public void SetSectionFilters(SectionFilterCollection i_Sections) { //Modified at 2008-11-3 14:31:58@Scott if (i_Sections != null) { this.SectionFilters.Apply(i_Sections); } }
public void SortSections(DataTable i_Table, Int32Collection i_InnerRows) { if (this.SortingBy == SortingByTypes.None) { return; } if (this.SectionFilters.Count == 0) { return; } SectionGroupInfo sectionGroup = this.Copy() as SectionGroupInfo; sectionGroup.SubGroupInfos = null; sectionGroup.CalculateGroupResult(i_Table, i_InnerRows, i_InnerRows, sectionGroup); sectionGroup.GroupResults.Sort(this.Sorting, this.SortingBy, this.UserDefinedOrders); SectionFilterCollection sectionFilters = new SectionFilterCollection(); foreach (GroupResult result in sectionGroup.GroupResults) { string name = result.GroupValue.ToString(); SectionFilter scFilter = sectionGroup.Sections(name); sectionFilters.Add(scFilter); } this.SectionFiltersWrapper = new SectionFilterCollectionWrapper(sectionFilters, ReportScType.Custom); this.SectionFilters = sectionFilters; }
// 08-22-2011 Scott public bool UpdateEffFilter() { this.C_LBAdvFilters.Items.Clear(); this.txtValue.Text = string.Empty; ScFilterList scFilterList = Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvReportFilters; AdvFilterConvertor convert = new AdvFilterConvertor(); sectionFilters = convert.GetEffFilters(scFilterList); if (sectionFilters.Count > 0) { foreach (SectionFilter filter in sectionFilters) { this.C_LBAdvFilters.Items.Add(filter); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void RemoveSectionFilters() { this.C_FilterList.Nodes.Clear(); this.SectionFilters.Clear(); this.SectionFiltersWrapper.SectionFilters = this.SectionFilters; //Modified at 2009-1-15 10:43:11@Scott }
public SectionGroupInfo(SectionFilterCollection sectionFilters) { this._OneValuePerRow = true; this.SectionFiltersWrapper.SectionFilters.Apply(sectionFilters); //Added this code at 2009-1-24 12:51:35@Simon this.SectionFilters.Apply(sectionFilters); }
public SectionGroupInfo(PageSectionInfo pageGroupInfo) : base(pageGroupInfo) { this._OneValuePerRow = true; this.SectionFiltersWrapper = pageGroupInfo.SectionFilterWrapper; //Added this code at 2009-1-24 12:51:35@Simon this._SectionFiltersWrapper.UpdateSectionFilters(); this._SectionFilters = this._SectionFiltersWrapper.SectionFilters; }
public bool LoadAdvSectionFilters(string strUserFolder, ReportScType rsctype) {//Modified at 2009-1-19 14:23:11@Scott AdvFilterConvertor convertor = new AdvFilterConvertor(); this.SectionFilters = convertor.GetReportFilters(Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvReportFilters, rsctype); //add 1-19-2008 scott this.SectionFiltersWrapper.SectionFilters = this.SectionFilters; //Modified at 2009-1-15 10:43:11@Scott return(true); }
private void AddFilters(SectionFilterCollection i_SectionFilters) { this.C_FilterList.Nodes.Clear(); foreach (SectionFilter m_Filter in i_SectionFilters) { TreeNode m_Node = new TreeNode(m_Filter.FilterName); m_Node.Tag = m_Filter; this.C_FilterList.Nodes.Add(m_Node); } }
public ConfigFieldPanelLayout() { // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); this.C_Buttons = new ArrayList(); this._ColsInRows = new Int32Collection(); this._LayOut = new FieldLayOut(); this._SectionFilters = new SectionFilterCollection(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true); // TODO: Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent call }
private void UpdateScFilters(string strName, SectionFilter newFilter) { foreach (SectionFilter scFilter in this.SectionFilters) { if (scFilter.FilterName == strName) { scFilter.Apply(newFilter); } } this.SectionFiltersWrapper.SectionFilters = this.SectionFilters; this.AddFilters(this.SectionFilters); }
