        public void UpdateSurfaces()
            mButtonUpBounds         = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, 25);
            mScrollBackgroundBounds = new Rectangle(0, mButtonUpBounds.Height, this.Width, this.Height - (mButtonUpBounds.Height * 2));
            mButtonDownBounds       = new Rectangle(0, mButtonUpBounds.Height + mScrollBackgroundBounds.Height, this.Width, mButtonUpBounds.Height);
            mScrollBarBounds        = new Rectangle(0, mButtonUpBounds.Height, this.Width, (this.mMaximum / this.mValue) * 25);

            mBackground = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(this.Size);

            mButtonSurface = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(mButtonUpBounds.Size);
            mScrollbarBackgroundSurface = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(mScrollBackgroundBounds.Size);
            mScrollbarSurface           = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(mScrollBarBounds.Size);
            //mScrollbarSurface.Transparent = true;

            Gfx.Primitives.Box border = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(0, 0), new Size(mScrollBackgroundBounds.Width - 2, mScrollBackgroundBounds.Height - 1));
            mScrollbarBackgroundSurface.Draw(border, Color.Blue);

            Gfx.Primitives.Box border2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(0, 0), new Size(mScrollbarSurface.Width - 2, mScrollbarSurface.Height - 2));
            mScrollbarSurface.Draw(border, Color.Red);

            mBackground.Blit(mScrollbarBackgroundSurface, new Point(0, mButtonSurface.Height));
            mBackground.Blit(mScrollbarSurface, new Point(0, mButtonSurface.Height));
            mBackground.Blit(mButtonSurface, new Point(0, mButtonSurface.Height + mScrollbarBackgroundSurface.Height));
 private void UpdateBackground()
     mBackground = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(base.Size);
     if (mBackColor.A != 0)
         mBackground.Transparent      = true;
         mBackground.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent;
     mCheckedBoxBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(2, 2), new Size(this.Height - 4, this.Height - 4));
     Gfx.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(mCheckedBoxBounds.Location, mCheckedBoxBounds.Size);
     mBackground.Draw(box, Color.Black);
     if (mChecked)
         Gfx.Surface filled = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(box.Size);
         mBackground.Blit(filled, box.Location);
     if (mText != "")
         Gfx.Font font = new Gfx.Font(IO.IO.CreateOSPath("Fonts\\PMU.ttf"), this.Height);
         mBackground.Blit(font.Render(mText, mForeColor, mAntiAlias), new Point(20, -4));
     base.Buffer.Blit(mBackground, new Point(0, 0));
 private void DrawBorder()
     for (int i = 0; i < mBorderWidth; i++)
         Gfx.IPrimitive border = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box((short)(i), (short)(i), (short)((this.Width) - (1 + i)), (short)((this.Height - (1 + i))));
         base.Buffer.Draw(border, mBorderColor);
 void ItemsetViewer_Paint(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (vScroll != null && hScroll != null)
         SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point((selectedTile.X - hScroll.Value) * Constants.TILE_WIDTH, (selectedTile.Y - vScroll.Value) * Constants.TILE_HEIGHT), new Size(Constants.TILE_WIDTH, Constants.TILE_HEIGHT));
         base.Buffer.Draw(box, Color.Red);
        public static void DrawMiniBars(RendererDestinationData destData)
            int userHPBarStartX = 40;//DrawingSupport.GetCenterX(destData.Size.Width, 100);

            TextRenderer.DrawText(destData, "HP:", Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Black, new Point(userHPBarStartX - 30, 5));
            SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box hpBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(destData.Location.X + userHPBarStartX - 1, destData.Location.Y + 17), new Point(destData.Location.X + userHPBarStartX + 100 + 1, destData.Location.Y + 27));
            destData.Draw(hpBox, Color.Black, false, false);
            hpBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(destData.Location.X + userHPBarStartX, destData.Location.Y + 17 + 1), new Point(Convert.ToInt32(destData.Location.X + userHPBarStartX + (Logic.MathFunctions.CalculatePercent(PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().HP, PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().MaxHP) * 0.01) * 100), destData.Location.Y + 27 - 1));

