        public string publicKey = "";//公钥

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (true)//如果没对应权限,及判断用户类型是否跨界,主要防止非法篡改数据出现
            //    Response.Write("无对应权限");
            //    Response.End();
            if (!IsPostBack)
                publicKey = PublicProperty.PublicKey.Replace("\r\n", ",");
                isadd  = true;
                isedit = true;
                isdel  = true;
                islook = true;
                dotype = Request.Params["dotype"].ToString();
                string uid   = "0"; //修改时的用户ID
                string uname = "";  //修改时的用户账号
                if (dotype == "a")  //添加
                    if (Com.Session.systype == "2")//超管,两个关键参数均需要确认
                        schid   = Request.Params["schid"].ToString();
                        systype = Request.Params["systype"].ToString();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(systype))//如果没有对应参数中任意一个
                        schid   = Com.Session.schid;
                        systype = "0";
                else if (dotype == "e")//修改,不能修改用户的类型及学校参数
                    btnname = "修改";
                    uid     = Request.Params["uid"].ToString();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uid))
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo   userbll   = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo();
                    SchSystem.Model.SchUserInfo usermodel = userbll.GetModel(int.Parse(uid));
                    if (usermodel != null && usermodel.UserId > 0)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(usermodel.PassWord))               //密码不为空
                            if (usermodel.PassWord == Com.Public.StrToMD5("123456")) //初始密码
                                usermodel.PassWord = "******";
                                usermodel.PassWord = "******";
                            usermodel.PassWord = "";
                        umodelstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(usermodel);
                        schid     = usermodel.SchId.ToString();
                        systype   = usermodel.SysType.ToString();
                        uname     = usermodel.UserName;

                /*if (!Com.Public.isVa(schid, systype))
                 * {
                 *  Response.Write("出错,用户非法跨界操作!");
                 *  Response.End();
                 * }*/
                SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo schbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
                schname = schbll.GetSchName(int.Parse(schid));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(systype))
                    subs = Com.Public.GetDrp("sub", schid, "1", false, "", "");

                    SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo dptbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo();
                    DataTable dtdept = dptbll.GetList("Pid pId,DepartId id,DepartName name,'false' checked", "SchId=" + schid + " and Stat=1 Order by OrderId").Tables[0];
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV udeptvbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV();
                    string udeptids = udeptvbll.GetIds(" UserId='" + uid + "' and stat=1 and schid=" + schid);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(udeptids) && dtdept != null)
                        string[] ids = udeptids.Split(',');
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtdept.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string id = dtdept.Rows[i]["id"].ToString();
                            if (ids.Contains(id))
                                dtdept.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";

                    depts = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtdept);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchRole rolebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchRole();
                    DataTable             dtrole  = rolebll.GetList("RoleId id,null pId,RoleName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 and SchId=" + schid + " and SysType='" + systype + "'  Order by RoleName").Tables[0];
                    if (dtrole.Rows.Count == 0)
                        //DataRow dr = dtrole.NewRow();
                        //dr["id"] = "0";
                        //dr["pId"] = DBNull.Value;
                        //dr["name"] = "权限组";
                        //dr["checked"] = "false";
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchUserRoleV urolevbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserRoleV();
                    string uroleids = urolevbll.GetIds(" UserId='" + uid + "' and stat=1 and schid=" + schid);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uroleids) && dtrole != null)
                        string[] ids = uroleids.Split(',');
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtrole.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string id = dtrole.Rows[i]["id"].ToString();
                            if (ids.Contains(id))
                                dtrole.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    roles = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtrole);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole schapprolebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole();
                    string appstr = schapprolebll.GetAppStr(int.Parse(schid));
                    if (appstr != "")
                        appstr = " and (AppCode=1 or AppCode=2 or AppCode in (" + appstr + ")) ";
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUserFunc funcbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUserFunc();

                    DataTable dtfunc = funcbll.GetList("MenuId id,Pid pId,TextName name,FuncCode funcode,'false' checked", " Stat=1 " + appstr + " Order by OrderId").Tables[0];
                    funcstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtfunc);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUser smieBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUser();
                    DataTable dtsmie = smieBll.GetList("MenuId id,Pid pId,TextName name,FuncCode funcode,'false' checked", " Stat=1 " + appstr + "  Order by OrderId").Tables[0];
                    MenuInfoExt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsmie);
        public static DataTable SchMenuData(string cols, string thstr, string schid, string systype)
            if (schid == "")
                schid = Com.Session.schid;
            SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo siBll     = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
            DataTable             dtschinfo = siBll.GetList("SonSysStat,SourceSerStat,HomeschServStat", "SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
            string SonSysStat    = dtschinfo.Rows[0]["SonSysStat"].ToString();
            string SourceSerStat = dtschinfo.Rows[0]["SourceSerStat"].ToString();
            string SourceXXTStat = dtschinfo.Rows[0]["HomeschServStat"].ToString();

