/// <summary> /// Build and initialize an IdmNet Client object ready for use /// </summary> /// <returns>Newly initialized IdmNet Client</returns> public static IdmNetClient BuildClient() { var soapBinding = new IdmSoapBinding(); string fqdn = GetEnvironmentSetting("MIM_fqdn"); var endpointIdentity = EndpointIdentity.CreateSpnIdentity("FIMSERVICE/" + fqdn); var enumerationPath = "http://" + fqdn + SoapConstants.EnumeratePortAndPath; var factoryPath = "http://" + fqdn + SoapConstants.FactoryPortAndPath; var resourcePath = "http://" + fqdn + SoapConstants.ResourcePortAndPath; var enumerationEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(enumerationPath), endpointIdentity); var factoryEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(factoryPath), endpointIdentity); var resourceEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(resourcePath), endpointIdentity); var searchClient = new SearchClient(soapBinding, enumerationEndpoint); var factoryClient = new ResourceFactoryClient(soapBinding, factoryEndpoint); var resourceClient = new ResourceClient(soapBinding, resourceEndpoint); var credentials = new NetworkCredential( GetEnvironmentSetting("MIM_username"), GetEnvironmentSetting("MIM_pwd"), GetEnvironmentSetting("MIM_domain")); searchClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = credentials; factoryClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = credentials; resourceClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = credentials; var it = new IdmNetClient(searchClient, factoryClient, resourceClient); return it; }
public void RequestsTheCorrectUrl() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); client.SearchRepo(new SearchRepositoriesRequest("something")); connection.Received().GetAll<Repository>(Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/repositories"), Arg.Any<Dictionary<string, string>>()); }
public void RequestsTheCorrectUrl() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); client.SearchUsers(new SearchUsersRequest("something")); connection.Received().Get<SearchUsersResult>(Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/users"), Arg.Any<Dictionary<string, string>>()); }
public void TestingTheTermParameter() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchUsersRequest("github"); client.SearchUsers(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchUsersResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/users"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "github")); }
public override ElasticResponse RefreshFromConnection(SearchClient cli) { var rawAliases = cli.GetAliases(); if (rawAliases.HasData) { var result = rawAliases.Data.Where(a => a.Value?.Aliases != null && a.Value.Aliases.Count > 0).ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Value.Aliases.Keys.ToList()); Aliases = result; } return rawAliases; }
public void TestingTheAccountTypeQualifier_Org() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchUsersRequest("github"); request.AccountType = AccountType.Org; client.SearchUsers(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchUsersResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/users"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "github+type:Org")); }
public void TestingTheStarsQualifier() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); //get repos whos stargazers are greater than 500 var request = new SearchRepositoriesRequest("github"); request.Stars = Range.GreaterThan(500); client.SearchRepo(request); connection.Received().GetAll<Repository>(Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/repositories"), Arg.Any<Dictionary<string, string>>()); }
public void TestingTheInQualifier() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); //get users where the fullname contains 'github' var request = new SearchUsersRequest("github"); request.In = new[] { UserInQualifier.Fullname }; client.SearchUsers(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchUsersResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/users"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "github+in:Fullname")); }