            Color hpColor;

            if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().HP < PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().MaxHP / 5)
                hpColor = Color.Red;
            else if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().HP < PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().MaxHP / 2)
                hpColor = Color.Yellow;
                hpColor = Color.Green;

            destData.Draw(hpBox, hpColor, false, true);

            int userBellyBarStartX = 205;//DrawingSupport.GetCenterX(destData.Size.Width, 100);

            TextRenderer.DrawText(destData, "Hunger:", Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Black, new Point(userBellyBarStartX - 45, 5));
            SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box bellyBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(destData.Location.X + userBellyBarStartX - 1, destData.Location.Y + 17), new Point(destData.Location.X + userBellyBarStartX + 100 + 1, destData.Location.Y + 27));
            destData.Draw(bellyBox, Color.Black, false, false);
            bellyBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(destData.Location.X + userBellyBarStartX, destData.Location.Y + 17 + 1), new Point(Convert.ToInt32(destData.Location.X + userBellyBarStartX + (Logic.MathFunctions.CalculatePercent(PlayerManager.MyPlayer.Belly, PlayerManager.MyPlayer.MaxBelly) * 0.01) * 100), destData.Location.Y + 27 - 1));

            Color bellyColor;

            if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.Belly < PlayerManager.MyPlayer.MaxBelly / 5)
                bellyColor = Color.Red;
            else if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.Belly < PlayerManager.MyPlayer.MaxBelly / 2)
                bellyColor = Color.Yellow;
                bellyColor = Color.Green;

            destData.Draw(bellyBox, bellyColor, false, true);
 //TODO: Check for border size and width/height
 public void DrawCenteredWindow(int width, int height, Surface dest)
     SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point((game.Width - width) / 2, (game.Height - height) / 2), new Size(width, height));
     dest.Draw(box, bgColor, false, true);
     for (int i = Border; i < width - Border; i += Border) {
         dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1 + i, box.YPosition1), new Rectangle(2 * Border, 0, Border, Border));
         dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1 + i, box.YPosition2 - Border + 1), new Rectangle(2 * Border, Border, Border, Border));
     for (int i = Border; i < height - Border; i += Border) {
         dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1, box.YPosition1 + i), new Rectangle(3 * Border, 0, Border, Border));
         dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition2 - Border + 1, box.YPosition1 + i), new Rectangle(3 * Border, Border, Border, Border));
     dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1, box.YPosition1), new Rectangle(0, 0, Border, Border));
     dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition2 - Border + 1, box.YPosition1), new Rectangle(Border, 0, Border, Border));
     dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1, box.YPosition2 - Border + 1), new Rectangle(0, Border, Border, Border));
     dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition2 - Border + 1, box.YPosition2 - Border + 1), new Rectangle(Border, Border, Border, Border));
 private void UpdateTexture()
     if (mBackcolor.A != 0)
         mTexture.Transparent      = true;
         mTexture.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent;
     mTexture.Blit(mBackgroundTexture, new Point(1, 1));
     mTexture.Blit(mFont.Render(mText, mForecolor), new Point(((mTexture.Width / 2) - (mTextSize.Width / 2)) + mXOffset, ((mTexture.Height / 2) - (mTextSize.Height / 2)) + mYOffset));
     for (int i = 0; i < mBorderWidth; i++)
         Gfx.IPrimitive border = new Gfx.Primitives.Box((short)(i + 1), (short)(i + 1), (short)(this.Width - (2 + i)), (short)(this.Height - (2 + i)));
         mTexture.Draw(border, mBorderColor);
        protected virtual void renderMiniMapViewBox(Surface s, Rectangle r)
            double cdw = _miniMapRect.Width / (double)_columnNum;
            double cdh = _miniMapRect.Height / (double)_rowNum;

            Point lt = new Point((int)(_xFirstIdx * cdw) + _miniMapRect.X, (int)(_yFirstIdx * cdh) + _miniMapRect.Y);
            Point rb = new Point((int)(_xLastIdx * cdw) + _miniMapRect.X, (int)((_yLastIdx - 1) * cdh) + _miniMapRect.Y);

            if (rb.Y - lt.Y > r.Height)
                rb.Y = lt.Y + r.Height;

            SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box viewBox   = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(lt, rb);
            SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box viewBoxIn = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(lt.X + 1, lt.Y + 1), new Point(rb.X - 1, rb.Y - 1));
            s.Draw(viewBox, _strongColor, true, false);
            s.Draw(viewBoxIn, _strongColor, true, false);
 public override void Render(int x, int y, SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface dest)
     //Code copied from Dialogs.DrawWindow
     int Border = dialogs.Border;
     Color bgColor = dialogs.bgColor;
     SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface surface = dialogs.surface;
     SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
         new Point(x - dialogs.Margin / 2, y - dialogs.Margin / 2),
     dest.Draw(box, bgColor, false, true);
     for (int i = Border; i < box.Width - Border; i += Border) {
         dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1 + i, box.YPosition1), new Rectangle(2 * Border, 0, Border, Border));
         dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1 + i, box.YPosition2 - Border + 1), new Rectangle(2 * Border, Border, Border, Border));
     for (int i = Border; i < box.Height - Border; i += Border) {
         dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1, box.YPosition1 + i), new Rectangle(3 * Border, 0, Border, Border));
         dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition2 - Border + 1, box.YPosition1 + i), new Rectangle(3 * Border, Border, Border, Border));
     dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1, box.YPosition1), new Rectangle(0, 0, Border, Border));
     dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition2 - Border + 1, box.YPosition1), new Rectangle(Border, 0, Border, Border));
     dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition1, box.YPosition2 - Border + 1), new Rectangle(0, Border, Border, Border));
     dest.Blit(surface, new Point(box.XPosition2 - Border + 1, box.YPosition2 - Border + 1), new Rectangle(Border, Border, Border, Border));
        public static void DrawMiniBars(RendererDestinationData destData)
            int userHPBarStartX = 40;//DrawingSupport.GetCenterX(destData.Size.Width, 100);
            TextRenderer.DrawText(destData, "HP:", Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Black, new Point(userHPBarStartX - 30, 5));
            SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box hpBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(destData.Location.X + userHPBarStartX - 1, destData.Location.Y + 17), new Point(destData.Location.X + userHPBarStartX + 100 + 1, destData.Location.Y + 27));
            destData.Draw(hpBox, Color.Black, false, false);
            hpBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(destData.Location.X + userHPBarStartX, destData.Location.Y + 17 + 1), new Point(Convert.ToInt32(destData.Location.X + userHPBarStartX + (Logic.MathFunctions.CalculatePercent(PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().HP, PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().MaxHP) * 0.01) * 100), destData.Location.Y + 27 - 1));

            Color hpColor;
            if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().HP < PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().MaxHP / 5) {
                hpColor = Color.Red;
            } else if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().HP < PlayerManager.MyPlayer.GetActiveRecruit().MaxHP / 2) {
                hpColor = Color.Yellow;
            } else {
                hpColor = Color.Green;

            destData.Draw(hpBox, hpColor, false, true);

            int userBellyBarStartX = 205;//DrawingSupport.GetCenterX(destData.Size.Width, 100);
            TextRenderer.DrawText(destData, "Belly:", Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Black, new Point(userBellyBarStartX - 45, 5));
            SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box bellyBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(destData.Location.X + userBellyBarStartX - 1, destData.Location.Y + 17), new Point(destData.Location.X + userBellyBarStartX + 100 + 1, destData.Location.Y + 27));
            destData.Draw(bellyBox, Color.Black, false, false);
            bellyBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(destData.Location.X + userBellyBarStartX, destData.Location.Y + 17 + 1), new Point(Convert.ToInt32(destData.Location.X + userBellyBarStartX + (Logic.MathFunctions.CalculatePercent(PlayerManager.MyPlayer.Belly, PlayerManager.MyPlayer.MaxBelly) * 0.01) * 100), destData.Location.Y + 27 - 1));