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole schapprolebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole();
            string appstr = schapprolebll.GetAppStr(int.Parse(schid));

            if (appstr != "")
                appstr = "  AppCode in (" + appstr + ")";

            if (systype == "0")
                string sqlstr = "";
                if (appstr == "")
                    sqlstr = " Stat=1 and (AppCode=1 or AppCode=2  " + thstr + ")";
                    sqlstr = " Stat=1 and (AppCode=1 or AppCode=2 or " + appstr + " " + thstr + ")";

                SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUser menuuserbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUser();
                dt = menuuserbll.GetList(cols, sqlstr + " order by OrderId ").Tables[0];
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["id"]   = 1;
                    row["pId"]  = 0;
                    row["name"] = "首页";
                    dt.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0);
            else if (systype == "1")
                string sqlstr = "";
                if (appstr == "")
                    sqlstr = " Stat=1 and (AppCode=0 or AppCode=1 or AppCode=2 " + thstr + ") ";
                    sqlstr = " Stat=1 and (AppCode=0 or AppCode=1 or AppCode=2 or " + appstr + "" + thstr + ") ";

                if (SonSysStat == "0" || SonSysStat == "")                                                            //子系统状态为0时,不显示管理平台菜单
                    sqlstr += " and FuncCode<>22 and Pid<> (select MenuId from SchMenuInfoAdmin where FuncCode=22) "; //id是MenuId的别名
                if (SourceSerStat == "0" || SourceSerStat == "")                                                      //资源服务状态为0时,不显示资源平台菜单
                    sqlstr += " and FuncCode<>23 and Pid<> (select MenuId from SchMenuInfoAdmin where FuncCode=23) ";
                if (SourceXXTStat == "0" || SourceXXTStat == "")//家校互通服务状态为0时,不显示资源平台菜单
                    sqlstr += " and FuncCode<>29 and Pid<> (select MenuId from SchMenuInfoAdmin where FuncCode=29) ";

                SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoAdmin menuuserbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoAdmin();
                dt = menuuserbll.GetList(cols, sqlstr + " order by OrderId").Tables[0];
                //if (SonSysStat == "0" || SonSysStat == "")//子系统状态为0时,不显示管理平台菜单
                //    DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("FuncCode=22");//通过FuncCode查找管理平台MenuId
                //    int Manageid = int.Parse(dr[0]["id"].ToString());//id是MenuId的别称
                //    dt = DataRowToDataTable(dt, "FuncCode<>22 and pId<>" + Manageid);//查找出不属于管理平台的菜单项,并转换为DataTable

                //if (SourceSerStat == "0" || SourceSerStat == "")//资源服务状态为0时,不显示资源平台菜单
                //    DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("FuncCode=23");//通过FuncCode查找资源平台MenuId
                //    int Sourceid = int.Parse(dr[0]["id"].ToString());//id是MenuId的别称
                //    dt = DataRowToDataTable(dt, "FuncCode<>23 and pId<>" + Sourceid);//查找出不属于资源平台的菜单项,并转换为DataTable
                //if (SourceXXTStat == "0" || SourceXXTStat == "")//家校互通服务状态为0时,不显示资源平台菜单
                //    DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("FuncCode=29");//通过FuncCode查找家校互通平台MenuId
                //    int XXTid = int.Parse(dr[0]["id"].ToString());//id是MenuId的别称
                //    dt = DataRowToDataTable(dt, "FuncCode<>29 and pId<>" + XXTid);//查找出不属于家校互通平台的菜单项,并转换为DataTable
                if (appstr != "")
                    string sqlstr = "Stat=1 and (" + appstr + ")";
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchApp schappbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchApp();
                    dt = schappbll.GetList(cols, sqlstr).Tables[0];

        public static DataTable MenuData(string thstr)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            if (Com.Session.systype == "0")
                if (Com.Session.usertp == "0")//普通老师
                    string sqlstr = " Stat=1 ";

