// GET: SchemeEditor
        public ActionResult Index()
            List <string>      valuesforView  = new List <string>();
            List <string>      pathesToCfg    = new List <string>();
            string             pathSvgCfg     = null;
            string             dynValuesCfg   = null;
            string             ageBarsCfgPath = null;
            string             pathToSvg      = null;
            List <string>      subGraphicDir  = new List <string>();
            List <string>      pathGraphicCfg = new List <string>();
            List <AgeBar>      ageBarList     = new List <AgeBar>();
            List <DynValue>    values         = new List <DynValue>();
            List <Textlist>    textLists      = new List <Textlist>();
            List <Graphiclist> graphicLists   = new List <Graphiclist>();

            foreach (string key in Session.Keys)
                if (key.Contains("pathScheme"))
                    pathToSvg = Session[key].ToString();
                if (key.Contains("pathCfg"))
                if (key.Contains("dynValuesCfg"))
                    dynValuesCfg = Session[key].ToString();
                if (key.Contains("ageBarsCfgPath"))
                    ageBarsCfgPath = Session[key].ToString();
                if (key.Contains("subGraphicDir"))
                if (key.Contains("pathGraphicCfg"))
                if (key.Contains("pathSvgCfg"))
                    pathSvgCfg = Session[key].ToString();
            SchemeEditor model = new SchemeEditor();

            if (pathToSvg != null)
                //pathToSvg = pathToSvg.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                if (pathToSvg.IndexOf(@"\") == 0)
                    pathToSvg = pathToSvg.Substring(1);
                svg = SvgDocument.Open(Path.PhysicalPath + pathToSvg);

                model.relativePath = pathToSvg;
                model.SvgFile      = svg;
                Session["tempforview"] = "Problem with finding this svg path";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Menu"));
            if (dynValuesCfg != null || ageBarsCfgPath != null || pathGraphicCfg != null)
                if (dynValuesCfg != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getDynValues(pathSvgCfg, dynValuesCfg, values);
                    model.SchemeTags = values;
                // Important ageBar age is not included in agegBar config
                if (ageBarsCfgPath != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getAgeBar(pathSvgCfg, ageBarsCfgPath, ageBarList);
                    model.SchemeAgeBars = ageBarList;
                    Session["tempforview"] = "Config files pathes are not present in bakery config";

                if (pathGraphicCfg != null && subGraphicDir != null && pathGraphicCfg != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getGraphicLists(pathSvgCfg, subGraphicDir, pathGraphicCfg, graphicLists);
                    model.SchemeGraphicsList = graphicLists;
                    Session["tempforview"] = "Config files pathes are not present in bakery config";

                if (pathSvgCfg != null && pathesToCfg != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getTextlists(pathesToCfg, pathSvgCfg, textLists);
                    model.SchemeTextlist = textLists;
                    Session["tempforview"] = "Config files pathes are not present in bakery config";
                return(View("form", model));
        // GET: SchemeEditor
        public ActionResult Index()
            List <string>      valuesforView  = new List <string>();
            List <string>      pathesToCfg    = new List <string>();
            string             pathSvgCfg     = null;
            string             dynValuesCfg   = null;
            string             ageBarsCfgPath = null;
            string             pathToSvg      = null;
            string             bindingTagsCfg = null;
            string             absPathToSvg   = null;
            List <string>      subGraphicDir  = new List <string>();
            List <string>      pathGraphicCfg = new List <string>();
            List <AgeBar>      ageBarList     = new List <AgeBar>();
            List <DynValue>    values         = new List <DynValue>();
            List <Textlist>    textLists      = new List <Textlist>();
            List <Graphiclist> graphicLists   = new List <Graphiclist>();
            List <SchemeValue> bindingTagList = new List <SchemeValue>();

            getConfigPathes(pathesToCfg, ref pathSvgCfg, ref dynValuesCfg, ref bindingTagsCfg, ref ageBarsCfgPath, ref pathToSvg, subGraphicDir, pathGraphicCfg);

            SchemeEditor model = new SchemeEditor();

            if (dynValuesCfg != null || ageBarsCfgPath != null || pathGraphicCfg != null)
                if (dynValuesCfg != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getDynValues(pathSvgCfg, dynValuesCfg, values);
                    model.SchemeTags = values;
                if (bindingTagsCfg != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getBindingTags(pathSvgCfg, bindingTagsCfg, bindingTagList);
                    model.BindingTags = bindingTagList;
                // Important ageBar age is not included in agegBar config
                if (ageBarsCfgPath != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getAgeBar(pathSvgCfg, ageBarsCfgPath, ageBarList);
                    model.SchemeAgeBars = ageBarList;
                    Session["tempforview"] += "Config files pathes are not present in bakery config";

                if (pathGraphicCfg != null && subGraphicDir != null && pathGraphicCfg != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getGraphicLists(pathSvgCfg, subGraphicDir, pathGraphicCfg, graphicLists);
                    model.SchemeGraphicsList = graphicLists;
                    Session["tempforview"] += "Config files pathes are not present in bakery config";

                if (pathSvgCfg != null && pathesToCfg != null)
                    SchemeEditorHandler.getTextlists(pathesToCfg, pathSvgCfg, textLists);
                    model.SchemeTextlist = textLists;
                    Session["tempforview"] += "Config files pathes are not present in bakery config";
                if (pathToSvg != null)
                    //pathToSvg = pathToSvg.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                    if (pathToSvg.IndexOf(@"\") == 0)
                        pathToSvg = pathToSvg.Substring(1);
                    //write whole SchemeEditor model to xml
                    SchemeEditorHandler.writeToXML(pathSvgCfg, model);
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(pathSvgCfg))
                        NewSchemesHandler newSchemesHandler = new NewSchemesHandler();
                    if (pathToSvg.Contains(PathDef.PhysicalPath))
                        absPathToSvg = pathToSvg;
                        absPathToSvg = PathDef.PhysicalPath + pathToSvg;
                    string readText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(absPathToSvg);
                    svg = SvgDocument.Open(absPathToSvg);

                    model.relativePath = pathToSvg;
                    model.SvgFile      = svg;

                    string SvgXml    = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(absPathToSvg);
                    string ConfigXml = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(pathSvgCfg);
                    string sXmlDef   = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";
                    ConfigXml = ConfigXml.Replace(sXmlDef, "");

                    SvgDocument newSvg = new SvgDocument();/*
                                                            * int indexFirst = (SvgXml.IndexOf("<config") - 5);
                                                            * int indexSecond = (SvgXml.IndexOf("</defs>") + 7);
                                                            * string firstSvgPart = SvgXml.Substring(0, indexFirst);
                                                            * string secondSvgPart = SvgXml.Substring(indexSecond);
                                                            * string svgFileContent = firstSvgPart + "<config>" + ConfigXml + "</config>" + secondSvgPart;*/
                    System.IO.File.Move(absPathToSvg, absPathToSvg + "_old_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".svg");
                    string svgFileContent = SvgXml.Replace("</defs>", ConfigXml + "</defs>");
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(PathDef.PhysicalPath + pathToSvg, svgFileContent);
                    //write whole SchemeEditor model to xml
                    SchemeEditorHandler.writeToXML(pathSvgCfg, model);
                    Session["tempforview"] = "Problem with finding this svg";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Menu"));

                return(View("form", model));