public override ElasticResponse RefreshFromConnection(SearchClient cli) { var rawHealth = cli.GetClusterHealth(); if (rawHealth.HasData) { var health = rawHealth.Data; Name = health.ClusterName; TotalNodeCount = health.NumberOfNodes; DataNodeCount = health.NumberOfDataNodes; ActiveShards = health.ActiveShards; ActivePrimaryShards = health.ActivePrimaryShards; InitializingShards = health.InitializingShards; RelocatingShards = health.RelocatingShards; UnassignedShards = health.UnassignedShards; StringStatus = health.Status; Indices = health.Indices.Select(i => new NodeIndexInfo { Name = i.Key, StringStatus = i.Value.Status, NumberOfShards = i.Value.NumberOfShards, NumberOfReplicas = i.Value.NumberOfReplicas, ActiveShards = i.Value.ActiveShards, ActivePrimaryShards = i.Value.ActivePrimaryShards, InitializingShards = i.Value.InitializingShards, RelocatingShards = i.Value.RelocatingShards, UnassignedShards = i.Value.UnassignedShards, Shards = i.Value.Shards.Select(s => new NodeIndexShardInfo { Name = s.Key, StringStatus = s.Value.Status, PrimaryActive = s.Value.PrimaryActive, ActiveShards = s.Value.ActiveShards, InitializingShards = s.Value.InitializingShards, RelocatingShards = s.Value.RelocatingShards, UnassignedShards = s.Value.UnassignedShards }).ToList() }).OrderBy(i => { int j; return int.TryParse(i.Name, out j) ? j : 0; }).ToList(); } else { Indices = new List<NodeIndexInfo>(); } return rawHealth; }
public override ElasticResponse RefreshFromConnection(SearchClient cli) { var infos = cli.GetClusterNodeInfo().Data; Name = infos.ClusterName; if (infos.Nodes != null) { Nodes = infos.Nodes.Select(node => new NodeInfoWrap { GUID = node.Key, Name = node.Value.Name, Hostname = node.Value.Hostname, VersionString = node.Value.Version, BuildString = node.Value.Build, Attributes = node.Value.Attributes, Info = node.Value, }).OrderBy(node => node.Name).ToList(); } var rawStats = cli.GetClusterNodeStats(); var stats = rawStats.Data; if (stats != null) { Name = stats.ClusterName; if (stats.Nodes != null) { foreach (var ns in stats.Nodes) { var ni = Nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.GUID == ns.Key); if (ni != null) { ni.Stats = ns.Value; } else { Nodes.Add(new NodeInfoWrap { GUID = ns.Key, Name = ns.Value.Name, Hostname = ns.Value.Hostname, Stats = ns.Value }); } } Nodes = Nodes.OrderBy(n => n.Name).ToList(); } } return rawStats; }
public override ElasticResponse RefreshFromConnection(SearchClient cli) { var rawState = cli.GetClusterState(); if (rawState.HasData) { var state = rawState.Data; ClusterName = state.ClusterName; MasterNode = state.MasterNode; Nodes = state.Nodes; RoutingNodes = state.RoutingNodes; if (state.RoutingTable != null) RoutingIndices = state.RoutingTable.Indices; } return rawState; }
public override ElasticResponse RefreshFromConnection(SearchClient cli) { var rawAliases = cli.GetAliases(); if (rawAliases.HasData) { var result = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); foreach (var a in rawAliases.Data) { if (a.Value != null && a.Value.Aliases != null && a.Value.Aliases.Count > 0) result.Add(a.Key, a.Value.Aliases.Keys.ToList()); } Aliases = result; } return rawAliases; }
public void PopulateFromConnections(SearchClient client) { var response = RefreshFromConnection(client); // Some implementations are raw if (response?.Exception == null) return; string lastErrorMessage = response.Exception.Message; Exception lastException = response.Exception; // Failed to poll all nodes if (lastErrorMessage.HasValue()) { throw new Exception($"Failed to poll all elastic nodes for {GetType().Name}: {lastErrorMessage}", lastException); } throw new Exception($"Failed to poll all elastic nodes for {GetType().Name}"); }
public override ElasticResponse RefreshFromConnection(SearchClient cli) { var health = cli.GetIndexStats(); if (health.HasData) { GlobalStats = health.Data.All; Shards = health.Data.Shards; Indices = health.Data.Indices; } else { GlobalStats = new IndexStats(); Shards = new ShardCountStats(); Indices = new Dictionary<string, IndexStats>(); } return health; }
public async Task Query_WhenInvalidIndexName_ReturnsTotalCountOfZero() { var context = ContextFactory.GetCouchbaseContext(); context.SearchUris.Add(new FailureCountingUri("")); var fakeMessageHandler = new FakeMessageHandler { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, Content = new StringContent("rest_auth: preparePerm, err: index not found ") }; var client = new SearchClient(new HttpClient(fakeMessageHandler), new SearchDataMapper(), context); var response = await client.QueryAsync(new SearchQuery { Index = "indexdoesnotexist", Query = new MatchQuery("foo") }); Assert.AreEqual(0, response.Metrics.TotalCount); }
public async Task Structs() { await using SearchResources resources = await SearchResources.CreateWithEmptyHotelsIndexAsync(this); SimpleStructHotel document = new SimpleStructHotel { HotelId = "4", HotelName = "Value Inn" }; await resources.GetSearchClient().IndexDocumentsAsync( IndexDocumentsBatch.Upload(new[] { document })); await resources.WaitForIndexingAsync(); SearchClient client = resources.GetQueryClient(); Response <SimpleStructHotel> response = await client.GetDocumentAsync <SimpleStructHotel>(document.HotelId); Assert.AreEqual(document, response.Value); }
