// GET: CourseContent public async Task <ActionResult> Index(int id) { var studentId = Request.IsAuthenticated ? HttpContext.GetUserId() : null; var sections = await SectionExtensions.GetCourseSectionAsync(id, studentId); return(View(sections)); }
/// <summary> /// Get all medals on the game /// </summary> public IEnumerable <Medal> GetMedals(Platform platform) { Log.DebugFormat("Fetching medals on platform {0}...", platform); string server; switch (platform) { case Platform.XBOX: server = "api-xbox-console.worldoftanks.com"; break; case Platform.PS: server = "api-ps4-console.worldoftanks.com"; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(platform), platform, null); } var url = $"https://{server}/wotx/encyclopedia/achievements/?application_id={ApplicationId}"; var json = GetContentSync($"Achievements.{platform}.json", url, WebCacheAge, false, Encoding.UTF8).Content; var o = JObject.Parse(json); var status = (string)o["status"]; if (status != "ok") { var error = o["error"]; Log.Error($"Error: {(string)error["code"]} - {(string)error["message"]}"); throw new ApplicationException($"Error calling WG API: {(string)error["code"]} - {(string)error["message"]}"); } var medals = new List <Medal>(); var data = o["data"]; foreach (var t in data.Cast <JProperty>()) { var ti = t.Value; var medal = new Medal { Platform = platform, Code = t.Name, Category = CategoryExtensions.Parse((string)ti["category"]), Name = (string)ti["name"], Section = SectionExtensions.Parse((string)ti["section"]), Type = TypeExtensions.Parse((string)ti["type"]), Description = (string)ti["description"], HeroInformation = (string)ti["hero_info"], Condition = (string)ti["condition"] }; medals.Add(medal); } return(medals); }
// GET: ProductContent public async Task <ActionResult> Index(int id) { var userId = Request.IsAuthenticated ? HttpContext.GetUserId() : null; var sections = await SectionExtensions.GetProductSectionsAsync(id, userId); var downloads = await SectionExtensions.GetProductDownloadSectionsAsync(id, userId); sections.Sections.Add(downloads); return(View(sections)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Content(int?productId, int?itemId) { if (productId == null || itemId == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var model = await SectionExtensions.GetContentAsync(productId.Value, itemId.Value); return(View(model)); }
// GET: ProductModel public async Task <ActionResult> Index(int?id) { if (!id.HasValue) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var userId = Request.IsAuthenticated ? User.Identity.GetUserId() : null; var sections = await SectionExtensions.GetProductSectionAsync(id.Value, userId); return(View(sections)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Index(int id) { var model = new CourseSectionModel { Title = "The Title", Sections = new List <CourseSection>() }; var userId = Request.IsAuthenticated ? HttpContext.GetUserId() : null; var sections = await SectionExtensions.GetCourseSectionsAsync(id, userId); return(View(model)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an XML string containing an unmerged view of the <see cref="T:System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection"/> object as a single section to write to a file. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// An XML string containing an unmerged view of the <see cref="T:System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection"/> object. /// </returns> /// <param name="parentElement">The <see cref="T:System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement"/> instance to use as the parent when performing the un-merge. /// </param><param name="name">The name of the section to create. /// </param><param name="saveMode">The <see cref="T:System.Configuration.ConfigurationSaveMode"/> instance to use when writing to a string. /// </param> protected override string SerializeSection(ConfigurationElement parentElement, string name, ConfigurationSaveMode saveMode) { ExtensionElementMap.Clear(); currentSection = this; TypeResolver.SetAliases(this); InitializeSectionExtensions(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var writer = MakeXmlWriter(sb)) { writer.WriteStartElement(name, XmlNamespace); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", XmlNamespace); TypeAliases.SerializeElementContents(writer, "alias"); Namespaces.SerializeElementContents(writer, "namespace"); Assemblies.SerializeElementContents(writer, "assembly"); SectionExtensions.SerializeElementContents(writer, "sectionExtension"); Containers.SerializeElementContents(writer, "container"); writer.WriteEndElement(); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Content(int productId, int itemId) { var model = await SectionExtensions.GetContentAsync(productId, itemId); return(View("Content", model)); }
public void TestGetLastTableNullSection() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => SectionExtensions.GetLastTable(null)); }