public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime) { étatTactile = TouchPanel.GetState(); if (étatTactile.Count > 0) { foreach (TouchLocation location in étatTactile) { Point touchLocation = new Point((int)location.Position.X, (int)location.Position.Y); foreach (Bouton bouton in Boutons) { if (bouton.emplacementBouton.Contains(touchLocation)) { bouton.Agir(); } } } } if (background1.rectangle.Y > fenêtre.Height) { background1.rectangle.Y = background2.rectangle.Y - background1.texture.Height; } if (background2.rectangle.Y > fenêtre.Height) { background2.rectangle.Y = background1.rectangle.Y - background2.texture.Height; } background1.Update(); background2.Update(); }
private void UpdateGameObjectsBeforeTime(float deltaTime, float gameTime) { _backgroundAudience.Update(deltaTime, _player.GetScaledVelocity().Y); _scrollingBackground.Update(deltaTime, _player.GetScaledVelocity().Y); _player.Update(deltaTime, gameTime); _stage.Update(deltaTime, gameTime); _winWrestler.Update(deltaTime, gameTime); }
private void UpdatePlayerClimbing(float deltaTime) { _cinematicSceneVariable_1 -= deltaTime; if (_cinematicSceneVariable_1 <= 0) { _cinematicSceneVariable_1 = GameInfo.PlayerSpriteFlipRate; SpriteEffects playerSpriteEffects = _playerSprite.SpriteEffects; switch (playerSpriteEffects) { case SpriteEffects.None: _playerSprite.SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; break; case SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally: _playerSprite.SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None; break; case SpriteEffects.FlipVertically: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } if (_cinematicSceneVariable_2 > 0) { _cinematicSceneVariable_2 -= deltaTime; if (_cinematicSceneVariable_2 <= 0) { if (_cinematicScreenVariable_3 == 0) { SoundManager.Instance.PlaySound(_voiceOver_3); _cinematicSceneVariable_2 = GameInfo.WaitTimeForThrowingCommentary; } else { SoundManager.Instance.PlaySound(_voiceOver_4); } _cinematicScreenVariable_3 += 1; } } _dummyPlayer.GameObject.Position = _playerSprite.Position; _winWrestler.Position += Vector2.UnitY * GameInfo.CinematicScrollMoveSpeed * deltaTime; _stage.Position += Vector2.UnitY * GameInfo.CinematicScrollMoveSpeed * deltaTime; _starSprite.Position += Vector2.UnitY * GameInfo.CinematicScrollMoveSpeed * deltaTime; _audienceScrolling.Update(deltaTime, -GameInfo.CinematicScrollMoveSpeed); _cinematicBackgroundScroller.Update(deltaTime); }
public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime) { /******************************CODE POUR LE HEROS*************************** ***************************************************************************/ if (Heros.isVisible) { score += 1; } else { ScreenManager.getInstance(fenêtre).ChangeCurrentScreen(ScreenManager.Screens.Menu); } Heros.UpdateHeros(ennemis, accelreading.X, gameTime); /******************************CODE POUR LES ENNEMIS************************ ***************************************************************************/ foreach (Personnages perso in ennemis) { perso.Update(Heros, gameTime); } for (int i = ennemis.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!ennemis[i].isVisible && !ennemis[i].explose && !ennemis[i].ArmePerso.isVisible) { ennemis.RemoveAt(i); score += 100; } } /******************************CODE POUR LE BACKGROUND********************* ***************************************************************************/ if (background1.rectangle.Y > fenêtre.Height) { background1.rectangle.Y = background2.rectangle.Y - background1.texture.Height; } if (background2.rectangle.Y > fenêtre.Height) { background2.rectangle.Y = background1.rectangle.Y - background2.texture.Height; } background1.Update(); background2.Update(); /******************************CODE POUR LE TEST*************************** ***************************************************************************/ if (ennemis.Count == 0) { ensemble1.Apparaitre(Vector2.Zero, ennemis); } }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> /// protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } // TODO: Add your update logic here playerObject.update(); foreach (BombObject b in bombObjectList) { b.update(); } foreach (BattleShip bs in battleship) { bs.update(); } foreach (ProtectFighter fl in protectObjectList) { fl.update(); } foreach (AircraftCarrier ac in aircraftcarriers) { ac.update(); } foreach (GameObject g in gameObjectList) { g.update(); } foreach (BomberObject g in bomberObjectList) { g.update(); } foreach (DestroyerObject1 d1 in destroyerobjcet1list) { d1.update(); } // bonus.update(gameTime); gameInfoObject.update(gameTime); gameController.control(); /* if (gameController.getCarrier()!