public SectionFilterCollection GetSelectedSectionFilters() { SectionFilterCollection secFilters = new SectionFilterCollection(); foreach (object item in this.C_ListSelectedSecFilters.Items) { if (item is SectionFilter) { secFilters.Add(item as SectionFilter); } } return(secFilters); }
public SectionFiltersEditorForm(object value) { if (DataProvider == null) { this.DataProvider = new Webb.Reports.DataProvider.WebbDataProvider(); } InitializeComponent(); this.cmbAttribute.SelectedIndex = 0; if (value != null) { SectionFilterCollection i_SectionFilters = null; if (value is SectionFilterCollectionWrapper) { i_SectionFilters = (value as SectionFilterCollectionWrapper).SectionFilters; //Modified at 2009-1-15 10:27:08@Scott int index = (int)((value as SectionFilterCollectionWrapper).ReportScType); //Modified at 2009-1-15 11:26:10@Scott if (index < 5) { this.cmbAttribute.SelectedIndex = index; } else { this.cmbAttribute.SelectedIndex = this.cmbAttribute.Items.Count - 1; } if ((value as SectionFilterCollectionWrapper).ReportScType != ReportScType.Custom) { this.LoadAdvSectionFilters(string.Empty, (value as SectionFilterCollectionWrapper).ReportScType); this.AddFilters(this.SectionFilters); return; } } else if (value is SectionFilterCollection) { i_SectionFilters = value as SectionFilterCollection; } else { i_SectionFilters = new SectionFilterCollection(); } this.AddFilters(i_SectionFilters); this.SectionFilters = i_SectionFilters; this.SectionFiltersWrapper.SectionFilters = this.SectionFilters; //Modified at 2009-1-15 10:43:11@Scott } }
public AdvReportSectionFiltersForm(SectionFilterCollection sectionFilters) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); this._InitSectionFilters = sectionFilters; // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // this.Load += new EventHandler(CustomSectionFiltersForm_Load); this._SaveFileDialog = new NameForm(); this._PropertyForm = new PropertyForm(); }
public new bool Update() { this.C_LBAdvFilters.Items.Clear(); this.txtValue.Text = string.Empty; ScFilterList scFilterList = Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvReportFilters; // if(scFilterList==null) // { // object objUserFolder = RegKey.GetValue(KeyName); // // if(objUserFolder == null) return false; // // string strUserFolder = objUserFolder.ToString(); // // if(strUserFolder.EndsWith("\\")) strUserFolder = strUserFolder.Remove(strUserFolder.Length - 1,1); // // int index = strUserFolder.LastIndexOf('\\'); // // strUserFolder = strUserFolder.Remove(index + 1,strUserFolder.Length - index - 1); // // strUserFolder += @"WebbRpt\ScFilter.dat"; // // if(!scFilterList.ReadOldFiltersFromDisk(strUserFolder))return false; // } AdvFilterConvertor convert = new AdvFilterConvertor(); sectionFilters = convert.GetReportFilters(scFilterList); if (sectionFilters.Count > 0) { foreach (SectionFilter filter in sectionFilters) { this.C_LBAdvFilters.Items.Add(filter); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool LoadSectionFilters(Int32Collection nCols, SectionFilterCollection secFilters) { if (nCols == null) { return(false); } if (secFilters == null) { return(false); } int lack = GetCount(nCols) - secFilters.Count; if (lack > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lack; i++) { secFilters.Add(new SectionFilter(new Webb.Data.DBFilter())); } } return(true); }
//Add summaries by section filters private void Menu_AddSectionSummarys_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { TreeNode m_Node = this.C_GroupInfoTree.SelectedNode; if (m_Node == null) { return; } while (!(m_Node.Tag is GroupInfo)) { m_Node = m_Node.Parent; } if (m_Node.Parent == null) { ReportScType reportScType = (m_Node.Tag as GroupInfo).ReportScType; //Modified at 2009-1-21 14:38:11@Scott SectionFilterCollection secFilters = new SectionFilterCollection(); SectionFilterCollectionWrapper wrapper = new SectionFilterCollectionWrapper(secFilters, reportScType); //Modified at 2009-1-21 14:38:06@Scott SectionFiltersEditorForm editForm = new SectionFiltersEditorForm(wrapper); //Modified at 2009-1-21 14:37:57@Scott if (editForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.RemoveALlSummaryNodes(m_Node); //Modified at 2009-1-21 15:27:18@Scott (m_Node.Tag as GroupInfo).ReportScType = editForm.SectionFiltersWrapper.ReportScType; //Modified at 2009-1-21 14:37:47@Scott secFilters.Apply(editForm.SectionFilters); foreach (SectionFilter secFilter in secFilters) { this.AddSummary(m_Node, secFilter); } } } }
