        public void FileInfoLenghtIsZeroWhenNoneFilesFoundInTheDirectory(string path, int filesCount)
            SearchFileBindingModel searchFileBindingModel = new SearchFileBindingModel();

            searchFileBindingModel.DirInfo  = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo = searchFileBindingModel.DirInfo.GetFiles("*.*");

            Assert.AreEqual(searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo.Length, filesCount);
        public void GetsAllFilesFromTheDictionary(string path, int filesCount)
            SearchFileBindingModel searchFileBindingModel = new SearchFileBindingModel();

            searchFileBindingModel.DirInfo  = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo = searchFileBindingModel.DirInfo.GetFiles("*.*");

            Assert.AreEqual(searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo.Length, filesCount);
        public void SetInfo(SearchFileBindingModel searchFileBindingModel)
            //Uses SearchFileBindingModel to get specific information from the binding model and set some properties.

            //Sets DirInfo property of the binding model with the directory choosen from the user to search for files.
            searchFileBindingModel.DirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(searchFileBindingModel.SearchDir);
            //Sets the FileInfo property of the binding model with all the files in the choosen path
            searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo = searchFileBindingModel.DirInfo.GetFiles("*.*");
        public void SetFileDic(SearchFileBindingModel searchFileBindingModel)
            //Uses SearchFileBindingModel to get specific information from the binding model and set some properties.

            //Sets a new dictionary on the FileDic property of the binding model.
            searchFileBindingModel.FileDic = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo.Length; i++)
                //Adds the name of the file to the dictionary to be filtered
                searchFileBindingModel.FileDic.Add(i, searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo[i].Name);

            //Sets the FilterFoundFiles property and filters the FileDic to return to the user all the files he wants.
            searchFileBindingModel.FilterFoundFiles = searchFileBindingModel.FileDic.Values.Where(s => s.Contains(searchFileBindingModel.SaveFileName)).ToArray();
        public void NoneFilteredFilesFoundInTheDirectory(string path, string fileName, int foundFilesCount)
            SearchFileBindingModel searchFileBindingModel = new SearchFileBindingModel();

            searchFileBindingModel.DirInfo  = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo = searchFileBindingModel.DirInfo.GetFiles("*.*");

            searchFileBindingModel.FileDic = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo.Length; i++)
                searchFileBindingModel.FileDic.Add(i, searchFileBindingModel.FileInfo[i].Name);
            searchFileBindingModel.SaveFileName     = fileName;
            searchFileBindingModel.FilterFoundFiles = searchFileBindingModel.FileDic.Values.Where(s => s.Contains(searchFileBindingModel.SaveFileName)).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(searchFileBindingModel.FilterFoundFiles.Length, foundFilesCount);
        private void CopyAllFiles(SearchFileBindingModel searchFileBindingModel)
            //Opens a dialog in which the user chooses the folder he wants to save the files
            saveDialog             = new FolderBrowserDialog();
            saveDialog.Description = "Save Files Directory";
            saveDialog.RootFolder  = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop;
            DialogResult saveresult = saveDialog.ShowDialog();

            if (saveresult == DialogResult.OK)
                //Saves the destination path in searchFileBindingModel.DestDir
                destPath = searchFileBindingModel.DestDir = saveDialog.SelectedPath;
                //Uses the ovveride Copy method from the CopierFile service
                copyFiles.Copy(searchFileBindingModel.FilterFoundFiles, searchFileBindingModel);
                //Shows all the saved files
        private void CheckIfCancelIsPressed(SearchFileBindingModel searchFileBindingModel)
            //Uses SearchFileBindingModel to set its properties

            if (searchFileBindingModel.IsPressed == false)
                //Saves the name that the user has input if he has not pressed Cancel button
                searchFileBindingModel.SaveFileName = searchFileBindingModel.FilesName;
                //Sets the Information and the Dictionary on SearcherFileService needed for the service to work corectlly.
                //Checks the lenght of the added files

            SearchFileForm = new SearchFile();
        public void Copy(string[] files, SearchFileBindingModel searchFileBindingModel)
            //Uses string[] files to get all the files from a specific directory.
            //Uses SearchFileBindingModel to get specific information from the binding model and set some properties.

            //isCompleted checks if the work has been done corretly and succesfully
            bool isCompleted = false;

            foreach (var file in files)
                //Gets the paths and the names of the files in a directory that the user has entered to search files in strings
                string sourcePath = searchFileBindingModel.SearchDir;
                string targetPath = searchFileBindingModel.DestDir;
                string fileName   = Path.GetFileName(file);

                //Sets the strings to a path with the name of the found file.
                string sourcePathFile    = Path.Combine(sourcePath, fileName);
                string destPathFile      = Path.Combine(targetPath, fileName);
                string overwriteDestFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, "Overwrite -" + fileName);

                //Checks if file already exists in the destination path
                //If they don't exist, it tries to save the files.
                if (File.Exists(targetPath + @"\" + fileName))
                    //Asks the user if he wants to overwrite the files
                    var msgBox = MessageBox.Show("Source: " + sourcePathFile + @"\" + fileName + Environment.NewLine +
                                                 "Destination: " + destPathFile + @"\" + fileName + Environment.NewLine +
                                                 "Do you want to write over existing file?", "Files Already Exists",
                                                 MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, 0,

                    //If the user presses Yes it checks if it is already overwrited.
                    //If it is not overwrited, the files are copied and overwrited succesfully
                    //If he presses No or cancel, the service stops and returns a text to the user.
                    if (msgBox == DialogResult.Yes)
                        if (!File.Exists(overwriteDestFile))
                            File.Copy(sourcePathFile, overwriteDestFile);
                            //searchFileBindingModel.FilesCopied property is used to add the files that are copied in it successfully
                            isCompleted = true;
                            MessageBox.Show("File already overwrited!", "File exists!", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                                            0, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);
                    else if (msgBox == DialogResult.Cancel)
                        MessageBox.Show("Existing file was not overwrited!", "Fail overwriting",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, 0,
                //Tries to save the files
                    //Exeption is thrown when user chooses different directory than the one he has choosen to save files from
                        File.Copy(sourcePathFile, destPathFile);
                        isCompleted = true;
                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        isCompleted = false;
                        MessageBox.Show("Don't change the directory of the found files! Files failed to save", "Failed saving",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, 0,
            //If everything is completed successfully, the user gets this text.
            if (isCompleted == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Files saved successfully!", "Files Saved",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, 0,