}//RunC3FilteredSearch() public static void GetC3ProductDetails(ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtC3SearchReturn Return, CswC3SearchParams CswC3SearchParams) { CswNbtResources _CswNbtResources = (CswNbtResources)CswResources; CswNbtC3ClientManager CswNbtC3ClientManager = new CswNbtC3ClientManager(_CswNbtResources, CswC3SearchParams); SearchClient C3SearchClient = CswNbtC3ClientManager.initializeC3Client(); if (null != C3SearchClient) { // For now, the only option here is C3 CswC3SearchParams.DataService = CswNbtC3ClientManager.DataService; CswRetObjSearchResults SearchResults = C3SearchClient.getProductDetails(CswC3SearchParams); if (SearchResults.CswC3SearchResults.Length > 0) { CswC3Product C3ProductDetails = SearchResults.CswC3SearchResults[0]; Return.Data.ProductDetails = C3ProductDetails; } } }
public ExternalSearchService() { // used for testing if (_healthIndicatorStore == null) { _healthIndicatorStore = new BaseUrlHealthIndicatorStore(new NullHealthIndicatorLogger()); } if (_client == null) { _client = new SearchClient( ServiceUri, "SearchGalleryQueryService/3.0.0-rc", null, _healthIndicatorStore, QuietLog.LogHandledException, new TracingHttpHandler(Trace), new CorrelatingHttpClientHandler()); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the SearchIndexingBufferedSender. /// </summary> /// <param name="searchClient"> /// The SearchClient used to send requests to the service. /// </param> /// <param name="options"> /// Provides the configuration options for the sender. /// </param> internal SearchIndexingBufferedSender( SearchClient searchClient, SearchIndexingBufferedSenderOptions <T> options = null) { Argument.AssertNotNull(searchClient, nameof(searchClient)); SearchClient = searchClient; options ??= new SearchIndexingBufferedSenderOptions <T>(); KeyFieldAccessor = options.KeyFieldAccessor; _publisher = new SearchIndexingPublisher <T>( this, options.AutoFlush, options.AutoFlushInterval, options.InitialBatchActionCount, options.BatchPayloadSize, options.MaxRetries, options.RetryDelay, options.MaxRetryDelay, options.FlushCancellationToken); }
public async Task Query_WhenInvalidUri_ReturnsSuccessCountOfZero() { var context = ContextFactory.GetCouchbaseContext(); context.SearchUris.Add(new FailureCountingUri("")); var fakeMessageHandler = new FakeMessageHandler { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound, Content = new StringContent("Requested resource not found. ") }; var client = new SearchClient(new HttpClient(fakeMessageHandler), new SearchDataMapper(), context); var response = await client.QueryAsync(new SearchQuery { Index = "indexdoesnotexist", Query = new MatchQuery("foo") }); Assert.AreEqual(0, response.Metrics.SuccessCount); }
public async Task Notifications_Added() { await using SearchResources resources = await SearchResources.CreateWithEmptyIndexAsync <SimpleDocument>(this); SearchClient client = resources.GetSearchClient(); SimpleDocument[] data = SimpleDocument.GetDocuments((int)(BatchSize * 1.5)); await using SearchIndexingBufferedSender <SimpleDocument> indexer = client.CreateIndexingBufferedSender( new SearchIndexingBufferedSenderOptions <SimpleDocument>()); int adds = 0; indexer.ActionAddedAsync += (a, c) => { adds++; return(Task.CompletedTask); }; await indexer.UploadDocumentsAsync(data); await DelayAsync(EventDelay, EventDelay); Assert.AreEqual(data.Length, adds); }
public void Constructor() { var serviceName = "my-svc-name"; var indexName = "my-index-name"; var endpoint = new Uri($"https://{serviceName}.search.windows.net"); var client = new SearchClient(endpoint, indexName, new AzureKeyCredential("fake")); Assert.NotNull(client); Assert.AreEqual(endpoint, client.Endpoint); Assert.AreEqual(serviceName, client.ServiceName); Assert.AreEqual(indexName, client.IndexName); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => new SearchClient(null, indexName, new AzureKeyCredential("fake"))); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => new SearchClient(endpoint, null, new AzureKeyCredential("fake"))); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new SearchClient(endpoint, string.Empty, new AzureKeyCredential("fake"))); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => new SearchClient(endpoint, indexName, credential: null)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new SearchClient(new Uri("http://bing.com"), indexName, credential: null)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => new SearchClient(endpoint, indexName, tokenCredential: null)); }