=null) * gameController.getCarrier().update();*/ // this is for the scrolling background; float elapsed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; myBackground.Update(elapsed * 100); base.Update(gameTime); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { float elapsed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } _scrollingBackground.Update(elapsed * 100); if (_gameOver && !_playGameOver) { _upgrade.GameOver = true; _ship.GameOver = true; _spaceInvadersBoard.GameOver = true; _playGameOver = true; } if (_playGameOver && _play) { AssetsManager.GameOver.Play(); _playGameOver = false; _play = false; } else if (_playYouWin && _play) { AssetsManager.YouWin.Play(); _playYouWin = false; _play = false; } if (_spaceInvadersBoard.SpaceInvaderList.Count <= 0) { _playYouWin = true; } _spaceInvadersBoard.Update(gameTime); _ship.Update(gameTime); _upgrade.Update(gameTime); foreach (SpaceInvaderObject SpaceInvader in _spaceInvadersBoard.SpaceInvaderList) { SpaceInvader.UpdateShipPosition(_ship.ShipPosition); //Invader hits ship if (SpaceInvader.HasWeapon) { foreach (InvaderBullet Bullet in SpaceInvader.InvaderWeapon.Bullets) { if (CheckCollision(Bullet, _ship)) { Bullet.Hit = true; _ship.Lives--; } } } //Game Over if (CheckCollision(_ship, SpaceInvader) || _ship.Lives <= 0) { _gameOver = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < _upgrade.LaserUpgrades.Count; i++) { if (CheckCollision(_upgrade.LaserUpgrades[i], _ship)) { _ship.Weapon.WeaponState = WeaponState.Laser; AssetsManager.UpgradeSoundEffect.Play(); _upgrade.LaserUpgrades[i].DisposeFromList(); _upgrade.LaserUpgrades.RemoveAt(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < _upgrade.RocketUpgrades.Count; i++) { if (CheckCollision(_upgrade.RocketUpgrades[i], _ship)) { _ship.Weapon.WeaponState = WeaponState.Rocket; AssetsManager.UpgradeSoundEffect.Play(); _upgrade.RocketUpgrades[i].DisposeFromList(); _upgrade.RocketUpgrades.RemoveAt(i); } } if (_ship.Weapon.WeaponState == WeaponState.Normal) { foreach (NormalBullet Bullet in _ship.Weapon.NormalWeapon.Bullets) { foreach (SpaceInvaderObject SpaceInvader in _spaceInvadersBoard.SpaceInvaderList) { if (CheckCollision(Bullet, SpaceInvader)) { SpaceInvader.Hit = true; Bullet.Hit = true; } } } } else if (_ship.Weapon.WeaponState == WeaponState.Rocket) { foreach (RocketBullet Bullet in _ship.Weapon.RocketWeapon.Bullets) { foreach (SpaceInvaderObject SpaceInvader in _spaceInvadersBoard.SpaceInvaderList) { if (CheckCollision(Bullet, SpaceInvader)) { SpaceInvader.Hit = true; Bullet.Hit = true; } } } } else if (_ship.Weapon.WeaponState == WeaponState.Laser) { foreach (LaserBullet Bullet in _ship.Weapon.LaserWeapon.Bullets) { foreach (SpaceInvaderObject SpaceInvader in _spaceInvadersBoard.SpaceInvaderList) { if (CheckCollision(Bullet, SpaceInvader)) { SpaceInvader.Hit = true; Bullet.Hit = true; } } } } base.Update(gameTime); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); scrollingbackgroundtop.Update(gameTime); scrollingbackgroundbottom.Update(gameTime); validationobjectengine.Update(gameTime); validationobjectengine.validationrect = ballobjectengine.BALLPOSITIONOFTRUTH; if (gokuPlayer.State == MediaState.Stopped) { // UnloadContent(); //isDisposed = true; gWinRect.X = 0; gWinRect.Y = 0; } keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); forward.Update(gameTime); #region KEYBOARD COMMANDS TO CONTROL AFTER VIDEO JESUS IS GOD! if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && (gokuPlayer.State == MediaState.Stopped)) { // ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new OpeningTitleScreen(isLooped)); UnloadContent(); gokuPlayer.Dispose(); gokuVidTexture.Dispose(); ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new