protected override void DrawScreen(SpriteBatch batch, DisplayOrientation displayOrientation) { background.Draw(batch); backgroundCopy.Draw(batch); if (!MediaPlayer.GameHasControl) { batch.DrawString(screenFont, "Music is currently disabled. Turn off Zune to enable game music.", new Vector2(70, 10), Color.LightGreen); } //draw track title if (displayTimer > 0) { batch.DrawString(screenFont, "Now playing: " + trackTitle, new Vector2(280, 10), displayColor); } //warning message for record deletion batch.DrawString(screenFont, "Hold button to reset", new Vector2(100, 270), Color.White); //reset confirmation if (recordReset) { batch.DrawString(screenFont, "Record Reset.", new Vector2(130, 290), Color.Red); } //buttons tutorialButton.Draw(batch); musicButton.Draw(batch); deleteButton.Draw(batch); aboutButton.Draw(batch); exitButton.Draw(batch); }
protected override void DrawScreen(SpriteBatch batch, DisplayOrientation displayOrientation) { background.Draw(batch); backgroundCopy.Draw(batch); batch.DrawString(titleFont, "Tap a level to play", new Vector2(300, 0), Color.Yellow); if (trialModeEnabled) { batch.DrawString(titleFont, "Purchase Tile Crusher to access level 11 and beyond!", new Vector2(150, 370), Color.LightGreen); } //draw touch location for debugging purposes //batch.DrawString(titleFont, touchPos.ToString(), new Vector2(0, 440), Color.White); for (int i = 0; i < levelList.Count; i++) { levelList[i].Draw(batch); //draw a padlock for each locked level if (InGameMenu.lockedLevel[i]) { batch.Draw(padlock, levelList[i].Position, Color.White); } //draw a checkmark if player finished level if (InGameMenu.finishedLevel[i]) { batch.Draw(checkmark, levelList[i].Position, Color.White); } } exitButton.Draw(batch); }
protected override void DrawScreen(SpriteBatch batch, DisplayOrientation displayOrientation) { background.Draw(batch); backgroundCopy.Draw(batch); //contact batch.DrawString(screenFont, "Follow me on Twitter: " + twitter, new Vector2(300, 100), Color.White); batch.DrawString(screenFont, "Email: " + email, new Vector2(300, 150), Color.White); batch.DrawString(screenFont, "Web site: " + website, new Vector2(300, 200), Color.White); //draw version information batch.DrawString(screenFont, "Version: " + VERSION, new Vector2(300, 300), Color.Salmon); //buttons exitButton.Draw(batch); }
protected override void DrawScreen(SpriteBatch batch, DisplayOrientation displayOrientation) { background.Draw(batch); backgroundCopy.Draw(batch); batch.DrawString(font, OBJECTIVE, new Vector2(50, 10), Color.Yellow); if (!nextPage) { DrawDescription(ball, ballName, new Vector2(20, 100), BALL_DESC); DrawDescription(normalTile, normalTileName, new Vector2(20, 190), NORMAL_DESC); DrawDescription(emptyTile, emptyTileName, new Vector2(20, 280), EMPTY_DESC); } else { //show additional stuff DrawDescription(durableTile, durableTileName, new Vector2(20, 100), DURABLE_DESC); DrawDescription(superTile, superTileName, new Vector2(20, 190), SUPER_DESC); DrawDescription(targetTile, targetTileName, new Vector2(20, 280), TARGET_DESC); DrawDescription(chainTile, chainTileName, new Vector2(420, 190), CHAIN_DESC); } exitButton.Draw(batch); pageButton.Draw(batch); }
protected override void DrawScreen(SpriteBatch batch, DisplayOrientation displayOrientation) { //background background.Draw(batch); backgroundCopy.Draw(batch); //records batch.DrawString(font, "RECORDS", new Vector2(330, 140), Color.Red); batch.DrawString(font, "Total Time: " + totalTime, new Vector2(300, 170), Color.White); batch.DrawString(font, "Completion: " + completionRate + "%", new Vector2(300, 200), Color.White); batch.DrawString(font, "Turn Total: " + turnTotal, new Vector2(300, 230), Color.White); batch.DrawString(font, "Loss Count: " + lossCount, new Vector2(300, 260), Color.White); batch.DrawString(font, "Ragequits: " + rageCount, new Vector2(300, 290), Color.White); //if (fileCreated) // batch.DrawString(font, "Record file created!", new Vector2(300, 260), Color.LightGreen); //if the player is in trial mode, display a message on the top of the screen, and //show a button that exits game and sends player to Marketplace. if (trialModeEnabled) { batch.DrawString(font, "You are in Trial Mode. Click the button below to purchase Tile Crusher!", new Vector2(40, 10), Color.LightGreen); marketButton.Draw(batch); if (marketplaceLoading) { batch.DrawString(font, "Loading Marketplace...", new Vector2(520, 70), Color.LightGreen); } } //buttons resumeButton.Draw(batch); exitButton.Draw(batch); tutorialButton.Draw(batch); }
protected override void DrawScreen(SpriteBatch batch, DisplayOrientation displayOrientation) { background.Draw(batch); backgroundCopy.Draw(batch); level.Draw(batch, tileFont, ball, normalTile, emptyTile, durableTile, superTile, chainTile, targetTile); batch.DrawString(font, "Level: " + level.GetLevel(), new Vector2(100, 50), Color.White); batch.DrawString(font, "Turn Count: " + level.TurnCount(), new Vector2(220, 50), Color.White); batch.DrawString(font, "# of Tiles: " + level.TileCount(), new Vector2(400, 50), Color.White); batch.DrawString(font, "Tiles Crushed: " + level.TilesDestroyed(), new Vector2(550, 50), Color.White); //display music title if (displayTimer > 0) { batch.DrawString(font, "Now Playing: " + trackTitle, new Vector2(280, 20), Color.LightGreen); } quitButton.Draw(batch); helpButton.Draw(batch); musicButton.Draw(batch); //elapsed time. Used for debug only. //batch.DrawString(hudFont, clock.Time() + ":" + clock.Seconds().ToString(), new Vector2(400, 350), Color.White); //display win/lose image if (level.LevelComplete()) { batch.Draw(levelWinImg, new Vector2(300, 200), Color.White); } if (level.LevelFailed()) { batch.Draw(levelLoseImg, new Vector2(300, 200), Color.White); } }