 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes tooltip provider for "search language" or "script" button.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="button">The actual button.</param>
 /// <param name="isLang">If true, this is tooltip for "search lang"; otherwise, for "script".</param>
 /// <param name="tprov">Localized UI strings provider.</param>
 /// <param name="script">Current search script.</param>
 /// <param name="lang">Current search language.</param>
 /// <param name="needleHeight">Needle's height at today's scaling.</param>
 public SearchOptionsTooltip(ZenGradientButton button, bool isLang, ITextProvider tprov,
                             SearchScript script, SearchLang lang, int needleHeight, int boxRight)
     this.button       = button;
     this.needleHeight = needleHeight;
     this.topOrSide    = -boxRight;
     if (isLang)
         if (lang == SearchLang.Chinese)
             text = tprov.GetString("LangZhoTooltip");
             text = tprov.GetString("LangTrgTooltip");
         if (script == SearchScript.Simplified)
             text = tprov.GetString("ScriptSimpTooltip");
         else if (script == SearchScript.Traditional)
             text = tprov.GetString("ScriptTradTooltip");
             text = tprov.GetString("ScriptBothTooltip");
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: intialize immutable object.
 /// </summary>
 public CedictLookupResult(string query, List <CedictResult> results, List <CedictAnnotation> annotations,
                           SearchLang actualSearchLang)
     Query            = query;
     Results          = new ReadOnlyCollection <CedictResult>(results);
     Annotations      = new ReadOnlyCollection <CedictAnnotation>(annotations);
     ActualSearchLang = actualSearchLang;
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: intialize immutable object.
 /// </summary>
 public CedictLookupResult(ICedictEntryProvider entryProvider,
     ReadOnlyCollection<CedictResult> results,
     SearchLang actualSearchLang)
     EntryProvider = entryProvider;
     Results = results;
     ActualSearchLang = actualSearchLang;
        public void LogStatic(string query, SearchLang lang, string userAgent, TimeSpan ts)
            string strLang = lang == SearchLang.Chinese ? "ZHO" : "TRG";
            SQItem itm     = new SQItem(strLang, query, userAgent, ts);

            lock (ilist)
 /// <summary>
 /// Event handler: search language button clicked.
 /// </summary>
 private void onSearchLang(ZenControlBase sender)
     // Toggle between English and Chinese
     if (searchLang == SearchLang.Chinese)
         searchLang = SearchLang.Target;
         searchLang = SearchLang.Chinese;
     // Update button
            public CedictLookupResult Lookup(string query)
                // Prepare
                EntryProvider           ep   = new EntryProvider();
                List <CedictResult>     res  = new List <CedictResult>();
                List <CedictAnnotation> anns = new List <CedictAnnotation>();
                SearchLang sl = SearchLang.Chinese;

                if (hasHanzi(query))
                    lookupHanzi(query, ep, res, anns);
                    lookupPinyin(query, ep, res);

                // Done
                return(new CedictLookupResult(ep, query, res, anns, sl));
 /// <summary>
 /// Infuses walkthrough links at bottom of page.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetStaticQuery(string query, SearchLang slang, DateTime dtStart)
     // No query: seeding walkthrough from start page
     if (query == null)
         string hanzi, target;
         Global.Dict.GetFirstWords(out hanzi, out target);
         string inner = getWalkPara(hanzi, true);
         inner += getWalkPara(target, false);
         walkthroughDiv.InnerHtml = inner;
     // This was a static query; walk down hanzi headwords or german words
         // Link back and forth
         bool   isTarget = slang == SearchLang.Target;
         string prev, next;
         Global.Dict.GetPrevNextWords(query, isTarget, out prev, out next);
         string inner = "";
         if (prev != null)
             inner += getWalkPara(prev, !isTarget);
         if (next != null)
             inner += getWalkPara(next, !isTarget);
         walkthroughDiv.InnerHtml = inner;
         // Keywords and decription
         string keyw = TextProvider.Instance.GetString(uiLang, isTarget ? "MetaKeywordsTrg" : "MetaKeywordsZho");
         keyw = string.Format(keyw, query);
         Page.MetaKeywords = keyw;
         string desc = TextProvider.Instance.GetString(uiLang, isTarget ? "MetaDescriptionTrg" : "MetaDescriptionZho");
         desc = string.Format(desc, query);
         Page.MetaDescription = desc;
         descrAndKeywSet      = true;
         // Log that we've been crawled
         QueryLogger.Instance.LogStatic(query, slang, Request.UserAgent, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(dtStart));
        /// <summary>
        /// Dictionary lookup and results rendering in worker thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctxt"></param>
        private void search(object ctxt)
            LookupItem li;