public void UpdateSectionFilters(SectionFilterCollection secFilters) { if (secFilters == null) { return; } secFilters.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.C_Buttons.Count; i++) { ButtonTags pctag = (ButtonTags)(this.C_Buttons[i] as Control).Tag; SectionFilter secFilter = pctag.filter; SectionFilter newSecFilter = new SectionFilter(); newSecFilter.Apply(secFilter); secFilters.Add(newSecFilter); } }
public SectionGroupInfo(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { try { _ShowZero = info.GetBoolean("_ShowZero"); } catch { _ShowZero = true; } try { Visible = info.GetBoolean("Visible"); } catch { Visible = true; } try { _SectionFilters = info.GetValue("_SectionFilters", typeof(SectionFilterCollection)) as SectionFilterCollection; } catch { _SectionFilters = new SectionFilterCollection(); } //Modified at 2009-1-21 13:54:02@Scott try { this.SectionFiltersWrapper = info.GetValue("SectionFiltersWrapper", typeof(SectionFilterCollectionWrapper)) as SectionFilterCollectionWrapper; } catch { //this.SectionFiltersWrapper = new SectionFilterCollectionWrapper(); } }
private void CreateSectionGroupInfo(SectionFilterCollection i_Sections) { if (this._RootGroupInfo is SectionGroupInfo) { (this._RootGroupInfo as SectionGroupInfo).SetSectionFilters(i_Sections); } else { SectionGroupInfo m_SectionInfo = new SectionGroupInfo(); m_SectionInfo.SetSectionFilters(i_Sections); m_SectionInfo.SubGroupInfos.Clear(); m_SectionInfo.SubGroupInfos.Add(this._RootGroupInfo); this._RootGroupInfo = m_SectionInfo; } this._RootGroupInfo.ColumnHeading = this.SectionTitle; this._RootGroupInfo.DistinctValues = this.SectionInOneRow; }
private void CheckSectionFilters() { //need change if (this.ExControl == null) { return; } if (this.ExControl.Report == null) { return; } WebbReport m_WebbReport = this.ExControl.Report as WebbReport; if (m_WebbReport == null) { return; } if (m_WebbReport.Template.SectionFilters.Count <= 0) { this.RemoveSectionFilters(); } else { SectionFilterCollection reportSections = m_WebbReport.Template.SectionFilters; AdvFilterConvertor convertor = new AdvFilterConvertor(); if (DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvSectionType != AdvScoutType.None && m_WebbReport.Template.ReportScType != ReportScType.Custom) { ReportScType sctype = AdvFilterConvertor.GetScType(m_WebbReport.Template.ReportScType, DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvSectionType); //2009-6-16 10:18:47@Simon Add this Code reportSections = convertor.GetReportFilters(Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvReportFilters, sctype); //add 1-19-2008 scott } this.CreateSectionGroupInfo(reportSections); } }
private void BtnLoadAdvReportFilters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.cmbAttribute.SelectedIndex != 0) { Webb.Utilities.MessageBoxEx.ShowError("Can not convert Non-Custom sections to custom, Please change the 'Attribute' to 'Custom'!"); return; } if (this.SectionFilters == null) { this.SectionFilters = new SectionFilterCollection(); } DialogResult m_result = this.DataProvider.ShowAdvReportFilterSelector(this.SectionFilters); if (m_result == DialogResult.OK) { this.cmbAttribute.SelectedIndex = 0; this.AddFilters(this.SectionFilters); this.SectionFiltersWrapper.SectionFilters = this.SectionFilters; //Modified at 2009-1-15 10:43:11@Scott } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args == null || (args.Length != 1 && args.Length != 10)) { return; } ReportFileType fileType = ReportFileType.Report; DataSet dsDataset = null; if (args.Length == 1) { string filename = args[0]; if (filename.IndexOf("\n") > 0) { args = filename.Split("\n".ToCharArray()); if (args.Length != 10) { return; } } else if (filename.EndsWith(".wmks")) { wmksFileManager.WriteFile(filename); return; } else if (filename.EndsWith(".repx")) { string Inwfilename = filename.Replace(".repx", ".inw"); args = InwManager.ReadInwFile(Inwfilename); fileType = ReportFileType.InwFile; if (args == null) { args = ConfigFileManager.ReadDataConfig(filename); fileType = ReportFileType.BaseXmlFile; } } else if (filename.EndsWith(".repw")) { string Inwfilename = filename.Replace(".repw", ".inw"); args = InwManager.ReadInwFile(Inwfilename); fileType = ReportFileType.InwFile; if (args == null) { args = ConfigFileManager.ReadDataConfig(filename); fileType = ReportFileType.BaseXmlFile; } } else if (filename.EndsWith(".inw")) { args = InwManager.ReadInwFile(filename); fileType = ReportFileType.InwFile; } else if (filename.EndsWith(".wrdf")) { WrdfFileManager.ReadDataConfig(filename, out dsDataset, out args); fileType = ReportFileType.WebbDataFile; } else { return; } if (args == null) { return; } } if (args[3] == "DBConn:" && args[8] == @"Files:") { return; } Webb.Utility.CurReportMode = 1; //set browser mode ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(LoadingThreadProc); Thread thread = new Thread(ts); thread.Start(); CommandManager m_CmdManager = new CommandManager(args); //Calculate data source if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.MessageText = "Loading Data Source..."; } DBSourceConfig m_Config = m_CmdManager.CreateDBConfig(); if (m_Config.Templates.Count == 0) { if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.Close(); thread.Abort(); } Webb.Utilities.TopMostMessageBox.ShowMessage("Invalid template report name!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Environment.Exit(0); } if (m_CmdManager.PrintDirectly) { if (PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count == 0) { if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.Close(); thread.Abort(); } Webb.Utilities.TopMostMessageBox.ShowMessage("No printer driver is installed!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Environment.Exit(0); } } WebbDataProvider m_DBProvider = new WebbDataProvider(m_Config); WebbDataSource m_DBSource = new WebbDataSource(); if (fileType == ReportFileType.WebbDataFile && dsDataset == null) { m_DBSource.DataSource = dsDataset.Copy(); } else { m_DBProvider.GetDataSource(m_Config, m_DBSource); } ArrayList m_Fields = new ArrayList(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn m_col in m_DBSource.DataSource.Tables[0].Columns) { if (m_col.Caption == "{EXTENDCOLUMNS}" && m_col.ColumnName.StartsWith("C_")) { continue; } m_Fields.Add(m_col.ColumnName); } Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.PublicDBProvider = m_DBProvider; Webb.Data.PublicDBFieldConverter.SetAvailableFields(m_Fields); Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.LoadAdvScFilters(); //Modified at 2009-1-19 13:48:30@Scott Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.ReadPictureDirFromRegistry(); m_DBProvider.UpdateEFFDataSource(m_DBSource); Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.DataSource = m_DBSource.DataSource; //Set dataset for click event //Loading report template if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.MessageText = "Loading Report Template..."; } #region Modified Area ArrayList printedReports = new ArrayList(); ArrayList invalidateReports = new ArrayList(); bool unionprint = m_CmdManager.UnionPrint; #endregion //End Modify at 2008-10-10 14:29:49@Simon FilterInfoCollection filterInfos = m_DBSource.Filters; //2009-7-1 11:09:08@Simon Add this Code For Union Print if (filterInfos == null) { filterInfos = new FilterInfoCollection(); } string printerName = m_CmdManager.PrinterName; foreach (string strTemplate in m_Config.Templates) { string strTemplateName = m_CmdManager.GetTemplateName(strTemplate, '@'); //Modified at 2009-2-3 9:17:34@Scott WebbReport m_Report = null; try { m_Report = m_CmdManager.CreateReport(Application.ExecutablePath, strTemplateName); //1 //create report with template //09-01-2011@Scott if (m_Config.WebbDBType == WebbDBTypes.WebbPlaybook) { SetReportHeader(m_Config, m_Report, m_Config.HeaderName); //Add this code at 2011-7-28 16:23:41@simon } else { string strHeader = m_CmdManager.GetAttachedHeader(strTemplate, '@'); SetReportHeader(m_Config, m_Report, strHeader); } //End } catch (Exception ex) { Webb.Utilities.TopMostMessageBox.ShowMessage("Error", "Can't load report template!\r\n" + ex.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); m_Report = new WebbReport(); } bool Canopen = CheckedUserRight(m_Report.LicenseLevel, m_Config.WebbDBType); string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strTemplateName); if (!Canopen) { invalidateReports.Add(filename); } else { //Add attached filter here #region Modified Area m_DBSource.Filters = filterInfos.Copy(); //2009-7-1 11:09:04@Simon Add this Code For Union Print string strFilterName = m_CmdManager.GetAttachedFilter(strTemplate, '@'); if (strFilterName != string.Empty) //2009-7-1 11:09:04@Simon For display Filternames In GameListInfo { if (!m_DBProvider.DBSourceConfig.Filters.Contains(strFilterName)) { FilterInfo filterInfo = new FilterInfo(); filterInfo.FilterName = strFilterName; m_DBSource.Filters.Add(filterInfo); } } ScAFilter scaFilter = Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvReportFilters.GetFilter(strFilterName); //Modified at 2009-1-19 14:25:30@Scott AdvFilterConvertor convertor = new AdvFilterConvertor(); DBFilter AdvFilter = convertor.GetReportFilter(scaFilter).Filter; if (AdvFilter != null || AdvFilter.Count > 0) //2009-5-6 9:38:37@Simon Add this Code { AdvFilter.Add(m_Report.Template.Filter); m_Report.Template.Filter = AdvFilter; } SectionFilterCollection sectionFilter = m_Report.Template.SectionFilters.Copy(); if (m_Report.Template.ReportScType == ReportScType.Custom) { m_Report.Template.SectionFilters = AdvFilterConvertor.GetCustomFilters(Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvReportFilters, sectionFilter); } #endregion //Modify at 2008-11-24 16:04:05@Scott //Set data source if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.MessageText = "Set Data Source..."; LoadingForm.ProcessText = Webb.Utility.GetCurFileName(); } m_Report.LoadAdvSectionFilters(m_Config.UserFolder); m_Report.SetWatermark(m_Config.WartermarkImagePath); //06-19-2008@Scott m_Report.SetDataSource(m_DBSource); } if (m_CmdManager.PrintDirectly) { if (!Canopen) { if (!unionprint) { Webb.Utilities.TopMostMessageBox.ShowMessage("LicenseLevel Error", "This report is not designed for your Webb application!" + "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } continue; } else { printedReports.Add(m_Report); } #region Modified Area if (unionprint) { continue; //Modified at 2008-10-10 10:04:37@Simon } //Print if (Webb.Utility.CancelPrint) { if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.Close(); thread.Join(); } return; } if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.MessageText = "Printing..."; } if (printerName != string.Empty) { if (!PrinterExist(printerName)) { Webb.Utilities.TopMostMessageBox.ShowMessage("Failed to Print", "WRB Cann't Find The Printer '" + printerName + "' in you system,please check the printer setting!