            Color bellyColor;
            if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.Belly < PlayerManager.MyPlayer.MaxBelly / 5) {
                bellyColor = Color.Red;
            } else if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.Belly < PlayerManager.MyPlayer.MaxBelly / 2) {
                bellyColor = Color.Yellow;
            } else {
                bellyColor = Color.Green;

            destData.Draw(bellyBox, bellyColor, false, true);
        public void UpdateSurfaces()
            mButtonUpBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, 25);
            mScrollBackgroundBounds = new Rectangle(0, mButtonUpBounds.Height, this.Width, this.Height - (mButtonUpBounds.Height * 2));
            mButtonDownBounds = new Rectangle(0, mButtonUpBounds.Height + mScrollBackgroundBounds.Height, this.Width, mButtonUpBounds.Height);
            mScrollBarBounds = new Rectangle(0, mButtonUpBounds.Height, this.Width, (this.mMaximum / this.mValue) * 25);

            mBackground = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(this.Size);

            mButtonSurface = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(mButtonUpBounds.Size);
            mScrollbarBackgroundSurface = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(mScrollBackgroundBounds.Size);
            mScrollbarSurface = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(mScrollBarBounds.Size);
            //mScrollbarSurface.Transparent = true;

            Gfx.Primitives.Box border = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(0, 0), new Size(mScrollBackgroundBounds.Width - 2, mScrollBackgroundBounds.Height - 1));
            mScrollbarBackgroundSurface.Draw(border, Color.Blue);

            Gfx.Primitives.Box border2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(0, 0), new Size(mScrollbarSurface.Width - 2, mScrollbarSurface.Height - 2));
            mScrollbarSurface.Draw(border, Color.Red);

            mBackground.Blit(mScrollbarBackgroundSurface, new Point(0, mButtonSurface.Height));
            mBackground.Blit(mScrollbarSurface, new Point(0, mButtonSurface.Height));
            mBackground.Blit(mButtonSurface, new Point(0, mButtonSurface.Height + mScrollbarBackgroundSurface.Height));
 void TilesetViewer_Paint(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (vScroll != null && hScroll != null) {
         SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point((selectedTile.X - hScroll.Value) * Constants.TILE_WIDTH, (selectedTile.Y - vScroll.Value) * Constants.TILE_HEIGHT), new Size(Constants.TILE_WIDTH * (1 + endTile.X - selectedTile.X), Constants.TILE_HEIGHT * (1 + endTile.Y - selectedTile.Y)));
         base.Buffer.Draw(box, Color.Red);
         if (ParentContainer != null) {
        public virtual void SetAlert(bool on, string message)
            _onAlert = on;
            if (_onAlert && string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) _onAlert = false;
            if (_alertSurface != null) _alertSurface.Dispose();
            if (!_onAlert) _alertSurface = null;

            if (_onAlert)
                message += "\n\n" + Properties.Resources.Str_AlertTail;
                string[] lines = message.Split('\n');
                Size[] sizes = Array.ConvertAll<string, Size>(lines, (l) => { return ResourceManager.SmallPFont.SizeText(l); });

                int maxWidth = 0; int height = 0;
                foreach (Size s in sizes)
                    if (maxWidth < s.Width) maxWidth = s.Width;
                    height += (int)(s.Height * Constants.LineHeight);

                _alertSurface = new Surface(maxWidth + Constants.WindowPadding * 2, height + Constants.WindowPadding * 2);
                SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                    Point.Empty, new Size(maxWidth + Constants.WindowPadding * 2 - 1, height + Constants.WindowPadding * 2 - 1));

                _alertSurface.Draw(box, Constants.Color_AlertBackground, false, true);
                _alertSurface.Draw(box, Constants.Color_AlertForeground, false, false);