            // Pick very last item in queue to look up; clear rest of queue
            lock (lookupItems)
                if (lookupItems.Count == 0)
                li = lookupItems[lookupItems.Count - 1];
                // If this is not very last request, don't even bother
                if (li.ID != lookupId)
            // Look up in dictionary
            CedictLookupResult res = dict.Lookup(li.Text, li.Script, li.Lang);

            // Call below transfers ownership of entry provider to results control.
            bool shown = ctrlResults.SetResults(li.ID, res.EntryProvider, res.Results, searchScript);

            // If these results came too late (a long query completing too late, when a later fast query already completed)
            // Then we're done, no flashing.
            if (!shown)
            // Did lookup language change?
            if (res.ActualSearchLang != li.Lang)
                searchLang = res.ActualSearchLang;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find entries that match the search expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query string, as entered by the user.</param>
        /// <param name="script">For hanzi lookup: simplified, traditional or both.</param>
        /// <param name="lang">Chinese or target language (English).</param>
        /// <returns>The lookup result.</returns>
        public CedictLookupResult Lookup(string query, SearchScript script, SearchLang lang)
            List <CedictResult>     res  = new List <CedictResult>();
            List <CedictAnnotation> anns = new List <CedictAnnotation>();
            // BinReader: I own it until I successfully return results to caller.
            BinReader     br = new BinReader(dictFileName);
            EntryProvider ep = new EntryProvider(br);

                // Try first in language requested by user
                // If no results that way, try in opposite language
                // Override if lookup in opposite language is successful
                if (lang == SearchLang.Chinese)
                    res = doChineseLookup(br, query, script);
                    // We got fish
                    if (res.Count > 0)
                        return(new CedictLookupResult(ep, query, res, anns, lang));
                    // Try to annotate
                    anns = doAnnotate(br, query);
                    if (anns.Count > 0)
                        return(new CedictLookupResult(ep, query, res, anns, lang));
                    // OK, try opposite (target)
                    res = doTargetLookup(br, query);
                    // We got fish: override
                    if (res.Count > 0)
                        return(new CedictLookupResult(ep, query, res, anns, SearchLang.Target));
                    res = doTargetLookup(br, query);
                    // We got fish
                    if (res.Count > 0)
                        return(new CedictLookupResult(ep, query, res, anns, lang));
                    // OK, try opposite (target)
                    res = doChineseLookup(br, query, script);
                    // We got fish: override
                    if (res.Count > 0)
                        return(new CedictLookupResult(ep, query, res, anns, SearchLang.Chinese));
                    // Try to annotate
                    anns = doAnnotate(br, query);
                    if (anns.Count > 0)
                        return(new CedictLookupResult(ep, query, res, anns, SearchLang.Chinese));
                // Sorry, no results, no override
                return(new CedictLookupResult(ep, query, res, anns, lang));
        /// <summary>
        /// Ctor.
        /// </summary>
        public LookupControl(ZenControlBase owner, ICedictEngineFactory dictFact, ITextProvider tprov)
            : base(owner)
            this.dictFact = dictFact;
            this.tprov    = tprov;
            padding       = (int)Math.Round(5.0F * Scale);

            // Init search language and script from user settings
            searchLang   = AppSettings.SearchLang;
            searchScript = AppSettings.SearchScript;

            // Init HanziLookup
            fsStrokes   = new FileStream(Magic.StrokesFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            brStrokes   = new BinaryReader(fsStrokes);
            strokesData = new StrokesDataSource(brStrokes);

