void Start()
        //Assign the child "Text" game object that is a child to this game object.
        transformChildText = gameObject.transform.Find("Text");
        //Assign its Text component to childText variable.
        childText = transformChildText.gameObject.GetComponent <Text>();

        //Get PanelButtonExhibition game object.
        panelButtonExhibition = GameObject.Find("PanelButtonExhibition");
        //Get reference to its script.
        scriptPanelButtonExhibition = panelButtonExhibition.GetComponent <ScriptPanelButtonExhibition>();
    void Start()
        //Assign the child "Text" game object that is a child to this game object.
        transformChildText = gameObject.transform.Find("Text");
        //Assign its Text component to childText variable.
        childText = transformChildText.gameObject.GetComponent<Text>();

        //Get PanelButtonExhibition game object.
        panelButtonExhibition = GameObject.Find("PanelButtonExhibition");
        //Get reference to its script.
        scriptPanelButtonExhibition = panelButtonExhibition.GetComponent<ScriptPanelButtonExhibition>();