                int y = Constants.WindowPadding; int idx = 0;
                foreach (string l in lines)
                    using (Surface ts = ResourceManager.SmallPFont.Render(l, Constants.Color_AlertForeground))
                        if (idx == lines.Length - 1)
                            _alertSurface.Blit(ts, new Point((int)(_alertSurface.Width / 2.0 - ts.Width / 2.0), y));
                            _alertSurface.Blit(ts, new Point(Constants.WindowPadding, y));
                        y += (int)(ts.Height * Constants.LineHeight);
 private void UpdateBackground()
     mBackground = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(base.Size);
     if (mBackColor.A != 0) {
     } else {
         mBackground.Transparent = true;
         mBackground.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent;
     mCheckedBoxBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(2, 2), new Size(this.Height - 4, this.Height - 4));
     Gfx.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(mCheckedBoxBounds.Location, mCheckedBoxBounds.Size);
     mBackground.Draw(box, Color.Black);
     if (mChecked) {
         Gfx.Surface filled = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(box.Size);
         mBackground.Blit(filled, box.Location);
     if (mText != "") {
         Gfx.Font font = new Gfx.Font(IO.IO.CreateOSPath("Fonts\\PMU.ttf"), this.Height);
         mBackground.Blit(font.Render(mText, mForeColor, mAntiAlias), new Point(20, -4));
     base.Buffer.Blit(mBackground, new Point(0, 0));
 private void UpdateTexture()
     if (mBackcolor.A != 0) {
     } else {
         mTexture.Transparent = true;
         mTexture.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent;
     mTexture.Blit(mBackgroundTexture, new Point(1, 1));
     mTexture.Blit(mFont.Render(mText, mForecolor), new Point(((mTexture.Width / 2) - (mTextSize.Width / 2)) + mXOffset, ((mTexture.Height / 2) - (mTextSize.Height / 2)) + mYOffset));
     for (int i = 0; i < mBorderWidth; i++) {
         Gfx.IPrimitive border = new Gfx.Primitives.Box((short)(i + 1), (short)(i + 1), (short)(this.Width - (2 + i)), (short)(this.Height - (2 + i)));
         mTexture.Draw(border, mBorderColor);
 private void DrawBorder()
     for (int i = 0; i < mBorderWidth; i++) {
         Gfx.IPrimitive border = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box((short)(i), (short)(i), (short)((this.Width) - (1 + i)), (short)((this.Height - (1 + i))));
         base.Buffer.Draw(border, mBorderColor);
        private static void draw(object sender, TickEventArgs args)
            IVideoSurface.Fill(Color.Black);                                     // flush background black

            Point HeaderPos  = new Point(5, 5);                                  // Point for header drawing
            var   HeaderText = myfont.Render("JaiSeqX by XayrGA ", Color.White); // yay me.

            Point RAMPos = new Point(150, 5);                                    // Point for header drawing

            var ramstring = string.Format("MEM: {0}MB", me.PrivateMemorySize / (1024 * 1024));
            var RAMText   = myfont.Render(ramstring, Color.White); // yay me.

            Video.Screen.Blit(RAMText, RAMPos);

            Point bpmpos    = new Point(230, 5);                     // Point for header drawing
            var   bpmstring = string.Format("BPM: {0}bpm", BMSPlayer.bpm);
            var   bpmText   = myfont.Render(bpmstring, Color.White); // yay me.

            Video.Screen.Blit(bpmText, bpmpos);

            Point ppqnpos    = new Point(320, 5);                      // Point for header drawing
            var   ppqnstring = string.Format("ppqn: {0}ppqn", BMSPlayer.ppqn);
            var   ppqnText   = myfont.Render(ppqnstring, Color.White); // yay me.

            Video.Screen.Blit(ppqnText, ppqnpos);

            Video.Screen.Blit(HeaderText, HeaderPos); // Render it to the screen
            HeaderText.Dispose();                     // Don't need it any more.

            for (int i = 0; i < BMSPlayer.subroutine_count; i++)
                Point dest  = new Point(5, (i * 35) + 30);                                                                                          // Position for channel indicator.
                Point dest2 = new Point(5, (i * 35) + 42);                                                                                          // Position for delay

                new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(0, (i * 35) + 25), new Size(800, 2)).Draw(IVideoSurface, Color.White, false, true); // Long line separating voices and track indicators.

                Surface surfVar;
                Surface surfVar2 = myfont.Render("", Color.Red);

