public static void SetSoundVolume(float newFXVolume, float newBGVolume) { if (newFXVolume > 1 || newFXVolume < 0 || newBGVolume > 1 || newBGVolume < 0) { Logger.Log("you cannot have the volume higher than 1 or lower than 0", LogType.Error); return; } List <SoundObject> sounds = SceneUtils.FindObjects <SoundObject>(); foreach (SoundObject sound in sounds) { if (sound.soundType == SoundType.FX) { sound.SetVolume(newFXVolume); } else { sound.SetVolume(newBGVolume); } } fxSoundVolume = newFXVolume; backgroundSoundVolume = newBGVolume; }
public override void OnActivated() { Vector3 praisePositionTarget =; WizardKing wizardKing = SceneUtils.FindObject <WizardKing>(); WizardKingSolo wizardKingSolo = SceneUtils.FindObject <WizardKingSolo>(); if (wizardKingSolo) { praisePositionTarget = wizardKingSolo.transform.position; wizardKingSolo.CannotDie(); } else if (wizardKing) { praisePositionTarget = wizardKing.transform.position; } foreach (Transformer transformer in SceneUtils.FindObjects <Transformer>()) { if (!transformer.IsTranformed()) { Direction directionToKing = MathUtils.GetHorizontalDirection(praisePositionTarget, transformer.transform.position); transformer.GetComponent <BodyControl>().Turn((float)directionToKing); transformer.DoPraise(); } } DeActivate(); }
public static void SetSoundVolume(SoundType soundType, float newVolume, bool saveNewVolume = true) { if (newVolume > 1 || newVolume < 0) { Logger.Log("you cannot have the volume higher than 1 or lower than 0", LogType.Error); return; } List <SoundObject> sounds = SceneUtils.FindObjects <SoundObject>(); foreach (SoundObject sound in sounds) { if (sound.soundType == soundType) { sound.SetVolume(newVolume); } } if (saveNewVolume) { if (soundType == SoundType.FX) { fxSoundVolume = newVolume; } if (soundType == SoundType.BG) { backgroundSoundVolume = newVolume; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { worldStates = new List <WorldState>(); worldStates.Add(startWorldState); worldEventProducers = SceneUtils.FindObjects <WorldEventProducer>(); worldEventProducers.ForEach(weProducer => weProducer.AddEventListener(this.gameObject)); }
public static void UnMuteAll() { List <SoundObject> sounds = SceneUtils.FindObjects <SoundObject>(); foreach (SoundObject sound in sounds) { sound.UnMute(); } }
public static void ResetTimeScale() { List <SoundObject> sounds = SceneUtils.FindObjects <SoundObject>(); foreach (SoundObject sound in sounds) { sound.ResetTimeScale(); } }
public static void SetTimeScale(float newTimeScale) { List <SoundObject> sounds = SceneUtils.FindObjects <SoundObject>(); foreach (SoundObject sound in sounds) { sound.SetTimeScale(newTimeScale); } }
public static void PauseGame() { List <DispatchBehaviour> pausableObjects = SceneUtils.FindObjects <DispatchBehaviour>(); foreach (DispatchBehaviour pausable in pausableObjects) { pausable.OnPauseGame(); } }
public static T FindObject <T>() { List <T> foundObjects = SceneUtils.FindObjects <T>(); if (foundObjects.Count > 0) { return(foundObjects[0]); } Debug.Log("[SceneUtils] {WARN} could not find the object!"); return(default(T)); }
public static void MuteAll(SoundType soundType) { List <SoundObject> sounds = SceneUtils.FindObjects <SoundObject>(); foreach (SoundObject sound in sounds) { if (sound.soundType == soundType) { sound.Mute(); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { alienUIManager = SceneUtils.FindObject <AlienUIManager>(); cameraShaker = SceneUtils.FindObject <CameraShaker>(); alienGameManager = SceneUtils.FindObject <AlienGameManager>(); alienInputActions = AlienInputActions.CreateWithDefaultBindings(); alienTargetsVisited.Add(currentAlienTarget); alienTargetPath.Add(currentAlienTarget); allAlienTargets = SceneUtils.FindObjects <AlienTarget>(); allAlienTargets.ForEach(alienTarget => alienTarget.AddEventListener(this.gameObject)); }
public static void FadeOutBackgroundMusic(float amount = 0) { List <FadingAudio> sounds = SceneUtils.FindObjects <FadingAudio>(); foreach (FadingAudio fadingAudio in sounds) { if (fadingAudio.soundType == SoundType.BG) { if (amount > 0) { fadingAudio.FadeOut(amount); } } } }
public void FadeSound() { List <SoundObject> allSounds = SceneUtils.FindObjects <SoundObject> (); foreach (SoundObject soundObject in allSounds) { float soundVolume = soundObject.GetVolume(); soundObject.SetVolume(soundVolume + fadeAmount); } bool allSoundsFaded = allSounds.TrueForAll(soundObject => soundObject.GetVolume() < .01f); if (!allSoundsFaded) { Invoke("FadeSound", fadeTimeout); } }
private void DoZoom(float newSize) { if (!isBusy) { isBusy = true; iTween.ValueTo(this.gameObject, new ITweenBuilder() .SetFromAndTo(usedCamera.orthographicSize, newSize) .SetTime(zoomTime) .SetOnUpdate("OnCameraZoomChanged") .SetOnCompleteTarget(this.gameObject) .SetOnComplete("OnZoomed") .Build() ); } SceneUtils.FindObjects <UIPositioner>().ForEach(uiPositioner => uiPositioner.Start()); }
void Start() { playersToFollow = SceneUtils.FindObjects <Player>(); usedCamera = this.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>(); }