        /* Function: ConvertToJSON
         * Converts the passed search index to JSON.  After this you can build the data files.
        public void ConvertToJSON(SearchIndex.Manager searchIndex, Context context)
            this.context = context;

            // The searchIndex parameter is really just for API consistency with the other JSON builders.  We can get it from the context.
                        #if DEBUG
            if ((object)searchIndex != (object)context.Target.SearchIndex)
                throw new Exception("The search index passed to ConvertToJSON must be the same as the one in the context's target.");

            // That's it.  We're going to build the JSON for the data files on demand, so this function is also just for API consistency with
            // the other JSON builders.
        // Group: Functions
        // __________________________________________________________________________

        public TopicEntry(Topic topic, SearchIndex.Manager manager) : base()
            this.topic = topic;
            var commentType = manager.EngineInstance.CommentTypes.FromID(topic.CommentTypeID);
            var language    = manager.EngineInstance.Languages.FromID(topic.LanguageID);

            // Get the title without any parameters.  We don't want to include parameters in the index.  Multiple functions that
            // differ only by parameter will be treated as one entry.

            string title, ignore;

            ParameterString.SplitFromParameters(topic.Title, out title, out ignore);
            title = title.TrimEnd();

            // Figure out the extra scope text that should be added to the title to make it a fully resolved symbol.  We do this by
            // comparing the symbol from the topic to one generated from the title.  We don't just use the symbol to begin with
            // because we want to show the title as written; there's some normalization that occurs when generating symbols
            // that we want to bypass.

            string extraScope = null;

            SymbolString titleSymbol = SymbolString.FromPlainText_NoParameters(title);

            string titleSymbolString = titleSymbol.FormatWithSeparator(language.MemberOperator);
            string symbolString      = topic.Symbol.FormatWithSeparator(language.MemberOperator);

            if (symbolString.Length > titleSymbolString.Length)
                // We have to go by LastIndexOf rather than EndsWith because operator<string> will have <string> cut off as a parameter.
                // We have to go by LastIndexOf instead of IndexOf so constructors don't get cut off (Package.Class.Class).
                int titleIndex = symbolString.LastIndexOf(titleSymbolString);

                                #if DEBUG
                if (titleIndex == -1)
                    throw new Exception("Title symbol string \"" + titleSymbolString + "\" isn't part of symbol string \"" + symbolString + "\" which " +
                                        "was assumed when creating a search index entry.");

                extraScope = symbolString.Substring(0, titleIndex);

            // Remove the space in "operator <".  This prevents them from appearing as two keywords, and also makes sure "operator <" and
            // "operator<" are always displayed consistently, which will be important for sorting.

            title = SpaceAfterOperatorKeywordRegex.Replace(title, "");

            displayName = (extraScope == null ? title : extraScope + title);
            searchText  = Normalize(displayName);

            if (commentType.Flags.File)
                endOfDisplayNameQualifiers = EndOfQualifiers(displayName, FileSplitSymbolsRegex.Matches(displayName));
                endOfSearchTextQualifiers  = EndOfQualifiers(searchText, FileSplitSymbolsRegex.Matches(searchText));
            else if (commentType.Flags.Code)
                endOfDisplayNameQualifiers = EndOfQualifiers(displayName, CodeSplitSymbolsRegex.Matches(displayName));
                endOfSearchTextQualifiers  = EndOfQualifiers(searchText, CodeSplitSymbolsRegex.Matches(searchText));
            else             // documentation topic
                if (extraScope == null)
                    endOfDisplayNameQualifiers = 0;
                    endOfSearchTextQualifiers  = 0;
                    endOfDisplayNameQualifiers = extraScope.Length;

                    // Don't need +1 because only leading separators are removed.  The trailing separator will still be there.
                    endOfSearchTextQualifiers = Normalize(extraScope).Length;

            keywords = new List <string>();

            if (endOfDisplayNameQualifiers == 0)
                AddKeywords(displayName, commentType.Flags.Documentation);
                AddKeywords(displayName.Substring(endOfDisplayNameQualifiers), commentType.Flags.Documentation);