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Environment.Exit(-1); } m_Report.Print(printerName); } else { m_Report.Print(); } #endregion //End Modify at 2008-10-9 16:54:58@Simon } else { //Browser //Create report if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.MessageText = "Creating Report Browser..."; } WebbRepBrowser m_Browser = new WebbRepBrowser(); //m_Browser.LoadReport(new WebbReport[]{m_Report,m_Report}); //multiply report if (m_Config.WebbDBType.ToString().ToLower().StartsWith("webbvictory")) { m_Browser.TopMost = true; } else { m_Browser.TopMost = false; } if (Canopen) { m_Browser.LoadReport(m_Report); } if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.Close(); thread.Join(); } Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.PublicBrowser = m_Browser; //05-04-2008@Scott if (!Canopen) { m_Browser.ReportName = filename; m_Browser.InvertZorder(); // Webb.Utilities.TopMostMessageBox.ShowMessage("LicenseLevel Error", "This report is not designed for your Webb application!\n So it would not open" + "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } Application.Run(m_Browser); } } //add these codes for join all reports to print in only one document #region Modified Area WebbReport[] AllReportsToPrint = new WebbReport[printedReports.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < printedReports.Count; i++) { AllReportsToPrint[i] = printedReports[i] as WebbReport; } if (m_CmdManager.PrintDirectly && unionprint) { if (AllReportsToPrint.Length == 0) { Webb.Utilities.TopMostMessageBox.ShowMessage("No document", "No document could be print!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.MessageText = "Printing..."; LoadingForm.ProcessText = "Union Printing Documents"; } if (invalidateReports.Count > 0) { Webb.Utilities.AutoClosedMessageBox.ShowMessage(invalidateReports); } if (printerName != string.Empty) { if (!PrinterExist(printerName)) { Webb.Utilities.TopMostMessageBox.ShowMessage("Failed to Print", "WRB Cann'i Find The Printer '" + printerName + "' in you system,\nplease check the printer setting!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Environment.Exit(-1); } WebbReport.Print(printerName, AllReportsToPrint); } else { WebbReport.Print(AllReportsToPrint); } } } #endregion //End Modify at 2008-10-10 9:42:07@Simon if (thread.IsAlive) { LoadingForm.Close(); thread.Join(); } }
//Fill Left List private void LoadSectionFilters() { this.C_ListSecFilters.Items.Clear(); this.C_ListSelectedSecFilters.Items.Clear(); ScFilterList scFilterList = new ScFilterList(); object objUserFolder = RegKey.GetValue(KeyName); if (objUserFolder == null) { return; } string strUserFolder = objUserFolder.ToString(); if (strUserFolder.EndsWith("\\")) { strUserFolder = strUserFolder.Remove(strUserFolder.Length - 1, 1); } int index = strUserFolder.LastIndexOf('\\'); strUserFolder = strUserFolder.Remove(index + 1, strUserFolder.Length - index - 1); strUserFolder += @"WebbRpt\ScFilter.dat"; ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList(); if (this._InitSectionFilters != null) { foreach (SectionFilter scFilter in this._InitSectionFilters) { this.C_ListSelectedSecFilters.Items.Add(scFilter); arrList.Add(scFilter.FilterName); } } if (scFilterList.ReadOldFiltersFromDisk(strUserFolder)) { AdvFilterConvertor convertor = new AdvFilterConvertor(); SectionFilterCollection sectionFilters = convertor.GetReportFilters(scFilterList); foreach (SectionFilter filter in sectionFilters) { if (!arrList.Contains(filter.FilterName)) { this.C_ListSecFilters.Items.Add(filter); } } } if (this.C_ListSecFilters.Items.Count > 0) { this.C_ListSecFilters.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
