protected void SortButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { table1.Visible = false; DataSet ds; string whereclout = ""; string str = "qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm|,./'[]{}\\`!@#$%^&*()_-+=*.<>QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; if (MoneyFrom.Text != "" || MoneyTo.Text != "") { for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { if (MoneyFrom.Text.IndexOf(str[i]) != -1) { Response.Write("<script>alert('טווח מחירים לא תקין')</script>"); return; } if (MoneyTo.Text.IndexOf(str[i]) != -1) { Response.Write("<script>alert('טווח מחירים לא תקין')</script>"); return; } } } //init SearchReasultGrid.Visible = true; CloseMedicineGrid.Visible = true; //end init //creating the sort SQL line int pro = ProducerDDL.SelectedIndex + 1; int cat = DropDownListMedicineCatagory.SelectedIndex + 1; if (pro > 1) { if (whereclout != "") { whereclout = whereclout + " and "; } else { whereclout = " where "; } whereclout = whereclout + "MedicineProducer=" + pro; } if (cat > 1) { if (whereclout != "") { whereclout = whereclout + " and "; } else { whereclout = " where "; } whereclout = whereclout + "MedicineCatagory=" + cat; } if (MoneyFrom.Text != "") { if (whereclout != "") { whereclout = whereclout + " and "; } else { whereclout = " where "; } whereclout = whereclout + "MedicinePrice> " + Convert.ToInt32(MoneyFrom.Text); } if (MoneyTo.Text != "") { if (whereclout != "") { whereclout = whereclout + " and "; } else { whereclout = " where "; } whereclout = whereclout + "MedicinePrice< " + Convert.ToInt32(MoneyTo.Text); } string man = ManualSearch.Text; if (man != "") { if (whereclout != "") { whereclout = whereclout + " and "; } else { whereclout = " where "; } whereclout = whereclout + "(MedicineName LIKE '%" + man + "%')"; } if (WithPresRB.Checked == true) { if (whereclout != "") { whereclout = whereclout + " and "; } else { whereclout = " where "; } whereclout = whereclout + "MedicineNeedPrescription=true"; } if (WithoutPresRB.Checked == true) { if (whereclout != "") { whereclout = whereclout + " and "; } else { whereclout = " where "; } whereclout = whereclout + "MedicineNeedPrescription=false"; } if (whereclout != "") { whereclout = whereclout + " and "; } else { whereclout = " where "; } whereclout = whereclout + "MedicineProducer=MedicineProducerId and MedicineCatagoryId=MedicineCatagory"; Pharmcy.PharmcyWS web = new Pharmcy.PharmcyWS(); ds = web.SortMedicine(whereclout); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { CloseMedicineGrid.Visible = false; Response.Write("<script>alert('לא נמצאו תרופות')</script>"); CloseMedicineGrid_Click(sender, e); return; } SearchReasultGrid.DataSource = ds; SearchReasultGrid.DataBind(); table1.Visible = true; }
protected void SortButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CloseButton_Click(sender, e); DataSet ds; string sex; DoctorService docs = new DoctorService(); int spec = DropDownListSpec.SelectedIndex + 1; int gen = DropDownListGen.SelectedIndex + 1; int city = DropDownListCity.SelectedIndex + 1; string manual = ManualSearch.Text; string wherestate = ""; if (spec > 1) { if (wherestate != "") { wherestate = wherestate + " and "; } else { wherestate = " where "; } wherestate = wherestate + "DoctorSpecailty = " + spec; } if (gen > 1) { if (gen == 2) { sex = "זכר"; } else { sex = "נקבה"; } if (wherestate != "") { wherestate = wherestate + " and "; } else { wherestate = " where "; } wherestate = wherestate + "DoctorGender='" + sex + "'"; } if (city > 1) { if (wherestate != "") { wherestate = wherestate + " and "; } else { wherestate = " where "; } wherestate = wherestate + "DoctorCity=" + city; } if (wherestate == "") { wherestate = " where CityId=DoctorCity and SpecialityId=DoctorSpecailty"; } else { wherestate = wherestate + " and CityId=DoctorCity and SpecialityId=DoctorSpecailty"; } if (manual != "") { if (wherestate != "") { wherestate = wherestate + " and "; } else { wherestate = " where "; } wherestate = wherestate + "(DoctorName LIKE '%" + manual + "%')"; } ds = docs.SortDoctor(wherestate); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { SearchReasultGrid.Visible = true; SearchReasultGrid.DataSource = ds; SearchReasultGrid.DataBind(); CloseButton.Visible = true; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('לא נמצאו רופאים')</script>"); } }