        // "Respawns" the player at a specific spawn point. Passing -1 will move the player to the next spawn point.
        public void RespawnPlayer(int index)
            if (q3bsp.entities != null && camera != null && camera.playerMover != null)
                String          spawn_point_param_name;
                List <Q3Entity> spawns;

                spawn_point_param_name = "info_player_deathmatch"; // Quake 3 bsp file
                spawns = q3bsp.entities.Where(e => e.name == spawn_point_param_name || e.classname == spawn_point_param_name).ToList();

                if (!spawns.Any())
                    spawn_point_param_name = "info_player_start"; // TREMULOUS bsp file

                    spawns = q3bsp.entities.Where(e => e.name == spawn_point_param_name || e.classname == spawn_point_param_name).ToList();

                if (index == -1)
                    index = (lastIndex + 1) % spawns.Count;
                lastIndex = index;

                Q3Entity spawnPoint = spawns[index]; //spawns.First(e => e.Index == index);
                //Entity spawnPoint = q3bsp.entities[spawn_point_param_name];

                float zAngle;
                float xAngle;

                if (spawnPoint.Fields.ContainsKey("angle"))
                    zAngle = (float)((double)(spawnPoint.Fields["angle"]));
                    zAngle = 0.0f;

                zAngle  = -(zAngle);
                zAngle *= ((float)Math.PI / 180.0f) + ((float)Math.PI * 0.5f); // Negative angle in radians + 90 degrees

                xAngle = 0.0f;

                xAngle = (xAngle / 360f) * MathHelper.TwoPi;
                zAngle = (zAngle / 360f) * MathHelper.TwoPi + MathHelper.PiOver2 + MathHelper.PiOver4;

                Vector3 rotation = new Vector3(xAngle, 0.0f, zAngle);

                Vector3 origin = (Vector3)spawnPoint.Fields["origin"];
                origin.Z += 30; // Start a little ways above the floor


                camera.SetOrigin(origin, rotation);

                camera.velocity = Vector3.Zero;