public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost()
            // recover sessionID
            var sessionID = HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionID");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionID))

            // User posted some content
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserInput))
                // User didn't provide any input, so nothing to do
                // Check with API if content is valid
                // and Use API call to send this content to GPT model
                var context = await _storytllerAPI.AddUserContext(UserInput, sessionID);

                // Update input field with corrected text
                ScreenedContext userContext = (ScreenedContext)context["ScreenedContext"];

                UserInput = userContext.CorrectedText;

                if (!userContext.IsBounced)
                    Context apiContext = (Context)context["APIContext"];
                    // Add new text recieved from API to text and session
                    string newContent = HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionText") + "\n\n" + UserInput + "\n\n" + apiContext.SessionText;

                    // Update session variable with user input and content from API
                    HttpContext.Session.SetString("SessionText", newContent);

                    // Apply new content to page model
                    StoryText = newContent;

                    // remove user input and any errors as successfull
                    UserInput = null;
                    ErrorText = null;
                    // set list of terms which are considered to be offensive
                    OffensiveTerms = userContext.OffensiveTerms.ToHashSet();

                    // Return back stored in session text
                    StoryText = HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionText");

                    // Add error message
                    ErrorText = "Please enter correct text!";
        public async Task <ScreenedContext> ModerateText(string text)
            // create in-memory stream, as ContentModerator SDK accepts text only as a stream
            var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));

            // use ContentModeratorClient.TextModeration to check provided text
            var answer = await _client.TextModeration.ScreenTextAsync("text/plain", stream, "eng", true, false, null, false);

            // Content-Type: text/plain
            // Text: (variable)
            // Language: eng
            // Autocorrect: true
            // Check for PII (US only): false
            // ListID (custom list of words): null
            // Classify as adult (class1), racist (class2) or offensive (class3): false
            // Up to 1024 characters long stream can be used per one request.
            // Free version of Azure ContentModerator allows only 1 request per second, and up to 5000 requests per month
            // Details:
            // and

            // create a new screened text object and add some values. Can be done through model itself
            var screen = new ScreenedContext()
                OriginalText   = answer.OriginalText,
                CorrectedText  = answer.AutoCorrectedText,
                OffensiveTerms = new HashSet <string>(),
                IsBounced      = false

            // Check if ContentModerator found any offensive terms
            if (null != answer.Terms)
                // Add all of them to the HashSet (so it keeps unique terms only)
                foreach (var term in answer.Terms)
                screen.IsBounced = true;