                if (BMSPlayer.halts[i] == true)
                    surfVar = myfont.Render("Track " + i + ": HALTED", Color.Red);
                else if (BMSPlayer.mutes[i] == true)
                    surfVar = myfont.Render("Track " + i + ": MUTED", Color.Yellow);
                    var col = Color.White;
                    if (BMSPlayer.updated[i] > 0)
                        col = Color.Green;
                    var CSubState = BMSPlayer.subroutines[i].State;
                    //var text2 = string.Format("Vel {3:X} | Note {0:X}, Bank {1:X}, Program {2:X} Delay {4} ActiveVoices {5}",CSubState.note,CSubState.voice_bank,CSubState.voice_program,CSubState.vel,CSubState.delay,BMSPlayer.ChannelManager.channels[i].ActiveVoices);
                    var text2 = string.Format("DEL {0}", CSubState.delay);
                    var text  = string.Format("0x{0:X}", CSubState.current_address);
                    surfVar  = myfont.Render("Track " + i + " (" + text + ")", col);
                    surfVar2 = myfont.Render(text2, col);
                    for (int sub = 0; sub < BMSPlayer.ChannelManager.channels[i].ActiveVoices; sub++)
                        var sdest = dest;
                        sdest.Offset(140 + 27 * sub, 0);
                        var wtf = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(sdest, new Size(25, 25));
                        wtf.Draw(IVideoSurface, Color.Red, false, true);

                new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(135, 0), new Size(2, 800)).Draw(IVideoSurface, Color.White, false, true); // Controls each line
                Video.Screen.Blit(surfVar, dest);
                Video.Screen.Blit(surfVar2, dest2);
            IVideoSurface.Update(); // Update the video surface.
文件: Map.cs 项目: davinx/PitchPitch
        protected virtual void renderMiniMapViewBox(Surface s, Rectangle r)
            double cdw = _miniMapRect.Width / (double)_columnNum;
            double cdh = _miniMapRect.Height / (double)_rowNum;

            Point lt = new Point((int)(_xFirstIdx * cdw) + _miniMapRect.X, (int)(_yFirstIdx * cdh) + _miniMapRect.Y);
            Point rb = new Point((int)(_xLastIdx * cdw) + _miniMapRect.X, (int)((_yLastIdx - 1) * cdh) + _miniMapRect.Y);
            if (rb.Y - lt.Y > r.Height) rb.Y = lt.Y + r.Height;

            SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box viewBox = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(lt, rb);
            SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box viewBoxIn = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(new Point(lt.X + 1, lt.Y + 1), new Point(rb.X - 1, rb.Y - 1));
            s.Draw(viewBox, _strongColor, true, false);
            s.Draw(viewBoxIn, _strongColor, true, false);
        public virtual void SetAlert(bool on, string message)
            _onAlert = on;
            if (_onAlert && string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                _onAlert = false;
            if (_alertSurface != null)
            if (!_onAlert)
                _alertSurface = null;

            if (_onAlert)
                message += "\n\n" + Properties.Resources.Str_AlertTail;
                string[] lines = message.Split('\n');
                Size[]   sizes = Array.ConvertAll <string, Size>(lines, (l) => { return(ResourceManager.SmallPFont.SizeText(l)); });

                int maxWidth = 0; int height = 0;
                foreach (Size s in sizes)
                    if (maxWidth < s.Width)
                        maxWidth = s.Width;
                    height += (int)(s.Height * Constants.LineHeight);

                _alertSurface = new Surface(maxWidth + Constants.WindowPadding * 2, height + Constants.WindowPadding * 2);
                SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                    Point.Empty, new Size(maxWidth + Constants.WindowPadding * 2 - 1, height + Constants.WindowPadding * 2 - 1));

                _alertSurface.Draw(box, Constants.Color_AlertBackground, false, true);
                _alertSurface.Draw(box, Constants.Color_AlertForeground, false, false);

                int y = Constants.WindowPadding; int idx = 0;
                foreach (string l in lines)
                    using (Surface ts = ResourceManager.SmallPFont.Render(l, Constants.Color_AlertForeground))
                        if (idx == lines.Length - 1)
                            _alertSurface.Blit(ts, new Point((int)(_alertSurface.Width / 2.0 - ts.Width / 2.0), y));
                            _alertSurface.Blit(ts, new Point(Constants.WindowPadding, y));
                        y += (int)(ts.Height * Constants.LineHeight);
文件: 2DView.cs 项目: dankar/zombies
        private void UpdateItems()
            this.ItemSurf = null;
                this.ItemSurf = new Surface(this.levelSize * this.GridSize, this.levelSize * this.GridSize);
                this.ItemSurf.Transparent = true;
                List<Item> classRef;
                classRef = (List<Item>)this.items;

                for (int i = 0; i < classRef.Count(); i++)
                    if (layerStatus[(int)classRef.ElementAt(i)._layer])