            // Writing pad
            writingPad                 = new WritingPad(this, tprov);
            writingPad.RelLocation     = new Point(padding, padding);
            writingPad.LogicalSize     = new Size(200, 200);
            writingPad.StrokesChanged += writingPad_StrokesChanged;

            // Images for buttons under writing pad; will get owned by buttons, not that it matters.
            Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var      imgStrokesClear = Image.FromStream(a.GetManifestResourceStream("ZD.Gui.Resources.strokes-clear.png"));
            var      imgStrokesUndo  = Image.FromStream(a.GetManifestResourceStream("ZD.Gui.Resources.strokes-undo.png"));

            // Clear and undo buttons under writing pad.
            float leftBtnWidth = writingPad.Width / 2 + 1;
            float btnHeight    = 22.0F * Scale;

            // --
            btnClearWritingPad             = new ZenGradientButton(this);
            btnClearWritingPad.RelLocation = new Point(writingPad.RelLeft, writingPad.RelBottom - 1);
            btnClearWritingPad.Size        = new Size((int)leftBtnWidth, (int)btnHeight);
            btnClearWritingPad.Text        = tprov.GetString("WritingPadClear");
            btnClearWritingPad.SetFont(SystemFontProvider.Instance.GetSystemFont(FontStyle.Regular, 9.0F));
            btnClearWritingPad.Padding           = (int)(3.0F * Scale);
            btnClearWritingPad.ImageExtraPadding = (int)(3.0F * Scale);
            btnClearWritingPad.Image             = imgStrokesClear;
            btnClearWritingPad.Enabled           = false;
            btnClearWritingPad.MouseClick       += onClearWritingPad;
            // --
            btnUndoStroke             = new ZenGradientButton(this);
            btnUndoStroke.RelLocation = new Point(btnClearWritingPad.RelRight - 1, writingPad.RelBottom - 1);
            btnUndoStroke.Size        = new Size(writingPad.RelRight - btnUndoStroke.RelLeft, (int)btnHeight);
            btnUndoStroke.Text        = tprov.GetString("WritingPadUndo");
            btnUndoStroke.SetFont(SystemFontProvider.Instance.GetSystemFont(FontStyle.Regular, 9.0F));
            btnUndoStroke.Padding           = (int)(3.0F * Scale);
            btnUndoStroke.ImageExtraPadding = (int)(1.5F * Scale);
            btnUndoStroke.Image             = imgStrokesUndo;
            btnUndoStroke.Enabled           = false;
            btnUndoStroke.MouseClick       += onUndoStroke;
            // --
            btnClearWritingPad.Tooltip = new ClearUndoTooltips(btnClearWritingPad, true, tprov, padding);
            btnUndoStroke.Tooltip      = new ClearUndoTooltips(btnUndoStroke, false, tprov, padding);
            // --

            // Character picker control under writing pad.
            ctrlCharPicker             = new CharPicker(this, tprov);
            ctrlCharPicker.FontFam     = Magic.ZhoContentFontFamily;
            ctrlCharPicker.FontScript  = searchScript == SearchScript.Traditional ? IdeoScript.Trad : IdeoScript.Simp;
            ctrlCharPicker.RelLocation = new Point(padding, btnClearWritingPad.RelBottom + padding);
            ctrlCharPicker.LogicalSize = new Size(200, 80);
            ctrlCharPicker.CharPicked += onCharPicked;

            // Search input control at top
            ctrlSearchInput              = new SearchInputControl(this, tprov);
            ctrlSearchInput.RelLocation  = new Point(writingPad.RelRight + padding, padding);
            ctrlSearchInput.StartSearch += onStartSearch;

            // Tweaks for Chinese text on UI buttons
            // This is specific to Segoe UI and Noto Sans S Chinese fonts.
            float ofsZho = 0;

            //if (!(SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).SegoeExists)
            //    ofsZho = Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize * Scale / 3.7F;

