public void ComplexScrollAllObservable()
            int numberOfSlices = Environment.ProcessorCount;

            var scrollAllObservable = Client.ScrollAll <Project>("10s", numberOfSlices, sc => sc
                                                                 .Search(s => s
                                                                         .Query(q => q
                                                                                .Term(f => f.State, StateOfBeing.Stable)

            var waitHandle             = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            ExceptionDispatchInfo info = null;

            var scrollAllObserver = new ScrollAllObserver <Project>(
                onNext: response => ProcessResponse(response.SearchResponse),                 // <1> do something with the response
                onError: e =>
                info = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(e);                         // <2> if an exception is thrown, capture it to throw outside of the observer
                onCompleted: () => waitHandle.Set()

            scrollAllObservable.Subscribe(scrollAllObserver); // <3> initiate scrolling

            waitHandle.WaitOne();                             // <4> block the current thread until the wait handle is set
            info?.Throw();                                    // <5> if an exception was captured whilst scrolling, throw it
        private void ScrollAll(string index, int numberOfShards, int numberOfDocuments)
            var handle           = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var scrollObservable = this._client.ScrollAll <SmallObject>("1m", numberOfShards, s => s
                                                                        .MaxDegreeOfParallelism(numberOfShards / 2)
                                                                        .Search(search => search

            //we set up an observer
            var seenDocuments = 0;
            var seenSlices    = new ConcurrentBag <int>();

            //since we call allTypes search should be bounded to index.
            var scrollObserver = new ScrollAllObserver <SmallObject>(
                onError: (e) => { handle.Set(); throw e; },
                onCompleted: () => handle.Set(),
                onNext: (b) =>
                Interlocked.Add(ref seenDocuments, b.SearchResponse.Hits.Count);

            //when we subscribe the observable becomes hot
            var groups = seenSlices.GroupBy(s => s).ToList();

            groups.Should().OnlyContain(g => g.Count() > 1);