObscureUrl, string>(0L, "ObscureUrl.CreatePublishReachCalendarUrl(): Created an instance of ObscureUrl: {0} - {1}.", obscureUrl, obscureUrl.TraceInfo); return(obscureUrl); }