            // Script selector button to the right of search input control
            btnSimpTrad        = new ZenGradientButton(this);
            btnSimpTrad.RelTop = padding;
            btnSimpTrad.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height;
            btnSimpTrad.SetFont((SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).GetZhoButtonFont(
                                    FontStyle.Regular, Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize));
            btnSimpTrad.Width             = getSimpTradWidth();
            btnSimpTrad.ForcedCharVertOfs = ofsZho;
            btnSimpTrad.RelLeft           = Width - padding - btnSimpTrad.Width;
            btnSimpTrad.Height            = ctrlSearchInput.Height;
            btnSimpTrad.MouseClick       += onSimpTrad;

            // Search language selector to the right of search input control
            btnSearchLang        = new ZenGradientButton(this);
            btnSearchLang.RelTop = padding;
            btnSearchLang.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height;
            btnSearchLang.SetFont((SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).GetZhoButtonFont(
                                      FontStyle.Regular, Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize));
            btnSearchLang.Width             = getSearchLangWidth();
            btnSearchLang.ForcedCharVertOfs = ofsZho;
            btnSearchLang.RelLeft           = btnSimpTrad.RelLeft - padding - btnSearchLang.Width;
            btnSearchLang.Height            = ctrlSearchInput.Height;
            btnSearchLang.MouseClick       += onSearchLang;

            // Update button texts; do it here so tooltip locations will be correct.

            // Lookup results control.
            ctrlResults             = new ResultsControl(this, tprov, onLookupThroughLink, onGetEntry);
            ctrlResults.RelLocation = new Point(writingPad.RelRight + padding, ctrlSearchInput.RelBottom + padding);
 private void langDeButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     langEnum = SearchLang.GERMAN;
 public LookupItem(int id, string text, SearchScript script, SearchLang lang)
     ID = id; Text = text; Script = script; Lang = lang;
 public LookupItem(int id, string text, SearchScript script, SearchLang lang)
     ID = id; Text = text; Script = script; Lang = lang;
 /// <summary>
 /// Dictionary lookup and results rendering in worker thread.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctxt"></param>
 private void search(object ctxt)
     LookupItem li;
     // Pick very last item in queue to look up; clear rest of queue
     lock (lookupItems)
         if (lookupItems.Count == 0) return;
         li = lookupItems[lookupItems.Count - 1];
         // If this is not very last request, don't even bother
         if (li.ID != lookupId) return;
     // Look up in dictionary
     CedictLookupResult res = dict.Lookup(li.Text, li.Script, li.Lang);
     // Call below transfers ownership of entry provider to results control.
     bool shown = ctrlResults.SetResults(li.ID, res.EntryProvider, res.Results, searchScript);
     // If these results came too late (a long query completing too late, when a later fast query already completed)
     // Then we're done, no flashing.
     if (!shown) return;
     // Did lookup language change?
     if (res.ActualSearchLang != li.Lang)
         searchLang = res.ActualSearchLang;
 /// <summary>
 /// Event handler: search language button clicked.
 /// </summary>
 private void onSearchLang(ZenControlBase sender)
     // Toggle between English and Chinese
     if (searchLang == SearchLang.Chinese) searchLang = SearchLang.Target;
     else searchLang = SearchLang.Chinese;
     // Update button
        /// <summary>
        /// Ctor.
        /// </summary>
        public LookupControl(ZenControlBase owner, ICedictEngineFactory dictFact, ITextProvider tprov)
            : base(owner)
            this.dictFact = dictFact;
            this.tprov = tprov;
            padding = (int)Math.Round(5.0F * Scale);

            // Init search language and script from user settings
            searchLang = AppSettings.SearchLang;
            searchScript = AppSettings.SearchScript;

            // Init HanziLookup
            fsStrokes = new FileStream(Magic.StrokesFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            brStrokes = new BinaryReader(fsStrokes);
            strokesData = new StrokesDataSource(brStrokes);

            // Writing pad
            writingPad = new WritingPad(this, tprov);
            writingPad.RelLocation = new Point(padding, padding);
            writingPad.LogicalSize = new Size(200, 200);
            writingPad.StrokesChanged += writingPad_StrokesChanged;