                        IPrimitive p;
                        p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(0, 0, 0, 0);

                        if (this.View == "XY") // "Front" view, Axis1 = X, Axis2 = Y
                            p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)));
                        else if (this.View == "ZY") // "Left" view, Axis1 = Z, Axis2 = Y
                            p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)));
                        else if (this.View == "XZ") // "Top" view, Axis1 = X, Axis2 = Z
                            p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)));
                        this.ItemSurf.Draw(p, Color.YellowGreen);
                this.surfaceUpdated = 1;
文件: 2DView.cs 项目: dankar/zombies
        private void UpdateTemp()
            /* The dispose method of Surface didn't release memory */
                this.TempSurf = null;

                this.TempSurf = new Surface(this.levelSize * this.GridSize, this.levelSize * this.GridSize);
                this.TempSurf.Transparent = true;

                /* Add a temporary block if user is currently drawing */
                if (this.isDrawingBlock)
                    IPrimitive p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                        (short)((original_x * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                        (short)((-original_y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                        (short)((current_x * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                        (short)((-current_y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));
                    this.TempSurf.Draw(p, Color.Orange);

                /* Draw Selected Blocks */

                List<Block> classRef;
                classRef = (List<Block>)this.blocks;

                    for (int i = 0; i < classRef.Count(); i++)
                        if (classRef.ElementAt(i).selected && layerStatus[(int)classRef.ElementAt(i)._layer])
                            IPrimitive p;
                            p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(0, 0, 0, 0);

                            if (this.View == "XY") // "Front" view, Axis1 = X, Axis2 = Y
                                p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                    (short)((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(i).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(i).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));
                            else if (this.View == "ZY") // "Left" view, Axis1 = Z, Axis2 = Y
                                p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                    (short)((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(i).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(i).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));
                            else if (this.View == "XZ") // "Top" view, Axis1 = X, Axis2 = Z
                                p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                    (short)((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(i).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                    (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(i).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));
                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p, Color.LightGreen);
                if (this.isResizingBlock)

                    if (this.View == "XY") // "Front" view, Axis1 = X, Axis2 = Y
                        #region ResizeXY
                        if (this.resizePosX)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizeSizeX)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizePosY)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizeSizeY)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        #endregion ResizeXY

                    else if (this.View == "ZY") // "Left" view, Axis1 = Z, Axis2 = Y
                        #region ResizeZY
                        if (this.resizePosX)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizeSizeX)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizePosY)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizeSizeY)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Y * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        #endregion ResizeZY
                    else if (this.View == "XZ") // "Top" view, Axis1 = X, Axis2 = Z
                        #region ResizeXZ
                        if (this.resizePosX)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizeSizeX)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizePosY)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        else if (this.resizeSizeY)
                            IPrimitive p2 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Line(
                                        (short)((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.X * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)),
                                        (short)(((-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (-classRef.ElementAt(this.block_id).Size.Z * this.GridSize)) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)));

                            this.TempSurf.Draw(p2, Color.Orange);
                        #endregion ResizeXY


                /* Mark selected items */
                List<Item> classRef2;
                classRef2 = (List<Item>)this.items;

                for (int i = 0; i < classRef2.Count(); i++)
                    if (classRef2.ElementAt(i).selected && layerStatus[(int)classRef2.ElementAt(i)._layer])
                        IPrimitive p;
                        p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(0, 0, 0, 0);

                        if (this.View == "XY") // "Front" view, Axis1 = X, Axis2 = Y
                            p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                (short)(((classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)));
                        else if (this.View == "ZY") // "Left" view, Axis1 = Z, Axis2 = Y
                            p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                (short)(((classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.Y * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)));
                        else if (this.View == "XZ") // "Top" view, Axis1 = X, Axis2 = Z
                            p = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(
                                (short)(((classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) - (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.X * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)),
                                (short)(((-classRef2.ElementAt(i).Position.Z * this.GridSize) + (this.levelSize * this.GridSize / 2)) + (this.GridSize / 2)));
                        this.TempSurf.Draw(p, Color.LightGreen);

                this.surfaceUpdated = 1;