public static bool Prefix(SeamothStorageInput __instance) { ItemsContainer storageInSlot = (SlotExtenderAssembly != null) ? (ItemsContainer)methodGetStorageInSlotExtender.Invoke(null, new object[] { __instance.seamoth, __instance.slotID, TechType.VehicleStorageModule }): (ItemsContainer)methodGetStorageInSlotDefault.Invoke(__instance.seamoth, new object[] { __instance.slotID, TechType.VehicleStorageModule }); if (storageInSlot != null) { List <TechType> itemTypes = storageInSlot.GetItemTypes(); if (itemTypes.Count() == 0) { HandReticle.main.SetInteractText("SeamothStorageOpen", "Empty"); } else { if (itemTypes.Count() == 1) { HandReticle.main.SetInteractText("SeamothStorageOpen", string.Format("{0} {1}", storageInSlot.count, Language.main.Get(itemTypes[0].AsString()))); } else { HandReticle.main.SetInteractText("SeamothStorageOpen", string.Format("{0} items", storageInSlot.count)); } } } else { HandReticle.main.SetInteractText("SeamothStorageOpen"); } HandReticle.main.SetIcon(HandReticle.IconType.Hand, 1f); return(false); }
public void Init() { //GameObject storagePrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("WorldEntities/Tools/SeamothStorageModule"); if (Initialized) { return; } var holder = ParentSeamoth.modulesRoot; holder.transform.parent = this.transform; holder.transform.localPosition =; SeamothStorageContainer[] storages = holder.GetAllComponentsInChildren <SeamothStorageContainer>(); Console.WriteLine($"[UpgradedVehicles] SeaMothStorageDeluxe : Awake Storages:Length {storages.Length}"); // This is weird but each storage component shows up twice with this call for (int outerIndex = 0; outerIndex < 8; outerIndex += 2) { int index = outerIndex / 2; //var storage = GameObject.Instantiate(storagePrefab); storages[outerIndex].transform.parent = holder.transform; storages[outerIndex].transform.localPosition =; Storages[index] = storages[outerIndex]; SeamothStorageInput seamothStorageInput = ParentSeamoth.storageInputs[index]; seamothStorageInput.seamoth = ParentSeamoth; seamothStorageInput.SetEnabled(true); Storages[index].enabled = true; } Initialized = true; Console.WriteLine($"[UpgradedVehicles] SeaMothStorageDeluxe : Initialized"); }
internal static bool Prefix(Equipment __instance, string slot, Pickupable pickupable, bool verbose, ref bool __result) { TechType techTypeInSlot = pickupable.GetTechType(); bool isExtendedSeamothSlot = SlotHelper.IsExtendedSeamothSlot(slot); if (isExtendedSeamothSlot && techTypeInSlot == TechType.SeamothTorpedoModule) { // Do not allow torpedo modules in extended slots in Seamoth __result = false; ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Slot Extender:\nTorpedo module not allowed for this slot!"); return(false); } if (techTypeInSlot == TechType.VehicleStorageModule) { if (__instance.owner.GetComponent <Exosuit>()) { // Do not allow more than four storage modules in Exosuit slots if (__instance.GetCount(TechType.VehicleStorageModule) >= 4) { __result = false; ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Slot Extender:\nStorage module limit reached!"); return(false); } } else if (SEConfig.STORAGE_SLOTS_OFFSET == 0) { if (!isExtendedSeamothSlot) { return(true); } // Do not allow storage modules in extended slots in Seamoth __result = false; ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Slot Extender:\nStorage module not allowed for this slot!"); return(false); } else if (__instance.owner.GetComponent <SeaMoth>() is SeaMoth seamoth) { int slotID = int.Parse(slot.Substring(13)) - 1; if (slotID > 3 && (slotID < SEConfig.STORAGE_SLOTS_OFFSET || slotID > SEConfig.STORAGE_SLOTS_OFFSET + 3)) { ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Slot Extender:\nStorage module not allowed for this slot!"); return(false); } // HACK: trying to swap one storage to another while drag, silently refusing because of ui problems if (seamoth.GetSlotItem(slotID)?.item.GetTechType() == TechType.VehicleStorageModule) { __result = false; return(false); } SeamothStorageInput storageInput = seamoth.storageInputs[slotID % SEConfig.STORAGE_SLOTS_OFFSET]; var fieldState = AccessTools.Field(typeof(SeamothStorageInput), "state"); __result = !(bool)fieldState.GetValue(storageInput); //already active if (!__result && verbose) { int _slotID = (slotID < 4? slotID + SEConfig.STORAGE_SLOTS_OFFSET: slotID - SEConfig.STORAGE_SLOTS_OFFSET) + 1; ErrorMessage.AddDebug($"Slot Extender:\nStorage module is already in the slot {_slotID}"); } return(false); } } return(true); }