            // Images for buttons under writing pad; will get owned by buttons, not that it matters.
            Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var imgStrokesClear = Image.FromStream(a.GetManifestResourceStream("ZD.Gui.Resources.strokes-clear.png"));
            var imgStrokesUndo = Image.FromStream(a.GetManifestResourceStream("ZD.Gui.Resources.strokes-undo.png"));

            // Clear and undo buttons under writing pad.
            float leftBtnWidth = writingPad.Width / 2 + 1;
            float btnHeight = 22.0F * Scale;
            // --
            btnClearWritingPad = new ZenGradientButton(this);
            btnClearWritingPad.RelLocation = new Point(writingPad.RelLeft, writingPad.RelBottom - 1);
            btnClearWritingPad.Size = new Size((int)leftBtnWidth, (int)btnHeight);
            btnClearWritingPad.Text = tprov.GetString("WritingPadClear");
            btnClearWritingPad.SetFont(SystemFontProvider.Instance.GetSystemFont(FontStyle.Regular, 9.0F));
            btnClearWritingPad.Padding = (int)(3.0F * Scale);
            btnClearWritingPad.ImageExtraPadding = (int)(3.0F * Scale);
            btnClearWritingPad.Image = imgStrokesClear;
            btnClearWritingPad.Enabled = false;
            btnClearWritingPad.MouseClick += onClearWritingPad;
            // --
            btnUndoStroke = new ZenGradientButton(this);
            btnUndoStroke.RelLocation = new Point(btnClearWritingPad.RelRight - 1, writingPad.RelBottom - 1);
            btnUndoStroke.Size = new Size(writingPad.RelRight - btnUndoStroke.RelLeft, (int)btnHeight);
            btnUndoStroke.Text = tprov.GetString("WritingPadUndo");
            btnUndoStroke.SetFont(SystemFontProvider.Instance.GetSystemFont(FontStyle.Regular, 9.0F));
            btnUndoStroke.Padding = (int)(3.0F * Scale);
            btnUndoStroke.ImageExtraPadding = (int)(1.5F * Scale);
            btnUndoStroke.Image = imgStrokesUndo;
            btnUndoStroke.Enabled = false;
            btnUndoStroke.MouseClick += onUndoStroke;
            // --
            btnClearWritingPad.Tooltip = new ClearUndoTooltips(btnClearWritingPad, true, tprov, padding);
            btnUndoStroke.Tooltip = new ClearUndoTooltips(btnUndoStroke, false, tprov, padding);
            // --

            // Character picker control under writing pad.
            ctrlCharPicker = new CharPicker(this, tprov);
            ctrlCharPicker.FontFam = Magic.ZhoContentFontFamily;
            ctrlCharPicker.FontScript = searchScript == SearchScript.Traditional ? IdeoScript.Trad : IdeoScript.Simp;
            ctrlCharPicker.RelLocation = new Point(padding, btnClearWritingPad.RelBottom + padding);
            ctrlCharPicker.LogicalSize = new Size(200, 80);
            ctrlCharPicker.CharPicked += onCharPicked;

            // Search input control at top
            ctrlSearchInput = new SearchInputControl(this, tprov);
            ctrlSearchInput.RelLocation = new Point(writingPad.RelRight + padding, padding);
            ctrlSearchInput.StartSearch += onStartSearch;

            // Tweaks for Chinese text on UI buttons
            // This is specific to Segoe UI and Noto Sans S Chinese fonts.
            float ofsZho = 0;
            //if (!(SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).SegoeExists)
            //    ofsZho = Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize * Scale / 3.7F;

            // Script selector button to the right of search input control
            btnSimpTrad = new ZenGradientButton(this);
            btnSimpTrad.RelTop = padding;
            btnSimpTrad.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height;
            btnSimpTrad.SetFont((SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).GetZhoButtonFont(
                FontStyle.Regular, Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize));
            btnSimpTrad.Width = getSimpTradWidth();
            btnSimpTrad.ForcedCharVertOfs = ofsZho;
            btnSimpTrad.RelLeft = Width - padding - btnSimpTrad.Width;
            btnSimpTrad.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height;
            btnSimpTrad.MouseClick += onSimpTrad;