public async Task Dispose_Flushes() { await using SearchResources resources = await SearchResources.CreateWithEmptyIndexAsync <SimpleDocument>(this); SearchClient client = resources.GetSearchClient(); SimpleDocument[] data = SimpleDocument.GetDocuments((int)(BatchSize * 1.5)); await using SearchIndexingBufferedSender <SimpleDocument> indexer = client.CreateIndexingBufferedSender( new SearchIndexingBufferedSenderOptions <SimpleDocument>() { AutoFlush = false }); AssertNoFailures(indexer); await indexer.UploadDocumentsAsync(data); await((IAsyncDisposable)indexer).DisposeAsync(); await WaitForDocumentCountAsync(resources.GetSearchClient(), data.Length); }
public async Task QueryAsync_Sets_LastActivity() { ConfigContextBase.SearchUris.Add(new FailureCountingUri("")); var handler = FakeHttpMessageHandler.Create(request => new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent("{ }") }); var client = new SearchClient(new HttpClient(handler), new SearchDataMapper(), new ClientConfiguration()); Assert.IsNull(client.LastActivity); await client.QueryAsync(new SearchQuery { Index = "index", Query = new MatchQuery("foo") }); Assert.IsNotNull(client.LastActivity); }
public async Task KeyFieldAccessor_Error() { await using SearchResources resources = await SearchResources.CreateWithEmptyIndexAsync <SimpleDocument>(this); SearchClient client = resources.GetSearchClient(); Hotel[] data = SearchResources.TestDocuments; await using SearchIndexingBufferedSender <Hotel> indexer = client.CreateIndexingBufferedSender <Hotel>(); AssertNoFailures(indexer); try { await indexer.UploadDocumentsAsync(data); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { StringAssert.Contains(nameof(Hotel), ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves all active users from the database /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public userSearchResultTO[] GetActiveUsers() { userSearchResultTO[] result; using (SearchClient client = new SearchClient()) { ConfigureClient(client); try { client.Open(); result = client.GetActiveUsers(); client.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { client.Abort(); throw ex; } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 同时探索多个节点。适用于文章节点。注意,此函数仅在查询方面进行了优化, /// 如果其他线程正在探索此节点,则等待此节点探索完毕。 /// </summary> private async Task FetchPapersAsync(IReadOnlyCollection <KgNode> paperNodes, string constraint) { Debug.Assert(paperNodes != null); if (constraint == null) { await FetchPapersAsync(paperNodes); return; } // 1. 注意,有些节点可能仍处于 正在探索 的状态。 // 需要在返回前等待这些正在探索的节点。 // 2. 很不幸,一旦标记一个节点开始探索后,没有办法再标记为未探索, // 所以在有约束的情况下,只能在内层循环中对节点分别标记。 var nodesToFetch = paperNodes.Where(n => GetStatus(n.Id).GetFetchingStatus(NodeStatus.PaperFetching) == FetchingStatus.Unfetched) .ToArray(); if (nodesToFetch.Length == 0) { goto WAIT_FOR_EXPLORATIONS; } await Task.WhenAll(nodesToFetch.Select(n => n.Id) .Partition(SEB.MaxChainedIdCount) .Select(ids => { // 假定 Partition 返回的是 IList / ICollection var idc = (ICollection <long>)ids; return(SearchClient.EvaluateAsync(SEB.And(SEB.EntityIdIn(idc), constraint), SEB.MaxChainedIdCount, ConcurrentPagingMode.Optimistic, async page => { foreach (var entity in page.Entities) { await ExplorePaperAsync(entity); } })); })); WAIT_FOR_EXPLORATIONS: ; }
private async Task FetchCitationsToPaperAsync(PaperNode paper, string constraint, ConcurrentPagingMode pagingMode) { Debug.Assert(paper != null); if (constraint == null) { if (!await GetStatus(paper.Id).MarkAsFetchingOrUntilFetched(NodeStatus.PaperCitationsFetching)) { return; } } // 一般来说, Paper2 肯定就是题目中的终结点, // 因此我们是知道其具体信息的。 var maxPapers = CitationCount(paper); var strategy = maxPapers == null ? ConcurrentPagingMode.Optimistic : pagingMode; if (maxPapers == null) { maxPapers = Assumptions.PaperMaxCitations; } var expr = SEB.ReferenceIdContains(paper.Id); if (constraint != null) { expr = SEB.And(expr, constraint); } await SearchClient.EvaluateAsync(expr, maxPapers.Value, strategy, async page => { await Task.WhenAll(page.Entities.Select(entity => { RegisterNode(entity); return(ExplorePaperAsync(entity)); })); }); if (constraint == null) { GetStatus(paper.Id).MarkAsFetched(NodeStatus.PaperCitationsFetching); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor mainSearch /// </summary> /// <param name="uriService">endpoint de azure search</param> /// <param name="SearchServiceKey">key</param> /// <param name="entityIndex">índice del azure search</param> public MainSearch(string uriService, string SearchServiceKey, string entityIndex) { _searchIndex = new SearchIndexClient(new Uri(uriService), new AzureKeyCredential(SearchServiceKey), new SearchClientOptions { }); this.Index = entityIndex; this.UriService = uriService; this.ServiceKey = SearchServiceKey; try { _searchIndex.GetIndex(entityIndex); } catch (RequestFailedException exc) { if (true) { if (exc.Status == 404) { CreateOrUpdateIndex(); } else { throw exc; } } ; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } // cliente azure _search = new SearchClient(new Uri(uriService), entityIndex, new AzureKeyCredential(SearchServiceKey)); }