                    //根据Com.Session.usertectp拆分数组,获取该用户能够获取的菜单 ((FuncLv like or FuncLv like )FuncLv:有逗号做查询最好,因现在暂不会重复,则先不做逗号间隔的查询
                    string funclv = "FuncLv like '%0%'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Com.Session.usertectp))
                        string[] tp = Com.Session.usertectp.Split(',');
                        if (tp.Length > 0)
                            foreach (var item in tp)
                                funclv += " or FuncLv like '%" + item + "%'";
                    //再根据合并的权限串,根据节点调取菜单组funccode串并组合,OR,并集用户权限 or (FuncCode in )) --如果有
                    string func = "0";
                    string sqlfuncg = "0";
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i++)//权限串长度
                        bool bf = Com.Public.IsOne(Com.Session.userrolestr, i + 1);
                        if (bf)
                            sqlfuncg += "," + (i + 1);
                    if (sqlfuncg.Length > 2)//有相应的菜单组,获取菜单组
                        SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUserFunc menubll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUserFunc();
                        func += "," + menubll.GetMenug("FuncCode in (" + sqlfuncg + ")");

                    sqlstr += " and (" + funclv + " or FuncCode in (" + func + thstr + ")" + ")";
                    //再组装屏蔽菜单权限串SQL查询串,之前的条件均为并集,最后为差集.and (FuncCode not in )
                    string nfunc = "0";
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i++)//权限串长度
                        bool bf = Com.Public.IsOne(Com.Session.userrolestrext, i + 1);
                        if (bf)
                            nfunc += "," + (i + 1);
                    sqlstr += " and FuncCode not in (" + nfunc + ")";

                    SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUser menuuserbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUser();
                    dt = menuuserbll.GetList(sqlstr + "order by OrderId").Tables[0];
                else if (Com.Session.usertp == "1")//家长
                else if (Com.Session.usertp == "2")//学生
                string sqlstr = " Stat=1 and FuncLv like '%" + Com.Session.systype + "%' ";
                SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoIntegral menuuserbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoIntegral();
                dt = menuuserbll.GetList(sqlstr + "order by OrderId").Tables[0];

        public string MenuInfoExt = ""; //特殊权限功能数据,json

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uid = Request.Params["uid"].ToString();
            SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo   userbll   = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo();
            SchSystem.Model.SchUserInfo usermodel = userbll.GetModel(int.Parse(uid));
            if (usermodel != null && usermodel.UserId > 0)
                utname = usermodel.UserTname;
                usex   = usermodel.Sex == 0 ? "女" : "男";
                ups    = usermodel.Postion;
                ujb    = usermodel.Title;
                utl    = usermodel.Telno;
                uname  = usermodel.UserName;
                if (usermodel.PassWord == Com.Public.StrToMD5("123456"))
                    upw     = "123456";
                    upwname = "初始密码";
                else if (usermodel.PassWord == "")
                    upw     = "";
                    upwname = "初始密码";
                    upw     = "●●●●●●";
                    upwname = "用户密码";
                ustat = usermodel.AccStat == 0 ? "禁用" : "正常";
                SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV dpvbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV();
                udpts = dpvbll.GetNames("UserId=" + uid);
                uno   = "00000000".Substring(0, 8 - uid.Length) + uid;
                schid = usermodel.SchId.ToString();
                SchSystem.BLL.SchRole rolebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchRole();
                DataTable             dtrole  = rolebll.GetList("RoleId id,null pId,RoleName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 and SchId=" + schid + " and SysType='0'  Order by RoleName").Tables[0];
                if (dtrole.Rows.Count == 0)
                    //DataRow dr = dtrole.NewRow();
                    //dr["id"] = "0";
                    //dr["pId"] = DBNull.Value;
                    //dr["name"] = "权限组";
                    //dr["checked"] = "false";

                SchSystem.BLL.SchUserRoleV urolevbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserRoleV();
                string uroleids = urolevbll.GetIds(" UserId='" + uid + "' and stat=1 and schid=" + usermodel.SchId);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uroleids) && dtrole != null)
                    string[] ids = uroleids.Split(',');
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtrole.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string id = dtrole.Rows[i]["id"].ToString();
                        if (ids.Contains(id))
                            dtrole.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                roles = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtrole);
                SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole schapprolebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole();
                string appstr = schapprolebll.GetAppStr(usermodel.SchId);
                if (appstr != "")
                    appstr = " and (AppCode=1 or AppCode=2 or AppCode in (" + appstr + ")) ";
                SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUserFunc funcbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUserFunc();

                DataTable dtfunc = funcbll.GetList("MenuId id,Pid pId,TextName name,FuncCode funcode,'false' checked", " Stat=1 " + appstr + " Order by OrderId").Tables[0];
                funcstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtfunc);
                SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUser smieBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchMenuInfoUser();
                DataTable dtsmie = smieBll.GetList("MenuId id,Pid pId,TextName name,FuncCode funcode,'false' checked", " Stat=1 " + appstr + "  Order by OrderId").Tables[0];
                MenuInfoExt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsmie);