private IList <Vector2> SearchBuildings(Vector2 building, float distanceFromBuilding)
            Debug.WriteLine("Searching for buildings in a range of " + distanceFromBuilding + " points, from point " + building.ToPoint());

            SearchInfoContainer sic       = new SearchInfoContainer(building, distanceFromBuilding);
            List <Vector2>      container = new List <Vector2>(20);

            return(FindValues(vectorTree, sic, container));
        private IList <Vector2> FindValues(KDNode <Vector2> node, SearchInfoContainer info, IList <Vector2> foundValues)
            //Debug.WriteLine("Arived at node: "+node.Value.ToString());

            float compareValue;
            float compareBeginValue;
            float compareEndValue;

            if (node.Dimension == Dimension.X)
                compareValue      = node.Value.X;
                compareBeginValue = info.BeginX;
                compareEndValue   = info.EndX;
                compareValue      = node.Value.Y;
                compareBeginValue = info.BeginY;
                compareEndValue   = info.EndY;

            if (compareValue > compareBeginValue)
                if (node.HasLeftChild())
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Going to node: " + node.LeftChild.Value.ToString() + " from node " + node.Value.ToString());
                    FindValues(node.LeftChild, info, foundValues);

            if (compareValue < compareEndValue)
                if (node.HasRightChild())
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Going to node: " + node.RightChild.Value.ToString() + " from node " + node.Value.ToString());
                    FindValues(node.RightChild, info, foundValues);

            if ((node.Value.X >= info.BeginX && node.Value.X <= info.EndX) && (node.Value.Y >= info.BeginY && node.Value.Y <= info.EndY))
                Debug.WriteLine("Found possible value at node " + node.Value.ToString());
                if (node.Value.EuclideanDistance(info.Vector) < info.Range)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Found value at node " + node.Value.ToString());