public IActionResult Delete(string id) { SqlClient sqlClient = new SqlClient(); SearchClient searchClient = new SearchClient( Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ServiceConfiguration.AlgoliaAppId), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ServiceConfiguration.AdminKey)); SearchIndex index = searchClient.InitIndex(ServiceConfiguration.SearchIndex); if (Get(id) == null) { return(NotFound()); } sqlClient.DeleteCompetitiveEvent( SqlCommands.DeleteCompetitiveEvent, id); index.DeleteObject( id); return(Ok()); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true of the web service client is able to successfully connect to the target web service. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool CheckConnection() { bool result = false; using (SearchClient client = new SearchClient()) { ConfigureClient(client); try { client.Open(); result = client.CheckConnection(); client.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { client.Abort(); throw ex; } } return(result); }
public async Task Options() { await using SearchResources resources = await SearchResources.GetSharedHotelsIndexAsync(this); SearchClient client = resources.GetQueryClient(); #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_Readme_Options int stars = 4; SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions { // Filter to only Rating greater than or equal our preference //@@ Filter = SearchFilter.Create($"Rating ge {stars}"), /*@@*/ Filter = SearchFilter.Create($"rating ge {stars}"), Size = 5, // Take only 5 results //@@ OrderBy = { "Rating desc" } // Sort by Rating from high to low /*@@*/ OrderBy = { "rating desc" } // Sort by rating from high to low }; SearchResults <Hotel> response = client.Search <Hotel>("luxury", options); // ... #endregion Snippet:Azure_Search_Tests_Samples_Readme_Options }
public void Query_Sets_LastActivity() { var context = ContextFactory.GetCouchbaseContext(); context.SearchUris.Add(new FailureCountingUri("")); var handler = FakeHttpMessageHandler.Create(request => new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent("{ }") }); var client = new SearchClient(new HttpClient(handler), new SearchDataMapper(), context); Assert.IsNull(client.LastActivity); client.Query(new SearchQuery { Index = "index", Query = new MatchQuery("foo") }); Assert.IsNotNull(client.LastActivity); }
public async Task StaticDocuments() { await using SearchResources resources = await SearchResources.GetSharedHotelsIndexAsync(this); SearchClient client = resources.GetQueryClient(); SearchResults <Hotel> response = await client.SearchAsync <Hotel>("*"); Assert.IsNull(response.TotalCount); Assert.IsNull(response.Coverage); Assert.IsNull(response.Facets); List <SearchResult <Hotel> > docs = await response.GetResultsAsync().ToListAsync(); Assert.AreEqual(SearchResources.TestDocuments.Length, docs.Count); for (int i = 0; i < docs.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(1, docs[i].Score); Assert.IsNull(docs[i].Highlights); Assert.AreEqual(SearchResources.TestDocuments[i], docs[i].Document); } }
static int GetCurrentDocCount(SearchClient searchClient) { // Get the current doc count of the specified index try { SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions() { SearchMode = SearchMode.All, IncludeTotalCount = true }; SearchResults <Dictionary <string, object> > response = searchClient.Search <Dictionary <string, object> >("*", options); return(Convert.ToInt32(response.TotalCount)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Error: {0}", ex.Message.ToString()); } return(-1); }
public async Task SupportsSplittingRequests() { // arrange var httpConnection = Substitute.For <IHttpConnection>(); httpConnection .SearchAsync(Arg.Any <Uri>(), Arg.Any <Dictionary <string, object> >()) .Returns(Task.FromResult(new SearchResult { Results = Array.Empty <ComicVineObject>() })); var apiConnection = new ApiConnection(httpConnection); var client = new SearchClient(apiConnection); // act var Search = client.Search("anything") .IncludeResource(SearchResource.Character); var SearchA = Search .IncludeResource(SearchResource.Origin); var SearchB = Search .IncludeResource(SearchResource.Issue); // assert var model = await Search.FirstOrDefaultAsync(); _ = httpConnection.Received().SearchAsync( Arg.Any <Uri>(), Arg.Is <Dictionary <string, object> >(o => o["resources"].Equals("character"))); var modelA = await SearchA.FirstOrDefaultAsync(); _ = httpConnection.Received().SearchAsync( Arg.Any <Uri>(), Arg.Is <Dictionary <string, object> >(o => o["resources"].Equals("character,origin"))); var modelB = await SearchB.FirstOrDefaultAsync(); _ = httpConnection.Received().SearchAsync( Arg.Any <Uri>(), Arg.Is <Dictionary <string, object> >(o => o["resources"].Equals("character,issue"))); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string serviceName = "<Put your search service NAME here>"; string apiKey = "<Put your search service ADMIN API KEY here"; string indexName = "hotels-quickstart"; // Create a SearchIndexClient to send create/delete index commands Uri serviceEndpoint = new Uri($"https://{serviceName}.search.windows.net/"); AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey); SearchIndexClient adminClient = new SearchIndexClient(serviceEndpoint, credential); // Create a SearchClient to load and query documents SearchClient srchclient = new SearchClient(serviceEndpoint, indexName, credential); // Delete index if it exists Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Deleting index...\n"); DeleteIndexIfExists(indexName, adminClient); // Create index Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Creating index...\n"); CreateIndex(indexName, adminClient); SearchClient ingesterClient = adminClient.GetSearchClient(indexName); // Load documents Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Uploading documents...\n"); UploadDocuments(ingesterClient); // Wait 2 secondsfor indexing to complete before starting queries (for demo and console-app purposes only) Console.WriteLine("Waiting for indexing...\n"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); // Call the RunQueries method to invoke a series of queries Console.WriteLine("Starting queries...\n"); RunQueries(srchclient); // End the program Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Complete. Press any key to end this program...\n"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void RunChemCatCentralSearch(ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtC3SearchReturn Return, CswC3SearchParams CswC3SearchParams) { JObject Ret = new JObject(); CswNbtResources _CswNbtResources = (CswNbtResources)CswResources; CswNbtC3ClientManager CswNbtC3ClientManager = new CswNbtC3ClientManager(_CswNbtResources, CswC3SearchParams); SearchClient C3SearchClient = CswNbtC3ClientManager.initializeC3Client(); if (null != C3SearchClient) { CswRetObjSearchResults SearchResults; try { SearchResults = C3SearchClient.search(CswC3SearchParams); } catch (TimeoutException TimeoutException) { const string WarningMessage = "The search has timed out. Please use more specific search terms."; throw (new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Warning, WarningMessage, WarningMessage, TimeoutException)); } CswNbtWebServiceTable wsTable = new CswNbtWebServiceTable(_CswNbtResources, null, Int32.MinValue); Ret["table"] = wsTable.getTable(SearchResults, CswC3SearchParams.Field, CswNbtC3ClientManager.DataService); Ret["filters"] = ""; Ret["searchterm"] = CswC3SearchParams.Query; Ret["field"] = CswC3SearchParams.Field; Ret["filtersapplied"] = ""; Ret["sessiondataid"] = ""; Ret["searchtarget"] = "chemcatcentral"; Ret["c3dataservice"] = CswNbtC3ClientManager.DataService; Ret["filtered"] = "C3" == CswNbtC3ClientManager.DataService; if (_CswNbtResources.Modules.IsModuleEnabled(CswEnumNbtModuleName.C3ACD)) { Ret["prefsuppliers"] = CswC3SearchParams.ACDSearchParams.CompanyIds; } Return.Data.SearchResults = Ret.ToString(); } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var searchServiceEndpoint = "https://piasystechbitessearch.search.windows.net"; var indexName = "azureblob-index"; #region queryKey value definition var queryKey = "*****"; #endregion SearchClient searchClient = new SearchClient( new Uri(searchServiceEndpoint), indexName, new AzureKeyCredential(queryKey)); var options = new SearchOptions(); // You can select fields to retrieve options.Select.Add("metadata_storage_name"); options.Select.Add("metadata_title"); options.IncludeTotalCount = true; // You can sort by // options.OrderBy.Add("metadata_title"); // You can define filters using the OData $filter syntax // options.Filter = "title eq 'something'"; // You can configure paging options.Skip = 5; options.Size = 10; var results = await searchClient.SearchAsync <ResultItem>("italia", options); Console.WriteLine($"Total number of results: {results.Value.TotalCount}"); await foreach (var r in results.Value.GetResultsAsync()) { Console.WriteLine($"Found {r.Document.metadata_storage_name} with score {r.Score}"); } }