public string CreateReport(string strInwFile, string strFile, string dllpath) { Webb.Utility.CurReportMode = 2; strFile = AdjustPDFFile(strFile); string[] args = InwManager.ReadInwFile(strInwFile); if (args == null) { return("Failed"); } CommandManager m_CmdManager = new CommandManager(args); DBSourceConfig m_Config = m_CmdManager.CreateDBConfig(); WebbDataProvider m_DBProvider = new WebbDataProvider(m_Config); WebbDataSource m_DBSource = new WebbDataSource(); try { m_DBProvider.GetDataSource(m_Config, m_DBSource); ArrayList m_Fields = new ArrayList(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn m_col in m_DBSource.DataSource.Tables[0].Columns) { if (m_col.Caption == "{EXTENDCOLUMNS}" && m_col.ColumnName.StartsWith("C_")) { continue; } m_Fields.Add(m_col.ColumnName); } Webb.Data.PublicDBFieldConverter.SetAvailableFields(m_Fields); Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.DataSource = m_DBSource.DataSource; //Set dataset for click event Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.PublicDBProvider = m_DBProvider; Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.LoadAdvScFilters(); //Modified at 2009-1-19 13:48:30@Scott m_DBProvider.UpdateEFFDataSource(m_DBSource); Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.ReadPictureDirFromRegistry(); } catch (Exception e) { return("Failed:at addding datasouce|" + e.Message); } FilterInfoCollection filterInfos = m_DBSource.Filters; //2009-7-1 11:09:08@Simon Add this Code For Union Print if (filterInfos == null) { filterInfos = new FilterInfoCollection(); } if (m_Config.Templates.Count <= 0) { return("Failed:No tempaltes"); } string strTemplate = m_Config.Templates[0]; string strTemplateName = m_CmdManager.GetTemplateName(strTemplate, '@'); //Modified at 2009-2-3 9:17:34@Scott WebbReport m_Report = null; try { m_Report = m_CmdManager.CreateReport(dllpath, strTemplateName); //1 //create report with template } catch (Exception ex) { return("Failed:Can't load report template" + ex.Message); } //Add attached filter here #region Modified Area m_DBSource.Filters = filterInfos.Copy(); //2009-7-1 11:09:04@Simon Add this Code For Union Print string strFilterName = m_CmdManager.GetAttachedFilter(strTemplate, '@'); if (strFilterName != string.Empty) //2009-7-1 11:09:04@Simon For display Filternames In GameListInfo { if (!m_DBProvider.DBSourceConfig.Filters.Contains(strFilterName)) { FilterInfo filterInfo = new FilterInfo(); filterInfo.FilterName = strFilterName; m_DBSource.Filters.Add(filterInfo); } } ScAFilter scaFilter = Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvReportFilters.GetFilter(strFilterName); //Modified at 2009-1-19 14:25:30@Scott AdvFilterConvertor convertor = new AdvFilterConvertor(); DBFilter AdvFilter = convertor.GetReportFilter(scaFilter).Filter; if (AdvFilter != null || AdvFilter.Count > 0) //2009-5-6 9:38:37@Simon Add this Code { AdvFilter.Add(m_Report.Template.Filter); m_Report.Template.Filter = AdvFilter; } SectionFilterCollection sectionFilter = m_Report.Template.SectionFilters.Copy(); if (m_Report.Template.ReportScType == ReportScType.Custom) { m_Report.Template.SectionFilters = AdvFilterConvertor.GetCustomFilters(Webb.Reports.DataProvider.VideoPlayBackManager.AdvReportFilters, sectionFilter); } #endregion //Modify at 2008-11-24 16:04:05@Scott try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(strFile)) { System.IO.File.Delete(strFile); } m_Report.LoadAdvSectionFilters(m_Config.UserFolder); m_Report.SetWatermark(m_Config.WartermarkImagePath); //06-19-2008@Scott m_Report.SetDataSource(m_DBSource); m_Report.CreatePdfDocument(strFile); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(strFile)) { return("Failed:dll path " + dllpath); } } catch (Exception ex2) { return("Failed:in create PDf Documnet|" + ex2.Message); } return(strFile); }