OpeningTitleScreen()); } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.P)) { //ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new PlayVideoGameState(isLooped)); UnloadContent(); gokuPlayer.Dispose(); gokuVidTexture.Dispose(); //ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new EndingTitleScreen()); } #endregion // homebase.explosionartrect.X = theball.ballrect.X; // homebase.explosionartrect.Y = theball.ballrect.Y; ballobjectengine.Update(gameTime); //homebase.Update(gameTime); timer.Update(gameTime); // collisions are in the update method. finger ocllisons with falling stuff pheonomina if ((ballobjectengine.BallPositionOfTruth.Intersects(leapcollisionmax)) || (leapcollisionmax.Intersects(ballobjectengine.BallPositionOfTruth)) || (leapcollisionmax.X == ballobjectengine.BallPositionOfTruth.X && leapcollisionmax.Y == ballobjectengine.BallPositionOfTruth.Y)) // if (leapcollisionmax.Intersects(ballobjectengine.BallPositionOfTruth)) { validationobjectengine.arttrigger = true; validationobjectengine.soundtrigger = true; if (playsound == false) { boom.Play(); playsound = true; } if (colorcontrol == false) { BallObjectEngine.objectcolor = Color.White; colorcontrol = true; } if (isscorehit == false) { score += 1; isscorehit = true; playsound = false; } } // TODO: Add your update logic here\ /* * if (bottombaserect.Intersects(theball.Ballrect)) * { * ishit = true; * } * * if (!bottombaserect.Intersects(theball.Ballrect)) * { * ishit = false; * } */ ballobjectengine.ReceiveFrom_TimeEngine(timer.SendTo_BallObjectEngine()); // theball.Ballpositionoftruth.X; }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { #region JESUS IS LORD SOUND REPEATING JESUS IS LORD! if (MediaPlayer.State == MediaState.Stopped) { MediaPlayer.Play(backgroundMusic); } #endregion // backwardscode.Update(gameTime); forward.Update(gameTime); // scrollingbackgroundtop.Update(gameTime); // scrollingbackgroundbottom.Update(gameTime); backwards.Update(gameTime); #region JESUS IS LORD CHARACTER CONTROL ALGORITHIMS /* * if (Keyboard.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsKeyDown(Keys.G)) * { * gokuRect.X = gokuRect.X + 1; * * * redRect.X = redRect.X + 2; * * } * * if (Keyboard.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) * { * supermanRect.X = supermanRect.X - 1; * blueRect.X = blueRect.X - 2; * } * * keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); * * if ((gokuRect.X - 250) >= (supermanRect.X)) * ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new TitleScreen()); * if (displayEndScenes) * { * if (Keyboard.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsKeyDown(Keys.D3)) * { * ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new GokuWins()); * } * * if (Keyboard.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsKeyDown(Keys.D4)) * { * ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new SuperManWins()); * } * * } */ #endregion /* * * if (hitboxrect[0].Intersects(leapcollisionb)) * { * broken[0] = true; * hitsound.Play(); * } * * if (hitboxrect[0].Intersects(leapcollisionb)) * { * broken[0] = true; * hitsound.Play(); * } * if (hitboxrect[0].Intersects(leapcollisionb)) * { * broken[0] = true; * hitsound.Play(); * } * if (hitboxrect[0].Intersects(leapcollisionb)) * { * broken[0] = true; * hitsound.Play(); * } * if (hitboxrect[0].Intersects(leapcollisionb)) * { * broken[0] = true; * hitsound.Play(); * } * * if (hitboxrect[0].Intersects(leapcollisionb)) * { * broken[0] = true; * hitsound.Play(); * } * * if (hitboxrect[0].Intersects(leapcollisionb)) * { * broken[0] = true; * hitsound.Play(); * } * * if (hitboxrect[0].Intersects(leapcollisionb)) * { * broken[0] = true; * hitsound.Play(); * } */ #region JESUS IS LORD AND IN CONTROL - THIS CHANGES STATE TO THE OPENING VIDEO if (Keyboard.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter)) { MediaPlayer.Stop(); ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new TicTacToeGameScreen()); // not now readd ScreenManager.Instance.AddScreen(new ResumeVideoGame()); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Scrolling /// </summary> /// <param name="?"></param> /// <param name="?"></param> protected void UpdateMap(ScrollingBackground bg, GameTime gameTime) { if (bg == null) return; bg.Update(gameTime); }