public async Task <int> BuildIndexAsync(IEnumerable <SearchLocationIndex> searchLocations) { logger.LogInformation($"Starting to build index for {searchLocations.Count()}"); try { var searchIndexClient = new SearchIndexClient(azureSearchIndexConfig.EndpointUri, GetAzureKeyCredential()); var searchClient = new SearchClient(azureSearchIndexConfig.EndpointUri, azureSearchIndexConfig.LocationSearchIndex, GetAzureKeyCredential()); var fieldBuilder = new FieldBuilder(); var searchFields = fieldBuilder.Build(typeof(SearchLocationIndex)); var definition = new SearchIndex(azureSearchIndexConfig.LocationSearchIndex, searchFields); var suggester = new SearchSuggester(suggestorName, new[] { nameof(SearchLocationIndex.LocationName) }); definition.Suggesters.Add(suggester); logger.LogInformation("created search objects and creating index"); await searchIndexClient.CreateOrUpdateIndexAsync(definition).ConfigureAwait(false); logger.LogInformation("Created search index and uploading documents"); var batch = IndexDocumentsBatch.Upload(searchLocations); IndexDocumentsResult result = await searchClient.IndexDocumentsAsync(batch).ConfigureAwait(false); var failedRecords = result.Results.Where(r => !r.Succeeded); if (failedRecords.Any()) { var sampleFailedRecord = failedRecords.FirstOrDefault(); var sampleMessage = $"{failedRecords.Count()} have failed to upload to the index, sample failed record message {sampleFailedRecord.ErrorMessage}, Status = {sampleFailedRecord.Status}"; logger.LogError(sampleMessage); throw new DfcIndexUploadException("sampleMessage"); } logger.LogInformation($"Created search index and uploaded {result.Results.Count} documents"); return(result.Results.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError("Building index had an error", ex); throw; } }
public async Task TestTimeOut() { SearchConfig config = new SearchConfig(TestHelper.ApplicationId1, TestHelper.AdminKey1) { CustomHosts = _hosts }; SearchClient client = new SearchClient(config); Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { _ = await client.ListIndicesAsync(); } timer.Stop(); Assert.IsTrue(timer.ElapsedMilliseconds < 5000); }
//Create an Azure Cognitive Search index whose schema is compatible with your data source. //Create an Azure Cognitive Search data source as described in Create Data Source (Azure Cognitive Search REST API). //https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/searchservice/create-data-source //Create an Azure Cognitive Search indexer as described in Create Indexer (Azure Cognitive Search REST API). //https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/searchservice/create-indexer private static void RunQueries(SearchClient srchclient) { SearchOptions options; SearchResults <DocumentSample> response; Console.WriteLine("Query #1: Search all documents that include 'New York' (there should be 18)...\n"); options = new SearchOptions() { Filter = "", OrderBy = { "" } }; response = srchclient.Search <DocumentSample>("New York", options); WriteDocuments(response); return; Console.WriteLine("Query #2: Find all documents that include 'London' and 'Buckingham Palace' (there should be 2)...\n"); options = new SearchOptions() { Filter = "hotelCategory eq 'hotel'", }; response = srchclient.Search <DocumentSample>("*", options); WriteDocuments(response); Console.WriteLine("Query #3: Filter all documents that contain the term 'Las Vegas' that have 'reviews' in their URL (there should be 13)...\n"); options = new SearchOptions() { Filter = "baseRate lt 200", OrderBy = { "lastRenovationDate desc" } }; response = srchclient.Search <DocumentSample>("*", options); WriteDocuments(response); }
}//getCurrentC3Version() public CswC3ServiceLogicGetDataSourcesDataSource[] getDataSourceDates() { CswC3ServiceLogicGetDataSourcesDataSource[] DataSourceDates = null; bool Status = false; SearchClient C3Service = initializeC3Client(); if (null != C3Service) { Status = _checkConnection(C3Service); if (Status) { CswRetObjSearchResults DataSources = C3Service.getDataSourceDates(_CswC3Params); if (null != DataSources.DataSourceDates) { DataSourceDates = DataSources.DataSourceDates.Data; } } } return(DataSourceDates); }
public async Task BufferedSender() { await using SearchResources resources = SearchResources.CreateWithNoIndexes(this); SearchClient searchClient = null; try { searchClient = await CreateIndexAsync(resources); // Simple { searchClient = GetOriginal(searchClient); #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Documents_Tests_Samples_Sample05_IndexingDocuments_BufferedSender1 await using SearchIndexingBufferedSender <Product> indexer = new SearchIndexingBufferedSender <Product>(searchClient); await indexer.UploadDocumentsAsync(GenerateCatalog(count : 100000)); #endregion } await WaitForDocumentCountAsync(searchClient, 100000); // Check #region Snippet:Azure_Search_Documents_Tests_Samples_Sample05_IndexingDocuments_BufferedSender2 #if SNIPPET await indexer.FlushAsync(); #endif Assert.AreEqual(100000, (int)await searchClient.GetDocumentCountAsync()); #endregion } finally { if (searchClient != null) { await resources.GetIndexClient().DeleteIndexAsync(searchClient.IndexName); } } }
