        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating output script for 'bitcoincash:qpm2qsznhks23z7629mms6s4cwef74vcwvy22gdx6a'...");
            // input cash address and produce an output script
            var decoded = CashAddress.DecodeCashAddress("bitcoincash:qpm2qsznhks23z7629mms6s4cwef74vcwvy22gdx6a");

            // so far, cash addresses have two defined types
            // let's print the readable output script for the address
            switch (decoded.Type)
            // our demo happens to be a P2PKH cash address...
            case ScriptType.P2PKH:
                // use ByteHexConverter to convert raw byte data for output script to readable hex
                Console.WriteLine("Output script: " +
                                  "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 " + ByteHexConverter.ByteArrayToHex(decoded.Hash) + " OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG");

            // if it was a P2SH cash address...
            case ScriptType.P2SH:
                // use ByteHexConverter to convert raw byte data for output script to readable hex
                Console.WriteLine("Output script: " +
                                  "OP_HASH160 " + ByteHexConverter.ByteArrayToHex(decoded.Hash) + " OP_CHECKSIG");

            // whoa... another type?
                Console.WriteLine("This shouldn't happen! That's an unknown cash address type!");

            // let's use script builder now
            var outputScript = ScriptBuilder.CreateOutputScript(decoded.Type, decoded.Hash);

            // same thing if we go straight from a Cash Address
            outputScript = ScriptBuilder.CreateOutputScript("bitcoincash:qpm2qsznhks23z7629mms6s4cwef74vcwvy22gdx6a");
            Console.WriteLine("Output script from ScriptBuilder: " + outputScript);
            Console.WriteLine("Output script RAW from ScriptBuilder: " + ByteHexConverter.ByteArrayToHex(outputScript.ScriptBytes));

            // What about if we want to create an OP_RETURN output?
            // ASCII encode "My Bitcoin OP_RETURN!" and create an output script
            var opReturn = ScriptBuilder.CreateOpReturn(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("My Bitcoin OP_RETURN!"));

            Console.WriteLine("OP_RETURN script from ScriptBuilder: " + opReturn);
            Console.WriteLine("OP_RETURN script RAW from ScriptBuilder: " + ByteHexConverter.ByteArrayToHex(opReturn.ScriptBytes));

            // encode a hash160 from an output script as a cash address (demo script is P2PKH)
            Console.WriteLine("Encoding output script 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 76a04053bda0a88bda5177b86a15c3b29f559873 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG'...");
            // use ByteHexConverter to convert the readable hex to raw byte data (as it would actually be encoded in an output script)
            var encoded = CashAddress.EncodeCashAddress(AddressPrefix.bitcoincash, ScriptType.P2PKH,

            Console.WriteLine("Cash Address: " + encoded);

            // let's try decoding a raw transaction!
            var txHex =

            var tx = new Transaction(ByteHexConverter.StringToByteArray(txHex));

            Console.WriteLine("Decoded transaction. TXID: " + tx.TXIDHex + ". Inputs: " + tx.Inputs.Length + ". Outputs: " + tx.Outputs.Length + ". Output Scripts:");
            foreach (var output in tx.Outputs)

            // wait