// public void LoadLayout(FieldLayOut layout, Control ctnControl, SectionFilterCollection sfcfilter, System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid propertyGrid) public void LoadLayout(FieldLayOut layout, SectionFilterCollection sections) { if (layout == null || layout.FieldTable == null) { return; } _layout = layout; Int32Collection nCols = _layout.ColumnsEachRow; int nRowCount = nCols.Count; if (nRowCount <= 0 || !LoadSectionFilters(nCols, sections)) { return; } mainControl.Controls.Clear(); Rectangle rect = mainControl.ClientRectangle; mainControl.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor; this.C_PropertyGrid.PropertyValueChanged += new System.Windows.Forms.PropertyValueChangedEventHandler(this.C_PropertyGrid_PropertyValueChanged); Buttons = new Button[nRowCount][]; btnContainer = new Panel[nRowCount]; int sfcindex = 0; int panelLocX = rect.X; int panelLocY = rect.Y; int nButtonHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nRowCount; i++) { panelLocY += nButtonHeight; nButtonHeight = (int)(rect.Height * this.GetMaxRadio(layout, i)); btnContainer[i] = new Panel(); btnContainer[i].Name = i.ToString(); btnContainer[i].Location = new Point(panelLocX, panelLocY); btnContainer[i].Size = new Size(rect.Width, nButtonHeight); btnContainer[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; int iColCount = nCols[i]; if (iColCount > 0) { Buttons[i] = new Button[iColCount]; } int buttonLocX = 0; int restWidth = this.GetRestWidth(i); //Added this code at 2008-12-12 13:58:28@Simon for (int j = 0; j < iColCount; j++) { Button newButton = new Button(); newButton.Location = new Point(buttonLocX, 0); newButton.Size = this.GetButtonSize(i, j); if (restWidth > 0) { newButton.Width += 1; restWidth--; } else if (restWidth < 0) { newButton.Width -= 1; restWidth++; } buttonLocX += newButton.Size.Width; newButton.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor; btntag = new ButtonTags(); btntag.RowIndex = i; btntag.ColIndex = j; btntag.RowMax = nRowCount - 1; btntag.ColMax = nRowCount - 1; btntag.btnLoc = new Point(newButton.Location.X, newButton.Location.X); btntag.btnSize = new Size(newButton.Width, newButton.Height); btntag.filter = sections[sfcindex]; sfcindex++; newButton.Name = string.Format("Button{0}", sfcindex); newButton.Text = btntag.filter.FilterName; newButton.Tag = btntag; newButton.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(MyMouseDown); newButton.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(MyMouseLeave); newButton.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(MyMouseMove); newButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(MyClick); Buttons[i][j] = newButton; btnContainer[i].Controls.Add(newButton); } this.mainControl.Controls.Add(btnContainer[i]); } }
public ArrayList GetMaxValues(SectionFilter OneValueScFilter, SectionFilterCollection repeatFilters) { DataTable i_Table = this.GetDataSource(); bool allpercent = true; ArrayList maxNames = new ArrayList(); if (OneValueScFilter == null) { return(maxNames); } foreach (Data.Series series in this.WebbChartExView.Settings.SeriesCollection) { if (!series.SeriesLabel.Percent) { allpercent = false; break; } } float MaxDataPoint = 0f; float[] DataValues = new float[repeatFilters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < repeatFilters.Count; i++) { SectionFilter scfilter = repeatFilters[i]; Webb.Collections.Int32Collection InnerRows = new Webb.Collections.Int32Collection(); Webb.Collections.Int32Collection OutterRows = this.DenominatorFilter.GetFilteredRows(i_Table); OutterRows.CopyTo(InnerRows); InnerRows = OneValueScFilter.Filter.GetFilteredRows(i_Table, InnerRows); InnerRows = scfilter.Filter.GetFilteredRows(i_Table, InnerRows); //Added this code at 2008-12-26 12:22:40@Simon float datapoint = 0f; if (allpercent) { if (OutterRows.Count > 0) { datapoint = InnerRows.Count / (float)OutterRows.Count; } } else { datapoint = InnerRows.Count; } if (MaxDataPoint < datapoint) { MaxDataPoint = datapoint; } DataValues[i] = datapoint; } for (int i = 0; i < DataValues.Length; i++) { if (DataValues[i] == MaxDataPoint) { maxNames.Add(repeatFilters[i].FilterName); } } return(maxNames); }