public void TestingTheOrderParameter() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.SortField = IssueSearchSort.Updated; request.Order = SortDirection.Ascending; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["sort"] == "updated" && d["order"] == "asc")); }
public void TestingTheRepoQualifier() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.Repo = "octokit.net"; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+repo:octokit.net")); }
public void TestingTheCommentsQualifier_Range() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.Comments = new Range(10, 20); client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+comments:10..20")); }
public void TestingTheInQualifier_Email() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchUsersRequest("github"); request.In = new[] { UserInQualifier.Email }; client.SearchUsers(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchUsersResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/users"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "github+in:Email")); }
public void TestingTheUpdatedQualifier_LessThanOrEquals() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.Updated = DateRange.LessThanOrEquals(new DateTime(2014, 1, 1)); client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+updated:<=2014-01-01")); }
public void TestingTheInQualifiers_Multiple() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.In = new[] { IssueInQualifier.Body, IssueInQualifier.Title }; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+in:body,title")); }
public void TestingTheLabelsQualifier_Multiple() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.Labels = new[] { "bug", "feature" }; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+label:bug+label:feature")); }
public void TestingTheStateQualifier_Closed() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.State = ItemState.Closed; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+state:Closed")); }
public void TestingTheInvolvesQualifier() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.Involves = "alfhenrik"; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+involves:alfhenrik")); }
public void TestingTheSortParameter() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); //get repos where the Description contains rails and user/org is 'github' var request = new SearchRepositoriesRequest("rails"); request.Sort = RepoSearchSort.Forks; client.SearchRepo(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchRepositoryResult>(Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/repositories"), Arg.Any<Dictionary<string, string>>()); }
public void TestingTheTypeQualifier_PR() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.Type = IssueTypeQualifier.PR; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+type:pr")); }
public void TestingTheSortParameter() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.SortField = IssueSearchSort.Comments; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["sort"] == "comments")); }
public void TestingTheLanguageQualifier() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); request.Language = Language.CSharp; client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["q"] == "something+language:CSharp")); }
public void TestingTheDefaultOrderParameter() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); var request = new SearchIssuesRequest("something"); client.SearchIssues(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchIssuesResult>( Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/issues"), Arg.Is<Dictionary<string, string>>(d => d["order"] == "desc")); }
public void TestingTheUpdatedQualifier() { var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new SearchClient(connection); //get repos where the search contains 'github' and has been pushed before year jan 1 2013 var request = new SearchRepositoriesRequest("github"); request.Updated = DateRange.LessThan(new DateTime(2013, 1, 1)); client.SearchRepo(request); connection.Received().Get<SearchRepositoryResult>(Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "search/repositories"), Arg.Any<Dictionary<string, string>>()); }
public void EnsuresNonNullArguments() { var client = new SearchClient(Substitute.For<IApiConnection>()); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => client.SearchIssues(null)); }