            // Search language selector to the right of search input control
            btnSearchLang = new ZenGradientButton(this);
            btnSearchLang.RelTop = padding;
            btnSearchLang.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height;
            btnSearchLang.SetFont((SystemFontProvider.Instance as ZydeoSystemFontProvider).GetZhoButtonFont(
                FontStyle.Regular, Magic.ZhoButtonFontSize));
            btnSearchLang.Width = getSearchLangWidth();
            btnSearchLang.ForcedCharVertOfs = ofsZho;
            btnSearchLang.RelLeft = btnSimpTrad.RelLeft - padding - btnSearchLang.Width;
            btnSearchLang.Height = ctrlSearchInput.Height;
            btnSearchLang.MouseClick += onSearchLang;

            // Update button texts; do it here so tooltip locations will be correct.

            // Lookup results control.
            ctrlResults = new ResultsControl(this, tprov, onLookupThroughLink, onGetEntry);
            ctrlResults.RelLocation = new Point(writingPad.RelRight + padding, ctrlSearchInput.RelBottom + padding);
 private void langJpButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     langEnum = SearchLang.JAPANESE;
 private void langEnButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     langEnum = SearchLang.ENGLISH;
 private void langAllButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     langEnum = SearchLang.ALL;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find entries that match the search expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query string, as entered by the user.</param>
        /// <param name="script">For hanzi lookup: simplified, traditional or both.</param>
        /// <param name="lang">Chinese or target language (English).</param>
        /// <returns>The lookup result.</returns>
        public CedictLookupResult Lookup(string query, SearchScript script, SearchLang lang)
            List<CedictResult> res = new List<CedictResult>();
            // BinReader: I own it until I successfully return results to caller.
            BinReader br = new BinReader(dictFileName);
            EntryProvider ep = new EntryProvider(br);

                // Try first in language requested by user
                // If no results that way, try in opposite language
                // Override if lookup in opposite language is successful
                if (lang == SearchLang.Chinese)
                    res = doChineseLookup(br, query, script);
                    // We got fish
                    if (res.Count > 0)
                        return new CedictLookupResult(ep, new ReadOnlyCollection<CedictResult>(res), lang);
                    // OK, try opposite (target)
                    res = doTargetLookup(br, query);
                    // We got fish: override
                    if (res.Count > 0)
                        return new CedictLookupResult(ep, new ReadOnlyCollection<CedictResult>(res), SearchLang.Target);
                    res = doTargetLookup(br, query);
                    // We got fish
                    if (res.Count > 0)
                        return new CedictLookupResult(ep, new ReadOnlyCollection<CedictResult>(res), lang);
                    // OK, try opposite (target)
                    res = doChineseLookup(br, query, script);
                    // We got fish: override
                    if (res.Count > 0)
                        return new CedictLookupResult(ep, new ReadOnlyCollection<CedictResult>(res), SearchLang.Chinese);
                // Sorry, no results, no override
                return new CedictLookupResult(ep, new ReadOnlyCollection<CedictResult>(res), lang);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes tooltip provider for "search language" or "script" button.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="button">The actual button.</param>
 /// <param name="isLang">If true, this is tooltip for "search lang"; otherwise, for "script".</param>
 /// <param name="tprov">Localized UI strings provider.</param>
 /// <param name="script">Current search script.</param>
 /// <param name="lang">Current search language.</param>
 /// <param name="needleHeight">Needle's height at today's scaling.</param>
 public SearchOptionsTooltip(ZenGradientButton button, bool isLang, ITextProvider tprov,
     SearchScript script, SearchLang lang, int needleHeight, int boxRight)
     this.button = button;
     this.needleHeight = needleHeight;
     this.topOrSide = -boxRight;
     if (isLang)
         if (lang == SearchLang.Chinese) text = tprov.GetString("LangZhoTooltip");
         else text = tprov.GetString("LangTrgTooltip");
         if (script == SearchScript.Simplified) text = tprov.GetString("ScriptSimpTooltip");
         else if (script == SearchScript.Traditional) text = tprov.GetString("ScriptTradTooltip");
         else text = tprov.GetString("ScriptBothTooltip");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Only do this manually, and offline: generate sitemaps

            var tprov = TextProvider.Instance;

