void OnGUI() { //bool build = false; using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope(EditorStyles.toolbar)) { if (ToolbarButton("New", "Create a new test scene.")) { SceneHelper.CreateNewTestScene(); return; } if (ToolbarButton("Refresh", "Refresh the list of tests, in case tests that were added/removed are not reflected in the list.")) { PopulateTestEntries(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); bool override_toggle = ToolbarToggle(BuildOverride.override_build, "Update Scene List", "True to override the scenes in the Build Setting's scene list with the settings below."); if (override_toggle != BuildOverride.override_build) { XRBuildSettings.UpdateBuildSettings(); //BuildOverride.SetOverride(override_toggle); } } DrawTestList(); }