        private static List <XYZ> GetSeatVectors(SeatBatch batch, XYZ nextPt, SeatInfo seat)
            var leftBottomPt  = nextPt;
            var rightBottomPt = new XYZ(nextPt.X + batch.Width, nextPt.Y, nextPt.Z);
            var leftTopPt     = new XYZ(nextPt.X, nextPt.Y + batch.Length, nextPt.Z);
            var rightTopPt    = new XYZ(nextPt.X + batch.Width, nextPt.Y + batch.Length, nextPt.Z);

            if (!seat.IsRotation)
                return new List <XYZ> {
                           leftBottomPt, rightBottomPt, leftTopPt, rightTopPt

            // If you don't understand it, you should draw picture.
            leftBottomPt  = new XYZ(nextPt.X - batch.Width, nextPt.Y, nextPt.Z);
            rightBottomPt = nextPt;
            leftTopPt     = new XYZ(nextPt.X - batch.Width, nextPt.Y + batch.Length, nextPt.Z);
            rightTopPt    = new XYZ(nextPt.X, nextPt.Y + batch.Length, nextPt.Z);

            return(new List <XYZ> {
                leftBottomPt, rightBottomPt, leftTopPt, rightTopPt
        private static List <SeatInfo> GetSeatInfosOnBatch(SeatBatch batch, ref XYZ nextPt, bool alignBottom)
            var results = new List <SeatInfo>();
            var canPut  = true;
            var sum     = 0;
            var f1      = Request.AlignLeft;

            while (batch.UsableNumber > 0 && canPut)

                // In order to not be an infinite loop.
                if (sum > 1000)
                    MessageBox.Show("The loop is endless, please contact the program's developer!");

                var f2 = RowNum % 2 == 0;

                // The seat aligns left and double num or aligns right and single num, should be retated.
                var seat = new SeatInfo(nextPt, batch, RowNum, f1 && f2 || !f1 && !f2);
                var pts  = GetSeatVectors(batch, nextPt, seat);

                if (pts.All(CanPut))
                    batch.UsableNumber -= 1;

                nextPt = GetNextPt(batch, nextPt, ref canPut, alignBottom);

        private static XYZ ReviseYValue(XYZ nextPt, SeatBatch batch, bool alignBottom)
            var line        = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(nextPt.X, -10000000, nextPt.Z), new XYZ(nextPt.X, 10000000, nextPt.Z));
            var roomInsPts  = line.GetPlaneInsPointList(RoomEdges);
            var boxInsPts   = line.GetPlaneInsPointList(PickEdges);
            var roomInsMinY = roomInsPts.Min(m => m.Y);
            var boxInsMinY  = boxInsPts.Min(m => m.Y);
            var roomInsMaxY = roomInsPts.Max(m => m.Y);
            var boxInsMaxY  = boxInsPts.Max(m => m.Y);

            // Revises the next point y min value.
            var pt1 = new XYZ(nextPt.X, Math.Max(roomInsMinY, boxInsMinY) + 0.05, nextPt.Z);
            var pt2 = new XYZ(nextPt.X, Math.Min(roomInsMaxY, boxInsMaxY) - batch.Length - 0.05, nextPt.Z);

            return(alignBottom ? pt1 : pt2);
        private static XYZ CalcNewRowPosition(XYZ nextPt, SeatBatch batch, bool alignBottom)
            var pt1 = new XYZ(nextPt.X + Request.RowWidth, InsBox.Min.Y + 0.05, nextPt.Z);
            var pt2 = new XYZ(nextPt.X - Request.RowWidth, InsBox.Min.Y + 0.05, nextPt.Z);
            var pt3 = new XYZ(nextPt.X, InsBox.Min.Y + 0.05, nextPt.Z);

            // If seat don't align bottom, the seat y value must redure on new row
            var pt4 = new XYZ(nextPt.X + Request.RowWidth, InsBox.Max.Y - batch.Length - 0.05, nextPt.Z);
            var pt5 = new XYZ(nextPt.X - Request.RowWidth, InsBox.Max.Y - batch.Length - 0.05, nextPt.Z);
            var pt6 = new XYZ(nextPt.X, InsBox.Max.Y - batch.Length - 0.05, nextPt.Z);

            var f1     = RowNum % 2 == 0;
            var f2     = Request.AlignLeft;
            var result = alignBottom ? (f1 ? (f2 ? pt1 : pt2) : pt3) : (f1 ? (f2 ? pt4 : pt5) : pt6);

        private static XYZ GetNextPt(SeatBatch batch, XYZ nextPt, ref bool canPut, bool alignBottom)
            // The next seat location should set the location's y axis plus seat length.
            var pt1 = new XYZ(nextPt.X, nextPt.Y + batch.Length, nextPt.Z);
            var pt2 = new XYZ(nextPt.X, nextPt.Y - batch.Length, nextPt.Z);

            nextPt = alignBottom ? pt1 : pt2;

            var f1 = nextPt.Y > InsBox.Max.Y || InsBox.Max.Y - nextPt.Y < batch.Length;

            // If seat aligns bottom, then goes to next row util the next point y is less than ins box min y.
            var f2 = nextPt.Y < InsBox.Min.Y && nextPt.Y - InsBox.Min.Y < batch.Length;

            // The next point don't need newline.
            if (alignBottom ? !f1 : !f2)

            nextPt = CalcNewRowPosition(nextPt, batch, alignBottom);

            // To not multi calc.
            canPut = Request.AlignLeft ? !(nextPt.X > InsBox.Max.X) : !(nextPt.X < InsBox.Min.X);

            // It's an invalid point, must return.
            // Because boxInsPts count is 0, throw new exception.
            if (!canPut)

            if (RowNum % 2 == 1)
                nextPt = ReviseYValue(nextPt, batch, alignBottom);