            // Server-side inline localization
            strokeClear.InnerText = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "BtnStrokeClear");
            strokeUndo.InnerText  = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "BtnStrokeUndo");
            txtSearch.Attributes["placeholder"] = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "TxtSearchPlacholder");

            resultsHolder.Visible = false;
            soaBox.Visible        = false;
            isStaticQuery         = Request.RawUrl.StartsWith("/search/");
            string qlang = Request["lang"];
            string query = Request["query"];

            if (query != null)
                query = query.Trim();
            // No query: show welcome screen, and we're done.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                resultsHolder.Visible   = false;
                welcomeScreen.Visible   = true;
                welcomeScreen.InnerHtml = tprov.GetSnippet(Master.UILang, "welcome");
                Title = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "TitleMain");
                // Seed walkthrough
                Master.SetStaticQuery(null, SearchLang.Chinese, DateTime.UtcNow);

            // From here on ---> lookup
            string strMobile = Request["mobile"];

            isMobile = strMobile == "yes";

            // Auto-add "mobile" class to body if we know it already
            if (isMobile)

            queryInfo             = new QueryInfo(Request.UserHostAddress, query);
            resultsHolder.Visible = true;
            welcomeScreen.Visible = false;
            SearchLang slang = qlang == "trg" ? SearchLang.Target : SearchLang.Chinese;
            var        lr    = Global.Dict.Lookup(query, SearchScript.Both, slang);

            queryInfo.ResCount = lr.Results.Count;
            queryInfo.AnnCount = lr.Annotations.Count;
            queryInfo.Lang     = lr.ActualSearchLang;
            queryInfo.DTLookup = DateTime.UtcNow;
            prov = lr.EntryProvider;
            // Add regular results
            for (int i = 0; i != lr.Results.Count; ++i)
                if (i >= 256)
                var           res     = lr.Results[i];
                OneResultCtrl resCtrl = new OneResultCtrl(res, lr.EntryProvider, Master.UiScript, Master.UiTones, isMobile);
            // Add annotations (we never get both, so don't need to worry about the order)
            for (int i = 0; i != lr.Annotations.Count; ++i)
                var           ann     = lr.Annotations[i];
                OneResultCtrl resCtrl = new OneResultCtrl(lr.Query, ann, lr.EntryProvider, Master.UiTones, isMobile);
            txtSearch.Value = query;
            // No results
            if (lr.Results.Count == 0 && lr.Annotations.Count == 0)
                resultsHolder.Visible   = false;
                welcomeScreen.Visible   = true;
                welcomeScreen.InnerHtml = tprov.GetSnippet(Master.UILang, "noresults");
                Title = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "TitleMain");
            // We got results
                // Page title
                string title;
                // Regular lookup results
                if (lr.Results.Count != 0)
                    if (lr.ActualSearchLang == SearchLang.Chinese)
                        title = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "TitleSearchChinese");
                        title = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "TitleSearchGerman");
                // Annotation
                    title = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "TitleSearchAnnotation");
                title = string.Format(title, query);
                Title = title;
                // For annotatio mode, show notice at top
                if (lr.Annotations.Count != 0)
                    topNotice.Visible   = true;
                    tnTitle.InnerText   = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "AnnotationTitle");
                    tnMessage.InnerText = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "AnnotationMessage");
                // SOA BOX
                soaBox.Visible     = true;
                soaTitle.InnerText = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "AnimPopupTitle");
                string attrLink = "<a href='https://github.com/skishore/makemeahanzi' target='_blank'>{0}</a>";
                attrLink = string.Format(attrLink, tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "AnimPopupMMAH"));
                string attrHtml = tprov.GetString(Master.UILang, "AnimPopupAttr");
                attrHtml            = string.Format(attrHtml, attrLink);
                soaFooter.InnerHtml = attrHtml;
                // Seed walkthrough - if query is static and we have regular results (not annotations)
                if (isStaticQuery && lr.Results.Count != 0)
                    Master.SetStaticQuery(query, slang, queryInfo.DTStart);