public AssetCOLL(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetJAW(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { }
public AssetPIPT(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetCAM(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { _position = new Vector3(ReadFloat(0x8), ReadFloat(0xC), ReadFloat(0x10)); CreateTransformMatrix(); ArchiveEditorFunctions.renderableAssets.Add(this); }
public AssetWithMotion(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { Motion = game == Game.Incredibles ? new Motion_Mechanism_TSSM(this) : new Motion_Mechanism(this); }
public AssetRenderWareModel(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Endianness endianness, SharpRenderer renderer) : base(AHDR, game, endianness) { Setup(renderer); }
public AssetWithData(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Endianness endianness) : base(AHDR, game, endianness) { Data =; }
public static Section_AHDR CreateRWTXFromBitmap(string fileName, bool appendRW3, bool flip, bool mipmaps, bool compress) { string textureName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(fileName); List <byte> bitmapData = new List <byte>(bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 4); if (flip) { bitmap.RotateFlip(System.Drawing.RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY); } for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.Height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Width; i++) { bitmapData.Add(bitmap.GetPixel(i, j).B); bitmapData.Add(bitmap.GetPixel(i, j).G); bitmapData.Add(bitmap.GetPixel(i, j).R); bitmapData.Add(bitmap.GetPixel(i, j).A); } } TextureDictionary_0016 td = new TextureDictionary_0016() { textureDictionaryStruct = new TextureDictionaryStruct_0001() { textureCount = 1, unknown = 0 }, textureNativeList = new List <TextureNative_0015>() { new TextureNative_0015() { textureNativeStruct = new TextureNativeStruct_0001() { textureName = textureName, alphaName = "", height = (short)bitmap.Height, width = (short)bitmap.Width, mipMapCount = 1, addressModeU = TextureAddressMode.TEXTUREADDRESSWRAP, addressModeV = TextureAddressMode.TEXTUREADDRESSWRAP, filterMode = TextureFilterMode.FILTERLINEAR, bitDepth = 32, platformType = 8, compression = 0, hasAlpha = false, rasterFormatFlags = TextureRasterFormat.RASTER_C8888, type = 4, mipMaps = new MipMapEntry[] { new MipMapEntry(bitmapData.Count, bitmapData.ToArray()) }, }, textureNativeExtension = new Extension_0003() } }, textureDictionaryExtension = new Extension_0003() }; bitmap.Dispose(); // created PC txd, now will convert to gamecube. if (!Directory.Exists(tempPcTxdsDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempPcTxdsDir); } if (!Directory.Exists(tempGcTxdsDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempGcTxdsDir); } ExportSingleTextureToDictionary(pathToPcTXD, ReadFileMethods.ExportRenderWareFile(td, currentTextureVersion), textureName); PerformTXDConversionExternal(false, compress, mipmaps); string assetName = textureName + (appendRW3 ? ".RW3" : ""); ReadFileMethods.treatStuffAsByteArray = true; Section_AHDR AHDR = new Section_AHDR(BKDRHash(assetName), AssetType.RWTX, AHDRFlagsFromAssetType(AssetType.RWTX), new Section_ADBG(0, assetName, "", 0), ReadFileMethods.ExportRenderWareFile(ReadFileMethods.ReadRenderWareFile(pathToGcTXD), currentTextureVersion)); ReadFileMethods.treatStuffAsByteArray = false; File.Delete(pathToGcTXD); File.Delete(pathToPcTXD); return(AHDR); }
public AssetSPLN(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform, SharpRenderer renderer) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { Setup(renderer); CreateTransformMatrix(); ArchiveEditorFunctions.renderableAssets.Add(this); }
public static void ExportSingleTextureToDictionary(string fileName, Section_AHDR RWTX) { ExportSingleTextureToDictionary(fileName,, RWTX.ADBG.assetName.Replace(".RW3", "")); }
