        // Helper for GetBoundingRectangles() test cases
        internal void GetBoundingRectanglesHelper(SampleText sampleText, TargetRangeType callingRangeType, bool isMultiLine, ScrollLocation scrollLocation, GetBoundRectResult boundRectResults)
            Rect autoElement;
            Rect[] boundRects = new Rect[0];
            TextPatternRange callingRange;

            // Pre-Condition Control must supports multi-line = <<expectedResult>>
            TS_IsMultiLine(isMultiLine, CheckType.IncorrectElementConfiguration);

            // Pre-Condition Verify text is expected value <<sampleText>> 
            TS_SetText(sampleText, CheckType.IncorrectElementConfiguration);

            // Pre-Condition Create calling range = <<callingRangeType>>
            TS_CreateRange(out callingRange, callingRangeType, null, false, CheckType.Verification);

            // Pre-Condition Scroll viewport to <<ScrollLocation>>
            TS_ScrollViewPort(scrollLocation, false, CheckType.IncorrectElementConfiguration);

            // Pre-Condition Get Automation Element Bounding Rectangle
            TS_GetAutomationElementBoundingRectangle(out autoElement);

            // Call GetBoundingRectangles()
            TS_GetBoundingRectanglesLite(callingRange, ref boundRects, false, null, CheckType.Verification);

            // Valdiate Bounding Rectangles <<getResult>>
            TS_VerifyWithinRects(autoElement, boundRects, boundRectResults, CheckType.Verification);

 /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>Parses values for enum</summary>
 /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 static public string ParseType(ScrollLocation value)
     return ParseType(value.GetType().ToString(), value.ToString());
        internal void TS_ScrollViewPort(ScrollLocation scrollLocation, bool scrollRequired, CheckType checkType)
            bool isHorizScrollable;
            bool isVertScrollable;

            const double NoScroll      = -1L;
            const double ScrollLeft    = 0L;
            const double ScrollTop     = 0L;
            const double ScrollMiddle  = 50L;
            const double ScrollRight   = 100L;
            const double ScrollBottom  = 100L;
            double horizontalPercent = 0;
            double verticalPercent   = 0;

            ScrollPattern scrollPattern = null;

            if (scrollLocation == ScrollLocation.NotApplicable)
                Comment("Viewport location is not important to this test");
                    // can we get the scroll pattern?
                    bool isScrollPatternAvailable = (bool)m_le.GetCurrentPropertyValue(AutomationElement.IsScrollPatternAvailableProperty);

                    // Apparently so...            
                    if (isScrollPatternAvailable)
                        scrollPattern = m_le.GetCurrentPattern(ScrollPattern.Pattern) as ScrollPattern;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    if (Library.IsCriticalException(exception))

                    ThrowMe(checkType, "Exception raised trying to obtain ScrollPattern. Error = " + exception.Message);

                // Now we determine if null scroll pattern is bad or not
                if (scrollPattern == null)
                    if (scrollRequired == true)
                        ThrowMe(checkType, "ScrollPattern required for test");
                        Comment("Unable to acquire ScrollPattern, continuing with test");

                // can we scroll on either axis?
                isHorizScrollable = scrollPattern.Current.HorizontallyScrollable;
                isVertScrollable = scrollPattern.Current.VerticallyScrollable;
                Comment("ScrollPattern.HorizontallyScrollable = " + isHorizScrollable.ToString());
                Comment("ScrollPattern.VerticallyScrollable   = " + isVertScrollable.ToString());

                // Calcualte how we want to scroll. And if we can't do the scroll we want, reflect that too.
                switch (scrollLocation)
                    case ScrollLocation.LeftTop:    // Do nothing, default.
                        horizontalPercent = ScrollLeft;
                        verticalPercent   = ScrollTop;

                    case ScrollLocation.RightTop:
                        if (isHorizScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport horizontally to the right");
                        horizontalPercent = ScrollRight;
                        verticalPercent   = ScrollTop;

                    case ScrollLocation.LeftCenter:
                        if (isVertScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport vertically to the middle");
                        horizontalPercent = ScrollLeft;
                        verticalPercent   = ScrollMiddle;

                    case ScrollLocation.Center:
                        if (isHorizScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport horizontally to the right");
                        if (isVertScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport vertically to the middle");
                        horizontalPercent = ScrollMiddle;
                        verticalPercent   = ScrollMiddle;

                    case ScrollLocation.RightCenter:
                        if (isHorizScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport horizontally to the right");
                        if (isVertScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport vertically to the middle");
                        horizontalPercent = ScrollRight;
                        verticalPercent   = ScrollMiddle;

                    case ScrollLocation.LeftBottom:
                        if (isVertScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport vertically to the middle");
                        horizontalPercent = ScrollLeft;
                        verticalPercent   = ScrollBottom;

                    case ScrollLocation.RightBottom:
                        if (isHorizScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport horizontally to the right");
                        if (isVertScrollable == false)
                            ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll viewport vertically to the middle");
                        horizontalPercent = ScrollLeft;
                        verticalPercent   = ScrollBottom;

                    case ScrollLocation.NotApplicable: // should not get here...
                        throw new ArgumentException("TS_ScrollViewPort() has no support for " + ParseType(scrollLocation));

                // If we're not scrollable, adjust our scroll values
                if (isHorizScrollable == false)
                    Comment("Unable to scroll horizontally");
                    horizontalPercent = NoScroll;
                if (isVertScrollable == false)
                    Comment("Unable to scroll vertically");
                    verticalPercent = NoScroll;

                if ( (isHorizScrollable == false) && (isVertScrollable == false) )
                    ThrowMe(checkType, "Unable to scroll, perhaps text isn't right width (height?) or control doesn't support scrolling");
                Comment("---Calling ScrollPattern.SetScrollPercent( " + horizontalPercent + ", " + verticalPercent + ")");
                scrollPattern.SetScrollPercent(horizontalPercent, verticalPercent);
                Comment("Viewport is in " + Parse(scrollLocation));
 static public string Parse(ScrollLocation value)
     switch (value)
         case ScrollLocation.LeftTop: return "LEFT-TOP of viewport";
         case ScrollLocation.RightTop: return "RIGHT-TOP of viewport";
         case ScrollLocation.LeftCenter: return "LEFT-CENTER of viewport";
         case ScrollLocation.Center: return "MIDDLE (horiz & vert) of viewport";
         case ScrollLocation.RightCenter: return "RIGHT-MIDDLE of viewport";
         case ScrollLocation.LeftBottom: return "LEFT-BOTTOM of viewport";
         case ScrollLocation.RightBottom: return "RIGHT-BOTTOM of viewport";
         case ScrollLocation.NotApplicable: return "NOT APPLICABLE: viewport location is not relevant";
             throw new ArgumentException("Parse() has no support for " + ParseType(value));