public void AddTextureDictionary(string fileName, bool RW3) { UnsavedChanges = true; int layerIndex = 0; List <Section_LHDR> LHDRs = new List <Section_LHDR> { new Section_LHDR() { layerType = 1, assetIDlist = new List <uint>(), LDBG = new Section_LDBG(-1) } }; LHDRs.AddRange(DICT.LTOC.LHDRList); DICT.LTOC.LHDRList = LHDRs; ReadFileMethods.treatStuffAsByteArray = true; foreach (RWSection rw in ReadFileMethods.ReadRenderWareFile(fileName)) { if (rw is TextureDictionary_0016 td) { // For each texture in the dictionary... foreach (TextureNative_0015 tn in td.textureNativeList) { string textureName = tn.textureNativeStruct.textureName; if (RW3 && !textureName.Contains(".RW3")) { textureName += ".RW3"; } // Create a new dictionary that has only that texture. byte[] data = ReadFileMethods.ExportRenderWareFile(new TextureDictionary_0016() { textureDictionaryStruct = new TextureDictionaryStruct_0001() { textureCount = 1, unknown = 0 }, textureDictionaryExtension = new Extension_0003(), textureNativeList = new List <TextureNative_0015>() { tn } }, tn.renderWareVersion); // And add the new dictionary as an asset. Section_ADBG ADBG = new Section_ADBG(0, textureName, "", 0); Section_AHDR AHDR = new Section_AHDR(BKDRHash(textureName), AssetType.RWTX, AHDRFlags.SOURCE_VIRTUAL | AHDRFlags.READ_TRANSFORM, ADBG, data); if (ContainsAsset(AHDR.assetID)) { RemoveAsset(AHDR.assetID); } AddAsset(layerIndex, AHDR); } } } ReadFileMethods.treatStuffAsByteArray = false; }
public AssetSNDI_GCN_V1(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetFLY(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetPICK(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { SetupDictionary(); }
public AssetGRUP(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public static List <Section_AHDR> GetAssets(Game game, Platform platform, out bool success, out bool overwrite) { ImportTextures a = new ImportTextures(); if (a.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ReadFileMethods.treatStuffAsByteArray = true; List <Section_AHDR> AHDRs = new List <Section_AHDR>(); List <string> forBitmap = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < a.filePaths.Count; i++) { if (Path.GetExtension(a.filePaths[i]).ToLower().Equals(".rwtex")) { byte[] data = ReadFileMethods.ExportRenderWareFile(new TextureDictionary_0016() { textureDictionaryStruct = new TextureDictionaryStruct_0001() { textureCount = 1, unknown = 0 }, textureNativeList = new List <TextureNative_0015>() { new TextureNative_0015().FromBytes(File.ReadAllBytes(a.filePaths[i])) }, textureDictionaryExtension = new Extension_0003() }, currentTextureVersion(game)); string assetName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(a.filePaths[i]) + (a.checkBoxRW3.Checked ? ".RW3" : ""); Section_ADBG ADBG = new Section_ADBG(0, assetName, "", 0); Section_AHDR AHDR = new Section_AHDR(Functions.BKDRHash(assetName), AssetType.RWTX, ArchiveEditorFunctions.AHDRFlagsFromAssetType(AssetType.RWTX), ADBG, data); AHDRs.Add(AHDR); } else { forBitmap.Add(a.filePaths[i]); } } AHDRs.AddRange(CreateRWTXsFromBitmaps(game, platform, forBitmap, a.checkBoxRW3.Checked, a.checkBoxFlipTextures.Checked, a.checkBoxMipmaps.Checked, a.checkBoxCompress.Checked)); ReadFileMethods.treatStuffAsByteArray = false; if (game == Game.Scooby) { for (int i = 0; i < AHDRs.Count; i++) { byte[] data = AHDRs[i].data; FixTextureForScooby(ref data); AHDRs[i].data = data; } } success = true; overwrite = a.checkBoxOverwrite.Checked; return(AHDRs); } else { success = false; overwrite = false; return(null); } }
public AssetSNDI_GCN_V2(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { }
public AssetHANG(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetDYNA(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { SetDynaSpecific(false); }
public AssetVILP(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetCSNM(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetSIMP(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetMODL(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Endianness endianness, SharpRenderer renderer) : base(AHDR, game, endianness, renderer) { }
public static Section_AHDR GetAsset(Section_AHDR AHDR, out bool success, out bool setPosition) { return(GetAsset(new AssetHeader(AHDR), out success, out setPosition)); }
public AssetNPC(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { }
public AssetLODT(Section_AHDR AHDR) : base(AHDR) { UpdateDictionary(); }
public AssetUI(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { _textureAssetID = ReadUInt(0x5C + Offset); }
public AssetPICK(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { SetupDictionary(); }
public AssetRenderWareModel(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform, SharpRenderer renderer) : base(AHDR, game, platform) { Setup(renderer); }
public AssetSound(Section_AHDR AHDR, Game game, Platform platform) : base(AHDR, game, platform.Endianness()) { SetFileType(game, platform); }